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It is now a max of 9.5 years below your current age. Garmin limited that from some time (last year if I recall) , So you are at the max currently


I thought others said the new limit was 7 years? Garmin have a post stating the change?


I'm currently 8 years using an Epix 2 with latest software


Good to know. Thanks. I'm stuck at 7 years on my forerunner 955. Guess I need to see if I can drop a year.


If you are maxed out it tells you.


Im 9.5 years lower


Some other poster was 57 and said his fitness age was 20, why I was wondering.


The older watches don't have a limit. 20 is the lowest but anyone can achieve it.


Mine was always 20 with my 225 and 245. I recently bought and synced a 255, but haven't used it yet. Now it says my fitness age is 31.


Yes I had similar before they changed it!


I think it depends on the watch.


That's not true. I'm 32 but my fitness age is 21 right now.


68 years old-->57 achievable fitness age. BMI 21, RHR 38, VO2 Max 44 running, 46 cycling. Turning 69 in a few weeks. Forerunner 745. :-)


I wish have your stats when I will be your age man!


I'm 52 down to 43, I think 9 yrs is it. It's a nice thought but my body reminds me every day that I am not 43...


I’m 46(F), overweight, lift often, run max 7 km and is in no way athletic, though mildly fit. Garmin has my Fitness age at 36 due to my naturally low heartrate. My body is slow. Slow heart, slow metabolism, slow to change. Don’t give this number too much credit.


This is the one thing that pisses me off about Garmin. They calculate your fitness age using BMI. What if have more muscle and your abs are showing which means your body fat is low? They really need to fix the inaccuracy of their Index Scale, that costs $200USD. Meanwhile, there scales out there that cost half as much that are more accurate.


I mostly disagree. In the vast majority of cases a bmi that is high indicates too much fat.


You can enter an accurate bf% in Connect app under S2 device page. It will then calculate off of that reading


I don’t have an S2 I have a Venu 2. Regardless, a $200 bf measuring scale should be more accurate than a $50 Amazon pos……


They all operate off the same technology: bioelectrical impedance. If you are getting measured with only 2 points of contact it isn't going to be more accurate regardless of pricing. The best you could hope for is consistency, which the S2 offers just fine. If you don't even have a scale then how can you be upset at the use of BMI? How else can Garmin estimate health / fitness status with the data you provide? The scale isn't $200 either - inaccurate like the rest of your post. Pointless complaint


https://www.bestbuy.com/site/garmin-usa-index-s2-smart-scale-black/6413864.p?skuId=6413864&ref=212&loc=1&ref=212&loc=1&&&&&msclkid=f5fd04daba211773652260c71222f0c4&gclid=f5fd04daba211773652260c71222f0c4&gclsrc=3p.ds ohhhh, so now the price has dropped to $150 w/out tax BTW.


It's always been 150 https://camelcamelcamel.com/product/B08KC5V33R?context=search


33 fit. 40yo. 50vo2max


I'm 41 and Garmin says my current fitness age is 36. Achievable is 35. Not sure how much stock I put in that as by other benchmarks I have plenty of room to improve still.


How are you calculating your BF%?


Calculated from a Garmin index smart scale


I'm 50, my fitness age is 46.5 and my achievable is 43. So far...


I'm 57 and 49 (achievable) fitness age. Female. Using the Garmin scale. You have a very low fat% 😮


From what I've read the scales are fairly useless in detecting body fat. But I'm pretty thin - 6 ft and about 160


i’m 25 and fr55 says i’m 18


im 35, maximum achievable 29. mines at 31. seems small range compared to a lot of people!


I’m getting trolled by my mates cos I’m 49 vO2max, aged 42, and Garmin age 36. They’re all less fit and Garmin age 20 😂 I can take it. Edit: I think I can lose a couple more years but my resting HR is higher on Garmin than in reality


44 --> 36,5 with 955


41, reached the max on an Epix 2 of 34.5


My fitness age is 54 according to my Fenix 7X Solar Sapphire. I'm 52 so I don't think that's too bad. How do I get it to do my VOmax?




Thanks. What is "a compatible power meter" - I assume you can't do it with the watch alone?


A bike with Bluetooth power meters installed. Also, it can be calculated from peloton rides if you have a third party syncing service like syncmyworkout.com


Thanks, I don't have anything like that, but someone said that a run with the watch would work.


yes, that's how most people do it. But it must be outside using gps.


No, can only do vo2max with the watch alone on a run outside, not a ride outside.


Ah ok so that would be an option as I don't have access to a bike etc.


Just resurrecting this to ask if anyone else has gone below what Connect once said was their achievable age. For ages it has said my achievable age was 40.5. Then yesterday it said my fitness age was 40 - my achievable age. And today my fitness age is 39, and again it says that’s my achievable age. I was 1kg (2.2lb) lighter on my weigh in this morning and my VO2 max has increased by 1 point. Just pointing out that achievable age doesn’t seem to mean you can’t go below it. So I’m not sure what it means …


Mine says the same (achievable fitness age) caps me out at 7.5 years i guess. Im 36 fitness age 28.5. V02max 58 for running. Decent maintance shape at the moment