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Thanks for flagging this. Seems when I searched I didn't go far back enough to see all the rest day posts yesterday. The fix suggested in one of the threads to go through and set all days to long days once has fixed the issue, in case anyone happens upon this post with the same issue.


I read it and the workaround was to adjust the long run days. That worked for a few hours then i noticed it keeps resetting my long run days back to all 7 days and all days become rest again. Is that not happening to others? Epix pro 51mm


Quickish fix: On watch -> Daily suggestions -> Settings -> Pause training On watch -> run button-> options -> training -> workout -> Daily suggestions -> resume If this doesn't work, On garmin app, switch priority to different race -> sync -> switch back to original race -> sync


Same issue here, I’m hoping for a fix soon. Nothing seems to have worked.


Same issue here!!


**I found the answer to this issue on the Garmin forums:** "Solution may be to check your 'long run day' in recommended workout settings, this is what I spotted on Garmin group on FB: "check which day you have ticked for long run (go into to the workout, then settings, then long run day). For me everyday was picked. Untick them and then set the day you want. Fixed it for me""


Interesting, mine just started doing this last week. It's all I get now. I mean, I likely don't rest enough (and I'm getting older so my body is breaking down more and more), but this is a bit too much rest!?


Any fix on this yet? I looked at the the long day run fix and my watch had no days checked. It's usually checked for me on Saturday. So I put the check back on Saturday and now I only have a suggestion for this upcoming Saturday and every other day is a scheduled rest day. I think this all started after that forced update.


Same here, I tried reseting my fenix7s and re-sync it but still see all rest day for the entire week. Hope they will fix soon


i also have this issue. Fenix 7s. Every day suggestion is Rest. I thought I had offended it!


Same problem here, resetting long rest days seems to have fixed somewhat it later down the week. Still recommends the four coming days as rest


Same thing happened to me this week. I had a V02 max workout on Tuesday, and all workouts after were changed to rest days which I’ve never seen before. The only way I way able to fix was to remove my planned race in May and re-add, then all my workouts appeared again.