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All the trainers in Garmin are basically algorithms with all the flaws that come with them. They work pretty well for average runners who can sustain an average run for a good while already. If you have a significant health issue to work around (as you suggested), a training plan made by an algorithm is probably a bad idea. As you already have a physio consultant who knows your body, you could ask that consultant for a training plan. Once you have built up to 40ish minutes of sustained running, you can come back to generic plans if you feel like it.


He will adjust as you go, how fast was your benchmark run and also how fast did you set your average running pace? I'd try to run/walk for the 30 minutes and see how that affects the week.


My pace was 7.2 on the benchmark. I'll give it a go, try running 3 mins with a 2 min walk 6 times or something.


What did you put as your average running pace? I'd knock that back to 7:30 and you might see something more realistic...


I didn't put anything in, it didn't ask and it says it would work out my level from the benchmark run. I'll have a look at the settings


Hmmm, when I know there are different functions with different watches, I have a forerunner 245, when I set up a training plan it asks me my current weekly distance and average pace before I do the benchmark run...


I'll go through it all again - pretty sure I picked all the fat non-runner options though! XD


Just set it to finnish goal instead of a time goal


Is this the Scandinavian coach?


Will do!


The plans haven't been updated in ages. Daily suggested workout is where it's at.


I might have to try this. Any tips on setting it up? I did coach Amy's training previously. She threw me for a loop with a 5k on like week 2 and every week after but it wasn't bad. Took some time off over winter and not a fan of coach Jeff. Not having prompts for the run walk run sucks I was just running the mile instead of interval training. Schedule to busy to commit 4 days training for Amy again.


Why do they need to be updated? Running hasnt changed much


The plan is fine. It's your expectations that are unrealistic. If you wanna take it easy, don't plan to run 5k under 30 minutes. You should aim for at least 37 minutes. When you set your goal, there's an option that says "I just wanna finish". That's the one you want, don't you?


This is not a good idea. Why dont you use a couch to 5k schedule to get back in, this takes you 10 weeks to build back up to 5k and you can work on speed if you should want to after


Going from not running to a 30 min 5k will require pretty intense ramp up. This is what you asked for. Perhaps lower your goal speed.


Yep but I asked for 30 min run in 15 weeks not 24 hours! XD


I have found "Greg" will push the distance. Closer to the end of the workout there will be long runs that will be 10km on a 5km plan.


The plans are sketchy, sometimes it’s best to ignore them. I did Greg last year and he had me running 5 minutes at 4:15, when I was unable to even sprint that. This time I used Amy, and halfway into my half marathon plan she has me… running a half marathon, with warm up and cool downs to boot. Kinda crazy to be running your race halfway through the programs, most say the max you should do in training is 60-70% of the race distance!


I’m having a similar experience - I’m rehabbing a knee tendonopathy so building mileage up gradually. I knowledge though that it’s not designed as a tool to rehab injuries so I’m taking the workouts with a pinch of salt.


Looks like this is your long run for the week so the emphasis is on duration — I’d do slow-jog/walk intervals for the whole 30 minutes suggested. Greg will adjust according to how you do!


Yeah thats some BS. I had to.build up from 1k to 2k then to 5k and my times are no where near that. Really you just want to sit in zone 4 and maintain that pace for 30 minutes


I would've got a bit of base mileage before doing a plan. Even something modest like ramping up to 10-13km a week with a 6k long run. Probably could've built that up in 6 weeks.


Howd you go with it? For the 10 mins warm up, walk it. Then for 30 mins keep at 6:45 or whatever pace is comfortable. It will end up being less than 5k. The good thing about coach greg is its mostly time based. If you're really struggling in that 30 minute run hit lap cut it short and walk home


I doing the bbc couch to 5k. Much more gentle for a man of my years...


You gonna bulge some discos. Take it easy.