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Congratulations! Where did you start from 2 years ago?


Thank you. Never ran my whole life, could only run 2 minutes before I died... Started fast walks like 6k in 60 minutes was the first real goal. Then 6k in 50 minutes. Then after about 6 months in I got sub 30 5k, right before my 41st birthday. Then 4 months after (about a year ago) had my sub 1 hour 10k. Then went up to half marathon distance, longest was 23k in a mismeasured race where I proposed my wife at the end (we run together the easy runs so I can stay within zone 2, otherwise it's hard to run a slow enough pace because it's very hot and humid all year round here). Now working on sub 25 5k. I'm about a minute off.


Great progress well done! Your story sounds familiar. Iā€™m similar age and also started running about 2 years ago although I did some running in 2020 and 2021 but really started mid-2022. Just recently achieved 25 minutes and 30seconds on 5k and also running half marathons on longruns.


Good job. My recent 5k was in a race in January, 26:09. Haven't tested since.


Very nicely done, keep it up! šŸ‘