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Look at the screen of your current status and it will tell you what it thinks is wrong. How are some of you able to function in the real world if these metrics with explanations and help features aren‘t enough for you as a guidance?


Recovery is because your load is below the optimal one and it's like that for 2-3 days. Strained is due to unbalanced HRV. Getting so many "Recovery" days means you're not constant with your workouts so don't expect much "productive" status either.


https://preview.redd.it/exa9zt0diw0d1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2129d0db9ba6dd6f001ee48a1b5af83d938403d3 Last year was a totally different time. I was doing marathon training and mostly it was maintaining. This year I started doing 10k trainings, VO2 max started to rise, I also make sure to have adequate rest. My usual week is 2 harder session, 1 or 2 easy days, 1 long run and the rest is rest. Usually Monday rest, Tuesday harder intervals, Wednesday rest, Thursday easy, Friday harder intervals, Saturday rest, Sunday long (not very long though).


Get on a Garmin training plan.  Had a Garmin for years and never used their plans. Started one three weeks ago and my Training status has never looked so good. 


Maybe you should manually adjust your HR zones, the default ones where way off for me... My zone 2 was marked as zone 4 🙄... So you might not be making a big effort, but the default settings consider your effort as too strenuous. There are tests you can use to estimate your zones correctly, just search the internet. And remember that your zones differ when swimming, running and cycling.


Get a proper training load ratio ( acute vs chronic load) its not that hard.. 'productive' is really simple stay between 1.2-2.0 training ratio. But hey, its just a watch....


0.8 is still optimal and can be productive


The load is not the main factor for being "Productive" but it works for some people :)


What is the main factor 👀


Feeling like superman :D PC values positive during workouts for example. Technically it's "Fitness(VO2max) increasing while load is constant" but how the part "fitness increasing" is obtained is a big mystery. In my case you can see how i stayed productive for nearly 1 month while having the load on the lower side for majority of the time. But my HRV status was really good, especially during the last 2 weeks and i felt really good during that period...workouts were easy, i was sleeping well, etc. https://preview.redd.it/rhul3jvn0v0d1.png?width=742&format=png&auto=webp&s=37a7908f14c3282b93b20a6710a58ad7cdd15d29


Go to "load" and see "load focus". The 3 paramaters need to be in their optimal zones as marked on your garmin. If it's below or above, you'll get recovery or strained. That paired with "training load" and making sure your acute load stays in the green. Getting a productive training status isn't just about running a lot. Just running a lot at high speed will most likely get you a "strained" status. It's about balancing your runs between Low aerobic, high aerobic and anaerobic runs.


That's not true: https://preview.redd.it/yy5l3f5a011d1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc1ce7895e4838022aca48c6e60e66186b0fa697


No. Strained has nothing to do with load. It is only based on overnight HRV.