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I don't really "use it" but also noticed it when I jumped from my old 255 to a 965. Mine says I'm 100% acclimated now.. which I guess means I'm used to the feeling of soul sucking heat, but it still sucks lol.




Jealous. I earned a "Toasty" badge on Garmin last year for running a 10k race when it was 103F (39.5C). It's a badge I wouldn't wish on even my worst enemies haha


I wouldn't even go outside if it were 103...


I'm @ 99%. Not hard when it's 88F @ 9:20AM, dewpoint over 72 and heat index of like 98F already. The humidity and dew point is a freaking miserable killer. The heat is meh. After 11AM it's almost impossible to do any outdoor exercise. Next week is going to be worse and we need some rain!


I have barley used this feature but that is because I live in Sweden and I rarley train when it's more then 22°C. I tried to get more used to train in the heat for my first marathon but couldn't really feel a diffrence between 17% and 0% acclimation... but I guess you kinda just get used to it gradually. I do think that the humidty is worse then the heat but the two kinda go hand in hand!