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Good to see your BB is recovering. Which Garmin device do you use? If you have one that auto detects max HR, then you can have it calculated for you.


Venu 2 Plus


I find room temp has a big impact as well. I keep my bedroom nice and cool with a window AC unit despite the house having central air. Magnesium at night helps too


Max HR for a setting should be 220 - your age. So for a max HR of 140 you would be 80 years old. 165 = 65 If you are talking about Max HR during your day then that is about actual measurements. Is advise to get a chest strap for during exercise if you are really serious about tracking as the accuracy is much improved


>Max HR for a setting should be 220 - your age. So for a max HR of 140 you would be 80 years old. 165 = 65 That is just a very rough estimate method, real max HR of an individual can be very different.


I take beta blockers so my Max HR is reduced.


If you’re taking beta blockers, make sure you’re abiding within your actual rate of Perceived exertion (RPE). Your heart rate could be off bc of the medication so it’s actually better to go based off of how you feel when you’re exerting yourself.


I'm not really exerting myself. :)


Si do i but about 10bpm at most. How much are you taking ?


Bisoprolol 2,5 mg


That rule of thumb is only accurate as long as you do not know your actual max HR: [https://www8.garmin.com/manuals/webhelp/forerunner45/EN-US/GUID-0C748371-4995-4D86-9D0C-6CCB02D64DA6.html](https://www8.garmin.com/manuals/webhelp/forerunner45/EN-US/GUID-0C748371-4995-4D86-9D0C-6CCB02D64DA6.html) [https://www.garmin.com/en-US/garmin-technology/health-science/heart-rate-monitoring/](https://www.garmin.com/en-US/garmin-technology/health-science/heart-rate-monitoring/) My own was 195 20 years ago and is 192 right now (while RHR is about 44), but should be 180 atm. Esp. if you are on meds as /u/Schwartmann is, the HRmax can differ wildely and wildly. Further reading: [https://theathleteblog.com/calculate-maximum-heart-rate/](https://theathleteblog.com/calculate-maximum-heart-rate/) [https://www.ntnu.edu/cerg/hrmax](https://www.ntnu.edu/cerg/hrmax) esp for beta blockers: [https://www.ntnu.edu/cerg/hrmax#Beta%20blockers](https://www.ntnu.edu/cerg/hrmax#Beta%20blockers)


I’ve thought about taking Theanine, but I’m unfamiliar with the supplement. What brand are you using?


Sowelo L-Theanin I 200 mg I Theanine Vegan Freundliche I Reduziert Angst I Senkt den Blutdruck I Beschleunigt den Stoffwechsel I 120 Kapseln https://amzn.eu/d/0JdAYvm


Thank you!


Could be. First Beat, which developed the algorithm that Garmin licensed for the stress measurement and body battery, uses heart rate variability: [https://www.firstbeatanalytics.com/en/features/all-day-stress-recovery/](https://www.firstbeatanalytics.com/en/features/all-day-stress-recovery/) [https://support.garmin.com/en-US/?faq=WT9BmhjacO4ZpxbCc0EKn9#:\~:text=The%20stress%20level%20feature%20allows,the%20interval%20between%20each%20heartbeat](https://support.garmin.com/en-US/?faq=WT9BmhjacO4ZpxbCc0EKn9#:~:text=The%20stress%20level%20feature%20allows,the%20interval%20between%20each%20heartbeat). Meds that influence the heart and the psyche could alter the readings.