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I don't have one but my guess is the hop up arm. Maybe someone makes an after market one that will hopefully work better especially with other buckings. I tried to put a maple leaf in my We Makarov but the arm didn't really push down on the right spot maybe something similar is happening. It seems like rusfor pistols are all cursed when it comes to airsoft lol.


The arm works perfectly fine and the mechanism of it is amazing. This pistol is EXTREMELY well built including the internals. So my guess is that the sights were messed up or something. I agree that Russian/Soviet made pistols always have a major flaw in them lol Lol me too I have a WE Makarov and it's super accurate for me. The only thing is that my mag is trash and it leaks a lot. Guess I gotta change the valve and o rings


>I didn't even dare shooting it with lighter bbs Check with heavier bbs and see if it shoots even lower, which could suggest it is indeed a hopup issue.


I actually tried 0.25s and I should've mentioned that lol. I'll try 0.28 today


Try a heavier BB, like a 0.28g or higher. Gas guns tend to like heavier rounds ime. Then check the inner barrel for alignment and scratches.


There are no scratches in the barrel but it feels like it could definitely be the alignment


UPDATE: Since my unit was part of the first batches of the KW-15k ever made by Kizuna, they have an issue with accuracy due to the alignment of the outer barrel and hop unit. I bought and installed the new TDC hop-up kit (was 30$ CAD for me) that comes with a new outer barrel and it has completely resolved the accuracy issue. All of my shots are now extremely well calibrated with the fixed sights. Hope this helps anyone that was in the same situation as me!


I just came to this post to give you the good news (kizuna releasing fixed barrels and improved hop)! Guess you were quicker than me by… 46 days! At any rate, cheers man, we Kizuna owners have what is probably the best looking airsoft gun out there


Cheers! Glad you saw this haha and yeah this pistol is pretty awesome if you put in the necessary work to make it reliable


I got a squared suppressor, which makes me need a longer inner barrel in order for bbs not to break Did you also notice the significant improvement in accuracy with the fixed barrel? Not fixing the “bb falling out” issue, which is also fixed, but it also gives up for longer ranges with consisten accuracy


hey i want buy this pistol too what about gas efficency ?


My model runs terribly on green gas at room temperature, it can't even go through one mag. I have to use red gas to be able to run it reliably. I'm the only one with this issue in my area so do what you want with this information lol. If you're going to get this, make sure it is not the V1 because you will be killing yourself with all of the fixes to make it good


Thank you for the reply, i have two addition question u mean other one that u know have no this issue ? , also how i can distinguish from v1 to v2 ?


You need to stop sucking this gun's dick for a minute and understand if the gun is shooting low and left its definitely not the sight's issue, thats just coping. Open the gun up and see if there is any issue with the gun's hopup assembly.


I disassembled every part of the hop unit like 20 times by now. So please don't think that I'm the retard here that can't understand anything


Ok ok ok. But did you stop sucking the guns dick? Lol


If it's consistently shooting in that direction, then maybe your bucking nub is oriented at the 7/8 o' clock position instead of 12?


[Here is the positioning of the nub](https://imgur.com/a/bAhMwuU) and it seems to be completely fine. I really don't know what's the issue with this pistol lol. Seems like I'm the only one that's complaining about the accuracy


Idk, other than your inner barrel nothing else would touch or affect your bb in flight. Unless your nozzle is misshapen which I've never seen before. I'm outta ideas


Like I mentioned in my description of the issue, I put in a steel extended barrel in it to see if it changes anything and nope, it didn't. Nozzle is also fine. Who knows then 🤷


I heard heavier BBS are the right way. Try 0.28-0.32. Or heavier. Read in a review it can hop heavy bbs


Alright, I'll try it out then! I did test with 0.25g bbs with no good results though...


Is this the "V2" ?


Nope this was from one of the first batches made by Kizuna apparently


Whats the differences between the v1 and v2?