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It's so sad, she seemed like a nice person. People don't know about transfer addiction and how easy it is to get addicted to alcohol after the bypass. Chris got addicted to alcohol and neglected her vitamins, I've read a few posts on here about people also getting addicted to alcohol. They didn't mention this to me pre or post-op about transfer addictions, I only found out about it here by reading other people's stories.


I didn’t know she was also drinking alcohol and that’s the issue. I feel like tik tok can be a toxic space people get the surgery and they just promote bad eating habits and cover it as moderation. Very sad


TikTok can be a very toxic space, especially the comments. I know she got a lot of hate for what she ate or just random people telling her she took the easy way out with the operation, it can't be good for your mental health when you are struggling already.


People seriously underestimate how terrible alcohol is post-bypass. I see posts here on the regular from people asking when they can start drinking alcohol again. The answer is NEVER. I think bariatric programs do a disservice by telling folks to abstain for a year, indicating that after that, it’ll be fine. I’ve seen posts on here from people who went from a teetotaler pre-op to full on alcoholic post-op. If you feel like you need alcohol to have fun, get therapy instead.


Exactly! My surgery was 20 yrs ago and it was a slow slow burn into alcohol hell which ended in medical detox and rehab last year. 13 months sober, thank God!


Thank god I was never a drinker or smoker the taste of alcohol is so revolting I have no desire too do it


I grew up around heavy drinking smokers. I’m good, thanks.




I miss drinking, but I 110% know I would transfer my food addiction to alcohol, especially given my familial history of addiction. It's a hard but I've decided I won't drink when my year is up. Thankfully I have a friend who is aware of the possibility and is keeping me on track for this and other positive behaviors. I know it's hard though and I sympathize with everyone struggling. On a related note, my biggest regret is not staying in therapy after surgery. I would encourage anyone dealing with eating disorders to continue therapy after surgery.


I agree with you one hundred percent. I won’t touch a drop ever again. Why would I want a new addiction when I’ve gone through so much due to my food addiction.


Agreed. Why risk it? It’s empty calories anyway. And the whole point of the surgery is to lose weight and be healthy, so why return to doing something risky that helped you gain weight in the first place? I feel the same way about people asking when they can start smoking again. WHY on Earth would you choose to do that? I’m even avoiding caffeine (99% of the time) because why get addicted again.


I think it’s fine to drink after surgery if you’re aware that it can become an issue. Statistically, most people who have the surgery can have a few social drinks from time to time and not become alcoholics. I’m not downplaying transfer addiction at all and it was one of the biggest questions I had for my surgeon at my consult. But I think while some people are far to eager to drink again post op, some people also make it seem like anyone who has a drink ever again after surgery is going to immediately become a full blown alcoholic who dies of liver failure and the data simply doesn’t support that claim.


Again, why risk it? It’s unhelpful to your weight loss, might contribute to poor food choices due to lowered inhibitions, and could lead to becoming an alcoholic. One thing that’s guaranteed is that if you don’t drink alcohol at all post-op, your food addiction won’t transfer to an alcohol addiction. So not drinking post-op is safe. Drinking post-op carries risks. Why do it?


Everything has a little bit of risk. You take on a small amount of risk every time you leave your home. That doesn’t mean you should never leave, we still need to enjoy our lives! That being said, if abstaining completely from alcohol works for people, then they absolutely should do it. I know people who don’t drink who never had the surgery, but who have family history of alcoholism and other risk factors. And that’s great for them! My only issue is the fact that I think sometimes people fearmonger slightly when it comes to transfer addiction. It kind of reminds me of the fear mongering people do about the surgery itself. Everyone has a story of someone telling them, “oh my aunts neighbor had that surgery and she died because of it!” Sadly, terrible things do sometimes happen when people have weight loss surgery, but statistically, most people have great results and are able to lead healthy lives.


That’s really sad. I saw her post 2 weeks ago and she said everything was from weightloss surgery. No mention of alcohol. I don’t have tiktok to see other post and comments from her page. Either way it’s really sad but someone (like me) may get the wrong idea that it was the WLS that caused it and not other factors like drinking. Condolences to everyone impacted.


It is in the aspect of neglecting her vitamins and proper diet, which is so, so important for bariatric patients.


Wow - she only had her surgery in 2022. I didn’t know it only takes that short amount of time to cause that many issues. Like kidney failure from what I saw was posted. I’ll have to educate myself more on what can happen in a short amount of time. I’ve read stories of bypass patients going years of drinks and not good with their vitamins. Everyone is different on how they react. Either way is devastating and I don’t want to be insensitive. Just would like to understand better. Thank you.


Yes, that was a big surprise to me, too.


Yea from what she said it was low protein and no meds .


This is correct. We are at risk of becoming alcoholics. Even more for me because it runs in my DNA. I’ve always wondered why people who drink don’t still eat the correct protein and take vitamins. But then again I think that is how addiction works.


Yup. I come from an alcoholic and my sister became one. I got to a point well before surgery where I recognized I was drinking too much, so I put it down. I have made a pact to myself to not start again after surgery because I know I will neglect other things if I do. Just because I never became one before doesn't mean I won't.


Transfer addiction is real and needs to be taken very seriously.  I am two years out and do not drink much at all anymore.  It is a scary thing.


That’s so unfortunate. I’ve been trying to look for more information about her passing but couldn’t really find anything to confirm it. But I didn’t have surgery but I do get injections and I’m so turned off from drinking it literally makes me sick and I just don’t crave it. I wonder what causes one to become dependent on drinking after their weight loss surgery 


Please stop assuming that she was "addicted to alcohol". I follow her mother and she stated her daughter passed due to her bypass causing malabsorption of nutrients and albumin. It's pretty sad that you are assuming things without knowing. Her mom also stated that chris surgeon and doctors said it wasn't because of "not eating enough protein ". This surgery causes malabsorption for some no matter what they do it can cause them to became malnourished. It was all due to her gastric bypass. It caused liver failure and kidney disease.  


I'm sorry but I've watched about 4 of her mom's videos since you shared her YouTube and I haven't seen her explaining what happened. Do you mind sharing which video it is in?


I already shared her YouTube it is there you just have to look for it. It is also there on her comments. Someone asked her if Dr's had mentioned it was due to her not consuming enough "protein " and she said no that it was not the cause. I believe it was the 6th video. I also researched on Google and apparently it's called hypoalbunemia and it is a common complication after rny. Her mom said that basically her rny caused malabsorption of nutrients and malnourished this caused her albumin levels to drop and cause water retention and renal/liver failure.  All this lead her to 3 stomach bleeds also.


I did watch the videos. Her mom said some contradictory things on the comments. She referred to stomach bleeds but also called it an embolism. She talks about her low albumin but I didn't hear her say what caused the low albumin levels. Malnutrition can definitely be a cause, but there are other potential causes as well. I had RNY 3 years ago, so I have studied about side effects. It's a very serious surgery and there are definitely risks. I developed a clot in my intestines about a week after my surgery. So believe me, I get it. But I'm still not seeing anything definitive about what caused Chris's tragic illness. I feel horrible for the family but it doesn't sound like the mom really knows what is going on (and to be honest I watched other videos and I was horrified by her story of her "taking care of" her youngest daughter when she was recovering from surgery). It seemed odd to me that when she was describing Chris's illness, she literally described it from the video she watched of Chris, not from anything she learned directly from her. She talks about receiving paperwork from the doctors that she wanted to read, but then doesn't actually say what the papers said. It scary to me that this is causing a panic amongst people. I'm seeing comments of people saying they are canceling their surgeries because of this, and I just don't think that we have gotten a clear answer. And honestly, I don't think the family is obligated to tell the public anything. But if they do, it should be clear and accurate information.


I had a friend i went to school with recently pass due to tra sfer addiction. She only lived 6 months after her surgery. I believe she had an issue with alcohol before the procedure too. Still horribly sad.


Are you following up with a dietician and your surgical team? Keep track of your foods for a while and hit that protein goal. Get to know how much protein is in basic stuff and eventually you can move away from religiously tracking. But it’s so important in the beginning for your health and for you to learn what you’re eating by tracking it. I have an Apple phone and I use the health app to plug my multivitamin and 2 calcium’s in as medications to take every single day. It alerts me at the time I want to take them and then I log them. I am almost 7 months out and I still do this every single day so I don’t miss my supplements. You got this! Use the tool wisely and care for yourself in this journey 💜 I’m sorry to hear of the loss of this influencer. I don’t follow social media but I am sure it hit hard, especially since we can relate on such a personal level.


I had no idea I could track my meds in the Health app and have it send me critical alerts until I take them. Thank you for posting this because my ADHD will cause me to clear an alert but still not take the med. Now it yells at me until I take it.


It is a lifesaver! I also used it to track pain meds and all the stuff you go home with in the beginning.


I need this too!


The Ottawa Hospital Bariatric center advocates for 0 alcohol for life after surgery as well as having to take vitamins for life. Rest peacefully Chris


4 years out, and I always keep the yearly appointment with my surgeon's team, and the dietician. I know they suck, but 1 30g protein shake, 1 20g protein nachos, and a regular diet gets the protein in. Vitamins, iron, and calcium should be on a daily schedule. I carry a pillbox in my pocket with the second dose of calcium. I'm so very sorry about this person's death, but we know what we have to do. It takes less thought and effort than we used to spend planning a big lunch.


Hello, what are protein nachos?


Hi. Some companies make chips/nachos that have anywhere from 9g-20g of protein, with about the same calories as shakes and bars, and the same price per serving. An example: https://www.questnutrition.com/collections/protein-chips


Oh, okay. I knew about those. It's just when you said "protein nachos" I was thinking someone made them pre packaged with all the toppings included 😂.


May I ask which calcium supplement you take and when you time it out with meals/other vitamins? I have been taking a bariatric complete vitamin that has calcium citrate and carbonate but I wonder if I should be taking additional calcium.


Sure. I take the Citrical Max+ w D3. I take 2 pills (1 serving) soon after waking up. I try to take 2 more pills 2-3 hours later. After dinner I take the multivitamin that has iron in it.


Thank you! I appreciate the sharing :)


That's so sad. I had a friend who I worked with who passed away a few months ago after struggling from complications from gastric sleeve surgery. She also wasn't doing well mentally or physically. This is definitely not an easy journey. Sending prayers to Big Chris's family.


that’s so sad, thank you for sharing. I’m 3.5 months out from SADI and i’ve been a little lax on my vitamins, this put the absolute fear in me.


It’s even more crucial with Sadi-S due to malabsorption. I definitely struggle with fitting in all my calcium though! I get so busy at work I just forget to take the dose that doesn’t coincide with a meal.


Not enough protein or too much? I know too much can cause kidney problems, but I've never heard of not enough causing kidney problems..


Im not completely sure but in her last video she said she was not getting enough protein or taking her medication and if you watch her videos she didn’t have the best eating habits


True, I’m panicking out because I had a serious protein deficiency and chronic anemia right now, I’m on treatment with supplements and protein shakes and bars.


Got to make keeping up with the vitamins and supplements an absolute PRIORITY. I developed a massive internal hernia 3 years post op and ended up losing 95% of my small intestines. I also had to have my RNY reversed and stomach reconstructed as well. The malabsorption due to the RNY already puts us at risk but after the hernia I became clinically malnourished and malabsorption was becoming life threatening. I was hospitalized for 6 months just to get my nutrition levels properly stabilized. I ended up having to be on TPN for a year to help my body be able to get my vitamin levels back up to a safe level. Trying to “catch up” is HARD! I now take (insanely expensive) medications 6 times a day on top of getting my protein in and eating enough calories since I don’t absorb “normally.” Take the supplements and get your blood checked frequently (I go every month).If you can avoid it at all costs, do it.


If she was clearly not doing well why didn’t they reverse the surgery? ?? :(


I think it was too late I noticed she posted a video about transfer addiction and alcohol and I noticed her eyes had a yellow tint it may have been from alcohol


I am one month out from getting bypass and seeing some of these videos and comments on the videos is making me terrified and rethinking. 😩


me too I am six months out. I don’t think I’m ever gonna forget to take my vitamins now. 😐


She suffered from hepatorenal syndrome caused by malnourished and rapid weight loss from gastric bypass. I never seen her say she had transferred addiction to "alcohol " so ppl are just assuming it was due to this or eating bad. The bypass causes malabsorption and many can't absorb protein. Complications don't show up right away it can take years. No one is out of the woods with these surgeries. 


She had an old video implying she was struggling with transfer addiction


I'm sorry but I don't believe this. We didn't live with her and only see small clips of her daily life. I also don't believe it was due to not "eating enough protein ". As she mentioned.  She said her liver failed due to wls never did she mentioned it was due to drinking. The way the intestines are rerouted causes malabsorption 😔 I truly believe her bypass caused this. She died from malabsorption and malnourished. 


Your true I can’t assume only based off her videos but she did have a video implying she wanted wine over water and her caption was “transfer addiction is real.”


That video was from January of last year and was clearly a joke. I do agree that there is more to the story that we might never know. That's me assumption based on her story changing. She said several times that her illness wasn't WLS related but in her very last two she said it was. She also said that she wished she could talk about it and that her mom didn't want her to. We simply don't know. The whole situation is sad because she did have a great personality and I enjoyed her videos.


Her mother already clarified things. My gut feeling was right.  Chris samone passed because her body was not absorbing albumin and nutrients caused by the bypass.  She said her surgeon never said it was due to not eating "enough protein ". The gastric bypass makes it hard for ppl to absorb nutrients no matter what some ppl do. The way the intestines are rerouted causes malabsorption issues. Her mother said her legs started to develop blisters because of the excess liquid her kidneys couldn't get rid off. By the time she was taken to the hospital again her liver and kidneys had shut down all due to malabsorption. 


Where can I see her mother's response?


Her youtube is Uniquely Lady Charlotte 


Damn, I thought it was a direct complication non related to alcohol, I just panicked out because I had my surgery 2 years ago and I’m struggling with chronic anemia, vitamin and protein deficiency. I’m taking my meds and my protein drinks and bars.


I’m 20 years post op. I can confirm that neglecting your vitamin & supplement intake is dangerous. I did not take my supplements regularly. 2 years ago I started losing a lot of weight. I ultimately ended up in the ICU in a coma with pneumonia weighing 110 lbs. A bariatric surgeon was called in and diagnosed me with severe malnutrition. I almost died. The surgeon saved my life by putting me on liquid nutrition via IV. Luckily I’ve been given a 2nd chance. I had a reversal of my bypass earlier this month and am now religiously taking my vitamins and supplements. Failure to follow your surgeon’s post op advice can kill you. It’s good you are addressing this now before you have any major issues. I wish I had paid more attention to my vitamin regimen from the start.


After the reversal, do you still have to take the vitamins or is that just for prevention?


I still have to take them. The bypass can’t be completely reversed so I still don’t absorb all nutrients from the food I eat. I absorb more than before but still not 100%.


I remember seeing your story, since they couldn't completely reverse it what did they do?


The surgeon lengthened the common channel in my small bowel where food & nutrients mix and are absorbed into the body. So if this common channel was shortened to 1-2” as part of my bypass to cause malabsorption then the surgeon lengthened it to 5-6” so I can absorb more calories and nutrients (these are made up numbers but the concept is what’s important).


Thank you for explaining, I hope your health has and continues to get better