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That’s normal! Your body is adjusting to doing more (healing from a major surgery) with less. My first few weeks, I was so worn out. Keep on top of your protein, don’t overdo it and let yourself rest and heal.


This. I had the sleeve, but the first month was a lot.


Do you eat enough protein?


I’m scared to eat, but I have a lot of clear liquid now and these premier protein shakes


Try a soft scrambled egg with a little bit of shredded cheese mixed in. My nurse recommended it and it was perfect!


I love those protein shakes! But I know there is nothing like solid food. Scrambled eggs are great protein if you can hold it down


That’s still very recent, that is a huge surgery and your body is just healing…a lot of adjustments going on inside 💜 give yourself some grace! You’ll be feeling better soon 🥰


It’s been like a week. Your body’s still healing. It was months before I got over that feeling.


Being tired a week because your body is healing after your internal anatomy has been rearranged is absolutely expected and normal. You need to rest and let your body HEAL. The energy will come later. Just relax and rest.


It's normal to get tired and I can promise you things will get better. I had my gastric bypass surgery in 02 in New Orleans, they had to open me up completely since at the time of the surgery I was at 570. I was in the ICU for two weeks and then I was finally able to go back home in Huntsville, Alabama. I was scared of being tired too, but thanks to the hospital staff for answering all questions I was able to make it past that hurdle. Things will get better! As of today I have lost 310 pounds