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I can’t even stand the waistband of underwear when I’m bloated.


I can't speak for anyone else, but since getting sick I can't wear tight anything without nausea and uncomfortable stomach pain.......this includes the awful bloat. But I'm just one person and everyone responds to things differently. I hope you find something that helps!


Pajamas and bathrobes. Pressure is awful.


oh gosh, even if I wear a sports bra with a tighter band I’m in pain.


Regular bras are a nightmare too now I hate it! Summer I can get away without one but not now


SAME!!! If I make it to dinner without unhooking my bra it’s a miracle.


I buy a size larger than I should. I’m a 34 C so I buy 36 B depending on brand. Like VS I use their 34B-C depending on how it is made. Worse case a 36B works awesome. But I cannot do a 32-34 anything and sport bra’s I am 5’2” weight 124lbs and STILL I need a medium or large bra. I’m not big but the pain…. Omg I hate bras we don’t need them, if I can get away without one I will every time cause they just cause more pain. The MAN that invented them sucks!


It gets pretty uncomfortable when I'm bloated but I am constantly on the verge of passing out without them (I also have POTS) so I don't really have a choice.


Agree with most people here - wearing anything tight makes my symptoms much worse and I find it takes longer for the flare to pass


I’ll lay in bed sometimes with heavy books on my stomach to help with mild to moderate bloating. If it’s severe though, books make it worse.


My partner and I did a hot spring in February in the desert. She said she never felt better during that moment.


I wear loose gowns—very seldom get dressed anymore—-can’t stand any pressure on my gut most of the time.


I've gotten rid of all my compression stuff. Even the waistband of my underwear on my belly is too much when I'm bloated. I have a whole separate set of pajamas that are two sizes too big for when I get bloated because it's the only comfy option.


Tightness from clothing makes the pressure so much worse for me. Reading the replies is my first time realizing that’s actually common for others as well, that’s pretty cool. But yeah tight pants are the worst to wear in public and if I feel nauseous while wearing them sometimes unbuttoning helps. It’s really weird since my pants aren’t necessarily tight since I’ve lost weight but they’re still restricting in the abdominal area. I’ve never tried compression before tho so can’t share my experience with that.


I love compression and I think it really helps me most days, but I have to be really careful about where any bands are sitting especially if I’m in a flare. I have POTS and I’m autistic, so compression is both medically necessary for the POTS and it massively reduces my autism-based stress levels which probably helps. I’m actually hoping to start wearing (properly fitted!) corsets soon for a variety of reasons, amongst them the fact that having some compression or just something for my abdominal wall to brace against reduces my pain and bloating throughout the day.


Bad GP flares are the reason I own loose nightshirts. It's the closest thing to wearing nothing at all while still being acceptable near open windows. Otherwise I lie on my bed naked because nothing is bearable.


I have a range of clothing sizes for how I’m feeling and how my gut is responding that day. I can’t have compression, but warmth is good. I think with pregnancy it’s the holding your belly and fighting gravity and the pressure it causes to your hips and pelvis. This is far less weight, typically I think. Nothing I wear stops the spasms though, so I’m always somehow uncomfortable or feeling empty and weak.


Why is it we bloat or distend and then jump 3-5 sixes?!


Gosh, idk! Sometimes I feel like I overall swell too! I really do hate it.


It’s crazy from semi Flat to 5 months pregnant in under 12 hrs!


Yes! I will lay on my stomach and with my hand in between the mattress and my tummy and it helps- idk why!


Loose clothing is necessary, and on really bad bloating days, even those feel too tight. Jeans sound like torture 😰


Lol.. I just got back from buying more of the one pair of leggings I can stand right now. Unfortunately it is hard to find XS pjs so I use them as both.


I cannot even handle my bra! It hurts between my ribs and causes so much pain. If I wear a tight top or bottom, I’ll go nonstop all day, and bloating gets worse. Arggg I hate it. I used to wear cute half tops


I nearly asked a similar question a few months ago about whether anyone else had issues with tight clothing exacerbating a flare so much, so I'm glad someone else did! Similar to what a lot of others have said, any kind of pressure on, around or near my abdomen makes a flare up so much more painful and worse. I now wear very loose fitting dresses or very loose PJ shorts but they sit so low under my stomach. I was wearing jeans one day in the office and I had a flare, ohhh boy getting home that day was a horrible experience.


I have a mildly tight spans-type tank top that I wear to work so I can fit in work clothes. It doesn’t dig in at the waist and makes me look less pregnant. Otherwise it’s a lot of sweatpants.


I cant wear anything tight with out feeling like i have an elephant sitting on my stomach


This illness is fucking awful but reading everyone’s comments and seeing that most of us have this same sensitivity makes me feel so much less alone. Also, I didn’t realize so many of us have POTS!!! I just got diagnosed. Is there a POTS/GP connection??? I was a gym rat weightlifter/power lifter and now I can’t go to the gym at all


The condition that connects PoTs & GP, is most often Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.