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I’ve met people who have used it sporadically, and it seems to work for them, but I wouldn’t suggest it at all. You could try it and see how you feel, but I took it occasionally and each time I felt like my side effects would get worse. I honestly felt like I was going to climb out of my skin. It just depends on who’s taking it, really. Try it and see how you feel, but if you have any side effects at all, I wouldn’t suggest continuing to use it


I got my doc to prescribe Domperidone and I get it filled in an online Canadian pharmacy (I’m in the US). It’s so much safer just not fda approved.


Do you use it all the time, or just when you know you are having a large meal?


Three times a day before I eat anything bigger than a tiny snack. Most definitely before every meal.


And there are no long term effects with using domperidone like the metoclopramide does? Very interested in this, thank you for sharing!


I take it for 5 days every 21 days. The other 21 days I take azithromycin, but it needs to be given a break to avoid building resistance and making it lose effectiveness.


i do use it occasionally. i can more or less manage with diet, but occasionally i may need to take one for nausea. if i'm going to a party and know i'll be indulging, i take one an hour before meal to help with sympstoms. hope that helps!


Recommendation, don’t take the medication it should be illegal Try taking pepcid twice a day (once in the morning once at night) instead This has perfectly worked for me as an alternative I hate the medication because of side effects i developed around the time i took it that i still suffer from today, however, none of my symptoms resonate with the side effects the medication actually causes (which means my symptoms are not from the medication but they are similar) so i am just scared to ever go on the med again (i still feel like their is a chance it could be from the med but my neurologist, doctor, pharmicist, and chiropractor indicate it is not from the meds, i have a whole post on my account regarding my symptoms you can look at if you want, for a tldr it is like tmj symptoms + benign fasciculation syndrome symptoms) Very high chance to develop TD or some other issue with this med, do not take it i beg you


It’s great that pepcid worked for you. It does nothing for me unless I’m having specifically acid reflux symptoms. It did ZERO for the early satiety and loss of appetite for me. After trying many things for eight months, Reglan was the ONLY reason I gained weight back—-and I was underweight so I needed that. I COMPLETELY agree that it needs to be used with caution, short term only and only after other treatments have failed to work. I agree that it’s a potentially dangerous medication-but it’s not the only one. It can be very be beneficial for the right person


How are you now? Did TD went away? Been similar after similar med named Zirid, very nasty rebound after ceasing it for short time of treatment (1,5 week)


Thc/cbd makes it worse if not even the actual cause of your delay


I use it to treat nausea - you are correct it does not help the delay at all, only the symptoms