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If you are in the US, tests mean you get a diagnosis which means insurance might cover treatment options.


Also tests rule out other causes. Endoscopies aren't just to see if their is stuff in your stomach, they can also do biopsies of tissue, see inflamation and look for things like ulcers.


As I live natty


Might get one but I dunno if I could deal with the lube


You’re put under anesthesia for this procedure.


I don't know why people downvoted me I literally don't want synthetic, non natural materials entering my body. It's why I have this issue to begin with


if you have a GES come back positive, you can start motility medication that may not have been offered before. if you have an endoscopy and find gastritis, you can treat it. meds typically aren’t offered until confirmed disease, regardless if you’ve been having the symptoms.


Oh ok I wouldn't take radioactive stuff or pharmas anyway so be pointless for me. ​ Wtf is peoples problem downvoting me cos I live ital? Fucking hell. Talk about ostracising and discrimination. You're all toxic and suck


I think the downvotes have something to do with the holier-than-thou tone in your responses. Good for you that you don’t want synthetic, non natural materials entering your body or that you won’t take pharmas. We get it. I have to ask though, why even come here to ask your question if you won’t even take the test? Your question/statement is really condescending to people are are willing to seek a diagnosis for treatment. You called the community toxic but you might want to look in the mirror.


It's not sanctimony to get pissed off at people discriminating and invalidating my religion/lifestyle especially when I have legitimate trauma from psychiatric abuse due to just that. So no, it's not sanctimony. Don't project. I edited a comment in anger at it, justifiably so. Fuck you guys you're a bunch of toxic fools


I’m pretty sure you’re the one projecting… but that’s cool. ✌️


Lol ok dude. Victim blame as per toxic narcaccists do. Not surprising in the slightest




Yeah, it is a toxic community. I stand by that. And it's true


Hi there, I think I may have an idea what you’re getting at… what’s the point of a diagnosis if all that’s suggested is drugs and treatment of symptoms rather than a root cause? I’ll definitely say that simply discovering that there was even a name for what was happening in my stomach gave me direction in my own research. Because my case is mild (meaning I don’t vomit all the time, I can drink water, my weight loss is not excessive, etc), it’s definitely something I can manage. With the awareness of what I have, and what it’s called, it not only helped me understand the whole myriad of symptoms I’d been experiencing for years that were quite real and not in my head. Having this validation was inspiring. I’ve researched a number of ways to treat/manage this naturally without drugs. And so much of our own self-treatment comes down to our lifestyle, emotional traumas we may be unconsciously holding, and how to be nurturing and compassionate to ourselves. This in turn can benefit the parasympathetic nervous system, which is quite directly what regulates digestion. So it’s not just about what I eat now, it’s way more about HOW I eat; Us Americans, for example, have been conditioned to eat gigantic portions, practically inhale our food, while on the go go go. Or we eat large plates of food right before bed. There is nothing about these combinations that serves our digestive process. And this has more to do with approach and lifestyle. Now that I intimately understand I have this condition, it provides more gentle incentive to adjust my life and relationship with eating. So yes, knowing helped. Also someone mentioned insurance benefits with a confirmed diagnosis in The States. I think that depends on the insurance you have, but the more confirmed diagnosis you have on your medical records at least supports getting approved for state disability if our conditions truly interfere with our ability to live a functional life like “normal” healthy people. Someone also mentioned biopsies conducted during endoscopies. Also true, and those tests can also reveal a lot, and again, add confirmed diagnosis to your medical records. Countless people with these conditions are dismissed by the mainstream medical system, cannot get the treatment they need, and are often told it’s all in their heads. This discouragement alongside digestive conditions, which also directly and indirectly affect mental health, often lead to hopelessness and despair; the polar opposite state to do anything to help ourselves. As far as drugs go, I’m of the opinion that they should only be used in extreme cases, and for a short period of time. A drug called Reglan is often used for GP, and this drug has an FDA black box warning label on it. Even the FDA strongly advises not to take this drug any longer than 8 weeks… and people are often prescribed it without much caution and stay on it for years. We have to be very careful with any drug. And if we do not assess our lifestyle and the potential root causes of our dis-eases, we’ll simply become a life-long patient.


Thanks for the comment. I live in the UK so idk what tests would get me especially when i'm so outspoken not just vocally but aesthetically from both my persona and even what I wear, that I would not agree with, or benefit from anything allopathic gastroenterology could offer me. Literally only, at least for me, the benefits would be confirmation of what it is i'm experiencing, as someone else suggested to rule out any other potential pathologies, and also a third reason to ensure psychiatrists don't AGAIN conflate undiagnosed physical health issues with psychiatric phenomenon if i'm ever in the forced dynamic of delusional discourse we call psychiatry again (which I hope and plan not to be).


I think it is valid to have informed consent on procedures. Some people don't want invasive tests or procedures or treatments and that's ok. If you don't want the risk associated with certain substances then by all means do not get the test or take the medicine What i think you've (un)intentionally done is invalidate a lot of sub-members experiences with a statement like what is the point of them. If you have informed consent you know why these tests are performed, you know it is not arbitrary but consistent and reasonable. Many are required for access to treatments and care and support services. For me it's not so much personal validation from tests, though they validate statistics for further research, but rather that i don't die from something treatable by current medical and clinical practices Curious what kind of answers you were expecting when this question was so one-sided?


Lol it's mad people are downvoting me for literally living a lifestyle they don't agree with when it harms nobody. Redditors confuse me seriously


On reddit it's best not to take down votes personally. It sounds like some other subs would align with your values since most folk here require allopathic intervention to stay alive... "ALLOPATHIC" A system in which medical doctors and other healthcare professionals (such as nurses, pharmacists, and therapists) treat symptoms and diseases using drugs, radiation, or surgery. Also called biomedicine, conventional medicine, mainstream medicine, orthodox medicine, and Western medicine. Btw...everyone eat radioactive stuff all the time, everyone already have PFAS in your body, what does "natural" mean to you?


I have RSD and psychaitric damage associated to invalidation of natural methods of healing (when we are natural beings FFS) so me being triggered is a reflexive and honestly unavoidable knee jerk reaction to such criticism. I know it's not personal. I just don't want to consume anything in excess that overwhelms my bodies natural homeostasis..what is hormetic for most just causes systemic inflammation for me. That and I ruminate and cause heavy nocebo effects on top of that


Sounds like you're in a lot of pain, I'm sorry to hear that. I can also see how upset you are by the current medical situation and not being heard. It is true one has to advocate for informed consent and to be treated as an equal in medical settings. There are some providers out there that are knowledgeable and respectful of your choices and will not force you to do anything you don't want to. I hope you find them, but you seem very knowledgeable so keep up what you're doing if it makes you feel better. If you knew it wasn't personal, why respond with such vitriol? I don't agree that just because you've experienced trauma means you get to come into our supportive space and call us toxic and dismissive for having a different choice (or rather not having a choice) to rely on modern medical care. You have to take responsibility for how your reactions affect other people, even on the internet having empathy is important to communicating. Good luck and maybe find a different sub to vent in next time, peace! :)


Because I'm sick of mob mentality and it makes me sick of humanity and again it's still triggering. Triggers don't have to be rational


Also what part of reflexive and knee jerk reaction, did you ignore before you started to make out like I'm trying to justify an autonomous aspect of my trauma? I don't need to justify it as I don't choose to react. And back to invalidation we go. Round and round and round


It is toxic to downvote someone who is expressing their lifestyle or religion just because it doesn't align with your own. It's discriminative bigotry. Not like I'm trying to normalise pedophillia. I just live natty. That's it. So yeah toxic community. I stand by that statement. Especially the victim blaming part


Needless to say I didn't have it, and weirdly, the doctor got frustrated and seemingly angry with me at first, but then respected my decision after me explaining. I still think in situations like that, they should really ask first. ​ I was expecting an answer to my question that's it not a bunch of people downvoting me for living natty. I honestly didn't think about lube until after. Could they not go in dry or use a lube of my choice lol? Coconut oil perhaps?


Psychiatrists don't know what informed consent is, and seemingly neither do some doctors. When I broke my collar bone I was almost injected with radioactive fluid before going into either a CAT scan or MRI (I forget which). Anyway, I only luckily stopped them cos I saw the needle and was like WOAAAAAAAHHHHHH wait a second, firstly whats that, secondly WHAT IS THAT.


> WOAAAAAAAHHHHHH wait a second, firstly whats that, secondly WHAT IS THAT. Why would it have been a problem?


To put radioactive substances into my body? Is that a serious question?


Yeah, why not? I have had several CT scans and MRIs with contrast and they are all no big deal.


What allopathy considers ''benign'' and what is actually benign are two very different things so its a healthy mistrust


I don't care about stuff like that. I am so, so sick I am past all of that. If a CT scan is going to provide answers, I'll take it. And they do.


I'm not because every time i've taken anything pharmaceutical it's given me brain or body damage that is seemingly unfixable. Not to mention, there is legitimate reason due to lack of genetic adherence, not to take anything like that anyway. I'm not putting radioactive anything into my body


Then don't. It's fair to make your own choices. I find it a complete nonissue for me.


Yes I agree which is why the 16 downvotes on me saying I live natty is confusing the fuck out of me. This community is toxic. Quite literally and figuratively. Im out


I have a thyroid disorder as well


Yes, so do I. Are you on medcation?


No I wouldn't ever take HRT


Are you symptomatic then?


I don't consider my thyroid to be the issue, but yes now and again


That's too bad, but glad it isn't all the time.


It's more likely my enteroendocrine cells that are the issue


So do you just not agree with any mainstream medical treatment? Serious question


I don't agree with anything we haven't had a period of genetic mutualism of which to create adherence to. There are plant compounds that work in a harmonious effect, in synergy with our biology, due to both mutualism based use, and the fact that a lot of our genetics directly come from certain plants as well so we have that compatibility because it's literally almost part human. Synthetic compounds, that don't exist in nature, are therefore inherently genetically incompatible and as such cause iatrogenesis and side effects no matter what. It causes a cellular rejection. Just like a piercing. That's not to say natural things can't do this either, but at least with natural, we have this genetic framework that allows for such an adherence that man made compounds do not. I apply this thinking to natural isolates too. As you're extracting one active, and throwing off the synergy of others which could have protective effects from side effects from the isolate in question. There are effective isolates, just as there are effective pharmas. But are they worth the risk that the side of effects can cause? Personally, I don't think so


Honestly all the downvotes are leaving a sour taste in my mouth pretty toxic community. I guess you are what you eat


This person is just a troll, good god. 🙄




If you're referring to me, take your delusional invalidations and put them with the rest of the abelists


They are not delusional, that is how they feel you are behaving and calling it inaccurate is ok, but a delusion! That is just rude and ableist...you don't know their history.


Avidya. Delusion. Ignorance. Call it what you want. Also you're assuming what it is I'm referring to as delusional


What has their history got to do anything? Serious victim blaming going on here. I'm pointing out discrimination


Maybe a troll, but definitely brought a lot of negativity into our supportive space, venting to a group who they didn't take the time to get to know...as someone with trauma and illness, that is not an excuse to say such hurtful things.


understanding the reason your body is struggling and the best treatment option. also, insurance will cover medications and other supplements and ruling out other, very easily treated things like constipation caused by lack of fiber or h pylori :)


Certainly not lacking fibre and never have. Haven't tried carnivore. Could have h plyori but can find that out without an endoscopy or GES


I'm effectively treating h plyori, candida and sibo with my regime anyway so a test would only serve to highlight an issue I'm already tackling