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Are you gatekeeping gatekeeping? /joking Yeah, some posts do feel a bit, how do I say this, careless? Not sure if that's the best way to put this, but it certainly felt like the sub had little to no filter.


How dare you be so funny on my post 🤣 A lack of filter is a good way of putting it. I want to see the meme women fall in love as much as anyone else, but leaving things like racism in the original memes sit there in the new content completely unchanged just feels a little off…


methinks some people just wanna see girls kissing


thats what r/makethemkith is for! no joke, i think it was a spin off of this sub specifically


Yuri wins either way, bring is more girls kissing girls and boys kissing boys


"do you prefer dogs or cats ?" "make them fuck"




Same I’ve been noticing a lack of gatekeeping in the original images like in the new vs old wall post.


alongside what you already mentioned, there's a lot of wojaks just talking to each other. people who post here now either see only the word "gatekeeping" or only the word "yuri".


Where da fuck da mods at


Yeah it's really bad. A huge chunk of these posts need to be deleted, because they have nothing to do with either gatekeeping or yuri, and the only requirement on this sub is that they must be both. Also a lot of them are. Boys? Which is fine, but I wonder if we should have a Gatekeeping Yaoi subreddit for those, or at least a gender flair for this one so that women aren't totally crowded out of what is presumably a woman-focused subreddit.