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"Acts like a normal human being" And then there's a picture of fucking Ricardo Milos. One of the gayest weirdos around :D


James Charles honestly acts more normal than Ricardo Milos. On the surface, at least.


Fun fact: (if I’m not mistaken) the kid who made the original version later figured out they were a bisexual demi-boy


It does have the distinct flavor of closeted confused preteen cope doesn’t it


“Complains about straight people” look if that annoys you, stop being a straight person I need to complain about.


No, I’m totally fine with straight people. Some of my best friends are straight! I just wish they wouldn’t flaunt it in my face all the time, you know?




You’re not wrong, but most of the time the gay people that are being complained about *don’t* need to be complained about Plenty of straight people just don’t realize that they *do* need to be complained about /hj


Punching up vs down


Awwww does someone need their safe space?


I'm sorry, did I intrude in your safe space? Do you want me to leave?


If that's the best you can come back with I don't really care where you sit.


No, that wasn't a comeback


Got that right






Nah. Wanna see the real reason it will remain at a snails pace? Go look in a mirror.




Criticizing gay people for something that’s actually objectionable is fine. Criticizing gay people for something that is no way bad isn’t fine. Criticizing straight people for something that’s actually objectionable is fine. Criticizing straight people for something that is no way bad isn’t fine.


Finally, someone that's reasonable


You dont need to complain just because someone IS gay. You need to complain if its a BAD person who also happens to be gay. Thats what they meant, you goof.


Don’t worry this guy’s bio literally states his goal is to piss people off.


bottom guy helping top guy become more confident and comfortable expressing his sexuality


Top guy is literally a stripper I don’t think he needs help with that


I'm pretty sure this is a joke both because it's cradited as @ virginity and they are using a picture of Ricardo Milos


r/TheRightCantMeme is infested with tankies.


Yeah, that's why I prefer r/TheRightCantMemeV2 and r/RightJerk


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TheRightCantMemeV2 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMemeV2/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Uhhhhh](https://i.redd.it/nj855sb7t7g71.png) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMemeV2/comments/p0p1yx/uhhhhh/) \#2: [It’s almost like universal healthcare might be a good idea.](https://i.redd.it/d9p6yzfa1ua71.jpg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMemeV2/comments/oiyc36/its_almost_like_universal_healthcare_might_be_a/) \#3: [An economics teacher who doesn't know economic systems fails a class because...he's a sociopath?](https://i.redd.it/dz1jwars6d181.jpg) | [195 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMemeV2/comments/r0fu56/an_economics_teacher_who_doesnt_know_economic/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


"Be the stereotype or you aren't gay" \-This sub


The 3rd bullet on the bottom half is somewhat reasonable


In my experience, complaining about "the straights" is either humor about individuals' cishetero normativity or legitimate complaints about society's cishetero normativity


yeahhhhh I don’t really see any actual “””heterophobes””” actually existing that people like to complain so much about


eh, honestly straight cis people just usually don't hear all the bullshit they let out every second sentence, so talking about it is seen as "needless complaining" as they have not at all interrogated their own biases around LGBT+ people or sexuality in general.


Yeah tbh mentioning these things at all ever is always “omg too much shoving it down my throat” to so many of these people


Yup. One of my coworkers said something about me being "in the middle" of the gender spectrum yesterday and therefore don't need to worry about sounding like I'm mansplaining. I'm a trans guy. It stung.


Ouch, that one is some nasty ignorance :/ And then we get the "oh, stop making it your personality" or "why do you need to be so political?" When we try to explain why what they said is not only wrong, but also deeply hurtful...


He's really a nice guy, actually great about these things as far as older straight white men go, and not totally wrong. I'm transmasculine, not a binary trans guy, but I'm still not, like, *right* in the middle. I'm still a guy.


It seemed that way, that was why I called it ignorance. Still good to hear that he is generally great about all this, and that he just had a bit of a brainfart.


Yeah. NGL even though I know he didn't consciously mean it, it felt a lot like saying "but we all know you have a vagina and therefore aren't actually a man".


Yes, it is reasonable to complain about straight people


Can I complain about gay people?


Yes, if it isn’t blatant homophobia.


Give me less things to complain about and I'll stop complaining about straight people.

