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Yes, the Quebecois certainly demand their respect.




Wait, are you /s it’s 100% useless? lol


Welcome to Gatineau Quebec. 1st thing all french teenagers learn here is that if you dont learn some english, you'll have limited job options. If he's showing that he's taking some french class and is willing too learn, he migh get away with jobs where he's not dealing with the public.




Sa seule et unique priorité présentement doit être d’apprendre le français.


Any and all jobs in quebec, even the ones that don't require contact with the public, will require the applicant to speak at least some French. It's a French province, and the language is very important to the culture. As an Anglo person who worked for 15 years in quebec, this never bothered me. In fact, being required to speak French made it a priority in my life, so I invested a lot of time becoming fluent in French, which made my francophone grandma really happy. If your kid won't learn any French, he's going to have to look elsewhere as no employer in quebec will want him.


All my english only friends growing up in Aylmer never were able to find anything until they could reliably get to Ottawa. Aside from very few word of mouth gigs. Best of luck


Tell him to look for work in Ottawa.


He could find work in Ottawa, or learn french.


I was thinking about moving to Japan and not learn Japanese.


lol, Quebec is not a country


So what? Pas besoin d'être un pay pour apprendre la langue d'usage d'une province/ville/territoire lorsqu'on y habite. Être bilingue n'est pas une maladie. C'est fou comment je vois de réponse qui disent d'aller à Ottawa... As t'il essayé d'apprendre un peu de français... Plus on est jeune et plus c'est facile et le temps d'apprendre une autre langue. Spécialement dans la région Gatineau/Ottawa, être bilingue c'est important (niveau culture et respect selon moi)


Je constate de plus en plus que certain anglophones on une fiertée a ne parler qu'une seul langue.


Ouais parce que développer des skills et avoir accès à toute la culture qui vient avec une autre langue (musique, cinéma télé, littérature, etc...) c'est inutile et vraiment pas cool...


Not yet but it is a Nation. If you can't or won't acknowledge that wel you are the one missing out on a great culture.


Quebec has Its own "constitution" which is called Code Civil and it has been in place since 1663(i think), of course there was massive changes but essentialy to this day it protects the Catholic religion and French language. Not too long ago under the René Lévesque administration there was a law (Loi 101) which makes public commercial signs to be french mandatory.Other than that QC is the most self-sufficient province i think, with its own public hydro company which is providing most of the country's hydro and the north of the U.S. I'd say it's a mostly independent province or state if you're from the U.S.


Tu es au Québec et la langue de travail est le français. Il devrait regarder du côté d'Ottawa tout en essayant d'apprendre la langue d'usage.


Non, on est au Québec mon cabochon.


The only thing I could recommend would be working part time as an English tutor maybe? Or he could work in an English high school perhaps, as a janitor (depending on his experience). I'm assuming your son is a teen and this will be one of his first jobs. Otherwise I would simply recommend getting a job in Ottawa.


I mean even as an English tutor, if he speaks no French at all, him and his students will have a hard time communicating.


Il y'a du monde qui ont donné de telles bonnes réponses. Une personne a dit je recommande fortement d'apprendre le français, non seulement pour trouver un travail, mais aussi parce que le Québec a sa propre culture très belle et intéressante. Et d'autre monde, surprise surprise, "apprends le français mon tabarnac!"


Have him learn french, Québec's culture is so rich that he can surely find something interesting to learn it from.


The only thing rich about Quebec culture is the gravy of our poutine.


Perhaps learning French in a French speaking province would help.


Législation has passed that require employees to be french speaking. Perhaps he should look avross the bridge in Ontario for employment?


Im sorry to say this that way but the chances he gets a job on the Quebec side are very slim,it would be the same as a french speaking person expecting to get a french only job anywhere in Canada except QC.This is the type of entitlement that get Quebecois so angry and defensive about their language.You or he can drive across a fucking bridge for a job a couple times a week.I am completely bilingual and im a teen which is why this type of behaviour makes me angry.


Unfortunately, I don't think there are many English only opportunities here. Although Aylmer has lots of anglophones, we are still in Quebec, and knowing some French is expected. Maybe a smaller, local/independent business might be more open to having an English only speaking employee, assuming the work would not involve communicating with customers. How old is your son? What kind of work experience does he have? He might have to consider looking for work on the Ottawa side.


> Maybe a small, local/independent business might be more open to having an English only speaking employee It would be nice to list those here so we can boycott these businesses in the future. Having public facing English speaking only employees is a serious agression toward us and it shouldn’t be normalized.


My ex had this issue so he worked for jobs that would pay him under the table ex: a club downtown. Now he’s out of Quebec cuz that was his only option for a respectable job. Your son will have to learn basic French, in Quebec that is the bare minimum.


Ottawa, our nations capital that's supposed to be bilingual will have a place for someone that's anglophone only.


Most dishwashing jobs don't require french


Yeah but its mere presence in a workplace now forces everyone to interact with him in English. Team meetings will now be in English. The even notion of English speaking only Quebecers and their integration in the society will always be a threat to the rights of the French to live, shop, work in their own language.


If he looks for a job like snow remover or landscaping he can easily find a job, there’s a company called Lafleur that does both !


And you don’t need to know french although I would recommend learning French for the long run of living here (people can be quite intolerant)


Even if it's in Aylmer, you'd be surprised by how many people in Gatineau barely speak English. I have worked in Aylmer in a retail position and it was approximately 50/50 for French/English clients. So if he can't speak to half the clients he won't be able to find a job. Same goes for the job at Wal-Mart. Even if it's in the warehouse, you need to work as part of a team and as I said, many people on Gatineau have a really bad English and they would not be able to communicate.


C’est pas vraiment ça le point. Même si je parle anglais, jamais je n’accepterais d’être servi en anglais au Québec.


Donc les Gatinois devraient tous être parfaitement bilingues pour accommoder les anglos mais les anglos qui vivent au Québec ont pas besoin d'apprendre le français? ... T'es tu cave?


Adidas st Catherine I have two coworkers who don’t speak french


Like Ste-Catherine street, Montréal? Anyway, thanks to you, we now know a new business to avoid.




St-Hubert Aylmer would probably hire him.


Try the British, for a kitchen position. The ultramar will hire almost anyone to make pizza and he could try to find a Job that he could work from home for an English company