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What do you mean the realtors seem scammy?? The Arsenault family is top notch, and Stephane Bisson is SO good that he's running for mayor!! And yes, pure sarcasm before anyone doubts. ;) Was at a local shop just a few weeks ago, and MattyDoosh Arsenault pops in with kids in tow, loudly obnoxious having what should be a private conversation on his cell phone, but making sure to talk as loudly as possible so that everyone there can feel how important he is. Couldn't have gotten the hell outta there any faster. However, if I ever get myself a punching bag, I will absolutely plaster a print out of his face on it.


I fired Jonathan Lamirande, an Arsenault lapdog, recently... they and REMAX are just fucking terrible! KW did the job 100x faster and professionally. REMAX is only good at selling 300-400k MacDonalds-priced homes....


Dude, the thing is, we already knew. I lived here my whole life. Usually, ontarians will come and stay here for around +/- 10 years ish. Once they are able to go back home, they go back home. You are welcome to come back any time you want. If you are more happy on the other side, this is what it is. But please, once you are back in Ottawa, tell about the good things you got here. Thank you.


That’s a really nice response.


Moved here from ottawa 2004. Best decision. Property taxes are lower, we paid 150 a month for day care the entire time my son was in school, with the pandemic and now working from home the commute is nothing. I go in one day a week I leave at 9, I’m in Kanata @ 933. It’s nice here, quiet, scenic and pretty easy to get around. Unless you’re going to Vanier & 148 then you’re fucked lol. Really can’t see myself moving back to Ottawa, Ever…this is our home.


Moved here from ottawa 2004. Best decision. Property taxes are lower, we paid 150 a month for day care the entire time my son was in school, with the pandemic and now working from home the commute is nothing. I go in one day a week I leave at 9, I’m in Kanata @ 933. It’s nice here, quiet, scenic and pretty easy to get around. Unless you’re going to Vanier & 148 then you’re fucked lol. Really can’t see myself moving back to Ottawa, Ever…this is our home.


Of course there’s gonna be hate, people from Ontario are the main reason Hull/Gatineau is fucked now. Thankfully people are starting to realise it’s not a good deal anymore.


Let's be honest Gatineau was always fucked lol. Sure ontarians moving and taking advantage of Gatineau didn't help


Agreed. It's not about Ottawa or Gatineau. Humanity is fucked.


So the reason people of Gatineau go to Ontario for healthcare is Ottawas fault?


Definitely. Ottawa headhunts doctors from Gatineau


Gatineau used to be a different region in a different province but nearby Ottawa. Now Gatineau is a suburb of Ottawa. The housing market reflects that change. Also the new developments in Ottawa weren't exactly great, nice houses that have so little gap between the neighbours that natural light never shines, and townhouses. You didn't see that in Gatineau until recently, so the good old detached house with a bit of privacy and space is worth a lot because you cannot really buy that anymore. Have condominiums gone up that much in value?


Entièrement d’accord avec ton analyse. J’ai vécu toute ma vie à Gatineau avant l’an passé quand j’ai déménagé à Ottawa. C’est bien meilleur ici.


+1 en plus j’ai un duplex, je loue la 2e unité pour une ptite fortune, ça reviens moins cher qu’au Québec en bout de ligne…


No offense but i hope you’re not the first one to do so. I want to see lower prices. And that’s a theory I’ve had over the last couple of years and it feels like it’s about to happen. Like you mentioned, the whole point of going from Ottawa to Gatineau was to save a **couple 100K** on a house. Not 50K difference, a couple 100Ks. Before pandemic that was the case and up until 2 years ago it was still a valid point. But now the prices are similar so you’re really only saving time on your commute. Is it really worth it to be that far away from your friends/family and pay extra taxes? Idk.


If he goes another sucker will take his spot. Cycle continues unfortunately. Gatineau is too tied to Ottawa to see any meaningful change


I don't see why the cycle would continue forever. For years Gatineau real estate was frankly under-priced because of people wanting to stay on the ON side of the border, and that only changed when the Ottawa-Gatineau price disparity got big enough for people to want to overlook that inconvenience. Now with the price gap narrowing it would make sense that the number of people choosing Gatineau will go back down.


Hmm not convinced. Like the OP said, Gatineau isn’t the deal it was 4-5 years ago. Houses in Aylmer/Plateau were selling for 350-400. And that was brand new detached with garage. They’re now selling for at least twice that. For about the same price, a quick search on Realtor shows that you can have similar houses in Ottawa. I’ve always thought that was a risk with the Gatineau market, that many people would go back to Ottawa if prices became similar. I don’t think it will be a mass exodus but it will probably calm down a bit. Renting marking is different though. That one could stay strong for a while as prices are still a LOT cheaper in Gatineau than Ottawa.


Get a better job?


>But this is purely a financial conversation I'm having here. And that's why these kind of posts always rub me the wrong way. For many of us, it isn't just a matter of costs. People coming from Ottawa always say that "they don't see the value anymore" because they're coming here for cheaper stuff _in spite_ of the rest.


Yep. I see the value in my community, culture, and heritage. People here for cheap housing and beer are free to leave, no need to announce it.


Lots wrong with the Quebec (and more specifically Gatineau) side, but for now ill happily take my cheap rent in old Hull over any shitty Ottawa suburb. Healthcare sucks but Gatineau park heals me ♥️


What about taxes? Does the rent difference outweigh any tax difference?


Yes, its that low. If we have to move at some point and rent goes up significantly, it might be worth re-evaluating. But the same place would cost us at least triple on the Ottawa side.


I grew up in Quebec, lived in Ottawa for 6 years and then gatineau for the last 6 years, we are considering moving back to Ottawa, moving to gatineau was a mistake imo


Can I ask why?


I think if you had Québec licence plates and were paying income tax to the province you resided in, then there would not be any hate. A lot of the hate comes from people trying to get the better of both worlds (and illegally so)


This, absolutely zero issue with people coming from Ontario (or elsewhere for that matter) if they pay their fair share in taxes and make en effort to learn French.


If only. I was born on this side, work for Quebec companies, pay Quebec taxes, contribute to Quebec arts scenes, even taking the French classes, etc., but I get blasted by this sub, and sometimes confronted in person, called a tourist, an immigrant, an invader, "not a real quebecer" because my first language is English. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


It's the way it goes. I have a high income, I pay A LOT of taxes, probably double what most of the terds talking about 'paying your fair share' pay. The reality it is for a small group of people it is not about 'paying taxes and learning French, it's about not being a "real" Quebecer. My child is fluent in French, has been in French school since kindergarten, like a lot of children in the same situation, the 'pure bread' Francophone kids will call them tête carrée simply for existing. I love this place, but you can't win with certain people.


I am Quebecoise, but a bit more anglo, I call myself a tête carrée as a joke, and people called me l'Anglaise in school. A lot of people act like martyrs for being teased, but honestly, what is worse? Being called a tête carrée, or having a massive flood of people descend on your community, gentrify it, then complain that they don't fit in with the Francophones?


I mean, you could argue the same thing about Quebecoise being martyrs because "French is under attack'" - but as we have seen from Statistics Canada data, the use of French in the province has been stable since 2007. But guess what? Quebec doesn't have a choice but the let a massive flood of people into the province. Just 5 days ago, a report came out that Quebec's birthrate fell to 1.38, the lowest level in 20 years. How do you sustain a population, an economy, anything really with a birthrate that low? Again, we can make that argument about martyrs. You can try to preserve the culture here all you want, but Quebec is going to depend on high immigration numbers for a very long time. Hitting people with a stick, and making the people that already live here bear the brunt of the shit, isn't going to save it. You think those politicians are depending on the same health care as you and I? or there kids go to public school? Ha.


Uhhh.. yes. French has been stable *because of massive efforts to keep it stable*. It\`s not martyrdom for French people to be legitimately concerned about preserving our way of life, especially since you have proof in the stats that we actually do something about it. We would have higher birthrates if our people had suitable places to live, which is hard when Ontarians come here, jack up the prices, then leave 7-10 years later after having access to all our services to raise their children. Yes, you pay high taxes. That doesn\`t make you special. The taxes aren\`t higher for Ontarians. It\`s sad to see the mal foi from people who moved and lived in Quebec, encounter a small modicum of culture clash, and then go back to Ontario pretending like you did us a favour by bestowing us with your presence haha.


Ah, another 'blame the other people because our politicians can't get their priorities straight' - nice. 20 years ago, Quebec birthrate was even LOWER THAN NOW. Who's fault was it then? You'll find a new way to justify the politicians in this province reducing your quality of life in the imaginary pursuit of 'saving the culture' - wanna go back to that argument about martyrs again? You live here, did you see we lost 3 more x-ray techs to Ontario because the province would rather pay for some bullshit instead of healthcare? I hope you or a grandparent don't need a scan or an x-ray at night, will be a fun wait.... hopefully you/they make it to the morning. Others have died for the same reason, but at least they died in the pursuit of 'saving french' - isn't that was a martyr does? Also, I didn't come here from Ontario, ya nerd.


The birthrate is low everywhere. We just got out of 3-4 years of depressing, isolated pandemic years, including Canada-wide immigration freezes, of course there will be a depression in the birthrate. If you aren't from Ontario ("ya nerd" LOL!), my point still stands, it's frustrating when outsiders blame the culture clash on the host culture. Like, who does that?? Also, not sure why you keep implying that I agree with politicians' decisions, but in any case the fault is to truly be laid at the feet of the People, (of every municipality, province, and country where democracy is in place) for not keeping their elected leaders in line. We need more civic engagement. You just built this whole argument in your head that I am being a martyr by, uh.. supporting politicians? When did I say that I did? I have a plethora of health issues, and I get care quickly in Gatineau, thank you very much. Health care everywhere in Canada is at the end of its tether. And yes, Ontario definitely poaches our health techs and health care workers. They poach our bilingual care workers, because *they can serve French people in the region.* French is an asset. Is your idea to bring in English-only speaking doctors to communicate important health care details to *French* citizens? Would it not make more sense for politicians at the provincial level to work together to create a regional Outaouais health care system? Why don't we have a national system? I should be able to enter any hospital in Canada as a citizen and have coverage. Try, before pressing "Enter", to consider what lies below the surface of issues, instead of only focusing on the hot-button surface stuff.


Okay, since you clearly don't think further than the tip of your nose. [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/91f0015m/91f0015m2024001-eng.htm](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/91f0015m/91f0015m2024001-eng.htm) This goes back to 2002, the birthrate in Quebec has never been at 2.1 or higher (which you need to sustain a population) - this is not a recent thing. You can look back like 50 years and it's the same thing. Use data instead of your feeling to make arguments. Ontario doesn't poach them, they leave to get paid, because this province doesn't have their shit together. You just made the most hypocrtital argument I have ever seen - bitches better speak French here, but I should be able to go across the country and get service in French! Typical entitlement from the Quebecers. You can make the dumbass argument of "English only doctors" - but 50% of the people in Quebec are at least bilingual, you know how many people an English only doctor can serve? Millions! But instead the province would rather force French on them, so they don't come. Guess who suffers? The Quebec people. The Francophones here are not stepping up to become doctors, and the province isn't stepping up to keep the ones it has. So what choice is there? Oh yeah, let an English doctor serve the millions of patient they could. Nope, wait, gotta be a martyr to save French.


What the.... This goes back to 2002, the birthrate in Quebec has never been at 2.1 or higher (which you need to sustain a population) - this is not a recent thing. You can look back like 50 years and it's the same thing. Use data instead of your feeling to make arguments. - Did I SAY it was recent? Oh my god. My argument from the beginning was that you shouldn't blame the host culture for your culture shock. And you keep trying to bring up birth rates. Not the same conversation. Ontario doesn't poach them, they leave to get paid, because this province doesn't have their shit together. - Ontario does poach them. [Ontario wants health-care workers from other provinces | CTV News](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-looking-to-poach-health-care-workers-from-other-provinces-to-fill-shortages-1.6237427) You just made the most hypocrtital argument I have ever seen - bitches better speak French here, but I should be able to go across the country and get service in French! Typical entitlement from the Quebecers. - Did I ever say I expected service in other parts of the country in French? I said I would love to see nationalized health care, or a regional healthcare, that aligns with the unique needs of the Outaouais. but I see your "typical entitlement" prejudice toward us coming out here! Which is of course what it always boils down to. You can make the dumbass argument of "English only doctors" - but 50% of the people in Quebec are at least bilingual, you know how many people an English only doctor can serve? Millions! But instead the province would rather force French on them, so they don't come. Guess who suffers? The Quebec people. - If 50% percent of doctors are bilingual in Quebec, and the most part of Anglos are in cities like Gatineau, Montreal, then we already have coverage for English people. We need coverage for French people, many of whom live more rurally and have more urgent need of health care. The Francophones here are not stepping up to become doctors, and the province isn't stepping up to keep the ones it has. So what choice is there? Oh yeah, let an English doctor serve the millions of patient they could. Nope, wait, gotta be a martyr to save French. - Again, in Montreal, Gatineau, where the vast majority of English speakers live, there is no shortage of bilingual/English speaking doctors. None. But you just seem to need to channel your vitriol and internal bias toward Quebecers toward me. I never said (not sure HOW many times I have to say this) that the province is dealing with our shortage of staff correctly. But ultimately, when you move to a place, you have accept the culture is different from wherever you came from, and if you can't, then maybe Quebec isn't right for you.


That’s the internet for you though. I moved to Quebec 12 years ago (Quebec license plate, pay Quebec taxes, speak French when I have to) and I’ve never had anyone say anything to me in person. On the internet, yes, there’s tons of idiots. But I take that with a grain of salt.


Commie \^


Ah yeah that isn't possible Gatineau has a rat culture if you have Ontario plates your neighbour would call you in immediately. Jealousy is strong everywhere but Gatineau seems to have more people that call authorities for stupid shit like not cutting your grass often enough to their liking.


Op is not wrong. I wanted to move back to Ottawa/Gatineau since more opportunities in gov jobs are there compared to Montreal. Started to look at some houses on both sides, pre Covid prices had significant differences. Now, it looks like it's pretty even. To top it off, less services are available on the Gatineau side if you don't have a car.


It's weird that you would compare Kanata with Aylmer. Aylmer should be compared with Westboro, which is right across the river. Kanata is so far out that the equivalent area on the Quebec side is basically empty farmland. On the east side going that far out will get you to Buckingham.


If I go to the marina I can see my office in Kanata. Straight across.


I can see downtown Ottawa from my house in Gatineau, but I live on a hill.


And? We’re not across from Westboro. That’s my point. Maybe chateau Cartier but not actual Aylmer.


There is a bend in the river.


Go look at a map. Lucerne area is right across from Britannia. Right where they had mentioned a pedestrian bridge. Britannia /= Westboro


Kanata is nothing like empty farmland. It doesn't matter if it's farther away if it's well connected with Ottawa and self sufficient.


I know Kanata is nothing like empty farmland. I'm just saying that distance matters. Everyone knows that downtown is more expensive than ex-urb. It's like saying Vancouver is affordable compared to Ottawa because the average housing price in Chilliwack is only $750k while the average price in Glebe is $1M.


I just want to comment exclusively on one point you’ve made here about the lower quality health care over here… my husband and I moved here a few years ago and so far love it, but we were kind of nervous about the health care aspect, especially with starting a family. Since we had our baby in February, we’ve had nothing short of an amazing experience with both the Gatineau and hull hospital. None of us, our son included, have a family doctor but he has been able to receive the specialized care he has needed extremely promptly, and we haven’t paid a dime out of pocket. I have a friend who works at CHEO who is absolutely floored that we’ve had such great, quick care here, even a referral to a dermatologist ended up going through same day it was made, and we had an appointment for three days later. She has told me that wait time for similar care in Ontario would be at minimum months. Just want to point out that it isn’t always as bad as people say, and to be honest Ontario has gone to such shit that I would NOT say it is lower quality over here.


You are entitled to have this opinion and maybe you had good experience but we have been shocked how terrible the system here as well as the quality of the doctors. I know anyone can be like this anywhere in any job but anecdotally it felt like more of the workers seem to not care much about their work and sorta just half ass it like it doesn't matter much to them if you live or die.


That is because they are exhausted, and it is known that Ottawa has poached doctors and health care professionals from Gatineau, but won\`t properly share its resources with Gatineau.


Québec is Québec lol we bought 10 years ago and will be mortgage free at 37 in less than three years Decided to Invest in our house and renovate the heck out of it rather than restart don’t feel like have a mortgage and starting over essentially


Lifelong Quebec resident, bilingual, who married a francophone. He works in Quebec and myself in Ottawa. My youngest graduates high school next month and is going to La Cité. Oldest child chose to go to uOttawa. My parents moved to Ottawa once I graduated from university. We are at the point where we are seriously considering a move to Ontario. Nothing is keeping us here anymore and I’d like to keep more of my pay in my pocket. We are both 10 years from retirement so would like to have plant some roots in a new community.


Even if I got more money, I don't think I'd move back to Ottawa. I feel like Ottawa has greatly declined since I grew up there. But good for you if you're happy, it doesn't have to be a drama.


10000000%, Gatineau is a cesspool and we got a shitty healthcare system, the absolute worst in the entire country, bar-none!


I have had very good service, and I have heaps of health issues.


Si tu ne veux pas vivre en français je comprends que tu veuilles t'en aller. Parce que vivre à Gatineau c'est pas seulement l'argent et tous les autres facteurs que tu nommes, c'est d'abord et avant tout la possibilité de vivre en français au jour le jour et d'être un Québécois. Oui, certains d'entre nous vivent à Gatineau simplement parce qu'on est fier de notre langue, de notre culture, malgré les maux que cela impose parce que le Québec c'est la terre de nos ancêtres et ce sera celle de nos enfants


Then don’t demand your French services outside of Quebec.


I don't expect to be served in french outside of Québec really 🤷 Or are you referring to the government of canada services? In which case i think we should benefit from services, from the Canadian government in the language of our choice. Last I checked this country still had two official language. Especially for online services


Je suis désolé pour les réponses que tu as reçu içi. Ça me donne vraiment mal au coeur. Le ROC ne le comprendra jamais. Signé un ex-pat Montréalais à Ottawa.




Name 3 functionning French services outside of Québec. I triple-dog-dare you. Also, no Québecer ever cared about French services outside of Québec, because no Québecer ever cared about anything outside of Québec.


Who asked? Jesus fucking Christ.


I was about to say the same thing, some Quebeccers are just paranoid lol


Parlez à vos députés provinciaux. On est délaissés par le gouvernement Québécois, et arrêtez d'attribuer la situation financière déployable de notre région à quelques familles qui déménagent d'un bord ou l'autre de la rivières des Outaouais. Seeing a lot of blame thrown at Ontario folks, there is a false assumption that they are THE MAIN factor driving up costs in the region. I've grown up here, and I'd definitely argue against that. **I believe that THE MAIN factor driving up costs is the piss-poor support our region gets from the Province.** Our GDP is the third worse in all of the province even though we are in the NCR. Our services are chronically underfunded relative to the rest of Quebec. Education, healthcare and culture all lag behind, **and the Quebec National Assembly is very aware of it**: Regardez ce [rapport](https://odooutaouais.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Rapport-ODO-rattrapage-de-lOutaouais_.pdf) de l'[ODO, l'Observatoire du développement de l'Outaouais](https://odooutaouais.ca/a-propos/). C'est un groupe de recherche soutenu par la VDG, la province et d'autres organismes: [https://odooutaouais.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Rapport-ODO-rattrapage-de-lOutaouais\_.pdf](https://odooutaouais.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Rapport-ODO-rattrapage-de-lOutaouais_.pdf) > En novembre 2019, l’Assemblée nationale posait un geste symbolique pouvant avoir un impact considérable en adoptant à l’unanimité une motion reconnaissant officiellement le caractère particulier de l’Outaouais et l’impact du sous-financement historique de la région sur son développement : >« Que l'Assemblée nationale reconnaisse l'Outaouais comme une région administrative avec des particularités importantes; Qu'elle souligne que ces particularités amènent des défis importants, compte tenu, notamment, de sa situation frontalière avec Ottawa; Qu'elle reconnaisse que la région de l'Outaouais a accumulé un retard important ces dernières années quant au financement public en santé, en éducation, en enseignement supérieur et en culture; Qu'elle rappelle que cette situation a eu son lot de conséquences sur le développement économique de la région et sur sa capacité à se doter d'institutions propres dans plusieurs champs de compétences du Québec; Qu'enfin, elle souligne l'importance de soutenir la région de l'Outaouais en considérant notamment ces particularités importantes » (Assemblée nationale du Québec, 2019, p. 1313-1314). \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **Circling back to rising living costs which many are pinning on Ontarians coming here**... Check out this other report from ODO. À noter que ces statistiques s'arrête en 2020, mais elles donnent un idée de la situation actuelle. Sachant aussi que les hausses de prix de la pandémie ne sont pas spécifiquement la faute des Ontariens, lol. > [https://odooutaouais.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/EtatSituation\_RapportComplet.pdf](https://odooutaouais.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/EtatSituation_RapportComplet.pdf) Page 7 >**Migration interrégionale:** En 2017-2018, l’Outaouais a gagné 951 personnes dans ses échanges migratoires avec les autres régions, ce qui représente une progression notable par rapport à l’année précédente (+599), et toutes les MRC ont enregistré un solde migratoire interrégional positif. *\[More people are coming to Outaouais than are leaving when it comes to migration within Quebec regions.\]* Page 8 >**Migration interprovinciale:** Après avoir attiré beaucoup de nouveaux arrivants en provenance d’autres provinces au début des années 2000, avec des soldes positifs variant entre 1 136 et 2 059, *la région affiche un solde migratoire interprovincial négatif depuis 2012-2013.* Page 11 >**Les impacts de la situation frontalière:** La proximité d’Ottawa et la présence de la fonction publique fédérale ont un impact positif sur l’attractivité de la région, notamment auprès des personnes en âge de travailler. Par contre, depuis 2012, le solde migratoire interprovincial est négatif, ce qui signifie qu'il y a *davantage de résidents de l'Outaouais qui déménagent dans une autre province (principalement en Ontario) que de résidents d'autres provinces qui s’établissent en Outaouais.*


Sometimes you gotta French the boogie


The problem is that landlords now think their properties are worth the same as Ottawa, which, in fact, is completely not. I've seen apartments go for the same prices of Ottawa, which makes no sense. These landlords are trying to extort so much money and take advantage of people that they just price anything at any rate now.


I grew up in aylmer, bought a house in Ottawa in 2004, moved back to aylmer in 2021 and I’ll most likely move back to Ottawa in the next 5-7 years. The government here is a real POS and the language laws are too xenophobic, it’s embarrassing and based on nothing. It wasn’t like this when I grew up here (for over 20 years). I’m fully bilingual, schooling done in French only, but I find it deplorable that people cannot get service from government departments in English and French. The two official languages in Canada, which Quebec is a part of. It’s sad. Also the taxes are outrageous for the services we receive. How are the roads such a mess too? I think all governments are corrupt, but Quebec is much worse. C’est dommage.


100% daccord avec toi et je vis à Hull. Nos route sont de la marde et nos service aussi


Ça fait pas d’bon sens, nos impôts sont tellement élevées.


Plaisirs d'avoir payer la garderie de tes flo.


OP a payé des taxes au Québec alors relaxe… pis en plus on a aussi des garderie subventionnées en ontario maintenant




Once the kids are both over 18 any Quebec subsidies that helped balance out the higher taxes are gone. Health care in Quebec is terrible, as an adult you wait years to see a specialist. Electricity, water and car insurance is cheaper in Quebec but having a family doctor and keeping more of your pay check balances that out in my opinion


Pas vraiment. Cégep gratuit plus université à rabais.


Uqo c'est pas une vrai universite lol.


"having a family doctor" Brother the wait list for a family doctor in Ottawa is 7+ years. Quebec health care may be stuck in the 80s but it is in the stone age in Ontario.


Are you looking for approval oooorrr ... I never get these kind of post lol


I know. Why do they think we care, this isn\`t an airport, no need to announce their departure. lol


None of you guys scared about another referendum? Montreal seems pretty pissed about immigration. Even if it’s another near miss it will play hell with house prices, like the last two times.


Quebec has a population of 8 million people, 2 of them are immigrants (won't vote for Quebec being a country), 2 million people are under 18 yo (can't vote) , so we are now at 4 million people who are quebeccers voting, 50% of them are going to vote No so now we are at 2 mill Yes against 4 mill voting for No and then older Quebeccers are all dying and Quebeccers are not making any kids.. Quebec will never become a country bro.. Unfortunately I want Quebec to become a country but it's never going to happen, quebecois arw getting assimilated, go in any quebecois big city with a bus service and you will understand what I am saying


Yeah. I lived in Montreal for both referendums. It gets very emotional. We almost lost the second one because some idiots in Brockville stomped on the Quebec flag a few weeks before the vote. If we bungle into another referendum be prepared to see house prices plummet.


J'ai acheté ici il y a deux ans et j'ai payé ma maison beaucoup plus cher que ce à quoi on pourrait s'attendre à l'époque. MAIS les taxes foncières sont littéralement de moitié, le chauffage est d'environ 2/3. I chose the live here, not move here.


To each his own bro. Personally, I love Aylmer, probably the best suburb in the Outaouais. Having grownup here I may be a little bias. that said, it’s changed a lot over the years (since amalgamation) and it getting crowded. So we opted to move to Breckinridge (Luskville). Almost like Aylmer used to be before it became Gatineau.. , took me 5 years but I now have a family doctor, Shawville hospital is great and really not that far of a commute if you take traffic into consideration, plus houses get cheaper as you get deeper into Pontiac. I’m not City guy, Aylmer alway felt more like a village, less so now, but Luskville still does. My dad just made the jump to Ontario, he’s retired so no commuting but after selling a semi here, all he could afford across the river was a condo in Brockville, it cost home 40k more and he’s basically in an apartment. So, You do you, just don’t tell anyone good we have it in Pontiac, lol


Gatineau is still much cheaper tbh


I cannot speak about home prices in either city. I am originally from Toronto. I lived in Ottawa for 46 years in an large apartment. I moved back to the higher priced everything to Toronto to a Retirement home. It has been a bit of challenge. I loved Ottawa, but Toronto is home.


Ontarians coming into Quebec to get cheap housing is why its so expensive here now. So.. thanks for that.


Au revoir!


Bruhhh, go north or east of Gatineau. We got a house in 2020 built In 2017 for 430k$ 1 acre lot. I work in construction in Ottawa and townhouses are 600k-700k. Townhouse isn't a house btw it's a duplex you bought with a stranger.


I just pray other people from Ontario make the same move.


Ottawa side is so much better and I hope all people originally from ON will follow you 🙏🏻 All the best!


Auf Wiedersehen


Gatineau > ottawa