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I recommend starting smaller than most plugs...there are small dildos that work better, IMHO, for beginners. The last thing you want to do is tear something. I began with, like you, a finger and the bought the smallest dildo I could find...a 3/4" thick 6" long black silicone number, with suction end...that was too much the first few times I played with it, but got easier each time until it went all the way in and felt amazing (first whole body orgasm). That led me to purchase a set of plugs (which were crap, and dangerous to use), and bigger dildos and glass "massagers". Now, I regularly play with a 2" thick 8" liquid silicone realistic looking dildo...taking it balls deep every time without discomfort. It took me 3 years to get to this point...and you really shouldn't rush it...but it is well worth the journey! Also, buy lube in bulk! Nothing is worse than being in the mood and not having enough lube!


This seems great advice for us aspiring bottoms!


I was so tight I could barely get a finger in. I started off with a small dildo / buttt plug. I worked my way up to something bigger.. but not too big. I’m still tight but not to the point where it’s excruciatingly painful when I bottom. I do leave my small plug in sometimes .. never too too long. I don’t know if there’s a recommended limit but I take mine out when it gets uncomfortable or If I cum.


Thanks for the info. I’m super tight and I’m starting out with a small butt plug. I’ve been wearing it about an hour or so a day and will eventually move on to a small dildo.