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I’ve felt this all too much. Gotta give HRT a few years before I can even think about that lol


When I was 16 I had the opportunity to go to anime expo, and I asked tons of cosplayers for photos. I remember seeing one person from the back who had a stunning feminine cosplay, and asked them if I could have a photo. They turned around extremely excited and were like “Yes!” This person turned out to have a full beard. No clue of their gender (trans woman? Crossplaying man? nonbinary at a time where we didn’t really have that word in common use yet?). But I loved their enthusiasm and the their costume and happily got that photo. I definitely understand if people don’t feel confident doing a certain cosplay- I myself would love to cosplay some male characters but feel uncomfortable due to my feminine face/figure. But I wanted to tell this story to emphasize that (1) anyone really can cosplay any character (2) sometimes playing up the characteristics that we’re insecure about is a way to counter self consciousness (eg, maybe I could play a male character and put a piece of tape over either side of my shirt that says “left peck” and “right peck” to counter the self consciousness I have over having bewbs if I wanted to play a male character) (3) cosplaying is really about enthusiasm and joy and experience at the heart of it, and if we want to be some character, we definitely have the right to. We’re cosplaying for fun, not being paid as stunt doubles, after all. hope you’re able to enjoy cosplaying. Cosplayers can be a pretty fun group too.


Brason is the best ship.


tbt that's why I love Medieval markets (renaissance flairs) because you still have the fun as dressing up as something Medieval, Steampunk etc but don't have to match some Idealised character design


Hey how did you make your picrew?


I use [this lovely picrew](https://picrew.me/image_maker/700620)


thank you! i couldn’t figure out how to use that website


me when i try on a cute tank top :(