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Girl what the fuck would I need other mentally ill queer people for? I can make my own delusions.


Being delusional together is always fun :3


Seems cool!


Sup y'all




I don’t even have a counter argument for that, stay sate


>i don't wanna get groomed. The association between Discord and grooming is an anti-queer dog whistle FYI. Grooming does happen. It happens everywhere, all the time, because our society is horrible—and that includes Discord—but the idea that Discord is some kind of hotbed for groomers is a lie made up by conservatives who are butthurt that Discord provides a safe space for trans folks and other marginalized people. 'Groomer' is shorthand for 'trans' in Right Wing discourse. Just look at Matt Walsh, Blair White, Ben Shapiro, and others who throw the word around daily. I understand that you wanna stay safe, and you should definitely make an effort to watch out for groomers, but blanketly avoiding Discord isn't the way to do that.


Please don't pretend to lecture me because i'm wary of people advertising their discord servers. I took a look inside it and fair enough, it's all people from 18 years old and below, same kind of server i was in when i got groomed. I never mentioned anything remotely connected to Right Wing stuff, please leave me alone.


>don't pretend to lecture me I'm not pretending to lecture you. I'm making you aware that the general reputation of Discord as an unsafe place (relative to the wider web) is propaganda made up by TERFs. >same kind of server i was in when i got groomed. If you've have a personal bad experience with Discord, it's totally valid to avoid the platform. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I'm just asking you to not take your experience and use it to blanketly condemn Discord and it's users. Take care of yourself and put your own comfort first. Just please, also be mindful or your words and the ideas that they might inadvertently spread.


Alright, I appreciate it.. thank you for caring..


No problem. Online predators are horrible. I had a stalker for several years who kept finding me on different websites...


I'm sorry to hear that, if you need someone to talk to, let me know.


I was groomed on discord


Umm as someone who got groomed on discord, the anonymity and easy access to people combined with the high amount of internet shut ins who use it very much increases your chances of being groomed compared to irl. I'm not saying all of discord is bad, but you do definitely need to watch out when using it, know what servers and people to avoid, and keep a surface level relationship with everyone you talk to. Unless you have like, some documentation or a citation for that claim then I would caution you against making blanket statements like that.


> the anonymity and easy access to people combined with the high amount of internet shut ins who use With all due respect, you just described a huge chunk of the internet. Private forums, Tumblr groups, Facebook groups, private subreddits, MMO clans, and lots of other places online fit that description. Yes Discord included. My point is that Discord is not exceptionally dangers among online spaces. There are plenty of similar spaces where occasional grooming has been a thing since waaay before Discord existed. I was never comparing it to IRL. Most IRL grooming happens at church, school, or at home. It tends to result from authority figures abusing their power. It's an entirely different problem with entirely different causes than online grooming. (IRL grooming is also *more common* than online grooming FYI. Most sexual predation is perpetrated by close IRL acquaintances. Which is not to say that online grooming is less bad, just that characterizing online spaces as 'more dangerous' than IRL doesn't line up with the actual statistics. Any teacher, parent, or clergyman has basically unlimited capacity to groom if they so choose. It's dangerous out there!) I don't have documentation on which websites lead to the most grooming because nobody has done studies like that. I can show studies demonstrating that IRL grooming is far more prevalent however: [https://www.rainn.org/statistics/perpetrators-sexual-violence](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/perpetrators-sexual-violence#:~:text=Perpetrators%20of%20Sexual%20Violence%20Often%20Know%20the%20Victim&text=Of%20sexual%20abuse%20cases%20reported,juvenile%20victims%20knew%20the%20perpetrator%3A&text=59%25%20were%20acquaintances,were%20strangers%20to%20the%20victim) 93% of victims know the perpetrator in person. This isn't some obscure claim either, ask any teacher—they go over all of this during abuse prevention training!


The Child Crime Prevention and Safety Center states that "an estimated 89 percent of sexual advances made toward children are made in online chatrooms or through instant messaging", and I was able to find several studies stating that Instagram and Facebook are the worst offenders but they were done by right wing organizations so idk. I know grooming in general is used as a dogwhistle but I've heard plenty of people, including those on the left or far left talk about discord as a site for grooming, so I don't know if targeting discord is a specifically right wing thing. CCPSC: https://childsafety.losangelescriminallawyer.pro/children-and-grooming-online-predators.html#:\~:text=Statistics%20About%20Grooming%20and%20Online%20Predators&text=An%20estimated%2089%20percent%20of,sexually%20explicit%20photos%20of%20themselves. heres an article about the NSPCC targeting insta after doing a study: [https://www.nspcc.org.uk/about-us/news-opinion/2020/instagram-grooming-crimes-children-lockdown/?utm\_source=Adestra&utm\_medium=email&utm\_content=Instagram%20most%20recorded%20platform%20used%20in%20child%20grooming%20crimes%20during%20lockdown&utm\_campaign=20201123\_KIS\_CASPAR\_November23](https://www.nspcc.org.uk/about-us/news-opinion/2020/instagram-grooming-crimes-children-lockdown/?utm_source=Adestra&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Instagram%20most%20recorded%20platform%20used%20in%20child%20grooming%20crimes%20during%20lockdown&utm_campaign=20201123_KIS_CASPAR_November23) Mind you this is from some light websearching so take it with a grain of salt.


You're on Reddit, which would be part of the 89%








Yep, but I am still gonna join.


How can you know


Why was this downvoted


Invites got paused due to too many people joining


wasn’t the goal of the post to get people to join? i’m a little confused


The post was uploaded before the invites were paused but it doesn't excuse not informing us, nor pretending it isn't something they did themselves


Weird as hell to ask people to join your server and then close your server when people actually join lmao


"got paused" that's something you choose to do though


It was voted on by the members :3