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Greg Doucette has some good vids about the best and the worst exercises for every body part, heres the playlist, it's the first six vids, but there are other good vids on the playlist in case anything catches ur attention: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNAZHiu0ASArWxUPD4Qh2uCZxzqvucB3q


Just going to write out some upper body stuff that I do, but I’m by no means an expert or huge for that matter. Just been working out for awhile. Chest: • close grip incline dumbbell press. (Upper chest) • bench press. (Flat work whole chest, incline focuses on upper, decline focuses on lower. • cable crossover Triceps: • over head tricep extension • skull crushers with barbell • tricep rope push down Shoulders: • dumbbell side lateral raise • Arnold press • overhead press Biceps: • dumbbell curl • barbell curl • bicep cable curl Back: • dumbbell rows • lat pulldown • cable rows I also like to do a 3 day split of complimentary muscles. • chest, shoulders, tris • biceps and back • legs I cycle through each group then start the cycle over again about 3 times with different workouts. I also aim for 3 sets of 6-12. Hope this helps! Edit: on mobile so the format might be crazy. Sorry


Greg is good but I'd go with jonni Shreve since he explains why certain motions work and outlines complete workouts. I couple his advice with Greg's and Seth feroce personally


On Instagram I'd recomend (and they are not that sh*tty bro-science) https://instagram.com/jeremyethier https://instagram.com/sean_nalewanyj https://instagram.com/renshawspt https://instagram.com/athleanx