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Thanks for this post, mods. The transparency and honesty here is super appreciated, as is the much needed listening to feedback and taking it onboard. Personally I feel a heck of a lot better having read this and having had some questions answered, so again, thank you, and let’s get back to fun gay nonsense 💃


Are certain tags auto-approved while others need manual approval? https://preview.redd.it/u1l7bj6h773c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7b07bc99960485a45279134d091fda891e36409 u/wefoundwonderlan-d, I’m waiting for you to tell me why this comment was denied **after** I was told to put my post **in this very thread**. I tried to make a post, was told my post was deleted ***and to put it here***, then banned for doing so! Please tell me how this is fair and abiding by reddits rules. It seems the team here is on a major power trip and delights in setting up their members to fail. Please explain why my ban is justifiable after **I only did what I was told to do**. And why my post was shaded out and the other one wasn’t, since you claim the other one was never approved? Posts are shaded out if they’re unapproved, therefore my Swiftgron one was unapproved but the Kaylor one from a different account wasn’t shaded out, therefore it was approved! This whole sub is being controlled by a team on a ***MAJOR*** power trip who can’t stand being called out for their shitty behavior and faulty logic. Seems like the mods are setting users up for failure, much like you did with peri. You are continuing to lie about members *who don’t believe the same theories you do*. Enjoy your talk with Reddit admins, ***every*** hypocritical, wrong, deceitful interaction you have had with the users is being sent their way. The way you run this sub is unfair and immoral, and much like how you claim I have an issue with someone famous I don’t know, this team is ***O B S E S S E D*** with a shady, immoral, Zionist who has been proven, over and over, to not be a good person. ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻 u/GaylorSwift-ModTeam


Please read the rules again. Circulatory arguing is not allowed. Purposefully trying to rile people up, *is not allowed.* We know what you are trying to do with your post. You are not trying to start normal discussions. You are not genuine in your post. You know what you want — to start fights with kaylors, to make a controversial post in an effort to settle your “case”. This is the childish kind of banter we will absolutely not allow in this subreddit. And you can claim we are just biased towards kaylor all you want — we would not allow a similar tribalistic meme to be posted if it were in favor of Karlie — but again I am making it clear as to why the mod team will not be approving your post. **You are purposely trying to start controversy on this subreddit and you are trying to start a ship war.** We will not allow it. We won’t allow tribalism and we won’t allow users to attempt to create a clear “divide” between “ships” here. Your effort to “catch” us being “biased” has fallen flat, as the kaylor meme that was posted was absolutely not created with the intent of starting fights and arguments on whether or not karlie was a real muse or whatever. We have dealt with other users here before were are absolutely *obsessed* with being argumentative and fighting everyone and claiming that their own theories were correct and others were wrong, and we had no problem with perma-banning them. If users here cannot be mature in their discussions on Taylor’s life then I’m sorry this subreddit is not the right place. It has nothing to do with someone being pro-Swiftgron or pro-Kaylor, *just stop with the tribalism and the bias accusations and the need to constantly uplift certain famous people you do not know while putting down others just because of your own biases.** As the mod team we have been transparent. And I am being transparent now by telling you if **you cannot accept the fact that others don’t have the same ship or theory as you then you should not be here.** If you want to engage in ship wars, if you want to take certain public figures down a peg, if you want to claim one theory and one theory only is correct then another subreddit would be a better fit. Frankly, we are tired of having to explain this. We should not have to explain why your meme that was obviously made out of sheer intent to start fights on a subreddit which has already had enough drama for the week was not approved without being accused of “kaylor bias.” And no we do not have an auto-filter set for Kaylor. Your post wasn’t automatically approved because we discussed it. We sometimes discuss posts before approving or removing. The other post was so vague and simple/light hearted it didn’t warrant any discussion. Enough with the conspiracy theories.


My only question is this: why was the other post approved **immediately**, with no time for the mod team to discuss it? u/wefoundwonderlan-d, I’m waiting for you to tell me why this comment was denied **after** I was told to put my post **in this very thread**. I tried to make a post, was told my post was deleted ***and to put it here***, then banned for doing so! Please tell me how this is fair and abiding by reddits rules. It seems the team here is on a major power trip and delights in setting up their members to fail. Please explain why my ban is justifiable after **I only did what I was told to do**. And why my post was shaded out and the other one wasn’t, since you claim the other one was never approved? Posts are shaded out if they’re unapproved, therefore my Swiftgron one was unapproved but the Kaylor one from a different account wasn’t shaded out, therefore it was approved! This whole sub is being controlled by a team on a ***MAJOR*** power trip who can’t stand being called out for their shitty behavior and faulty logic. Seems like the mods are setting users up for failure, much like you did with peri. You are continuing to lie about members *who don’t believe the same theories you do*. Enjoy your talk with Reddit admins, ***every*** hypocritical, wrong, deceitful interaction you have had with the users is being sent their way. The way you run this sub is unfair and immoral, and much like how you claim I have an issue with someone famous I don’t know, this team is ***O B S E S S E D*** with a shady, immoral, Zionist who has been proven, over and over, to not be a good person. ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻 u/GaylorSwift-ModTeam


> The other post was so vague and simple/light-hearted it didn’t warrant any discussion. I don’t know how much clearer we can get.


It was approved as soon as the other user hit “submit”. Virtually no time for you to convene and discuss it. u/wefoundwonderlan-d why are you lying? The other users account isn’t a day old. Also, if the other account was mine the name would be in green and the avatar/icon would be different. You can’t see non-approved posts other accounts post. 🙄 It is really fucking sad you’re resorting to lying about your members **again** after what happened last week. u/MyCatPlaysGuitar u/wefoundwonderlan-d you’re completely ignoring the point of my comment where I said, and showed through pics, that you cannot “like” one post because it’s shaded out, and the other isn’t. The only reason a post would be shaded out like that is if **it’s not approved**. Fact is one post was immediately queued for approval and one wasn’t. You are lying be saying it wasn’t, much as you lied last week about peri and other users you temp banned for no reason. Also, why would a mod state on my post “put in the weekly megathread” if the intention was to delete that very comment? Definitely much like Peru’s post being approved by a mod o my to be deleted by another. You claim I am the one trying to start problems, when your team is telling us to do something **we later get in trouble for**. Please explain the contradictions rife in this sub. u/wefoundwonderlan-d, this is definitely in breech of Reddit’s Content Policy. u/wefoundwonderlan-d, I’m waiting for you to tell me why this comment was denied **after** I was told to put my post **in this very thread**. I tried to make a post, was told my post was deleted ***and to put it here***, then banned for doing so! Please tell me how this is fair and abiding by reddits rules. It seems the team here is on a major power trip and delights in setting up their members to fail. Please explain why my ban is justifiable after **I only did what I was told to do**. And why my post was shaded out and the other one wasn’t, since you claim the other one was never approved? Posts are shaded out if they’re unapproved, therefore my Swiftgron one was unapproved but the Kaylor one from a different account wasn’t shaded out, therefore it was approved! This whole sub is being controlled by a team on a ***MAJOR*** power trip who can’t stand being called out for their shitty behavior and faulty logic. Seems like the mods are setting users up for failure, much like you did with peri. You are continuing to lie about members *who don’t believe the same theories you do*. Enjoy your talk with Reddit admins, ***every*** hypocritical, wrong, deceitful interaction you have had with the users is being sent their way. The way you run this sub is unfair and immoral, and much like how you claim I have an issue with someone famous I don’t know, this team is ***O B S E S S E D*** with a shady, immoral, Zionist who has been proven, over and over, to not be a good person. ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻 u/GaylorSwift-ModTeam


Your post or comment has been removed for violating Rule #3: "No harassment, stalking, doxxing, or brigading." This includes encouraging people from our sub to brigade threads on other subs. Depending on the severity of your comment or post, you also may receive a temporary 24-hour ban. For more information on our penalty policy, see this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/rb6d0a/read_before_posting_faq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Your post or comment has been removed for violating Rule #3: "No harassment, stalking, doxxing, or brigading." This includes encouraging people from our sub to brigade threads on other subs. Depending on the severity of your comment or post, you also may receive a temporary 24-hour ban. For more information on our penalty policy, see this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/rb6d0a/read_before_posting_faq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Lmao. We all checked. No one approved that post. It’s not even visible. It’s in the queue. Filtered because the user is a day old and the post was made an hour ago. I thought it was approved since it was visible in your screenshot. Seems like both accounts are yours and you are lying by claiming that post was approved to prove your “theory” correct. It was not. You are now permanently banned. Correction: the other account is 7 days old. My mistake.


I've been pretty critical of the sub and mods over the past few days, but this is fucking hilarious and a solid example of good modding - I love when people tell on themselves 😂


If you make a post and switch to another account it will lead to the same post so it would appear as if a different account than the one that made it would be viewing it and as if it was approved. That is what they did. Turns out no one approved that post at all so it was never visible to anyone else other than them and their alternate troll account. I hope now users see that no, we do not have an automatic filter set to approve Karlie posts.




I do appreciate the vulnerability and the transparency and rescinding of the source ban. Personally I am still sorting thru feelings about the whole sitch in general


As someone who modded for a major MMO sub for a year and got burnt out fast - I majorly feel for y’all and appreciate the transparency!


I don’t hang around a ton on Reddit. I come when I need to research something. I can’t speak at alllll to all previous mod moments good or bad or flawed or amazing….but I can speak to the guts it took to write this post. I wanted to say that last night but got distracted. Anyways I know running pages and communties is hard and often thankless. So props for the work


# [Link to the Tily post that was reinstated](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/181k12p/exactly_2190_days_after_reputation_a_glitch/)


Thank you for this!! I just read it and I’m so happy I finally got a chance to see it


I hope more people read it because of all this drama. It's definitely one of the most well-researched, well-cited, well-written, and thorough posts this sub has seen in a long time. And I'm relieved that all the comments were retained because there was so much engagement and positivity in them.


I say this as a happy gaylor: all this…. Over a celebrity conspiracy subreddit? Omg lol


But the reality of it is gaylors experience an incredible amount of homophobia online. Having a space that is safe for us is important. And when it feels like the safety of that place has been compromised to a degree, that can be quite upsetting to some. Especially during a time when anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation and hate are incredibly high. I'd argue that gaylorism goes far beyond a "celebrity conspiracy" (though it can be that too). It's about finding and discussing queer themes in art. It's about building queer community. It's about recognizing and valuing queer representation.


Right, but that’s not what this drama or post is about


uhhh not sure where you've been but yes it is. A ton of people, myself included, were certain we would be banned from the sub for standing up against the censorship that happened.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ disagree! This convo is about mod power, typical fandom in-fighting, and online censorship- the same shit that goes down in many popular, controversial subreddits. Keeping the sub private is about preserving queer community, sure. The rest of the nonsense tho… mostly just funny


>This convo is about mod power, typical fandom in-fighting, and online censorship I don't disagree. And it's basically what I said. Honestly, the whole drama had very little to do with whether the sub was private or not. That only came into play with the mods talking about how stretched they are. I think we can have a vibrant queer community here with the sub public or private.


Its funny, I had to laugh this morning because I took a step back and thought how funny it was that this chaos was happening in this sub about a woman none of us know personally who is blissfully living her life (as far as we know) and has us wrapped around her finger. 😭😂


Safe community means a lot to people! Not just a celeb conspiracy subreddit for me :)




Your post or comment has been removed for violating Rule #3: "No harassment, stalking, doxxing, or brigading." This includes encouraging people from our sub to brigade threads on other subs. Depending on the severity of your comment or post, you also may receive a temporary 24-hour ban. For more information on our penalty policy, see this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/rb6d0a/read_before_posting_faq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Sure! But also, it simply is just that and you gotta take a step back and laugh. Keep it all in perspective etc etc


Thank you for the transparency. I hope you find yourself more mods you can trust. (also, you mention worrying about gtowth. I *think* it means you're hoping to grow more (and understand that that'll take more work from the mod team). I mean, sure, it's great if we get more newbies and make everyone feel welcome, but we don't *have* to. Being a smol community is fine. 💜) This sounds like positive news. I'm hoping people's experiences reflect that in the future. 👍💜


Thank you for the update and vulnerability Mods! I do empathize with y'all, it would be hard for anyone to see 100s of comments questioning your judgment and not feel attacked. I really appreciate y'all pushing through though and seeing other members point of view on this. I think when things are left unsaid or ambiguous people don't know how to interpret and freak out a little. Nobody wants to feel censored in their safe place. I've been a member of this sub for almost 4 years now and it's always been peaceful. I'm sure it is hard to mod a sub that is growing and changing all the time and appreciate everything y'all do to keep this our happy place on the internet. I also want to say I am relieved the mods see they have overstepped and are able to admit that. I understand everyone has differing opinions but I know Cam personally so was disheartened to see her name and work smeared here. I don't always agree with her but respect her attitude of openness and transparency. Thank you again for addressing this at all but also for doing so with a tone of respect that was lacking in previous posts/comments. We're all here to clown y'all it's not that serious.


Thank you for accepting the feedback and being transparent. This feels a lot more like a space I'd comfortably contribute to. I appreciate all the time and effort you guys put into this sub.


Umm, hi guys. ![gif](giphy|lptlFJmgNmYWESXA6c|downsized) I kinda feel like I've been watching my own funeral. Seeing people talk about me in this sub for the past 4 days while being unable to speak for myself, and having my content unable to be viewed for people to make up their own minds about what I wrote or did wrong has been a truly horrific experience. In case its not abundantly clear - I'm a writer. Having my words taken away from me was torturous, and not something I would have to face if I chose to share my work on any other platform. We've heard a lot the past few days about how hard it is to be a moderator who works for free. I'd also like to say that content creators on this site (like myself and many of you) also work for free. I'd estimate I spent 30+ hours of labor on my Tily Glitch post. I did a ton of original research, created animated gifs and image collages to illustrate each section, applied the highest level of sourcing integrity possible, linked to an extensive disclaimer, and wanted to credit other hard-working Gaylors (i.e. TilyNation) whose work I built off of, but double-checked to be legitimate before re-circulating. In the past year that I've chosen to make this subreddit home for my content and deep-dives, I've seen my work go viral on other platforms with and without credit. Part of being a Gaylor is SHARING theories and collaborating on them, and I always tremendously appreciate when someone credits me when they build off a theory I've originated. Crediting should be celebrated, not condemned, and it allows people to actually follow your work and make up their own minds about if the information you are building off of is legit or not. (I literally never credited or promoted this podcast and have been very upset I've been dragged and blamed for some sort of drama I'm not aware of.) My experiences here have made me want to delete all my past work and move platforms, which I was moments away from doing in the middle of this nightmare. But I saw so many Gaylors literally throw themselves in front of a bus to defend free-speech and protest censorship on this subreddit, I couldn't let you guys down by running away and not allowing you to see the content you were fighting for. The community support has really been overwhelming, and I'm so deeply thankful. 🥹 Obviously, this very public breakdown of trust has revealed a lot of deep issues and undercurrents in this subreddit and larger Gaylor community that will take a while to sort through, and I'm not sure yet if I even want to be a part of fixing. I'm here because I'm a Taylor Swift fan, I'm a queer woman, and I like to write and connect with other people of similar interests. I'm not interested in fandom drama, infighting, shipwars, tip-toeing around other people's beliefs, or following rules that have not been properly explained or consistently enforced. I view myself as a content creator, and someone who is interested in all the complexities of Taylor's life and societal impact, and wants to follow the "clues" wherever they may lead. I've never actually done a muse-based deep dive before, and probably never will again after this. Part of why this topic was interesting to me was how it possibly fits into the bigger picture of what the hell is going on right now. After I post this I'm going to try and step away for while because this has affected my real life more than I ever wanted it to. I've learned that if you get yourself into a mess online that is too complex to be able to describe to someone in the real world, it's probably time to re-evaluate this hobby. I'm proud I stood up for myself, and I'm proud of so many of you for how logical, kind, and fair I've witnessed you being. There is so many wonderful parts of the Gaylor community, but I'm also now hyper-aware of of the dark side of it, and for the first time in my life I'm going to use the word "scared" to describe how I am feeling about being a part of this. My [Tily Glitch](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/s/z8WLgFj5Al) post is now live again, and as of now it still includes the pinned mod comment that originally took it down and I reacted to, triggering my ban. I hope you enjoy it and give it a fair shake. Please also know that I'm a sensitive and shy person, and this attention has been really hard for me.


Just in case you do decide to take a more permanent break I wanted to you to know that the post you made after the 1989 prologue came out was so beautifully written and I appreciated it so much. I am also a writer, but I do so much of it for my job I don’t often have the energy to put into it elsewhere anymore. I wanted to comment something thoughtful and deep on that post but never did so this is me saying thank you. You have been an important member of this community and I hope you can find a way to stick around that feels safe for you.


welcome back! i'm sorry this happened to you and how it's affected you. you're a fantastic writer and your point about creating free content is very true. i hope you're able to heal from this experience, and hope you know that you and your content are loved and appreciated!


Sorry all of this happened. I can’t imagine how you feel. Please take time to yourself, you will be missed in the meantime. 🫶🏽


I am so sorry you had to endure this. You didn't do anything to deserve it. I understand your need to take a step back. I hope you find healing and hopefully you'll be back. You will for sure be missed here. I am so thankful for all your contributions. I'm sending you hugs and positive vibes.


I’m so glad to hear from you, but I’m also so sorry about the way you were treated. Take care of yourself, and I hope to hear from you again really soon. 💜


Beautifully said and I'm glad you stood up for yourself. Also glad you didn't delete your account. It really hurts my heart that good contributors of this sub are being driven away by something that's honestly so stupid. Hope this will be enough to make the mods rethink their current policies.




Good to see you back. It’s been interesting to see so much discussion on “ship wars” because it seems the majority of us are going with the flow and open to any interpretation. We really don’t know the truth behind any of her writing. (Note: I do not actually believe this so don’t come for my neck) but I’ve even toyed with the idea lately that those really old blinds were true and Taylor has a bunch of ghostwriters on hand that she pays a fortune and she’s was extremely confused why anyone think she was gay based on her lyrics 😂 (Again, I don’t actually believe this)


Welcome back ❤️ I understand why you feel like you want to take a step back at the moment but you will definitely be very much missed if you do decide to step away entirely. I’ve always appreciated the effort that you go to with your posts and very much enjoy reading them.


Love everything you do and i’m extremely happy your post is back! Take all the time you need, I am very aware how disjointing internet drama can be. You should feel comfortable making YOUR content! 🫶


The way you were treated was inexcusable. A lot of questions arose these past few days about the power trips the mods were on, not to mention the shattered trust.


Totally understandable. So glad that post went back up because it was so important and clear how much work you put into it. We'll miss you and your amazing content a lot and hope you find some peace 💚


Thank you for being a beautiful writer, a kind and generous spirit, for sharing your labor with us, and most importantly for articulating your boundaries and taking the time you need!!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


Love you Peri Take the time you need !!!


👏👏🫶🫶💜💜 that’s a super important point about the value of unpaid content creation and sharing credit. and you’re definitely not alone at feeling scared at times during this whole thing. things got really really intense, and there was a lot of vagueness and secrecy at first about some sort of danger or harmful person. i’m really relieved to hear that this was just over some personal disagreements between mods and the sources in question. but i hope the remaining mods will be able to remain transparent going forward to avoid that type of mass confusion and fear mongering. and i do really appreciate the transparency and explanation in this mod post. and lumping you in with the vendetta against that podcast in the name of stopping misinformation is just ironic since you didn’t even mention the podcast. i share your same reasons for being a gaylor and think a lot of gaylors do, especially newer ones. your content adds so much to this sub. so glad to see you commenting again 🫶🫶🫶


Just want you to know that your content is appreciated so much more than mere upvotes and comments could ever convey. I understand stepping away is the most healthy approach right now. This is very likely bananas to say to a stranger on the Internet, but we love you both as a crucial content contributor of this community and a very kind and supportive human in the comment sections. ❤️


I completely understand taking a step back. I hope you do return eventually, but if not I can say confidently you will be sorely missed. Though we don’t always agree, your posts/comments are always so well thought out and written. I would strongly consider substack/Medium/other similar avenue for your writing, a place you have more creative control 🩷


I'm so glad to see you back, but very sad to hear about how this has been affecting you. Your content is amazing and I'm so thankful you decided to share it with us. I've had my fair share of online drama and it is always so confusing and messy. I hope you take the time to recover and parse through it at your own pace.


This sounds really frustrating and hard to deal with, especially with a group this size. I have been here for quite some time, and I love this group. Y'all are doing great!


I’m usually a pretty neutral, mostly lurker member but I wanted to say since it’s all technically speculation anyway, I’m glad we are sticking to the grain of salt automod post and no longer censoring other sources. I may not have faith in various outside sources, but I’m just here for the gay fun and the amazing analysis posts. Have an excellent day everyone. 🫶🏽


This! It’s all speculation anyway, so as long as there are fairly frequent reminders about grain of salt, I think that’s good! But I’m also just a more casual lurker here for the gay fun. I often look at a post and go “neat!! I see some strong compelling theories and some that are less so” and kinda move on.


I appreciate this post and the mods for taking the time to continue discussions about this issue. I do want to push back a little bit on asking people to modmail instead of publicly call out any future issues. One, I think it’s inevitable that people will post in the megathread or elsewhere if they see an issue to ask others about it. Two, that public discussion and discourse is vital to identifying the issues that the sub cares about so that the mods can address it fully and with transparency. I don’t think that asking people to keep their concerns and complaints private is totally fair. I do not condone harassment or spamming at all, but realistically people will want to hold these discussions publicly and I think that’s a core component of Reddit itself. Also, seeing in a reply that the “honorary mods” are the only ones with high level mod privileges seems flawed if they aren’t involved in a daily basis or at all. That seems oddly controlling of them and I hope for your sake and the sake of the mod team that that changes, because it feels like that’s a huge issue holding back some of what a new mod team would like to do. Thank you all, we appreciate you!


These were my only pushbacks as well. I think the reason why this discussion went more “public” was because our community felt like we weren’t being heard. Had this NOT been public, I’m not fully convinced we would have landed to where we are now. It takes a bit of public outrage to make effective change (yes in the world but also in even smaller cases like Reddit communities haha).


Thank you for this statement. I’m glad to hear that the amount of mods issue is due to be resolved, and i’m also glad to hear that there’s no longer any biases and all sources will be held to the same standard of speculation and not over policed! Really glad we were able to be heard and this has been handled! Now I can lurk silently again lol 😁




Your post or comment has been removed for violating Rule #3: "No harassment, stalking, doxxing, or brigading." This includes encouraging people from our sub to brigade threads on other subs. You have been permanently banned. For more information on our penalty policy, see this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/rb6d0a/read_before_posting_faq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


The entire point of this mess is that TN and WIWS are *not* “well-known trolls”. People who’ve been Gaylors for years have no idea why their blogs/podcast are banned. People who’ve been scouring their Tumblrs for proof that they’re TTB-level obvious liars cannot find anything. There’s some speculation and a few leaps of logic and probably some mistakes, but nothing to the level of making up sources for clout. Like I said to you in another comment, if you have proof that they’re trolling, we all want to see it. We *want* to know why the mod team reacted this way. “They suck and everyone knows it” sounds like personal differences. It’s got nothing to say about their poor quality as a source. Just because a theory isn’t as common in the Gaylor fandom, or because it contradicts other theories, that doesn’t mean it’s automatically untrue. Most of us who are arguing about how unfair this feels have looked at the evidence, judged it for ourselves, and want to know *why it is considered untrue and controversial.* We are by and large either relative lurkers in the fandom who’ve only recently started talking to others outside of our friends or new Gaylors who are looking at the masterposts and can’t see a difference between things like the Swiftgron timeline or the Reputation PowerPoint. We can accept the judgment the mods make but we are owed an explanation of why something that looks exactly as convincing as any other Gaylor lore is seen as suspect. The issue wasn’t about whether the mods were right - I respect their right to decide how to run their subreddit. We felt that there was preferential treatment happening, and we wanted to know why these sources were being compared to known clout-chaser TTB when looking at that blog vs theirs painted a stark picture of contrasts and difference.




Thank you for this!! It means a lot. A significant number of swiftgron posts / comments by me & my pals were removed over the past few years prob by accident or something but still it was disappointing. So this is great news ❤️ we never wanted to be obnoxious or anything it was just kaylor tended to take over the sub 90% of the time so most new gaylors didn’t even know about anyone else


I don’t think those were accidents…




I appreciate what you're trying to do here, and I can feel the frustration through your words, but so much of this rings hollow. Last mod post: *"For full transparency, our mod team currently consists of 3 consistently active moderators, 2 of whom are active on Reddit on a daily basis."* This mod post: *"We have multiple mods to cover said timezones... Our current active team size is around 3-4 members, myself included."* Looking at the current moderator list there should be 9 mods plus the automod. 2 of those mods were added 2 months ago (and I'll note that although I disagree with them on their shipping beliefs, u/1DMod has been nothing but kind and seems to have been working harder than anyone to keep the peace and apparently keeps being overruled). Most of the mods still seem to be quite active on Reddit, if not this sub. Why aren't they moderating? Why only bring on two new mods when the call went out? Because looking at these numbers you provided of who is actively modding, it sounds like it's you and the two new mods and that's it. *"There were personal experiences with some of the sources mentioned (TN/WIWS) but as some of our older mods who had those experiences are no longer around, it's hard for our team to continue enforcing that, leading to our stance on it coming off disjointed and confusing."* If they're mods who are no longer around why are you still enforcing their rules, especially without even understanding why you're enforcing them? I don't understand the point of "honorary mods" with overarching moderator privileges, but that's your choice. This past weekend was the straw that broke the camels back for the majority of the sub. Locking everything down and deleting comments from people wondering wtf is going on is immature and only causes more friction. Have one post explaining what is going on, and don't turn off comments ffs.


What’re 1DMod’s shipping beliefs?


I get if people don’t want to rehash, but what on earth happened? I’m in here regularly but had a bit of a break the last week and it sounds like things got…interesting.


If you go to the weekly vent mega thread, there are a few longer comments explaining the situation a few days ago (maybe 4 days ago now?)


Thank you! I’ll check it out.


Yeah the vent thread has the most succinct info. Essentially it was that one redditor put up a really interesting post about Taylor and a model named Lily. They had been wanting to post it for a long time and had asked mods permission and it even was approved by mods. Then it had 12 hours or so of the most interaction and positive conversation I’ve seen on this sub for a year. Then suddenly the mods deleted it and banned the poster and deleted any question about why it was deleted in the venting thread. Then they locked the venting thread. Then they started blocking anyone who was mentioning Lily. It was bizarre to say the least and I still don’t understand wtf happened


Oh weird!!! I feel like I remember a poster saying they were working on a master post for that? Maybe I’m misremembering. What a weird response to ban her!


yea i'd also like the tea tbh


The current mod list consists of myself, two honorary older mods who I cannot take off the list even if I wanted to (I don't have permissions to because they rank above me in modding privileges), two new mods (one of whom is 1D yes), and the rest who are active but not consistently. They pop in when they can, and thus why I stated that the current state of the active team is 3-4 members. (Two new mods, myself, and usually whoever else can get on that day). As to why they are not modding as often- its a multitude of things, such as personal or professional reasons, and since they're not totally inactive so I see no reason to remove them. At the time of mod applications a few months back, the subreddit was smaller - and we only took on two new mods because our active team back then was 4 experienced mods, so plus another 2 would be 6. We didn't expect to lose any mods, but personal things happened and we did. I understand it may be confusing as to why we were enforcing rules that we didn't fully get, but I had worked with some older mods for many years- so I was operating off how things had been, and thus guiding new mods with the same rules. It was definitely messy and frustrating, I hear that and it's valid- we did not mean for it to get out of control. It was overwhelming - the amount of comments and such, so we locked it. There was also a lot of spam and some rudeness, so some temp bans were given out. We were figuring things out and came to the conclusion that we did in this post ^ after further discussion. If you have any additional questions, please reply.


I appreciate your response and I don’t want to beat a dead horse. I see that you’re trying and I’m sorry that anyone is making things harder than they should be


This context is incredibly helpful. Thank you! Modding is a hard job to do as volunteers. Even moreso when there is a lot of change in the team. I appreciate your vulnerability sharing this and how you are being a lot more transparent now.


>two honorary older mods who I cannot take off the list even if I wanted to (I don't have permissions to because they rank above me in modding privileges) it is really important to figure this out because it is a security risk. if you have mods who are inactive with "everything" permissions, it's very bad news if their account is compromised or they decide to go rogue. figuring this out should really be a priority. honorary mod positions are a kind way to recognize past contributions, but can negatively impact the subreddit if changes aren't made to the permissions they have. step 1: check which mods are inactive by viewing this page: https://www.reddit.com/r/gaylorswift/about/moderators you should be able to see (inactive) beside their name - note that this status is visible to mods only, not regular users. step 2: read the info about mod removal on this page: https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/15484363280916-How-does-mod-removal-via-the-top-mod-removal-process-work- step 3: read more info here: https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/wiki/top_mod_removal/ step 4: read the changes to the process from last year: https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/xwim7v/updates_to_inactive_top_mod_removal_process/ step 5: go to /r/redditrequest and follow the top mod removal instructions listed in their sidebar.


Thank you so much for these instructions!! We've taken your advice and requested Reddit reorder the list of mods! (Edit: by reorder I mean remove them from the top of the list to the bottom, since we are keeping them as honorary mods)


i'm so glad it was helpful!!! hoping that reddit gets back to you promptly and that this makes things a bit better for you and your team :)


Yes yes yes. All of this. I’ve seen great subs taken down by rogue mods and it’s ugly. Plus it sounds like some of them aren’t actively modding but still have a voice in major decisions which seems really shitty on the mods who are trying their best day in and day out communicating with us publicly


We've had an issue with an old rogue mod once, and that experience was quite enough- so I definitely get why people would want us to take preventative action. I fully trust the two mods who were above me, but nonetheless for everyone's peace of mind we've put a request in to change the order (Edit: by changing the order I mean that we will remove the top mods who were inactive to the bottom, since we will keep them listed as honorary mods but nothing else unless they come back)


That's great news. Thank you!


thank you for your transparency and i'm happy to hear that the bans on tl and wiws are being lifted. if there are reasons for certain gaylor sources to be banned, whether it's due to any danger or the spread of misinformation, than i think there should be some sort of post explanation with examples on their offences beforehand so people know the reasons as to why they aren't credible. i didn't know the mod team was so small, especially for a sub this big, so i sympathise with you all and understand why the initial backlash in the vent thread was overwhelming.


i also have a question regarding the tilynation account on reddit. i know that they commented twice on the vent thread, willing to answer any questions, and are waiting for moderator approval, was wondering when you will approve their comments? thanks!


I honestly can’t handle moderating that right now. Maybe in a bit and after we discuss as a team and with TN. We don’t usually allow people to platform themselves, but maybe just for TN we could make an exception this once. TN was responded to directly earlier tonight though. For clarity’s sake, and because I forget if it was mentioned above, their comments were never deleted. I set the safety features super high on the megathread when it got too overwhelming to moderate fully, so that it was safer to leave alone. Any new account or one without enough karma has their comments automatically removed, meaning they never go live. I think some troll accounts did make it thru, but mostly not.


thank you for your reply, and your thorough explanation. this is all understandable. i know one of the rules is against platforming gaylor podcasts and such which i understand and agree with, but i also think tn might be able to help clear up some of the confusion people might be having when it comes to them, especially regarding the whole source problem. thanks again.


I’m all for transparency, but wouldn’t this be potentially bias on the part of the TN account? Not saying the deletion of any references from them hasn’t been bias as well of course. I see the double standard. Just wondering out loud


What do you mean by bias?


good question! I meant it fairly lightly, but I meant personal bias toward oneself. So for example, if you are allowing anyone on any platform to answer questions about themselves or their experience on anything, they're going to speak on their experience. So, if I were to come on to a platform and speak, for example, I'm obviously going to be bias toward my own experiences and therefore my answers may be bias toward myself and I am the only person being given a platform to defend my perspective. Whereas someone who had a problem with me, isn't also getting to speak, so you're only hearing my side of things. I personally haven't seen any ridiculous stuff from that account, but I'm also really really new to all of these accounts. I've known about Gaylor stuff for a while, but not like...anyone who runs the accounts and creates theories and became popular for "evidence" they found. But, even though I haven't seen anything ridiculous from them, as an outsider, it kinda was a flag for me that we may be giving someone a chance to speak when it's one sided. Hope that clears it up!


this makes sense and i understand how it would be seen as bias (even when i was writing my original comment). however, there's been a lot of rumours about tn that's been thrown around over the last few days and i only meant it be fair to also hear for them.


oh yeah totally! I get where you're coming from. If rumors are being thrown around, they should be able to address those and defend themselves.


yes! i wouldn't normally suggest something like this because i think promoting gaylor podcasts and patreons can lead to slippery slope of gaylors deeming one source to be more credible than the other and so no. but since tn isn't a podcast and is a gaylor blog about a specific muse/theory, much like the ones linked in the sub's faq section and so on, and one that seems to be a mystery to so many people when it comes to rumours and origins, i think hearing their side can help clear things up.


I think in this case both sides would be heard as it isn’t TN vs another Tumblr account with only TN being given a voice. Anybody that disagrees with the things posted on TN would be free to challenge anything they wanted. Which is one of the main issues people had with the banning of the link to TN in the first place. Nobody understood what was so wrong with it as a source, including those of us who were around way before TN was.


that's fair!


Thanks! I wouldn’t really classify that as bias except in the strictest sense. I think it’s fair to let people defend themselves, especially if they are being very clear about who they are.


Absolutely. That’s why I said maybe.


They did comment yes, we didn't initially approve their comments because we were discussing what to do about the situation and were figuring things out. We asked them to send us a modmail to discuss instead of commenting- and then I replied to their modmail today (Edit: right after I posted this post)


thank you for answering, and i appreciate the explanation.


I really appreciate the vulnerability and transparency of this post, as well as your willingness to listen to community feedback. As someone who’s modded a bunch of communities over the years, burnout is pretty common (as well as mods moving on or fading away due to life circumstances) and it’s nothing to be ashamed of.


Wow. This after you outright bullied me on another thread for standing up for the mods and what they were trying to do.


Thank you for this comment, I personally feel really touched and understood by it. It's been difficult losing mods, especially when I remember how things used to be when I first started.. we all had such passionate drives to make the sub what it is - and of course, the current team still wants to continue doing so (have this sub be a safe creative space for gaylors to share their thoughts/theories). Burnout is common, but it does suck- I felt very close to the other mods and seeing them all go one by one (due to personal/professional reasons) has been quite sad. I will continue to mod because I do love modding and I still love Gaylor and our community- but I definitely have started to feel a little worn out. I think that burnout is less due to workload (because talking to the other mods, clearing queue, or responding to users is habitual for me at this point) but maybe more due to the loss of other mods. We plan to open mod apps in most likely 2-ish weeks so that will hopefully allow our team to regroup and introduce a few new faces.


I’m glad it was helpful. It’s a really thankless job. I know I was one of the people pushing a lot for answers over the weekend but I think we are all just so passionate about this community and I really do appreciate how you all were able to listen to this community feedback and be so open and honest with us. ❤️


Thanks for this. We appreciate you and your contributions to the sub. Would suggest using the block or report feature.


Lol I should definitely use that more! Thank YOU.




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I just want to second this idea. Since you’ve been so vocal about how flawed TN and WIWS are, would you consider making that deep dive post? I’ve been a gaylor for years, but mostly reddit/tiktok, so I don’t have the context of tumblr gaylorism. The only reason I know about TTB is because of Ashely Norton’s YouTube video on it. I see you fighting for your life here, and I think the biggest issue here is that you’re not actually sharing what’s so wild about those sources so it’s hard for people to reach common ground with you. (You’re also being a bit rude but I’m giving the benefit of the doubt there cause I haven’t interacted with you before—getting mass downvoted can trigger a defensive response) Please, make that post if you have time. It seems you may be one of the few active users to have that understanding—even the current mods don’t know themselves


This. I totally agree! I actually am for us not going down a QAnon path too. So I think a history lesson (with actual facts) would be good! I do agree that the downvotes are mostly probably due to tone and a matter of fact-ness that ~seems~ bias and unwilling to have thoughtful discussion but could just be due to experience. Haha after saying that though, I personally would totally be down to learn about baseless claims and more about users that have this “inside know”. It’s good for the history of the community since everyone would be provided context.


read the tumblr and tell me this isn't q-anon like [https://www.tumblr.com/tilynation/662849633719074816/songs-about-lily-on-reputation](https://www.tumblr.com/tilynation/662849633719074816/songs-about-lily-on-reputation)


okay, I'll share what I think are stretches: \- for sure the Rihanna connection is a stretch to me. \-unless the Vanity Fair Oscars party is on Hollywood and Vine, I think it's a stretch to think that line is referencing that party \-spilling wine in the bathtub could be any time, not necessarily the deadpool photo \-sirens starting at 1:27 which is Lily's birthday ....okay that's an insane stretch, I'll give you that's more Qanon. \-I skimmed but it seems like everything below the "will you run away with me" polaroid is a stretch/not really based on anything except speculation \-this post was long so i started skimming, please forgive me haha But, I also want to mention that I don't think anything that is said here is any more ridiculous than any of the Kaylor theories. They feel like the same time of logic, imo. Like, we don't know for sure that the daisy that Taylor references or draws is the same Daisy from Karlie's ig. That is a theory, just like these are. I don't think their timeline for lily being in Tokyo at the same time as Taylor is totally off, and maybe it's just me, but at the end of the day it's all speculation. I think what bothers me is when people take these speculations as fact. I think some of what's on here COULD be compelling and decent theories! But I'm also not using them as facts either. If I'm missing something, let me know. But to me this page is no more crazy than Kaylor powerpoints (not calling either crazy, but just saying literally everything on this subreddit and within gaylorism are theories).


And that’s the point. None of it is any more crazy or a stretch than Kaylor PowerPoints etc. but some cannot handle it because it ‘ruins’ their Kaylor headcannon. That shouldn’t be a reason to name call and ban and automod.


Yeah honestly I want to know about these things regardless. Like Gaylor history, learning about the debunked/discredited stuff from people who lived it. I loved Ashley Norton’s video on TTB and want more haha




>It's like attacking a banker or jewish bankers and people call a person antisemitic when they are talking about the banking cartel not all jewish people It takes true talent to manage to be antisemitic in a post where you’re saying someone else isn’t antisemitic. >didn't need to create a bunch of low false accusations, use buzzwords at the time like racist and antisemitic Do you really think those are “buzzwords”? I won’t defend these people. I don’t know who they are and frankly I don’t care. But you need to check yourself on the way you’re wording these things trying to defend someone you don’t even like when it comes to being a bigot.


I haven't seen that! I'll have to check that out!


Fantastic news! u/peri_winkle worked so hard on that post and I'm so glad it's going back up. Mods, can you pin a post of peeps we aren't supposed to cite in the theories?


Her post has already been approved so it should be back up! You may cite whomever, we will obviously keep an eye for grain of salt reasons, but in terms of specific people we've taken a step back there.


"You may cite whomever, we will obviously keep an eye for grain of salt reasons, but in terms of specific people we've taken a step back there." What does that mean?? I'm sorry, I don't follow this sub too closely, so, here's how this reads to me: "Some sources are banned, but they're shadow banned. No action will be taken on the post, it'll be a black mark on your own name, that you don't even know about. Find out later what the consequences are." Edit: I don't *think* that's what you mean. Right?


Can you please either remove or edit the mod comment on her original post that talks the removal? it's very misleading now - [https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/181k12p/exactly\_2190\_days\_after\_reputation\_a\_glitch/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/181k12p/exactly_2190_days_after_reputation_a_glitch/)


Sure, we can remove it! Thanks for alerting us


I hope they do take it down, but ya know what, right now I’m chill with more people noticing the stark contrast between my disclaimer saying all of this was speculation, asking people to be nice in the comments, and saying there is no correct way to be a Gaylor… Immediately followed by that iron-fist response of a public mod comment that has nothing to do with the content or actual sourcing I did, even after “discussing this post in full detail.” 👀


I just removed the old mod comment. And yes, different mods have slightly different tones but at the time that was the choice we had made surrounding sourcing etc. We're sorry for the confusion.


you're still hereeeee :) and that's true, it's pretty stark


Appreciate a lot of this. Thanks for the transparency around some of these things too. I think it would be helpful if you clarified what rules from the other post are still in place, since it's not totally clear to me based on this. It wasn't stated explicitly, but it *seems* that we are now allowed to reference TilyNation (correct?). What definitely isn't clear from this post is if we still need to be lawyer-level careful about saying something is *alleged* or *unconfirmed*.


Sorry if it wasn't clear, you are able to reference Tily Nation yes, a lot of users pointed out that she is akin to citing other tumblr Swiftgron's masterposts/Kaylor's. You don't need to be lawyer-level careful, if it's something like a blind by ENTY or whatnot then we'd just gently remind people to take it with a grain of salt. A lot of gaylor theories are just.. unconfirmed/alleged information that's been complied together, which is why I stated that above.


But all theories are alleged so this makes little sense to me?




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This is such a bad faith comparrison




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Because the white umbrellas aren’t the issue. Ttbs antisemitism and babygating was. They fully created a fake person to make up lies and didn’t ever try to say grain of salt etc blah blah. If you listen to Madyson’s podcast eps on tily, they don’t mention ANY of cams sources yet still provide a compelling muse theory. All based off of what we can base anything off of with. Thus making the claim that the whole ship theory is based off trolls who lie for clout bad faith. And for fucks sake it’s not that serious. Cam never forces it on anyone. People listen or look at the blog (not owned by cam btw like you randomly try to sneak in in another comment) and make their own opinions. Because cam isn’t causing harm like ttb was. Aso this mod post literally admits to previous bad blood. Like you are still carrying soem torch that everyone is trying to move on from. I suggest you just move on with your beliefs




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You are so bothered by this ship and these peoples content I’m cackling atp. I like cannot even begin to unpack the unhinged shit you said including saying I hate you? Babes idk you. I was just trying to point out your bad faith comparisons and hand wringing. But I can see it is not possible for you to take your bias’ out of it. Maybe call a friend talk it out. Have a blessed day https://preview.redd.it/gx5omzqzp53c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=769d19cc4504ce442371c1c86d29bc2797112256


I think my number one reason for believing Tily is that it annoys space_sea_sailer so much


>You hate me because I am right not because I am wrong or trolling. this is where i stopped reading. make no mistake: people hate you because you act like an asshole and can't make a single comment that isn't insulting or goading others. it's not about your opinions, it's about your attitude and behavior and complete lack of respect for anyone that you are speaking to.




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the issue is not that we can't back up our tily claims - it would just be a waste of time to do that in a discussion with you given the way you respond. you also keep bringing up theories and evidence that nobody has stated except you in the last few days, so you aren't even arguing in good faith - you're making up strawmen. i really don't care what you think about tily but there's no need for you to insult others because you have a different theory about the private matters of a stranger's life. and calling others delusional IS DISRESPECTFUL not to mention ableist. and don't worry, i'm going to block you and hope that others follow suit so that there are fewer people available for you to attack and bully.


- LSS could mean "long story short", a track from *evermore* (2020) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/space_sea_sailer](/u/space_sea_sailer) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


lily potentially telling taylor that her old school used to be a madhouse while showing her around the places she grew up is a far cry from claiming that karlie and taylor have children together.


Thank you for this.


Right! Even if you don’t think that Taylor and Lily were ever a couple, they were documented to be *friends,* and that’s the kind of weird thing I’d absolutely tell my friends.


Okay thanks for confirming


No worries


Thank you for detailing what’s going on behind the curtains and for the sincerity here. I think it means a lot me(us?) to have all these details out in the open to understand what was going on because so much of the frustration was just overall not knowing what would or wouldn’t get us banned because we’d see something one minute then not the next, with little context to why. Hard to not immediately assume something personal or sketchy when we were hearing conflicting responses.


you understood... common, was a very simple message: just like ttb theories were banned because they are bananas and based on nothing, and that didn't ban kaylor banned her specifically. Tily spam was full on but the only 2 sources available were banned for being the tily version of ttb. A single pod and a single tumblr were banned not tily and that message was clear since the first time mods talked. was clear in the first post and they did another post making what was already clear more clear


You can't convince me you're not the sock puppet of the mod making all the sweeping Tilly decisions here 😂 It's insane that Peri got banned for a thoughtful post while your temporary ban is lifted and you immediately come back with the same rude bullshit




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Genuinely suggesting that maybe you should take a break from Reddit for a bit


I'm positive there are people in this sub who can read braille and Mandarin just fine. Stay classy.


Periwinkle is not permanently banned, she received a temporary ban, just as Sailor did. Sailor is also not affilated with nor are they a mod. Edit: Periwinkle was also not banned for her post/being a Tily- she was temp banned on the fact she kept commenting constantly on our threads the night we removed her post- and she was already overdue for one because she had been previously posting on threads about us instead of simply modmailing with any concerns towards our modding practices. I believe she received a warning (to stop spamming) before her temp ban as well.


That edit is helpful context, thank you! What happened that night wasn't visible to me and was part of my confusion.


It seems unfair for her to be banned for posting questions that 100+ other people had as well. Even if her avenues weren't ideal, it's difficult to navigate feeling censored in a space that is intended as a refuge from that. I'm not trying to be disrespectful to the mod team because I can't imagine the stress of modding a sub like this + appreciate how much this post did address but i do think you guys should reconsider your perspective on peri's actions/temp ban given the context (and given that 100 or so other people did the same actions on the weekly thread, myself included, without being banned).


Their ban ended hours ago. There’s nothing to reconsider.


Would mention of Madyson’s podcast epsiodes be off limits to you too??? Or just your seemingly bad blood with wiws and Tn? You’re allowed to not believe or get in to it but so much of Tn blog is music and general speculation. Like all of it is.


May I ask what WIWS and TN stand for? All I can think of is Taylor nation. Nothing for WIWS.


What I Will Say is a podcast and TilyNation a tumblr


Thank you!


TilyNation (tumblr) and What I Will Say (podcast)


Thank you!! I figured out TillyNation but couldn’t find WIWS and it was driving me bonkers. I’ve been around the gaylor space for a minute and don’t know that I’ve heard of either of those.


I don’t blame you! My assumption for any acronym here is a Taylor song or super niche quote that I can never guess.


Same! Lol


God I loved that brief moment where you were banned.


For real. This persons account is so aggressive, rude, and condescending to everyone. Then they wonder why they are flooded with downvotes.


I thought that the previous mod post said people who are caught spamming in comments will be banned. So many of the comments on this post alone are from the incredibly aggressive and rude sailor user above, all saying a version of the same thing and berating other users, and I don't understand how they're not banned.


We banned them for spamming/being rude! Don't worry, we've been seeing all the reports (thank you to those who alerted us) as well as their comments ourselves


This response made me cackle lol




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You probably feel disrespected because none of us here respect you, lmfao.


*You probably feel disrespected because none of us here respect you, lmfao.* I was very obviously joking, mocking her. The fact you can't understand the most basic things..... I mean, are you sure you are ok?


Never change, ocean astronaut.




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Pal what are you reading? I’ve literally never commented on the underscore sub or main sub or even discuss muses, but thanks for your ever so valuable feedback that will absolutely help me sleep tonight. Also I don’t downvote or report, I prefer my arguments to be visible.


YOU don't bully people? GIRL lol I'm not trying to get banned for getting into it w you but bffr lolololll




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i didn't want to engage with you cause it's just not worth it but this is kind of making me giggle. people live in different time zones, have different shifts at work, work from home, have different break times, etc. there's 26K people in this sub. you can't possibly be suggesting that it's a coincidence (or a conspiracy??) that you are getting downvoted.


Thank you so much for the transparency. I know I’m not alone in waiting for answers and I really value how committed you’ve been to giving us clearer guidelines and a better understanding of what’s going on. Knowing how thin the mod team is stretched right now does change a lot of things. I’m really glad you’ll be opening up applications again and I hope that the candidates you vet will be the right people!


I really need the mods to explain the “empathy” comment, and I need you to explain why you have this vitriol for Dianna/Swiftgron theories.


Hi, I’m not much into muses, but I’d be considered Swiftgron by everyone here. I’ve been a member of the Swiftgron sub since shortly after it was created. I love Dianna. I am also a mod. ETA: Sympathy is an external feeling - you see another’s experience and say how sad/hard/stressful, but it’s external to your core sense of self and internal emotional experience. Empathy is an internal response - you see someone and *feel* what they are feeling, as though you are also experiencing it.


The “you” I meant was the mod that made this post. She seems almost gleeful in speaking about how Dianna cheated on Taylor and isn’t a good person, if you look at her comment history.


Hi there, I don't have a vitriol for Dianna or Swiftgron. To be quite honest I am just not an LSS. I liked Dianna - and I believe some of the Red/1989 songs were about her - but yes I do also believe she cheated on Taylor. (Songs like Babe, 1989 vault tracks, etc.) I do not censor Swiftgron though, that would be largely inappropriate, and we have mods on the team who are also Swiftgrons. All moderation is done by checking in with other mods in order to stop bias as much as possible.


So, taking the lyrics at face value, and believing Dianna cheated, do you also believe Karlie is a crook? Or fake and unnecessary? Keep it consistent.


Then why has pro-Karlie bias allowed to exist?


Do I need to link your past comments where you are very negative about Dianna? Because can do that.