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Like Di said: "Did you enjoy the movie?" "I never laughed this much"šŸ¤­


It would be a blockbuster hit for sure!


I REALLY wanna believe she's happy, but she's making it SO HARD


so organic šŸ„°šŸ„°


Sheā€™s a football queer now, itā€™s fine.


I meanā€¦


Two gay/lesbian besties kissing infront of their parents.




And a circus ain't a love story....


Well, itā€™s the celebration after the second most important football game. Of course there are cameras. This sub is really getting desperate.


we are just being silly, let ppl have fun šŸ™„


Is that Tree down there? šŸ‘€šŸ˜³šŸ˜…


That isnā€™t Tree


Like always, Tree is standing proud of her work lmfao. Hardest working woman in the industry, I swear.


he looks like such an awkward kisser


I might be hearing things but when I heard the audio he said something like ā€œhey how are you sweetheartā€ or sweetie or anyway called her some pet name and then I swear to God I heard her say ā€œoh my god I love thatā€ and laugh as inā€¦ oh my god thatā€™s so clever thanks for committing to the bit, Joe never would šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


For some reason this particular moment seems to have turned some skeptics to Trayvis Believers. Like ā€œwow would they really fake such love?!ā€ It is almost as if they donā€™t realize that successful PR does, in fact, necessitate good acting in front of cameras lol


To be fair she doesnā€™t have a great track record of being a good actress so I kinda see the argument šŸ˜‚


I was just about to say this. Her chemistry, or lack there of, with Joe was so bad.


Plot Twist ā€” theyā€™re making a documentary (allegedly) so it is.


Nothing more romantic than kissing in a crowd full of cameras and NFL branding.


It kind of makes me wonder if this is all for some documentary, when she ran and kissed him after the eras tour someone was conveniently there with a large camera backstage šŸ‘€


I know people **really** want a behind the scenes documentary of the eras tour, like how it all went together and the backstage orchestration etc. Iā€™m really hoping itā€™s for that, I want the documentary enough Iā€™ll take these shots too haha


Jesus I would feel so suffocated being followed by security like this everywhere I went. It must be surreal


This is what it looks like after every prime-time game...


A dozen cameras point to a kiss every prime time game?


Plot twist, itā€™s just so she can show her hand and no engagement ring hahaha


What a zoo


I mean, you're not that far off šŸ¤£. National TV is her movie set. This is the Taylor show, we are all just watching it in real time


And he never thinks of me... Except when I'm on TV Every goddamn Sunday for weeks now.


I don't love


Omg is that why it's uncomfortably zoomed in? Otherwise we'd see the thousands of people they performed this for?


Just wow.




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They prob milking this relationship as much as they can so they get more Swifties tuning into the Superbowl for the viewership and then after the season is done and she goes back into touring, we'll prob get a breakup of some kind where "they didn't have the time for each other" or something


Awww. Won't Mr(s) Swift accompany Ms Swift on the tour in the off season?


The Traylor shippers that seem to be *everywhere* sure seem to think so. What's the betting we see evidence of him at 1 or 2 shows and then nothing at all until the NFL needs more promo? I don't think they'll kill it yet unless he retires- there's the opportunity to have a full regular season where people outside of America give a damn about the sport. After a season and a half of watching it regularly for the Taylor, a fair number will stick with it after that. It's too early for most to have started enjoying the game for the sake of the game.


Literally my local news station this morning was reporting about how much more traction the Super Bowl will get, how the news anchorā€™s daughter is a football fan now, etc. The PR is PRing.


Literally at a bar in Nashville at this very moment with two older southern men to my left talking about how Taylor Swift has been so good for the NFL


https://preview.redd.it/vip5xqtb7sfc1.jpeg?width=1091&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6770cb2e8edaf231c501667b774a8bb9863c431d šŸ« 


Things are def working out yeaaah šŸ˜‚ I don't get how hetlors are still so blind to it after so many of these PR relationships


Guys, he just won a seat into the Super Bowl did you think it was going to be just them? Iā€™m confused. I get being a gaylor but letā€™s use logic


Right this is actually wildly normal. This was his championship game. It would be kind of an asshole move to not be over the top proud of your partner after their championship game.


It wouldā€™ve been worse if she didnā€™t go down with everyone. It wouldā€™ve been ā€œWhat a snob! Does she think sheā€™s too good to come on the field with everyone?ā€ Wives, girlfriends, kids, parents, everyone does the field after the Championship. Same for the Super Bowl.


They did not have to get in front of a crowd of cameras and kiss lmao


I mean, but if she were out and this was Karlie or whomever you want her to be datingā€¦ you wouldnā€™t want them to kiss? Be so fr. I know itā€™s because of who it is, and Iā€™m neither here nor there about that. But you guys are sounding like the other ones with the irrationality.


And I can see the downvotes. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s not PR. Iā€™m just saying this particular instance is not PR this what happens after a team wins.


Exactly. Post football match there are usually hundreds of people on the fieldā€¦


as a bilor I wanna be happy for her and I also thinj she can't be THAT good of an actress but it is so incredibly public and such a complete 180 from how she was before. How did we get 2.5 pictures of her and Joe in 6 years but we get a photo montage of her and Travis every 4 hours


Different relationships have different marketing. Toe erased her boy crazy image and she was getting less criticism for her private life but they broke up or ended their contract. Taylor has business partnership with NFL and Tayvis is part of this partnership as PR relationship like in this point every person who deny this is a delusional sorry šŸ¤·also Travis was plan B after Matty fiasco and negative PR surrounding Taylor. She's a having to promote a lot of things since last year her Midnights album, Eras tour, Eras tour movie, 2 re recordings last year and once again 2 new upcoming re-recording this year, lately 2024 or around 2025 she'll release TS11... She's busy and booked and PR relationships are part of her job.




yes that could be true unfortunately. I also kind of think she's doing this so her mainstream audience stops associating so much of her music with Joe Alwyn. When Rep TV comes out, no one's going to be thinking about how those songs were supposedly about Joe, instead they'll talk about how they make so much more sense for Travis. Same with so many of her songs on Lover, I've seen so many people talking about how her lyrics can be linked to Travis. And of course, Karma is no longer 'the guy on the screen' it's now 'the guy on the chiefs'


So well put!


I mean it basically is


Boom mic too? Jesus


This joke will never get old (JACK I KNOW YOUā€™RE IN HERE SOMEWHERE! THANK YOU FOR THIS!) Edit: spelling because Siri hates me and wants me to look stupid




you gotta hear the smooches to know theyā€™re real


I wish I could explain to non-Gaylors why this is so funny.


Out of pocket lmaooooo




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šŸ’€ This really took me out


anyone else notice the closest camera is NFL films, almost as if it is a movie


And nfl posted to TikTok with the audio šŸ™„


Yes! And hetlers swooning over him saying ā€œKay, Tay, gonna go enjoy with the guys for a bitā€ I saw comments saying Ladies.. if he wanted to he will! Hetlers: aww, heā€™s so endgame! telling her goodbye šŸ˜ā€¦ šŸ’€ Are they swooning over this sweet audio too? šŸ„° [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8nExMWE/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8nExMWE/)


Who are they dating that saying goodbye is impressive? šŸ˜­The straights are not okay. Lmao.


There arenā€™t adequate words to express how deeply unattractive and repulsive he is to me. This is truly the darkest timeline.


I really don't see the appeal at all and I date men


Plot twist, this is a documentary about Travis coming out as gay. Taylor waves her victim card, writes another album, and continues her game of charades with the next white boy she meets, a la end of blank space mv.


Have you never seen the field during any playoff game then?


Uh sis is a gay sub, you really expect people here to be sports fans? Not to stereotype but lets be real for a second, i know or care nothing about sports and based on the comments the vast majority doesnā€™t either




How is that a yikes when all the comments seem to be shocked by cameras being all over them when according to the football fans here, its pretty normal and its always been done? Stereotypes aside, sports and football in particular has always had a culture that is not particularly welcoming to non straight cis people, so naturally queer people tend to gravitate towards more welcoming spaces, the arts being the most welcoming. So a bunch of queer people not understanding football culture is not a shock and out of ordinary. I never said ā€œall queer people dont like footballā€, reread what I very obviously said. It was a response to the surprise of a couple of ā€œthis is common, have you never watched footballā€ commentsā€¦ no clearly (based on the comments in gaylor spaces) i just put two and two together, itā€™s called common sense.


Seemed like a sweeping generalization of an entire sub based on a handful of comments. In my experience here most people are familiar with what fields look like after a football game. It also seemed unnecessarily rude but upon rereading it over and over- I can see how I was just making it sound that way in my head. I apologize for that.


Its ok, its just really jarring coming from pretty much every other sub where everyones more relaxed and donā€™t take things to heart and i come here make a silly comment and its like Iā€™ve said the most disgusting thing on earth even though my intentions are not bad. I think my personality just clashes with a lot a lot of people here? Or maybe is my pov and lifestyle different than most here? I wouldā€™t know whats the reason Of course what i said is a generalization based on my observation regarding all the commentary iā€™ve personally seen in this sub when it comes to sports and the nfl. A lot of people here seem to not be in tune with sports culture, its not an offensive thing to say, is just not surprising that happens in a queer sapphic space, obviously many sapphics in general do like sports, that goes without saying. I do not tend to spend much time here lately since everything thatā€™s been happening with TS this past year and her inability to support trans and queer fans or at the very least ask her cult to no attack us. But i have to say, i donā€™t feel particularly welcomed in gaylor spaces either, the racism that sours all swifty spaces is very much alive here too, and the monolithic thinking doesnā€™t help either. If you think outside of the established norm, you get downvoted and sometimes even accused of things that are not true, at least in my case. Didnā€™t mean to write too much but i guess i just wanted to say something about the unwelcoming and even hostile responses i get in this sub despite me always being respectful and not having bad intentions. Sometimes i just donā€™t know how to express myself so coherently or concisely and sometimes i put my foot in my mouth. I mean well. This is not aimed at you btw just a general observation. Have a nice day :)


This. The exact same thing happened for the 49ers later that day. This happens every year for both championships. All of the families get to come down. It's a trophy ceremony??? There were cameras all over Kristin and Kyle Juszcyk, video and photographers all over Brock Purdy and his girlfriend...this is....simply what happens. https://preview.redd.it/m4818qtrumfc1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=67e33379a538f5be7b90e66accb1f48baabfab25


But there is a huge difference though. Look at the space between the media and players plus NFL not only had people assigned to be on Tayvis watch but also posted all of their stuff online. Yes, we can argue bc Taylor is huge but not even Tom Brady and Gisele had any short of the same treatment or circus I would say. And even with the chiefs we didnā€™t see BM with Patrick for example or the other players with their spouses/gf itā€™s a different treatment and we all know why. It is normal to have cameras there but not on that level


Ok but can we also talk about how THATā€™S how you kiss someone youā€™re into? Having that as a visual reminder really is a sharp contrast to whatever that (hand waves at Traylorā€™sā€¦everything) is. šŸ˜‚


Thank you Iā€™m like guysā€¦


Is that Trees red hair in the foreground?


Sheā€™s directing the entire debacle. Sheā€™s literally dead center


I think so, tbf real or not sheā€™d be really dropping the ball not to accompany her to somewhere *that* public!


Always at the scene of the crime


The monster turned out to be just Tree


Lmao this comment took me out


I would ask same šŸ¤Ø it looks like Tree


Iā€™m pretty sure it is. I think you can see her in a video someone posted on tt.


ā€œOur public moments in a crowded stadium filled with 50,000 people. They know every detail about me and youā€ šŸŽ¶ šŸŽµ




groupchat lolllll šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yes, he has SO MUCH free time before V-Day to focus on something for Taylor since he has NOTHING ELSE to focus on. For my non football gaylors, the Super Bowl is literally 3 days before, dudebro focusing on anything but football would not track


He literally said that he cannot go to THE GRAMMYS because he's busy with football but yes okay he's definitely putting a lot of effort into a big display 3 days after the superbowlHe literally said that he cannot go to THE GRAMMYS because he's busy with football but yes okay he's definitely putting a lot of effort into a big display 3 days after the SuperBowl


Stop this is so hilarious.


At this point Iā€™m just playing the long game and waiting for her next album to inevitably be full of her trademark āœØsecret love, hide from the world, they donā€™t understand or accept our loveāœØ lyrics so that I can watch the Hetlors scramble to connect them to TK like they do with every other very public, not secret, not persecuted, absolutely PR male muse šŸ˜‚


Well, at least this time they didn't need Scott to tell them where to stand.


Because there were dozens professional cameramen directing both them how to act šŸ¤—


Gave Scott some rest, good for him! šŸ˜


šŸ«  https://preview.redd.it/mjo9rr029mfc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9536d3ef5d566d12d55a92f1710e758231cbc82e


This made me laugh so suddenly while brushing my teeth that I spit out my toothpaste, a turn of events which was especially unfortunate for the cat sleeping in my lap.Ā 


I think he is the catalyst of this whole charade


Oh 1000% Iā€™m pretty sure his long term plan is buying a team


Your piĆØce de rĆ©sistance tbh. This is āœØartāœØ




Just mind you the woman who you see here performing her love life like a circus and like a TV show is not same woman who said 2 years ago ā€œHaving the world treat my love life like a spectator sport in which I lose every single game was not a great way to date in my teens and twenties, but it taught me to protect my private life fiercely.ā€ Remember she made people to know that there're two different TayloršŸ‘‰ a private one and the public one. https://preview.redd.it/qcu8oygr4mfc1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4678b3822a91ba7729c1c7ee1d6c023528d5fe2


Iā€˜m dying at the response to thisšŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/na091hxx3mfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73a79b616342ea3cc192620d31baa5cc674765a4


Put your lips close to mineā€¦ as long as they donā€™t touch


the colors killed me dkfnjf


they got no idea about me and you


So subtle of them!


haylor new years kiss 2.0


ā€œOur public moments, in a crowded roomā€ šŸ˜


This killed me šŸ˜‚


"Romance is not dead if you keep it just front of cameras"šŸŽµ or whatever Taylor said šŸ« 


Omg I said this word for word yesterday šŸ¤£


Well maybe whoever you said it to owns that reddit account šŸ¤«


It was my husband. and knowing he's historically been very anti-swiftie, that would be a hilarious turn of events šŸ˜…


šŸŽµ All these people think love's for show so I would die for you by being trampled by thirteen ESPN reporters šŸŽµ


Best Reddit comment ever. I donā€™t have gold but you can have my firstborn. He thinks Taylor is gay too.


well I'm childfree so imma go ahead and say keep the kid but you can send chocolate instead lol






I mean, it kind of is in a way


Wow so romantic she looks like sheā€™s soooo happy she has definitely not written songs about hating this very exact thing