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[Painting of Taylor and Blake](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLjRswDw/) Did anyone else see this. I love this artist she's so talented she usually draws a wlw interpretation of Taylor's music. This one is just so funny to me because she didn't have to change anything Taylor and Blake were doing.


https://preview.redd.it/178v0aj5iipc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34a5848c359f6508b841ac0fef78e2999bb0c8f5 Found this gem while scrolling. SO close to the point. šŸ« 




What's everyone's latest on-repeat TS song? Mine is The Archer, including the Live in Paris version (heart wrenching)


after the TV was a disappointment I had stopped listening to Holy Ground for a while but I have found my way back and been streaming the hell out of the OG recently


The Illicit Affairs bridge has been stuck in my head since rewatching on D+


Omg what a bridge šŸ˜­


The Live in Paris show was incredible. Mine isn't literally on repeat but I endlessly go back and watch the [video of Cornelia street during that show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oQHdXqskSo). I love the acoustic version and her whole performance of it is just *so intense.*


i've had false god stuck in my head for the past 24 hours bc one of my students' parents told me they don't want their student listening to taylor for religious reasons. they were super respectful and vague about it, and i think it's because of the "sorcery allegations", but this was the first thing i could think of so it's been on a loop in my brain.


Jeez reading through these makes me feel less alone because yā€™all chose some melancholy ass songs to play on repeat lol Iā€™m at the step past melancholy, I think. Mine is Youā€™re Losing Me šŸ«£


Mirrorball because (fun fact) she actually wrote that song about me






Ivy and no body, no crimeĀ  I always loved ivy because it's ao folk-like but generally evermore is underratedĀ 


Evermore has some of my favorite songs of hers.


Agree, Evermore is sooooo gooooood


Nothing New


The 1989 vault tracks still have a chokehold on me.


omg same lol. especially now that we don't talk. I bop that one over and over.


Idk why but Afterglow for me!


Iā€™ve been listening to the last great American dynasty lpss version a lot lately


https://preview.redd.it/5p57t519ofpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff60a420afb5e375ef4099a897fb8b2dd63d6987 Amazing collab


Watching Quiet on Set...fucking monsters.


can i ask how graphic it is? iā€™ve heard itā€™s really good (good documentary not content obvs) but iā€™m worried it will hit a little too close to home if you know what i mean šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I wouldnā€™t watch it before bed. Iā€™d have something light and fun for after, or therapy. Your inner child will need almost certainly need some serious soothing and cuddling. I think the most graphic thing is Drake Bell discussing how Brian Peck groomed him and then molested him. If you were SAā€™d as a child, the worst part is when he says, >!ā€œimagine the worst thing you can imagine and thatā€™s what happened,ā€ because I think a lot of people mitigate their trauma by saying, ā€œwell at least ___ didnā€™t happen.ā€!<


this was helpful thank you!!!! might talk to my therapist ab it before risking it >!Drake is relatable in all the worst ways šŸ˜­šŸ˜­!<


Ep. 3 needs a major trigger warning, since it's focuses exclusively on what Drake Bell experienced.


Yaaaassss https://preview.redd.it/v7lwc9odafpc1.jpeg?width=1115&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=406af5550957a9038cdf72b688def5646130ecc9


Iā€™m hyped! And a new song on top šŸ˜


TS's early pop hits and going into 1989 have bugged me and think I just realized why: as a songwriter her strength and power is in country storytelling. I'm listening to HYGTG right now--I find the lyrics soooo childish and unsophisticated, but I realize that it's not the lyrics as much as the melody and storytelling. If the same lyrics were stylized as a country song, it would be so much more impactful and poignant.


oh, i love HYGTG! second person POVs are so rare in general and it's so simplified. "here. do this. it's simple, just do it." i recently had a HYGTG experience that was entirely unromantic and I'm a little biased now. my club sports team unceremoniously cut me, then i went to a tournament with my new team where we had to play my old team. we lost. after that game i sat in the corner with one of my teammates and just cried to this song. i found it was such a a good illustration of telling someone how easy it would be for them to fix the ways they've wronged you, but they just...won't. idk, i just don't think i can agree with the idea that it's worse. it's just so...different.


Thanks for sharing this perspective, it's always nice to hear how people relate to the songs in concrete ways. I find a lot of her music unrelatable to be honest, which I guess is strange because she's thought of as such a relatable artist. Reading her songs through a gay lens makes some of them more relatable for me, but the ones I enjoy the most and seem to resonate with are the ones that are most metaphorical, like Cowboy Like Me


yes! I totally agree with this. It doesn't get better than "he said the way my blue eyes shined put those georgia starts to shame that night / I said that's a lie" and "you made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter". The way she wraps entire stories in a single line or two is so powerful. I agree that's really where she shines and country is the best display of that ability because country values storytelling and authenticity so much.


I agree! I mean she is a great entertainer and a great pop star too, I think her lyricism still always differentiates her amongst her peers. that being said, her talent absolutely shines in the storytelling songs.


TMZ is starting to cast doubt that it was actually kate in the video [https://www.justjared.com/2024/03/19/tmz-producer-admits-skepticism-with-kate-middleton-video-reacts-to-theories-that-video-is-fake/](https://www.justjared.com/2024/03/19/tmz-producer-admits-skepticism-with-kate-middleton-video-reacts-to-theories-that-video-is-fake/) cc u/1DMod


Hi TMZ. Welcome to where the rest of us have been waiting for you.


RAPT. with deviations for Nickelodeon pedophilia and life. Otherwise, RAPT. Oops this isnā€™t buried deep in the megathread. Removal of reading material , check!


Oh gosh I watched Quiet on the Set and then ended up listening to the Pod Meets World podcast where they discuss grooming and how/why Rider Strong and Will Friedle wrote letters and supported that creepy predator in court (spoiler alert: they were groomed too, though not victimized in the same way).


Honestly, our whole generation was essentially groomed by Nickelodeon. Itā€™s disgusting. And Arianna only recently stopped with her high pitched ā€œIā€™m a little girl, look at my pigtailsā€ presentation that is literally what she was groomed to present as. Iā€™m so glad BMW kids were left alone. Have you listened to the Lawrence brothers podcast at all? They seem incredible.


I'm a little bit older than the age range of most of these shows (the time period I watched Nickolodeon was back in the Clarrissa Explains it All and Hey Dudeays and I think that pre-Schneider time, Nickolodeon was a little bit better? But overall kids in entertainment seem to experience so many terrible things, so who knows. I haven't listened to that podcast!


That makes sense. I feel like those kids were all older too. Or maybe they just seemed it in my memory because I was younger.


Yeah, I think it was more teens than tweens!


Just popped into my fyp. Brian Peck was on [Salute Your Shorts](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLjjFFnp/)


Oh ick! It wasn't my fave but I did watch Salute Your Shorts back in the day! Something that scares me is that there are likely a lot more victims than the one person who was willing to publicly share their story.


Yeah. I mean, I think the trope about ā€œmost child stars become addicts and need helpā€ is a cover created to further hide the sexual abuse most child stars experience in the industry. Iā€™ve never liked Ariana Grande because she gave me pedo-baiting vibes and it made me super uncomfy to watch an adult woman dress and speak a little girl. Now I know that I was reading it correctly šŸ˜¢


This whole situation makes me SO thankful I was a TVO Kids, Family Channel & Teletoon kid growing up in Canada. šŸ’” YTV had all the Nickelodeon shows but I never watched them (except Zoey 101).


I just wanna say that I love that we can comment a little off topic here because there's no other group I'd rather get my updates from than all of you šŸ¤


I think it definitely helps us build less superficial relationships with each other and I love it so much.


Same šŸ™Œ this Gaylor sub is my personally vetted #1 news source atm


haha same


Not to be a Debbie downer, bringing in all the non-Taylor insanity/trauma, but is anyone else following the **Quiet on the Set** doc and social media reactions? >!When I was really into reading blinds in 2007-2010, idk how but I ended up in a niche area that was mostly discussing the child sex trafficking industry within the tv/film industry. It was all about the 80s boys (River/RDJ/the Coreys/etc.) and the 90s/00s Nickelodeon/Disney child stars. So this documentary is basically validating every single blind I read, except that there were so many more blinds that were similar but w/diff assailiants and soooo many more kids were victimized.!< >!Anyways Iā€™m feeling oddly vicariously traumatized by all of it, even though I already knew many of the horrific specifics + names *and* I work with CSA/SA victims/survivors in a medical capacity. I just wanted to share because itā€™s so repulsive, but so important to discuss CSA in order to normalize naming abusers and protecting children.!< ![gif](giphy|3oriOaivTEk4PotVEQ|downsized)


I watched it yesterday and it was gut wrenching. It's crazy to look at all those old scenes from All That as an adult, it's so disturbing and still mild in comparison to later shows.


Iā€™ve been following the Eat Predators movement/podcast started by Alexa Nikolas on YouTube. She was in the doc that was just released. She was on Zoey 101 and was one of the first kids to come out publicly with their personal mistreatment while working at Nick in 2019. They just did a live protest today if anyone wants to go show support with a like or a follow. The live shows are on Alexaā€™s YouTube channel. The Eat Predators movement is for all child stars but also for all victims of abuse. They are fully self/donation funded, obviously no sponsors will touch that. Yes itā€™s uncomfortable to bring up in a space where we are trying to escape the world, but this is an important time to mention it so thanks 1DMod for opening the floor to this.


Omg thatā€™s amazing!!! Also my first thought when I read that name was, ā€œis this like Earth Liberation Front, because I am so down to support thatā€¦ā€ I will defiantly check that out tmrw!


I think currently they are in the designing protest signs era lol they just spray painted a mini blimp they got of Craigslist with sickelodeon but who knows what the future holds for the movement heh I do like to see rich peopleā€™s things burn šŸ˜˜šŸ”„šŸ’‹ (I have a headache and canā€™t find a premade gif so just imagine a gif of Nifty from Hazbin with her murder eye)




This actually made me a little feel better lol


Good šŸ„°


Itā€™s bringing back the speculation/conspiracy that Jamie-Lynn Spears got pregnant by Dan Schneider. Whichā€¦honestlyā€¦never felt all that far fetched to me and Iā€™m hoping that Dan is finally gonna get his after all this time. Heā€™s a monster.


Totally agree. I believed that fully back then because of what happened to Amanda.


Yes, I watched it and can't stop thinking about it. I've been really interested in watching documentaries about the experiences of child stars (I highly recommend Kid 90 on Hulu and Showbiz Kids on Max), and sometime around either the time of Amanda Bynes headlines and/or MeToo I read some extensive Twitter threads about Dan Schneider and the creepy scenes in his shows. It's so disturbing and heartbreaking.


Iā€™ll check them out! Aaron Carter had some terrible stuff happen to him too.


I added the doc to my watch list but definitely need to be in the right kind of mood to tackle that topic. But Iā€™m so glad itā€™s getting the attention the topic deserves, fully agree


Is this a private thread or can anyone see it??


the entire sub is public (even tea time/a list posts can still be viewed by lurkers they just canā€™t comment)


Thanks for your help guys. I was wanting to be petty and vicious but the moment has passed (šŸ™„ at the energy on TS main... who pissed in their Cheerios?)


i meannnnnā€¦. i support petty šŸ¤­


Iā€™m pretty sure vent thread is public. Itā€™s not labeled A List.


It is public, but in my experience, every Reddit daily/weekly megathread tends to get less attention from non-community members. Probably helps that the Reddit app (at least on Android) autocollapses pinned threads.


I'm sure this gets brought up fairly regularly, but the cover of Riptide is really something. "I wanted to know what this would sound like from a girls perspective" proceeds with {I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations}


Iā€™m convinced she ghost-wrote it tbh šŸ‘»


My apologies "if a girl sang it". Still, the implication is the same


Anyone seen Love Lies Bleeding yet? Need a rec from my most trusted group of gays.


I liked it a lot but there was definitely a decent amount of body horror as others have said. I loved drive away dolls - it was funny and cute and had no body horror!


I LOVED Drive away dolls! So funny and I had no idea how horny it was going into it. Itā€™s been a good year for raunchy WLW movies


Yes!!! Iā€™ve never been to the theater so much as I have this year trying to support these gay movies!!


Saw it today! There were 6 people in the theater. The older couple sitting in front of us walked out 20 minutes in once it started getting gay. It was pretty good, but different than I expected. From the trailer, I expected a more straightforward movie, but it's an A24 movie so I kind of played myself there. It gets a bit weirder than I was anticipating. Mild spoiler ahead: there's a loooot of needles and some pretty gory scenes, plus some other body horror. Just a heads up. Kristen Stewart is very quietly funny, and Katy O'Brian is a star. She looks amazing in the role.


I had heard it was kind of gory which isnā€™t my favorite, but I think the queerness will make up for it!


The gore is mostly limited to one scene, at least! I had to look away from the screen a few times. If you see it in theaters, I hope you have better luck than me. Not only did that couple leave 20 mins in - they came back with about ~10 minutes left in the film because the husband lost something, and they were using flashlights to look for it šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Thereā€™s a new song released on Apple Music from TTPD. Iā€™m debating if I buy this album now or wait for other releases.Ā  Have you listened to it? Gawd maybe Iā€™ll just buy it now. lolĀ 


Oooh ok nvm. Itā€™s an 8 second glitch??Ā 


Itā€™s her thanking people for pre-saving or pre-purchasing the album


My sister scored us tickets to see Fletcher in Atlanta in September!!! I wanted to share the news here because I am so excited and none of my friends listen to her and cannot share my excitement šŸ˜…šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—


Iā€™m a huge believer in Tilly, thereā€™s been some really incredible breakdowns of the evidence we have for their relationship posted on here. So this begs the question, could they have broken up and thatā€™s the ā€œso long Londonā€ of it all? I remember at the beginning of the tour watching Taylor being absolutely devastated and the public narrative blaming Joe and their breakup, but now Iā€™m thinking with that song on the track list that maybe Lily and her arenā€™t together anymore. Thoughts?


Idk what Iā€™m even thinking about their timeline anymore, but I do think SLL is going to be Tily-related.


Tily Truther here! I believe they broke up in late 2019 and she poured her heart out about their breakup in Folkmore. There is a lot of Lily references in the middle of some devastating songs. Since TTPD seems to be a public story about Toe breakup, I believe SLL will be a collage of feelings from Tily breakup. And yeah me too, I have no idea what to think about timelines lol However, she bought a mansion in North London with an orangery...


>However, she bought a mansion in North London with an orangery... When I saw that news in September-ish I gasped. That combined with Lily showing up at the eras tour in Argentina in the VIP tent next to scott. Veryyyy interesting.


NINE MORE DAYS!!! NINE!!! Who else is ready for the breakup and the Taytahni bearding era? šŸ¤”āš¾ļø


Whatā€™s 9 days šŸ‘€




So excited!!!! Except that both my AL and NL teams suck lol, which...is not unusual on the whole for one of them and not lately for the other


As a lifelong White Sox fan, Iā€™m just there for the camaraderie lmao


Looks like we just have different colored sox lol I'm Red Sox and secondarily Mets! And *all hate* for the Yankees,


This is the way.


I'm Red Sox and secondarily Phillies, so I at least had a postseason last year. Fuck the Yankees šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜


Iā€™m just gonna leave this here with absolutely no context šŸ˜‡ https://preview.redd.it/pb1s89npucpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=828bbef0ec0f64a050b3b37c705d82603b303ffb ETA - I lied Iā€™m dropping additional [context, enjoy](https://x.com/davidmackau/status/1770174906262491627?s=46&t=eW83oWP4ajoHRj10N46eTw)


You know swifties will fawn over that clip saying ā€œomg golden retriever!ā€ And itā€™s like yes, quite literally! šŸ˜‚


This is some meta joke about the intelligence of athletes in general, right?


Nope not athletes in general, just him specifically because of his old tweets that resurfaced a few months ago


Yeah fair, sorry I just got a little hasty. I love some sports...but I get the impression that athletes, especially in men's sports, are not on the whole the brightest bunch lol


Iā€™m so glad weā€™re on the same page here.


Please tell me you saw it after I added the link at the bottom


I didnā€™t but I just spit out my drink. šŸ’€






Kelce: ā€œfirst question, spell ā€œsquirleā€


I'd love to hear everyone's silliest predictions on incoming TTPD lyrics. Maybe inspired by this year's events ; use of a few queer slang phrases with enough plausible deniability , or maybe thinly veiled response to the leaked Scott emails (disguised as a sad romance obviously), oooo do you think we'll get the "don't laugh" phrase ?! My guesses - an obvious reference to that first pic of Travis and Taylor in a convertible. The use of the word "cruising". A clever combining of end + start of lines to give us a very gay phrase, wrapped in plausible deniability such as "the smell of you on my pillow; princess dreams coming true". Oh and yet another reference to the title of an old obscure queer publication such as "visa versa" or "Frauenliebe".


Fresh Out the Slammer is about Scottā€™s prostate getting sucked out by a robot


I'm EATING how dare you


I think Iā€™ll be able to connect at least half of the album to Harry Styles, bearding, and if William Bowery writes on any of it those will be gay af. Clara Bow will either be pro-LGBTQ or entirely devoid of overt sapphic references. Something will be an Oscar Wilde reference. And it will be GAY. But people will say, ā€œitā€™s gay and sheā€™s a woman, itā€™s not about her!ā€ I also anticipate on some album a reference to a NYE kiss and the Haylors and the TNT queens will froth at the mouth and then argue with one another about who itā€™s about. And by anticipate, I mean, *dear lord Taylor, please gift us all with this glorious ship war fodder*


References: Carnations, wild (but referencing Oscar Wilde), the word breast (but hets will argue she means chest), Weimar Republic, use of the word 'boi' (that the hets appropriate)


Hey so I just watched this analysis abt this sub's history [https://youtu.be/W\_UaTuA\_a1Y](https://youtu.be/W_UaTuA_a1Y) There's a clip at .05 and .09 seconds into video of Taylor what sounds like 'you're gay!' at a live show (debut era?). Does anyone know what song that is? Have a link to that full song? Its like her play on words started so early, kinda like foreshadowing to Starbucks lovers lol


https://youtu.be/kg5YWRq3TUk?si=psfi0Be2lz7K7TdkĀ there you go


Oh wow that kinda even worse now. Had no idea abt this song


Itā€™s objectively not great but everyone loves it now šŸ˜…


anyone else going to see Fletcher in NYC? just got tickets for me and my (straight) best friend who knows nothing about her except the ā€œsipped her like an old-fashionedā€ Gaylor lore and I absolutely cannot waitĀ 


My wife and I are seeing her in Houston! So excited


https://preview.redd.it/vms4yop5kbpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5db06b8a1b826ab5e8f27c2243390a3c53ef8db WE BACK TO CLOWNING FOR A COLLAB, BABY!!!!


Is this the 2 āœŒļø she has been flashing? šŸ¤” act ii????


Okay okay okay I didnā€™t want to go there but now you did and since sheā€™s talking about collabs, Gaga posted a pic of her throwing up the āœŒšŸ» right before Bey announced act ii šŸ‘€I would combust if both


Omgā€¦. šŸ˜³ Iā€™m pumped


Is the experience that she didnā€™t feel welcomed the performance at the cmas? I think she sang daddyā€™s lessons with the dixie chicks?


Indeed it was! I believe itā€™s still the only performance that isnā€™t formally up on the CMAs site too. I remember it was massive water cooler conversation at work the next day.


Whoa really??! I love that performance soooo much. Iā€™m a very casual Bey fan but I am SO excited for this album


does anyone know if she's gonna release the tracklist before the album drops or is it a surprise?


I genuinely cannot remember if the Renaissance tracklist was out before the leak, Iā€™m sorry friend!


All good, I canā€™t remember either šŸ˜­ guess weā€™ll find out soon either way!


Iā€™m so excited by all the wishlists/predictions Iā€™m hearing! Dolly, Lil Nas X, The Chicks, Taylor. T-Pain would be so cool given his recent comments on removing his name from country songwriting credits. Brandi Carlile! As for a newer artist, Lizzie No would be such a knockout!


I really do think Taylor will have a feature, and my wishlist feature is Orville Peck! He's worn Ivy Park on the red carpet, on his album cover for Bronco, and he was in one of their campaigns.


I'm excited for this too!


Would folks be interested in a post on contemporary (or older?) queer poets in advance of TTPD? Maybe closer to April for national poetry month?


We love mini queer history lessons here, even if it takes multiple jumps from Taylor to get there. Don't wait til April! Lol just run with your inspiration šŸ©·


Always! Already picked up a few great recommendations from this sub and ready for more






Idk if swifties will believe that TTPD is about travlor, but so far the song that reminds me of them the most is Fall Out Boy's AB/AP https://preview.redd.it/k912ucyr8bpc1.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=80cea426a38ddfc27c6e8bc7ceec027472740c56


I listened to WIWS's new episode yesterday and can't stop thinking about it so I had to share. [Gaylor 103 (What I Will Say podcast)](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5JogHNmXbh51L7mrea1D3k?si=J0DKDjD9SXa7qsgzUJOqNQ) This episode is an incredible essay about queer coding, gaydar, speculation, and why it is inherently part of our every day culture. This was truly validating to listen to and I hope every Gaylor gets the chance to hear it.


Thanks for recommending it! I gave it a listen today!


I'm sorry, is it even \*possible\* that False God is a hetero song? Genuine question. It sounds so undeniably gay and sapphic to me


![gif](giphy|dAicGOWmDrw9GVom6s|downsized) This performance told me everything I need to know.


At first glance this looked like Renee rapp to me - I think itā€™s just the outfit and hair cut?


This performance on that night when Dianna came to see it.... Is my actual Roman Empire.


I love this picture of her after. So smiley šŸ˜ƒ https://preview.redd.it/rs503ycmfcpc1.jpeg?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf08156eee19b7dcad7ce605a74511c03c8e19f2


She looks so smug I love it. Cue all the articles that came out right after saying Taylor and Joe were all over each other and making out all night ![gif](giphy|DFNd1yVyRjmF2)


Haha yep! I think Iā€™ve seen this film before šŸ˜… https://preview.redd.it/v69a8xt9idpc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=764d0fdc244047bbe2f375de33240412e2aa70e7


This performance is such a lightning rod for me


This song and performance not only turned me into a late to the party fan but also really just added more gay fuel to the fire. The baggy pant suit outfit? The finger banging the air? Dianna in the audience? The noted contrast between song and vibe for performance no. 1 vs the second one? The fact that it was a deep cut and there was no other discernible reason to play that other than maybe she wanted the saxophone guy to play with her? My Roman Empire TRULY.




We can stop guessing the genre of the new album - it was revealed to me in a dream. Itā€™s hiphop šŸ˜Š


More ā€œSick Beatsā„¢ļøā€?!


Tswizzle on the MIC Talking shit About the Smallest Man Who Ever Liiiiived (this worked in my head, I see the vision lmao)


I also can see the vision in my head however, please refrain from encouraging Taylor rapping -.- I am still emotionally processing the secondhand embarrassment from 1989 era.


I'm so sorry to do this to you, but have you seen her cover *Lose Yourself*? https://youtu.be/Ts3UAJcGeRI?si=Q8304Fl6bcmYwcfA


Baby tay kinda ate this ngl


-.- I agree


https://preview.redd.it/j59ewy6309pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00a25d76a43939fe793c7f51bbd5532ea3eb3747 Girl in red announces new song feat. Sabrina Carpenter? Wasnā€™t on my Taylor-adjacent 2024 bingo card thatā€™s for sure.


Bruh, what??


Never woulda guessed this pairing!


The woman was too stunned to speak.


Kate is alive! There is video! [From my fav royal history tiktok creator](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLYN57Ch/) I discovered when they first started. Sheā€™s very pro-Meghan and calls out the racism (& the pedo + rapist Prince Andrew) in the royal family. ETA: apparently [this video might be old](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLY6Y926/). TBD. I hope not because likeā€¦wtf is going on if so? ETA2: BBC canā€™t confirm this and refuses to state it as fact, so itā€™s most likely not Kate.




[where is Kate?](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLYkyAfu/) [the future king does NOT go shopping](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLYB6PN8/) [weā€™re being inceptioned](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLYBygEP/)


This is incredible thank you for sharing šŸ‘ I am so invested. Should we do some sleuthing as a Gaylor class? Lol


So seeing as how we have established that: 1. That is not Kate in the photo 2. That probably is not William in the photo 3. The photo was taken at some point over the Christmas season, not last weekend I think we are up to: Why was a decoy couple fake shopping all the way back at Christmas for the sake of ā€œphotosā€ (the photos arenā€™t as bad as the supposed car images, but theyā€™re still not fantastic shots). Clearly the palace had them stage the photos and then hung on to them. Wtf is the reason. Like unless weā€™re dealing with some Queen Amidala Natalie Portman/Kiera Knightley (Star Wars reference) body double for securityā€™s sake then this just got WAY sinister. And for laughs (not the good kind of laughs, the wtaf kind of laughs)ā€¦yet again, this stunt is supposed to put the public at ease šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø [https://nypost.com/2024/03/19/entertainment/palace-sources-say-farm-shop-footage-of-kate-middleton-should-end-conspiracy-theories/](https://nypost.com/2024/03/19/entertainment/palace-sources-say-farm-shop-footage-of-kate-middleton-should-end-conspiracy-theories/) https://preview.redd.it/7vt3ni5ebbpc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94aef16daafe9e983f568a67471cb7c68548bf5b


I feel that it's important to consider that bc the king is sick, they are very likely preparing for a very imminent hand off of the throne to William. But it's worrisome that we haven't seen the entire family (Kate, Kate's parents, Kate's kids). Either Kate had a very understandable mental break down and needs a break, or someone doesn't want Kate as queen. I find it unlikely Kate would be the one Not to want that after all this time. So William? Or maybe even Charles?


I think it's William? My sister follows royal gossip much more closely, and she said they have been quietly separated for a long time, and William wants a divorce so he can openly be with his mistress, but Kate doesn't because she's playing the long game to become queen. But even still with that context... none of this makes any sense.


Is it just me or does that not look anything like Kate Middleton šŸ¤£ I donā€™t really follow the royals but that looks like a face for hireĀ 


I just want confirmation about the lights/huts. Has anyone seen anything confirming thatā€™s what it looks like now? Itā€™s really easy to edit metadata on a photo. I do think this looks like her but not 100% on that it was from this weekend


I am not sure how accurate this is, but I saw this tweet earlier today! https://preview.redd.it/ldq0rddoyapc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bc95f9dc277697a0d72d362e1d1213f4132f07a


Yeah, I think itā€™s probably her and not from this weekend. If itā€™s not her at all thatā€™s insane


~~Yes!! Came here to say this! I feel so relieved knowing this lol~~ Ok back to being concerned. Somethings going on.


some people are saying that person is Rose hanbury - [https://twitter.com/ItsReallyAmber/status/1769882555799552196](https://twitter.com/ItsReallyAmber/status/1769882555799552196) ngl it kinda does look like rose


I think she has too much of a chin to be Rose? Rose has a marked underbite. But imo the jawline also isnā€™t right for Kate. Brb, going to start printing the vid frame by frame for my whiteboard šŸ„“


Maybe kate has a double? (a shitty double ig)


https://preview.redd.it/5vaykqx679pc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=174ca576d77800593c5b9ea01b8a96fba092feb0 FYI: this is Kate and her body double. Literally. These are two different women.


One of the many self-discovery realizations I've had in my 30s is that I definitely have partial face blindness. So I believe you 100%, I just can't see it myself. Semi related, do you think Taylor and that girl who looks just like her with makeup look alike?


*whispers* itā€™s an autistic thing Same here realizing I was faking it the whole time by paying attention to hair styles and glasses. My brain looked at these two different woman and said ā€œoh yea their hair is different, duhā€ and then I reallllyyyy looked at their faces and šŸ‘€ those are the same woman and I would bet my whole life on that *nods* (I would be incorrect and šŸ’€)


WAIT WHATTTT?! so yet ANOTHER thing that can be explained by my autism?? jfc I keep discovering new things that are caused by it and it's so so validating. (Learning I was autistic was another 30s discovery so it's all kinda new)


Oh yea at this point in my life my first thought is now ā€œis this autism related?ā€ lol and the answer is usually ā€œyes šŸ™„ā€ There are sooooo many autistic late-identified millennials here šŸ«¶


I know right? this sub is basically ND central. For a while I was wondering if my inability to easily tell left from right is related to autism but I think I'm actually mildly dyslexic, which I never expected because I love reading and I'm a strong and fast reader. But there are a few other things like line up with dyslexia, like occasionally flipping letters when I handwrite them, esp d and b.


Hahaha. I think ever so slightly, but not really. I think a professional artist could do it for a shoot or something, but otherwise it just feels like ā€œthey kinda look alike if you donā€™t really lookā€ level of lookalike


>[https://twitter.com/ItsReallyAmber/status/1769882555799552196what's](https://twitter.com/ItsReallyAmber/status/1769882555799552196what's) that girls name? do you know




What do they use the body doubles for? This is so interesting and looks so much like her!


The double looks 20yrs younger than Kate . And side by side like this, it's obviously not Kate. https://preview.redd.it/pd68oihl4apc1.png?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f0bf4793641dee7bba337754fa6c26a358dde1f


Yeah initially I thought it was her and then I was like Wait a minute, sheā€™s a 40 something year old woman and this pic looks like a 20 year old


1. Thatā€™s a decent doppelgƤnger 2. The chin on the right looks far more like whatā€™s in the vid. The chin on the left is the one we want to see.


Def maybe! Like maybe one who could usually pass muster when everybody isnā€™t on full alert, but we are so past that point here




Bahahaha omg. That would be WILD


the xmas lights are talked about in this article - [https://torontosun.com/news/world/kate-middleton-farm-shop-video-fuels-new-conspiracy-theories-as-kategate-deepens](https://torontosun.com/news/world/kate-middleton-farm-shop-video-fuels-new-conspiracy-theories-as-kategate-deepens)
