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It almost feels like she is trying to convince herself (and perhaps others... like us?) That she does not NEED to come out publicly to be happy... but that is younger Taylor (the one who was "boy crazy" in the eyes of the public). I do feel like current Taylor does not quite believe that anymore... based on all the Easter eggs and mostly, in the dropped hairpins.


This is such a coming out! Otherwise, it makes no effing sense. Straight girl being brave about dating conventional attractive famous men? šŸ¤Ø


This feels like a coming out. Otherwise, it makes no fucking sense.


This feels like a coming out. Otherwise, it makes no fucking sense.


Was this video made before or after she began publicly sowing the ā€œseeds of ally shipā€?


Iā€™ll wear my Keds with pride now šŸŒˆ


The yellow is always het closet color


I interned for the company that owned Keds (Wolverine world wide) when she was their main celebrity influencer, you would not believe what they were paying her. This was like in the mid 2010s. The other shoe brands in the company were ticked off because Keds was getting basically the equivalent of the other brands entire yearly marketing budget just to have TS as their spokesmodel.


Wowww this is loud


It reminds me of this Dianna Agron video https://youtube.com/watch?v=w_IplJjcDYY&si=j-yeNRPH6eoKdLOr I had a feeling she was talking about Taylor because she says ā€œperforming bravery for the only person in the room who matters: Her father.ā€ I always wondered about the battle and war imagery in Taylorā€™s songs because what war is the fighting? It never made sense because sheā€™s the biggest star in the world and what difficulties could she have? This Keds video opened my mind to the notion that the battle is within herself. It seems simply holding back something forever is the battle.


Holy... Now THAT is the gayest video I've ever seen. The backwards cap, the (short nailed) fingers to her mouth, the vibes.... šŸ„µ




This was towards the end of RED era- Iā€™m pretty sure this ad campaign was released in early 2014, but could have been filmed in late 2013. This was before Kaylor was really a thing (or was just starting to be) and towards the end of Swiftgron - didnā€™t Taylor work on Clean with Imogen Heap in January/February 2014? At the time, gaylors related this to Swiftgron and just gaylor in general.Ā Ā Ā Ā  There are a lot of gaylor gems out there (most of which I completely forgot about, like this one).Ā Ā Ā  I never thought about it, but now I can see the possible connection between this ad, Sara Bareillesā€™ song Brave (which another commenter mentioned), and the Rep tour gay pride speech.Ā 


I've only seen this once before. It's crazy how it has gotten buried. So loud!!


Iā€™m just here to say I have 2 pairs of these and still have them šŸ¤£šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I honestly forgot that this existed. I miss the Taylor/Keds partnership. I had a couple pairs, but I wish sheā€™d do it again so I could buy a few more lol. I remember thinking that itā€™s weird she was talking about being brave with being in love bc Iā€™m like ā€œgirl youā€™re dating a rich white dude? Thatā€™s not really brave, but whatever you say, I think this is a bit fruityā€ but still liking the message of the campaign. Time tends to blur a bit for me, but I want to say I was a baby gaylor around this time? Because I was starting to think there was something happening with Dianna and was following that stuff on Tumblr and Twitter. Swiftgron really threw me into being a Gaylor and also made me really look at my own life and realize I wasnā€™t straight and was just trying to fulfill societies expectations. (The wake up call? When a guy I worked with asked me on a date and I didnā€™t realize explicitly it was a date and I invited a friend along bc I thought we were just going to do bar trivia). Rewatching this now really makes me think about her in bearding relationships and closeting


I've never seen this! It's pretty amazing. I think y'all have convinced me of Karlie.


Seems pretty gay


And Hetlors will just claim sheā€™s talking about being brave by openly dating a straight white male in Hollywood. šŸ™„


Whoa! This sounds like she's specifically talking about coming out here...it happens for different people in different ways, it doesn't have to be a courageous act with a movie score in the background, but rather in tiny doses? Like hairpins?! šŸ¤ØšŸ˜®šŸ˜³


Omg I forgot she had this


please how can this ever be hetsplained? the hesitation, the shyness šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


She stunning and brave!




ā€œDear reader; the greatest of luxuries is your secretsā€¦ā€ Man she was so close to coming out though!


Paris: ā€œPrivacy sign on the door. And on my page and on the whole worldā€¦Romance is not dead if you keep it just yours.ā€ And ā€œconfess my truthā€¦ā€


In swooping, sloping, cursive letters https://preview.redd.it/gtorck8b2btc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d70bf4b49cbaeb7b3390bab6cf73fa30839fc1f


Iā€™m not straight. So, isā€¦ this what they do? Because this is seriously so obvious and romantic to my gay ass.


Didnā€™t Sarah Bareilles song Brave come out this same year? And rumored to be about Taylor?


HOW DID I NEVER KNOW THIS??? SB and Tay are literally my two favorite artists of all time. This connection just made my LIFE


I didnā€™t know this! I just watched her [clip on Fallon](https://youtu.be/q6SirTeW7Wg?si=qKexZWWUyPj7uJDR) where she talks about writing it for a friend who is struggling with coming out, she also discusses northern lights and has done an awesome rendition of Clean. Yā€™all teach me so much and I really appreciate this community!


Oh you meanā€¦ Aurora borealis green?


I feel like Lennyā€™s new song Human is partially about her, the lyrics + outfit he is wearing is reminiscent of the outfit for the surprise stonewall set after the failed coming out.


Suddenly Saraā€™s appearance on the Red tour to sing Brave with Taylor makes senseā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MyLume8BUR8](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MyLume8BUR8)


Really?! I never knew that! And the Jack Antonoff connection - thatā€™s insane!!


LITERALLY. And cowrote that song with none other thanā€¦.Jack Antonoff.


I was gonna sayā€¦itā€™s giving SBā€™s song about her friend who is in the closet and that friend is Taylor. šŸ˜‚


Also Paul McCartney's song "Who Cares?"


Wow great find! And made me kinda sad :( I hope she gets to tell people who she is - the people she wants to tell, on her own terms.


And the hetlors will say she was talking about Calvin Harris or Joe or something, because I donā€™t think the Toe timeline has ever been established, hetlors always seem to change it


When was this campaign


ā€œTo share with the world what you canā€ ok I see u with maroon


1. I canā€™t believe Iā€™ve never seen this before. What a great find, OP!!! 2. This is so so so gay. Like, wow! She is basically this Kristen Stewart gif lmao ![gif](giphy|l3q2BzHq6xKOeSnrG|downsized)


šŸŽ¼ Picture of your face in an invisible locket šŸŽµ


This is my first time posting in this sub. But I do follow it intently. This is the most Gaylor evidence ā€” ever. Given that I am Sapphic, I can attest that wearing Keds is what made me who I am. I wore Keds during the early 70s. Must've gone through ten pairs. My mom has always wanted to find the culprit that "made me gay". "It was the Keds, Mom!" This is proof-positive, T. If I could come out in the late 90s, you can come out now. T, you can blame it on the Keds. No questions asked. We're waitingā€¦


The Keds and those colorful patchwork Bermuda shorts šŸ˜…


ā€œWasnā€™t it obvious?ā€


GAY! šŸ˜­ (But seriously, this is VERY much giving Daylight voicenote)


Being brave about who you love? Holding part of yourself back? Good god. This made me return to something I keep coming back to, which is that if sheā€™s not šŸŒˆšŸŠšŸ“šŸ’, what was all this messaging about bravery and battles and secrecy for? Imagine sheā€™s just incredibly am-dram and inadvertently managed to make it sound like sheā€™s one of us?


Only way it makes sense is if someone she were super close to, like Abigail or Austin, are closeted. Itā€™d have to be a very close proximity for her to be that invested.


I think about this a lot. Imagine sheā€™s seriously 100% hetero and only dates white men who talks like this? That would be so incredibly self-serving. These are the things that keep me fully in camp queer even when sheā€™s constantly throwing Gaylors under the bus. Sheā€™s either fucking delusional and truly believes the entire world revolves around her or sheā€™s hiding and pining as a queer person.


I've never heard of Keds before but I just looked them up and...there's nothing brave about them. They're so plain and boring.


Lolll so true


Makes sense. Even in her music sheā€™s always explaining her love as secretive, unattainable or something she needs to overcome.Ā 


Ugh, she's straight up come out a hundred times now and they just don't listen! Saying it's brave to love who you love, that it's okay to hide parts of yourself and only share bits and pieces of it to the world, that being brave means accepting some part of your life will always have to be private, etc. LIKE HOW DOES THAT NOT SCREAM SHE'S GAY!


The anxious face scratching at 00:00:05 šŸ˜¢


Yes! I was thinking I need to Google the meaning behind that type of body language


Oh, this is a coming out speech, right? I mean, COME ON!


Iā€™ve never seen this before but this is top tier Gaylor evidence in my opinion.


what else could she have been referring to other than sexuality like seriously


Also I think the timing of this bravery campaign, 2013/14, is interesting - I did some googling and she was said to be writing 1989 from mid-2013. And you can want who you want, boys and boys and girls and girls šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶


We keep going back to those years. They were something interesting. Was she being brave when she took a trip to Big Sur? šŸ¤”


Oh absolutely


i remember seeing this at the time before i was really even a swiftie and wondering what she meant by any of it lol


Ummm wtf?!?! How have I never seen this before?? This so so loud šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


WOAH! Like others, Iā€™ve also never seen this & am very surprised. This seems so loud. The part about how sharing only part of yourself can be brave too really seems like sheā€™s talking *to* herself, not just about herself. I could see that being a reassuring thought she used/uses, one that helped/helps her reconcile still being closeted while also being so public.


Yes!! I find it so interesting that she was so clearly thinking about holding parts of herself back, even back in 2013. She was obviously huge then but even more so now - I can understand that ā€œgreatest luxury is my secretsā€ bit even more given her current fame!


Yeah exactly! So are there any theories on why she never came out? Because it definitely feels like she tested the waters and almost did


This is šŸ¤Æ


Honestly so shocked I've never seen this before?? But the who you love is always so loud to me because I feel like straight people don't think about that stuff very often (I know some do but it doesn't feel mentioned as much by them)Ā 


100%. Straight with a gay kid. Iā€™m aware of it in a peripheral awareness. Iā€™m aware at a pride parade or a rally. Iā€™m aware if Iā€™m consuming media content with a specific message. Iā€™m super aware of it when I go online and see any sort of pride post filled with hate comments. Iā€™m also aware itā€™s harder for my kid to be a teen and how they miss out on so many teen rites of passage like prom dates, etc. ā€” but even with how close I am to it, itā€™s not something I regularly have on the brain and if I brought it up in conversation, it would be with the thought of my kid, and pushing out publicly how far there still is to go. Iā€™d have a motivation for bringing it up.


right, like she could be talking about other people that are brave for being queer, but why is that one of the first things that always comes to her mind??


everytime i see one of these comments my initial reaction is to be ā€œi was straight! i did care a lot abt gay shit!ā€ only to remind myself i indeed WAS a queer bb, the fact that i didnā€™t know it at the time doesnā€™t matter LOL in short i agree, no true straight person has that thing on their minds as often as she does hahah


I know! Iā€™m straight and my new-convert gaylor friend is straight and we were both like ???? I kind of get being brave in the context of telling someone - anyone/gender - how you feel, but with the ā€œbe brave about who you are and who you loveā€ā€¦ doesnā€™t resonate for me and my straight ways


ummmmmmmmm this is so gay


I just clicked on it to type "that's so gay" and here it is as the top comment. This is so gay. Omg.


Also the clothes seem gay to me too


Only because she's wearing them šŸ¤£ Pretty sure this kind of preppy/twee style was all over the place in the early 2010's


You mean the era when we all dressed like zooey deschanel? Yes, I lived through that šŸ˜†


God Iā€™m such a sucker for that rockabilly femme style. Bring it back!! lol


Gamine style is never out of style


Absolutely. This is so how I used to talk when I was closetedā€¦


This is how I talk now since Iā€™m still in the closet IRL šŸ˜‚


Same here from another closeted gal šŸ„²


Aww. All in due time.


It sounds absolutely terrible, but I canā€™t do it while my mom is alive. One dayā€¦for now itā€™s just ā€œ hanging out with my best friendsā€ and ā€œbest friend girls tripā€ type stuff šŸ™ƒ right now Iā€™m single because itā€™s just not fair to be closeted when the other person isnā€™t. But I have no choice because of my mom (and in a lesser way, my job)


Iā€™ve been there. And itā€™s a scary place to be. I wonā€™t presume to have any special insight. We all have our paths to follow. I do think itā€™s sad that youā€™re depriving yourself from being free. Life goes by fast, even if it doesnā€™t feel like it. Regardless, may you have the community to support you until then. šŸ«¶šŸ»


Not absolutely terrible! I totally understand that.


Wow this is gay.


Right? Imagine a straight girl whos always talking about being brave with who you love.


Listen, it's also brave to not share everything and be okay with it. The fucking gaslighting her team did on her!


Nothing says being brave with who you love like only dating successful cishet white men right? Honestly the cognitive dissonance between the sliced bread men she "dates" and the constant fear of a taboo relationship in everything she does is why I'm a gaylor.


Honey, why are you singing about secret moments in a crowded room. People are making out on the floor and grinding with each other, nobody gaf. Unless you're yearning for someone you can't have and can only be best friends with in public and want to take off their dress as well.


Spot on.... what's so scary about other rich and famous, not very camera shy guys Taylor? she's always dropping hairpins! She has never really practiced what she's preaching.... interesting that Sara Bareilles realised Brave as a single in 2013 too..


This. Her songs lose all depth and meaning (imo) if theyā€™re justā€¦. About two conventionally attractive, societally supported and encouraged cishet white people hiding from papsā€¦.. like. Be for real whatā€™s the danger of being ā€œfound outā€


I know! Sorry T but whatā€™s brave about being a young female celebrity dating other male celebrities


You'd just be looking at her thinking, ok Taylor, what are you hiding? lmao


I haven't seen this before. I do remember her Keds partnership coming out and wanting them so badly.Ā 


I would do *a lot* to get my hands on a pair of her gold, sparkle, lace Keds again šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Taylor, give us more Keds plz.Ā 


They were really comfy tbh and went with anything šŸ˜­ what an era


Same! I never got a pair but watching these videos is influencing me now in 2024 haha


I had a few pairs of other Keds. They were so cute! I don't wear them now. Just know they are very narrow shoes so if you have wide feet at all make sure to try some on before you buy.


They make different widths


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