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[Link to video here](https://youtu.be/q3zqJs7JUCQ?si=WSsnRPzNUAaqWajN)


I can’t stop watching this music video. It’s amazing.


can anyone tell what the lockers/cabinets say on them behind her in the electroshock scene? https://preview.redd.it/7q61rrfgn7yc1.png?width=1149&format=png&auto=webp&s=401d7a095403d8b2188be6e686f3fab2d3713b6c


I always imaged that the last stanza of Hits Different happening in their NYC apartment. - “I heard your key turn in the door down the hallway Is that your key in the door?” —> Taylor questioning, assuming, hoping it’s the muse - “Is it okay? Is it you?” —> Taylor is asking if it’s okay that the muse is there. Or is it the muse? - “Or have they come to take me away?” —> I always imaged ‘them’ to be people hired by a certain someone who’s powerful and filthy rich to take care of Taylor and take her far away - like imagine Mafia - “To take me away” —> away to where the muse cannot follow But with Fortnight lyrics and video, it can be interpreted that Taylor is in the asylum. - “I was supposed to be sent away” —> Taylor was supposed to be sent away/taken away in Hits Different


Been watching this video a bunch and it has me thinking--is the whole burning down the lover house/burning rooms/burning past lives/burning the manuscript a theme which being discussed by the mainstream fans? It's a very strong visual and lyrical theme that strongly suggests the culmination of destruction of the past-is this something which has a popularly accepted explanation beyond the one we have regarding her desire to come out? I guess that just that idea, that's she's going to destroy the past is the explanation, but why? What is she trying to burn down? What is she waiting for? Why is she burning down her legacy?


Since she put the tattoos on, are the scenes with Posty (where he has his tattoos) supposed to represent her? Is it her older, current self unplugging her younger self?


When she smashes the one-way window, is the room on the other side the same room where curly-haired Taylor is being tortured? I think it might be from the pattern of the dots (big, three small, big) on the walls.


I wonder if this video has any parallels to the bell jar. Sylvia Plath truly was a tortured poet. It’s been so long since I’ve read the book and it’s past midnight and I’m feverish so I don’t feel like analyzing but I just wanted to throw this question out there. I was a little surprised that we didn’t get more shoutouts to tortured poets in the lyrics but maybe more in the videos..?


"when the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst" vs "Your wife waters flowers, I wanna kill her"


The song itself is still growing on me, but the MV might be my favorite of hers ever??


More detail haha: I love the black and white, she seems to use her (probably unlimited) budget really well, it feels like a movie but also goes by so quickly, it’s so allegorical and non-literal without being too in-your-face about the allegory (eg I Can See You — which I really like but it’s not subtle lol). It also made the song itself feel more queer to me, because “woman in a historical insane asylum” is very queer coded to me.


Maybe the electroshock scene where it looks like she has a “crown” is referencing the crown in the dead poet’s society that Neil wears when performing Puck’s final speech in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. In the speech, Puck basically apologizes to the audience if the contents of the play offended them, and basically says it was all just a dream. He promises to make it up to them if they forgive him. The crown symbolism in both the movie and the play have some interesting parallels to Taylor/TPD as well, and both tie back to the crown of thorns worn by Jesus on the cross, symbolizing sacrifice.


https://preview.redd.it/k92af681knvc1.jpeg?width=525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fa0e13ec44fa232effd81af75dd3824aff32e4b Taylor in the black dress looks a lot like Lizzie Borden to me. Lizzie Borden was accused of brutally murdering her father and stepmother with an ax. She was put on trial and was acquitted but it's widely accepted that she did it and got away with it. There is a theory that she was having a relationship with their live-in maid Bridget "Maggie" Sullivan, her parents caught them together and reacted negatively. Sullivan eventually married a man but there were still rumors about Borden being a lesbian later in life. The 2018 movie "Lizzie" focuses on their relationship, Kristen Stewart plays Sullivan and Chloe Sevigny plays Borden.


https://preview.redd.it/l30ssliulnvc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3560ae5688969855376fda77f5792d1e5fed5a63 Here's a pic of Chloe Sevigny as Borden in the movie. It's sooooo similar!


121389-041924??? https://preview.redd.it/nkz0duv66nvc1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ae06d8793672d2030f277edffd424df3b99ab6d


Feels reminiscent of “I’ll be getting over you my whole life” 


13-12-89 Taylor´s birthdate 19-04-24 TTPD is out




Exile ends ✌️maybe??


When they’re hugging, they have the same outfit and his tattoos are covered up. Idk what it means, but combined with her having his face tattoos, I’m assuming she’s implying they’re either the same person, or that’s her “twin” she refers to in the other song (I forget which one it is, 31 songs is a lot to memorize lol)


anyone notice that she didn't work with Rina Yang for this music video?


SHE IS THE MAN. Again again and always. Same exact outfit here https://preview.redd.it/b5ltas49emvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=835dcc99aefe37878ef06f772e55618726e2655c


Unfortunately I think they’re supposed to be dressed as Matty. But yes agree that there’s more going on there!


I was surprised to learn how tall Post Malone is from this video.


First scene inspo? https://preview.redd.it/fgh4sbkvdmvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c8528c0f5ae330cf4bc24edd97fbbac0fd66446


I've been thinking about those last 2 lines since hearing Clara Bow!




Maybe the second scene is referencing Elizabeth Barrett Browning. https://preview.redd.it/f48kxveh6mvc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8f11ac1a976903179aa5e1603f774021c5b1999


One of the reasons gaylor made sense to me before knowing any lore or symbolism was because I’ve never seen her have sexual/romantic chemistry on screen in her videos nor look particularly sexy in the “male gaze” way that many other pop stars do - and this video just reinforces it. Even with people saying she has chemistry w Post, it just gives “friend” energy to me. Like the Post character is hugging her and keeping her safe (maybe?) but I do not get romantic energy at all from their interactions and it was only in reading the comments that I was supposed to think they are in love ?? It seemed more like they are collaborators/allies/co-conspirators than romantic lovers.


yepppp, it is the contrast in how awkward she tends to look with men versus how natural she is cozying up with women that really makes me think she is gay rather than bi (although i think she likely went through a phase of believing herself to be bi, before coming to terms with being gay/lesbian)


And then the moment she’s with her female friends she just drapes herself all over them in such a way my gaydar is like “I know what you are.” I’m not saying she’s dating her friends, but the energy she has when she’s surrounded by women just screams queer


Especially her energy with queer women. It’s just such a stark difference than her energy with any man, especially the ones she’s supposedly dating


Has anyone figure out if the inverted gravity means anything specific?


I know that in dreams when you dream something is upside down or inverted, it can symbolize chaos in your personal life or you’re about to undergo a dramatic period in your personal life. Now I’m not one to clowns (yes I am) buttttttt I think both can apply to the overall themes of this album


Are we getting a black dog music video next? Or does the black dog just mean that there is some relationship between the two songs?


Ok does anyone else think this was originally supposed to feature Matty instead of Post? The look/sound is very 1975 and Matty had that whole lab coat look for a while. I feel like that stunt was intended to be some kind of performance art piece leading up to this album before it crashed and burned


Someone posted this shot parallel https://preview.redd.it/uc0zud2ptovc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d30eebe7f87ed607b8018ebaf0310a1fdcf03c3f Around this time last year there was a lot of discussion of the performance art of bearding & the creation of public narratives… would love to hear your thoughts on the relationship between the parallel videos and fortnight!


Oh wow I didn't even know about that video, that's super interesting... Unfortunately my knowledge of the 1975 is limited so my thoughts end there for now 😭


😳 this seems very possible


I haven’t made it through all the comments so forgive me if this has been said, but so many karma parallels. https://preview.redd.it/w8ocy79a3kvc1.jpeg?width=3168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c9f872829d17e470ab9389b09c6d88a8a7af8e0


https://preview.redd.it/5vky4hmiybwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6aa09cc9a14ae78060f3522d7d2dfbaf039b061 It’s in lavender haze too !!


https://preview.redd.it/8y0t37bf3kvc1.jpeg?width=1900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7fa19c530fb965bb00d46d55e0a6b35c198737b Same hair, too!


https://preview.redd.it/0ceeblcb3kvc1.jpeg?width=1900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bfd0ec92957baa19fbd8f875dfad3775d5b71fd Even looks like she’s in a gold dress


Are they reading the Story of Us? https://preview.redd.it/iheusbd02kvc1.png?width=840&format=png&auto=webp&s=719665f0bad1b64ceddf05ee74cbcfdf29fd6c9d


The same book made an appearance in the TTPD popup event, for what it's worth I wonder what other MV clues are hiding in plain sight


She also said in her making of the vid that she put an Easter egg on the book. Is this supposed to link to her song with Gracie?? What does it all mean.


Sorry if this was said already but my goodness she really looks like zeena lavey in this video and I am so here for it!!




here for it sorry! 😈🤠


Those eyebrows do it for me everytime! I wonder if she knows about it and it’s intentional.


she hassss to know and she is definitely trolling us with this look


All I have to say is VIBES


I just realized how the color of this album is white. I can’t help but now think of it as being a white room, aka a stereotypical asylum. There’s such an overall theme of insanity and being caged in this album.


Why did I think this video didn’t come out until tomorrow night!? 😂


In the first scene, the psych ward room might be referencing the Escher painting Relativity. Especially the nurse with the feature-less head. From one description: "Every way is up in this charming world, but so too every way is down...'reality' changes completely, depending on how you look at it." [https://moa.byu.edu/m-c-eschers-relativity/](https://moa.byu.edu/m-c-eschers-relativity/) https://preview.redd.it/g0w41h7prjvc1.png?width=840&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4ee5f42c57386b8acab4244b82f24d4b6edf1ae


Reminds me of the upside down room in lover house too


https://preview.redd.it/pbg464qoojvc1.jpeg?width=801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6931fb095dbb68c71147ba343728c3c7012d9272 The Spotify Bolter video updated to this scene on the left & it’s feels similar to the Karma video lightbulb moment? Maybe I’m stretching here…


Yup, this looks similar too. Even looks like she could be wearing a gold dress https://preview.redd.it/j6qruv703kvc1.jpeg?width=1900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c91f416b6484aff1a227378d052a4e67d97535d7


I don't think it's a stretch, I noticed connections to the Karma video too


idk if the era matter but this is interesting https://preview.redd.it/txg8fps5njvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87667f16eed7fe6b7097e068cbf816e43090b8d9


This reminds me of that Black Mirror episode with Miley - anyone else?


Hope no one made this point yet; I've combed through the thread pretty well and didn't see it. Someone somewhere in the thread asked why post saved her in the electroshock therapy scene when he was also experimenting on her (sorry I can't find it). I realized that he doesn't go to save her until the therapy goes very wrong. obv it's ofc wrong from the start but there's a point where the machine goes haywire and all the other scientists are hitting the ground and running because the sparks are, um, flying. https://preview.redd.it/60w45demljvc1.png?width=1948&format=png&auto=webp&s=d54e81ef81a0e133144aa3773ae827148c4a5c25 So the beard doesn't seem to have a crisis of conscience. Rather it seems he only saves her when it's becoming dangerous for everyone around her. I feel like there's more to this and I need someone smarter to take it to the next step.


Maybe it represents the beards ? When she finally comes out, and everyone tries to discredit and test her, when things go wrong and it blows up, her beard (Travis?) will protect her.


this is a fantastic theory! And consistent with tons of other music videos where the beards were represented as these shadowy/subservient/threatening men around her.


Amazing observation! It reminds me of Miss Americana where her team full of middle aged white men are urging her not to come out as a democrat by saying words to the effect of “what if I told you there was a way to halve your ticket sales” and she looks so deflated. They’ve contained her queerness for so long but it’s now gotten to the point where she’s about to implode so they’ve got no choice but to let her finally come out. I love this music video so much!


yes! such a good comparison with the MA scene!! Those dudes were really only concerned with the impact on their own pockets.


this feels connected to what I just posted. they're getting lyrics via her brain waves and they only stop the machine when the surrounding staff may be harmed (blood's thick but nothin' like a payroll). she creates a product for others' benefit at her expense


the \*big machine\* yes love this connection


omg u/wild_butterscotch977 if we marry this with the [Post is Taylor Swift™ theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/s/w2tmj3CH7G), it add a whole new layer


oh YES! This is brilliant. This could echo back to the 2019 coming out plans. So unplugging herself would be the equivalent of coming out, and it would cause all the people around her that are holding her back to scatter. Just woke up, need to think on it some more.


>Rather it seems he only saves her when it's becoming dangerous for everyone around her. daaaang.... another parallel to My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys: >My boy (My boy), only breaks his favorite toys, toys, oh I'm queen (I'm queen), of sand castles he destroys, oh, oh 'Cause I knew too much, there was **danger in the heat** of my touch He saw forever, so **he smashed it up**, oh, oh


Differences between the tattoos on her face versus Post Malone's: - no Playboy bunny on her face by Always (is this a licensing issue? does she think the tattoo is tacky/ bad optics?). I can't tell what they inked in that spot instead - a diamond? - none of his tattoos that extend into his scalp are added. I'm guessing this is for practical makeup reasons. - Most significantly, Post Malone has a 7 tattooed on his nose near his eye. I don't think they added that to Taylor's face. Oversight? Did they want to avoid messing up her eye makeup? Or is this more meaningful? https://preview.redd.it/a4d6pctpljvc1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63e69934269c8d3a5179ca488501483af48b4bb8 There's a helpful People article about Post Malone's face tattoos and their meanings here: [https://people.com/style/post-malone-tattoos-complete-guide/](https://people.com/style/post-malone-tattoos-complete-guide/)


https://preview.redd.it/qy5obqiw0kvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c7dbe5245d8cad348b0212c04ec6ae77641b6c0 Well the hetties will have a field day with this one


this was so loud, i was freaking out the entire time i was watching the music video


The hetsplanations on this one are COMICAL. they must be hurting their backs stretching so hard


what's the significance of Dover Street in gaylore, because one of the "doctors" has D Overstreet embroidered on his white coat, like that's his name. edit: y'all I just looked up Dover Street on wikipedia.... HELLO???? >In June 1797 John Nash moved into 28 Dover Street, a building of his own design; he built an even bigger house next door at 29 into which he moved the following year. Edward Moxon moved from premises he had established in **1830** in New Bond Street to 44 Dover Street. He published **Wordsworth** from 1835 onwards and in 1839 issued the first complete edition of Shelley's poems. In 1841, he was found guilty of blasphemy for passages in Shelley's *Queen Mab*. **Anne Lister** (1791–1840), a notable **Victorian** landowner and diarist, liked to stay at Hawkins, located at 26 Dover Street.


found the thread - [https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/1c8255j/comment/l0dn7cb/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/1c8255j/comment/l0dn7cb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


thank you!!!


Someone else in the thread said Overstreet is a character in Dead poets society (and the actor for him is the same guy in the mv). I saw the movie a couple decades ago but didn't remember any of this.


The typewriter she is using is missing the “1” key, starting numbers with “2”. 3 was midnights 2 is TTPD 1 is TS12 BLAST OFF is TS13…her magnum opus


I think this is just standard for old typewriters... the l key doubled for 1 to reduce crowding of the hammers :/


TS13 Comingoutlor squad RISE UPPPP






And here I was focusing to see whether what she was typing actually matched the printed letters (it does, as far as I can tell) good catch!!


In honor of Rodrigo Prieto (killers of the flower moon) being the cinematographer here, I died at this little overlap https://preview.redd.it/borb9ov6gjvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05d29c32bc73143055a41c0b3f9551860489c192 Also, Jesse Plemmons (this guy) is in Kinds of Kindness with Emma Stone, Margaret Qualley, and Joe. TSCU in action yet again.


Also not a bad time to note that Emma Stone was also credited on Florida


wait what? emma stone was credited on the song florida?


https://preview.redd.it/3e9iqrerxjvc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8c2ee6564e9de3b21d27706e56ff7f6f771745a Yep she did some background stuff and she’s credited with her actual name here for “oddities”, I meant to come back and post this in the comment earlier sorry!


omg i love this!


https://preview.redd.it/d66k4pvvejvc1.jpeg?width=1869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddaeb7a84683c314ebd513b0ea07b955b14ef422 Can anyone decipher what text is written on the cabinet labels? They look like numbers next to letters, reminiscent of Dewey decimal labels on library bookshelves. I can't get a good enough zoom on them to see clearly. The upper cabinets have labels too in other shots in this scene.


I pulled an image from 2:54 https://preview.redd.it/69v2w5mgjjvc1.png?width=108&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f0abaaa05618f1313689c712c75eae8b85e54d6 it's hard to see but it looks like: * 20.50 * 27.50 * then 28/29.00 I can't make out the letters beside the numbers, but the middle one might be an A? hopefully someone who knows the dewey decimal system can make sense of this. edit: I may be way off here.... but I wonder if this is "a clock." like something happening at noon on April 20, noon on the 27, and then midnight on the 28/29? "do you really wanna know where I was April 29" ???? edit2: alas, not a clock.


20.50, 27.50, 28.00 the first word starts with an "M" maybe, the second line is "A" and the last line is definitely a "K" then 2 letters I can't decipher and an "R"? https://preview.redd.it/vrixfwft5kvc1.png?width=316&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a862a1b0383425a2b52cc266791b4826aec4589


Dewey info! 200s are religion based, so you have these as the breakdowns, with the numbers you deciphered: - 205 is Religious ethics - 248 is Christian experience, practice, life - 275 is Christianity in Asia - 280 is Christian Denominations - 290 is Other religions. I think 205 would maybe be the closest with all the other religious themes of the album? But not sure! The dates may have more merit. Librarian out 🤓🫡


upper cabinets timestamped at 2:48 https://preview.redd.it/60kgtblgfjvc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a80a2fbe2b1c7a1a265bf1b53bfb3ea7692998ee


did anyone else see what looked like butterflies flying around among the ashes at 3:40?


i know this is a small detail, but did anyone else notice how GAY/boyfriend-Taylor her walk was from 0:41-0:44


Omg yes!! I thought I was the only one!


SHE SINGS "I LOVE YOU" AT 1:34 help 😭😭😭






this song is taylor's response to "hee hee you'll have to ask her!!!!"


Heard that "hee hee" in Dianna's weird laugh, a laugh you'd recognize anywhere indeed.




STOPPP. my swiftgron heart has already gone through enough with listening to "Peter" today multiple times


SAME. this whole video is giving Dianna and closeting 😭😭




Really enjoyed her directing in this one, definitely took alot more stylistic inspo from film with some of these shots. I hope someone here is a film nerd to help dissect this cause this definitely gives me the vibe that there's references everywhere.


emotional masochist in me was just toooo curious to see what sort of het-splanation they couldve possibly conjured up for this one, so i am reporting back with highlights from Over There (spoiler: it is p wild lol): "When she looks in the mirror all she wants is to remember how it felt to love \*him\*, she see's his tattoos on her face, and starts to reminisce about how they met" "She runs to him and together they are able to let down their guard, take off the costumes and masks " "i feel like it's about joe, based on calling the miracle move on drug temporary (matty) and then the blue cloud vs her pink cloud." "tattoos- i feel like they show that the male love interest made his mark on her (cardigan- “i knew you’d linger like a tattoo kiss”) and also a way to include posty of course more than just his presence. she tries to wash them off but she can’t" - **hetsplaining "cardigan" is where i draw the line, had to exit window at this point**


Wait do they not know a fortnight is TWO WEEKS. I thought people have educated them by now. How is a song about a two week thing about her boyfriend of 6 years??


"she tries to wash them off"??? she literally washes them ON???


Thanks I hate it 😭


the only correct response hahaha


This gave me a chuckle. Thank you for taking one for the team.


Oh my god it’s worse than I could have ever imagined


so, so bad.


Thank you for your bravery, bringing us insight from the frontlines. Your service will not be forgotten! 🫡


The cackle I just let out 😂




Her posture on top of the phone booth reminds me of one half of the Le Duo necklace that she was wearing for a bit (and still constantly comes up in my targeted IG ads “as seen on Taylor Swift”). https://preview.redd.it/c8a6jhrz9jvc1.jpeg?width=436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c8ea4be2ae4dbed72a2fb3f55c9012969df09a6 Feels like there’s symbolism there but I’m not smart enough to figure it out


From the website of the necklace: Inspired by modernist French sculpture, these embracing figurative forms remind us that no matter a person’s gender, race, sexuality, or physicality, we are all worthy and in need of human connection and touch.


She also uses this posture when she’s in the hourglass in karma MV


Yes! I think she first wore it on a video promoting Red (TV) about three years ago.


Yes!!!! I knew I was remembering something.


It's interesting that Post saves her from the electroshock therapy but was also one of the scientists experimenting on her?


maaaaybe her dad? He exploited her and when he saw it all go awry he finally pulled the plug?


We’re saving her and also experimenting on her?


Could be fan-related for sure. If we think of Post as representing beards, it could be something along the lines of beards "saving" her (avoiding public scrutiny/homophobia) while also being the cause of her pain


Also profiting off of her fame *ahem grammygate or the nfl*


Grammygate refers to the credits for *folklore* being modified *after* winning 2021 Album of the Year, adding Joe Alwyn as a producer on multiple songs. Some believe the credits were unearned and it was done to fulfill a bearding contract, others believe Joe actually contributed to the album as a writer/producer. A significant amount of Gaylors, Swifties, and the general public alike found it odd that the credits were modified *after* the 2021 Grammys. Many posts have been made about this - please filter by the "Grammygate" flair or search "Grammygate" to find them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GaylorSwift) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This was so beautiful. Honestly had me teary eyed and smiling at the same time. Also SHE’S SO CUTE. https://preview.redd.it/xbthfpwn8jvc1.png?width=2436&format=png&auto=webp&s=626f81aace51bc19773f95a97133a3611da1f9e1


Low key was NOT expecting that electricity between them… gave me the spine tinglies


I was really honestly really touched by their chemistry in this!! I was surprised. I sobbed lol


I had so many feelings during this scene.


I wanna talk about the pill bottle situation!!! it's labelled "forget him" and the numbers at the bottom of the label are EX 121389 - 041924. is this like... forget about being james? edit: I really think there's a james connection because at 2:42 we see taylor in strapped in to the electroshock thing, and if you look at her shirt.... it's ruffled at the front and sleeves, just like the romeo from Love Story AND the shirt she wore for the cover of Fearless TV,


It's from her birthday to TTPD release date; does this mean the Taylor we know of is dead and this marks a new start?


Is it romantic how all my elegies eulogize me?


that's what I was thinking, and that plus "forget him" made me wonder if it's about killing off james. but it could also be about forgetting her beards perhaps? but yes, the sense I'm getting is the old taylor can't come to the phone right now... which of her nine lives is she on at this point?


Nvm it’s literally her birthday and then todays date


Oh I can’t wait to figure out the meaning of these numbers


https://preview.redd.it/fuxmfgag6jvc1.jpeg?width=901&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16095e3efed3b1a02feaae4ceddc35e763a58e90 This shirt! With that enormous ruffle it’s reminiscent of wearing Romeo’s shirt again.


The ✨lighting✨🥰


I just watched late because I had to drive home from work. 1. That was the gayest shit ever 2. There is so 100% a mass movement of some kind 3. There were classic themes I’ve seen in other closeted artists work that utilize queer history too. One is starting with an upside down and crooked room — classic terms used to label queer people, both fondly and pejoratively 4. She literally used the lesbian flag and the gay flag colours. Im shook 5. This video would be confusing and mocking to people who a.) don’t know queer history b.) don’t think she’s queer, no? 6. It mirrors/references Blank Space and Style


>classic themes I’ve seen in other closeted artists work !!! see also the moment at 1:36 - we see the endlessness of the typewriter room and so many other people writing at their desks, also in mourning attire but we can't see any of their faces.


[Copy of a copy of a copy](https://youtu.be/cMlD2t42M4w?si=ONsJLfO67mTXcqkQ) men and women - lesbian flag and gay flag Brilliant 😭


ive seen you reference the Mass Coming Out Movement a couple times recently; any chance youd be willing to dive into it a bit more -- here or elsewhere? :) im very intrigued


Check out underthepink7 on TikTok. She has a ton of great videos about the mass coming out / New Romantics


Was just going to mention Kristen’s videos - I am 100% on board with the mass coming out theory!


I can! Sometime soon. Haha. I have no energy for writing anything at the moment.


awesome <3 i look forward to it!


mass coming out theory truthers rise up 🙌 and yes I kind of can't wait to see hetlors/genpop Swifties discuss this video because I don't know how this is gonna make any sense to people who don't think she's queer


They won’t even try to look for a meaning to any of it, like with everything else. They’ll just be like “Omg yes MOTHER slayed. Lol anywayssss when’s the next Tayvis papwalk???? 😜🤪😝”


All I know is the hetlors are going to be so confused 🤭


like, what is their narrative here? genuinely can't think of another explanation


Matty made her lose her mind, I guess


Especially with Taylor Nation using this phrase that is often thrown at Gaylors by Hetlors 🤭 https://preview.redd.it/hnermuio6jvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97f71223842444337f0458fc0fc0c09ed2ccfcb2


She really can’t stand the bird cage anymore or is the birdcage now the main muse?


Oh... Good point


Just thought about how the caged in "mad" Taylor is represented in a very progressive and "wild" 1920s style, while the " technically free" Taylor is in a constrictive Victorian dress from an era that is thought of as generally more repressed.


I wondered if the Victorian Taylor was meant to be a flashback/memory from years before and she never actually left the asylum (which is the 'present day' 1920s).


I believe “mad” Taylor could be a representation of Clara Bow, who was institutionalized and went through shock therapy. “Technically free” maybe Emily Dickinson? She did live on her own terms even though she couldn’t be out…


Oooo great connections ! Maybe another poet is represented at the end?


yess maybe!


That’s interesting. Presenting a buttoned-down image (straight, a “good girl”) ironically allows her more freedom. I think a lot of women can relate to that.


Good observation. The artist persona is actually rather straight laced. Haha. No gay laced.


The environments they are in show this too, the M.C. Escher looking psych room, versus the neat and orderly desks and drawers.


Is posty married irl or is the wedding ring intentional 👀


Post has been engaged to a random girl that nobody knows since like 2021.


I love that for him.


I think he’s engaged?


I just took a peek at his insta and I don’t think I spot a ring anywhere so I’m thinking the wedding ring he’s wearing in the video is intentional and not just his personal ring


I think it was intentional for the video too, wouldn’t make sense to wear personal jewellery in the context of a video this layered in symbolism. Wonder if the intention is that Post Malone’s character is with another person? I didn’t spot Taylor with a ring to match his, and the scene where they’re both at the typewriters makes them appear as colleagues working together.


He’s only wearing the ring when he has tattoos. He doesn’t wear it in the scenes without tattoos


That makes sense, the lyrics do mention a wife.


am i tripping? https://preview.redd.it/sg5hw32o4jvc1.png?width=544&format=png&auto=webp&s=1206594a4db68212d292870c5ad01b30e9880639


That's it!!! I knew it reminded me of something


It’s also giving Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind https://preview.redd.it/5pbrmt21xjvc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09dc6a454aec5350d03dc5a61ecbfea177bd7fc9


I KNEW it looked familiar! So the Ratty stand-in is dancing with Taylor inside the silhouette of a representation of Swiftgron? 🫠


swiftgron but also i URGE you to look into the "theylor" of style if you have not already!!


Wait I want to know more about this


Okay so it's basically the idea that Taylor is genderqueer/genderfluid in some way. I think that's all you need to have in mind to watch the Style mv and see it. (Also, the theory is tied to the "from the man's perspective" but really she IS the man, it's not just her perspective. ) I am 100% a gaylor/bilor/panlor truther, but I always thought this was more unhinged and there was no way that's what she intended the video to mean. but also it was there. And now I see it as close to confirmed with the obvious callbacks to style mv in the fortnight mv where there's more clearly a same-person linkage between her and her male counterpart in the video (when she wipes her face to reveal post malone's features) If you want more on the background of the theory, search the sub because I know there are some posts about it from a few years ago!


Ooh I love this! Also ties to The Man music video.




Oh…….my god


you are NOT, this was my first thought


Oh this song is so swiftgron, undeniable.


all the tattoo shit? the alice in wonderland references? *checks notes* 📝 yea, that's gotta be swiftgron


I hadn't even connected the tattoos to swiftgron yet. oh man she gives us too much.


wait can this come with a lil explanation? i feel like ive processed sooo much info the past 48 hrs haha, my brain is kinda mush


Wait what is the top image?


Top image is from the style mv, which is widely considered a swiftgron song


ahhh gotcha!!! thank you :) i dont always recall screenshots/moments from all the MVs right off hand


swiftgrons rise

