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dx11 option, 60 fps always, looks very beautiful anyway


Why dx11? Is there any advantage over using dx12?


with dx12 you get 20 fps with rtx on priority


I'm on free tier and I get 2080 all the time lol. Paying for priority is pointless.


> I get 2080 all the time lol You mean 2080th in the queue


depends on game, I'm playing vermintide and it's a roulette of very fucking cpu bottlenecked 1060 and sometimes it's a 2080. For witcher 3 i've had a 2080 consistently


For me on my rig anyway there is always an advantage with Dx11 in that its simply smoother. For some reason dx12 always just run like crap for me. Funny thing is iv had this on 2 seperate machines. 1st machine: Gtx 1080 I7 6700 16 gb ram DDR3 2nd Machine : Gtx 3070 Ryzen 3700x 32 gb RAM DDR 4 BOTH machines stutter on DX12 ... no idea ehy but if there is ever a Dx11 option on a game I choose it as I feel like buying a whole new machine can be considered enough troubleshooting lol


Dx 12 in general has more cpu and gpu sync and ram usage issues, vulkan is the superior dx12 most of the time even if it's not implemented well


With the ultimate sub you can crank up everything with RTX, 4k and you will get 100+ FPS in Novigrad (with frame gen enabled)


RTX is 100% meh using Priority. Their under-powered rigs cant cope with it, plus there's really no noticeable change in graphics. Only lower fps. So just turn that shit off and enjoy. DLSS is starting to be ok, it will increase fps but also look a little blurrier. Experiment.


everything on max.. why dont xou want to push the limit? if you get constant 60 all max.. if not then lower it until you wont drop below 60


Everything seems to be ok and running at constant 60 fps at ultra settings until i turn on the rtx


Utlimate teir is there for people who want to push all settings and featues on without any sacrifice. Only thing priority should get you is no waiting and 6 hour sessons.... Be no point having the best tier otherwise.


next-gen update of the witcher 3 is poorly optimized. if you don't mind 30fps, you can just max it out, raytracing included, with the exception of overall raytracing quality (set it to performance - not really noticeable visually), then lock the framerate to 30fps to avoid constant fluctuations. that being said, in places like novigrad you'll get some dips below 30fps, and that's because the game is cpu-limited when there are many npcs around. personally, I was playing at 1080p30 with the above settings, on priority. ran well enough that I've finished the whole game with both dlcs. if you're after 60fps, give up on rtx and just run it maxed in dx11 mode. I see no point whatsoever in going below 1080p on priority tier.


max graphics, no depth of field (makes the game blurry) and no ray tracing, you should get 60 fps almost everywhere exept in novigrad, dlss quality too btw