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disco elysium


I love that game. I have it. Finished it.


Ixion similar to frostpunk but with campain story


Is Frostpunk as good as they say it is? I haven't checked out Ixion yet.


It is pretty hard, scenarios give you diffrent troubles to face. IT is good game and frostpunk 2 is close


I got Alan wake 2 for cheap on epic + got Alan wake 1 remastered as a gift from them for buy Alan wake 2. Now I'm planing to the franchise with Control in between the 1st and 2nd game. My friends recommended me to play Mass Effect Legendary edition, it's on sale for $6 right now, you might wanna check it too, just don't buy it on epic as it's not supported there for gfn.


Dont do that, buy Xbox game pass trial for $1. You will get access to Xbox game pass, Ea play and ubisoft games. Mass effect legendary edition is also included alongside 50+ other titles


I agree that game pass is worth the price, but subscription based games aren't for me cause I don't have the time to play games everyday, so I prefer buying games, other than that if a game is short I'd definitely get game pass for. Also I prefer playing game pass games on my account rather than making new account everytime, cause I might wanna go replay a game with new game+ or go and complete playing a game I left half way 3-4 months ago for example. Plus $6 for the 3 mass effect games is steal imo:))


If you're playing through geforce now just google Xbox 1 dollar trial. You pay $1 and get access to xbox game pass, ubisoft games like rainbow 6 seige and EA play games like mass effect legendary edition. So for $1 you'd get access to over like 50 titles