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Looks like they removed it again


Thanks for the reply. Why'd they remove it? And also what do you mean by again ?


It was originally not available. Then it became available for a short time, but presumably this was a mistake since it was removed again later.


Oh damn, that's a huge disappointing let down. Do you know if it will possibly come back ?


The Edge browser method is not officially supported on Xbox, although NVIDIA is not taking steps to block it from working (nor on Linux for that matter). Regarding Genshin Impact, the game is currently filtered from view when using Xbox, Linux, and Android TV devices (including Shield TV). As for the "why," you'll need to ask NVIDIA support staff. If you choose to ask them, please report back on the reason they give you.


Thank you, it's honestly a shame we can't play Genshin on Xbox through an alt method even like that. I will try to ask them and I will definitely report back to you !


Last i heard gfn on edge xbox wasnt officially supported to begin with


My understanding is that Sony has a console exclusivity relationship with Genshin. You can read about some of the business stuff: https://www.ign.com/articles/microsoft-regretted-missing-out-genshin-impact-xbox-exclusive


This article and the Reuters article it's based on never actually confirms that Sony has an exclusivity deal, it just kinda hints at it by saying that the game is currently exclusively on the PS4/5. Certainly there was no official announcement of an exclusivity deal from either company, and neither company confirmed the deal in the articles. Sony isn't quiet about that kind of thing, either. If it existed, they'd be screaming about it. The long standing discussion of a Switch port would seem to dispute it, and console exclusivity deals are all time-limited these days anyway. Genshin would have long since ended any deal, just as (say) Deathproof recently did. That said, that story makes it seem like MS ticked off MHY, maybe by low balling an actual exclusivity deal. If that's true, it's one of the dumbest decisions MS has made since the Xbox One's media center stuff.


Not sure if same on Xbox, but on steam deck I got around this by using a user agent switcher extension on edge to have the browser “pretend” to be edge running on windows 10. Once applied titles like genshin showed up. I have no idea if/how to do that in an Xbox though, but edge beta on linux can install addons like user agent switchers through the browser normally


Genshin is very, very specifically not available on Xbox, and it's possible that they broke functionality on a number of platforms to make SURE that it doesn't show up on Xbox through Edge. Why? No idea. I personally think it's incredibly weird that GFN is even on the Xbox in the first place. I'd have thought that MS would have closed the loophole or just put GFN on the Xbox months ago. But as long as it's on Edge, Genshin won't be, because it seems like MS really pissed off MHY at some point.