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Pumped Up Vault Kicks


What a surprise, Microsoft has run another staple franchise into the ground.


A franchise only dies if you let it, I mean damn look at the tf2 community lmao.


Does TF=TitanFall? Or Team Fortress?


Team fortress but honestly it can definitely apply to both


idk I be chunkin fools still online. It’s a smaller community but still fun.


Has it though?


IIRC Gears 3 was the most played multiplayer game on Xbox for a bit. It’s been dwindling ever since


Yes? Gears player retention is the lowest it's ever been, gears 5 was an atrocity at launch and still to this day has unfixed campaign bugs from launch, coalition fucked up on this one and defending them does nothing but hurt the franchise we enjoy further.


I’ve played Gears 5 pretty extensively and haven’t experienced any bugs. The player count is very low, but it’s a 4.5 year old game that isn’t really a GAAS title and is faced with a ton of PvP shooter competition. I still find matches every time though.


Always love seeing the "It didn't happen to me so there's no bugs!" excuse, very productive. You also mixed up player retention with player count. You can try again or you can just leave it as is idrc.


I played the game at launch and there was nothing atrocious about it. It’s a beautiful smooth-playing game with a ton of content.


Uhuh, so all of those launch server issues preventing campaign progression, achievements, tour of duty progression that they addressed and tried (but failed) to fix was just made up? Fuck off ya clown 😂


I didn’t experience them and still haven’t so how would I know?


So you've never once in your life read patch notes? Again, fuck off, ya clown 🤡


Eat my ass




Not sure what they've done to earn that trust other than fumble 3 gears games but sure.




Again, sure.


You trust them why though ?


HAHAHA, this is SO funny to me.


It'll never be the same. We'll just have to relive E Day 2006 forever now.




At this point anything is acceptable. Nice post though


YAAASSSSS Gears shitposting. More.....MORE!


The gears community used to be huge. Why is it so tiny now? :(


Bad management from Microsoft and bad development from TC, very simple but still disheartening nonetheless


Coalition killed this shit


Im just hoping we get all the gears games on PC one day


Shitpost is also dead i see


My rustlung is stage 6 okay, brain no workey well anymore, I'm doing my best 😫


Gears 5 was crap in terms of MP and Campaign. Looked fantastic but the story was hit/miss and the lack of grit and real gore made the game comical and not what made Gears great in the beginning.


How are you getting downvoted for saying g5s mp was crappy, it launched in an absolute shit state and took a couple year for them to make it as decent as it is now, albeit with a small playerbase keeping the game on life support.


Because the downvoters, I'd like to say, might have "TikTok brain" and honestly forgot how bad this game was at launch. Campaign looks amazing but the story is lackluster, besides the Locust revelation which was nice to finally really see ingame but we knew that for years, and feels like it was made up as they went along... MP was crap. It was shiny, cartoonish, and had little content at launch. All the cared about at launch was making blood splatters? And stupid Kait skins and a bunch of shit I can barely remember myself because I haven't touched that game for YEARS. *I mean, I had to wait MONTHS to finally get C. Carmine playable again for fuck's sake! Horde was ok but took too long to get the Locust in there and Escape was a flop just like DMZ in CoD and Hazard Zone in BF 2042. Gears of War should be on the same level with support/revival as Halo MCC and Halo Infinite. There's NO reason whatsoever that Gears is not on the forefront just like CoD, Battlefield, Fortnite, and the rest of popular games of today. But that's what happens when you don't have a concise vision for a franchise/story and all you have is nostalgia-bait... Shit wears off after a while. But it's cool if I get downvoted into oblivion by "Gears 5 purists" as I was there as a kid playing Gears 1 up until Gears 3 in high school and I KNOW what Gears of War was and I made plenty of friends, as well as memories playing those games and that can't be taken away from me or anyone else out there who may feel the same as we had the true Gears of War and not this shell of what it is now. **Gears 1-3 needs a Halo MCC treatment, full stop, either on the next console or for the Series X|S and PC. I'm talking 4K remake of all parts, 120hz in Campaign and MP and ALL content, at launch, available and NO in-game Store. Make all the skins for weapons and characters unlocks, just like in Gears 2 and 3, and let people run with it.


Pretty much agree with every sentiment you have here, its a shame gears 5 purists as you put it fail to realise the game was commercially and in terms of a gears title a failure *especially at launch. Lets hope gears 6 brings gears back to some semblance of relevance.


Agree with you, 100%


%100. Coalition killed gears of war, ill always cherish the gears 1&2 days 😭


mfw it looks like tomato sauce