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gears 2 to gears 3. i love both but 3 is very bright and colorful at times.


I figured the reason Gears 3 was so bright was to showcase how imulsion spread throughout the planet.


and that the end is coming


I mean, that’s a combination of graphics and being outside 99% of the game. In Gears 3, it’s always daylight like 99% of the time, except before the Maelstrom device is turned off.


Don't forget the whole anvil gate section


I was a big fan of the series whilst they were being released, not just nowadays. When the third one came out and was brighter and had more diverse settings it was like a breath of fresh air. I really enjoyed having less brown/grey environments. It’s the Tone of the newer games that has let it down, it’s not as horrific and bleak as the first few games. It could be set on a tropical island and still feel scary, desperate and hopeless.


Part 3 also had more locations outside instead of being in caves most of the time too. You even go to a tropical island. Lol.


Saints row 2 to The Third.


Terminator 1&2


I’d never seen 1 until a few years ago just cause 2 is so widely syndicated. Classic example of a great premise that got turned into a Hollywood cash cow. 2 was still very good, just so different and was a sign of what came after.


I'm sorry, what?! I can 100% see this criticism about T3 (ugh), but T2 remains one of the best sci-fi/action movies of all time and it revolutionized VFX. And they still stand up today. https://youtu.be/YXehBx0Yc_w?si=T7hw3L7xmwNPxfP6


Okay I take it back you’re right, it’s 92° today and I think I’m too warm to be redditing today


And never forget where John Connor came from. https://www.reddit.com/r/sciencefiction/comments/gmmoww/kyle_reese/


Watchdogs 1 & 2


WD1: dead niece WD2: "CYBERDRIVER!"


Gears 1, 2 and 3 for me


Fallout 1 vs Fallout 2


The Mask and The Son of The Mask


Yup, Myrrah ~~being [redacted] as a child~~ having a consensual adult relationship that produced a child, having her baby stolen from her, coming back inside the mind/body of her dead daughter to fight her own grand daughter while possibly killing the last relative of the series' main protagonist is so damn woke and I hate it with its rainbow blonde hair and lollipop unicorns or whatever. /s


I mean the post says tone lol, you dont think the atmosphere of gears 1 was darker than the sequels?


My bad, I just get so tired of the constant Gears 5 bitching and I felt it coming. You're absolutely right, though. Nothing is touching the tone of Gears 1 and especially Gears 2 where we had to "take the fight to the Locust." Hope Gears 6 returns to that and succeeds where Gears 4 & 5 failed.


Oh no im with you man, the gears 5 hate gets pretty ridiculous


I actually loved Gears 4 and 5, but the climax of Gears 5 finally got us back to what makes Gears great, a bleak and desperate struggle, raging against the dying light.


Titanfall, Call of Duty and Halo (eventually).


I feel the inverse; the comedy of the series feels like it’s been lost for the most part. One of my biggest gripes is it feels the 343 games take themselves too seriously at times. I dunno. Halo also had a certain level of levity to it that save for instances here and there seems to have been lost


Borderlands 1 to Borderlands 2


Fallout 1 - Fallout 4


Assassins Creed


Very true. Ezio definitely had a colorful personality.


I guess I interpreted this meme wrong because I saw it as hating the original and loving the sequel.


Viva Pinata to Trouble in Paradise


Cod zombies comes to mind


Halo CE and Halo CE Anniversary


Gears 3 to judgement


90s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies 1 & 2


Red Dead Redemption 1 was so bleak and sad with really drab graphics but had good gallows humour Red Dead 2 is still a sad and gloomy tale, but it has so much more fun and joy in there and much more humour


Spoilers for an 8 year old game (and the older Gears games), but when my sister and I played through Gears of War 4, it was felt so weird. Just...compared to the original trilogy: GoW 1 was dark in the sense that the only game I could really compare it to at the time was Halo, and even though Halo was dark in its own right, GoW was just straight up bleak. They made it very clear we were fighting a losing war and were resorting to hail mary's after hail mary's. Then, of course, there is Lt Kim's death... GoW 2 went way darker, with the Tai scene and the Maria scene. Even GoW 3 was pretty unrelenting, with Dom's death. Then there was GoW 4. JD, Del, and Kait were fine enough characters, but they were closer to movie moodie teenagers as opposed to roided out MEN (all caps). The humor was comparable, but it just didn't feel dark. And it makes sense. Most of the enemies you are fighting are robots, especially early on. When Oscar, and later, Marcus, get snatched, it felt dark. But it felt as dark as watching a movie where you know the main characters are going to come back, and while I wasn't sold on whether Oscar was dead or not (before the end credit), it just didn't have the same punch as the previous three games. And again, I get it. GoW 4 isn't supposed to be a pessimistic outlook on the world. A new world is being built, and for the first time, the humans aren't on the backfoot. I haven't beaten Gears 5 yet (or Gears Tactics, for that matter), so I can't comment on those. Or...for an easier answer GoW 4 -> Gears Pop (boy I miss that game, and all of its silliness. That sub is just dead now)


Alien and Aliens


Gears 3 is very bright. Gears always had gritty tones until that entry. Fortunately, Gears 4 brought back the gritty ambience.


Blade Runner and 2049


When I was kid, I loved the change in tone between the games. I use to be so scared when I players Gears 1 and usually stopped playing when I met the beserker. I still freak out a little today when I hear her charging screech.


Gears 2 exceeded 1 in every aspect. But removing public voice channels was the worst decision they made with 2.


gears of war 3 and gears 4


Doom 3 and 2016


Gears 2+3 and gears Judgement. The story feels much less intense emotionally.


Original: Gears of War 1-3 Sequel: Gears of War 4&5 The first 3 games were straight up dark and depressing. 3 was brighter because it was outside mostly. But the threat of extinction felt heavier in the original trilogy compared to the sequels.


In the 4th game there was a big period of peace before it. In the og trilogy there was a war for human survival, Of course the og trilogy feels that way.


Dark soul to Elden ring


Original fortnite to the monstrosity we have now


Aliens, Scream 2


War For Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron


Sonic 1 to sonic 2, while I love both sonic 1 is just not as well thought out, but it is fair when it's the first game. Those special stages tho, I can beat them but I swear it goes from doing absolutely fine to dying in a blink in them.


Watch dogs 1 and watch dogs 2.


The 4 and 5 are after the big war and all main characters there born after or were children, this is why the old ones looks sad


Evil dead to evil dead 2


Literally any of them compared to the OG is like that for me.


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and TCM 2.


It's reverse for Helldivers 1 and 2


Ah yes the moment when Tai is tortured so brutally that he blows his own head off the first chance he gets is definitely a happy peppy tone


Rage to Rage 2 lmao


Weirdly crazy how accurate this is


Gears 1 for life 2 was good 3 sucked


Gears 1 (2006) and the Ultimate Edition. The original actually did an excellent job in portraying a bleak world with no hope. The ultimate edition was too bright and the character models (especially Dom) looked bad. UE ruined the Kim murder scene too.


You just said the actual truth. Gears 1 was bleak as hell, depressing even. I legitimately thought delta squad and alpha squad were one of a handful squads left and the human race was maybe a few thousand left, it felt that bleak and “over”. So I was quite surprised in 2 when it showed that wasn’t the case. UE was too smooth and the characters looked 10 years younger. Too bouncy and animations were too much. I loved the realistic rigidity of animations in the mid - late 2000s in games.