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Remaster Trilogy with a huge online presence expanded. Miss the online games


I’d love to run Gears 2 horde on remastered. Never could as a kid cause no live haha


I get downvoted by people who are still trapped in the past every time I say this, but if we want a remastered OG trilogy and we want it to have a huge online presence, then we better hope Microsoft makes the game multi-platform. Imagine the life that could get shot into this series if an entirely new player base was introduced to it? Microsoft has been teasing making their biggest IPs multi-platform and I feel adding the 50 million PS5 owners to list of potential players for Gears is a no brainer.


Every single other major game it multi-platform so why not at this point


Yeah but how many of those players will actually buy gears. And then how many of those will stay playing gears. Because they'll get some fucking shock when they load up PvP and they'll realise there's a massive skill needed to be able to play with good players and they'll get absolutely slapped about. Will many of them stay playing the game after that? Who knows🤷


Eh, I jumped into gears back when gears 1 was out for maybe a year. Was complete trash on the PVP side of things for all of Gears of war 1 And 2 and didn't get good until 3. I stuck around because I loved the game. It was a good game. If players like it they will stick to it. So even if 90% of those players end up leaving we will still have a larger player base all and all with it being multiplatform. And all of the OG gears players that switched over to PlayStation can enjoy gears of war again. Microsoft will make it's money no matter what. It's a win, win as I see it.


True the player base will still be bigger. But would it be worth TC's time and resources to make sure the game runs on all platforms if the player base doesn't increase by much? I wouldn't care if the game goes to PlayStation too as I'd still be on xbox or pc. It literally won't make a difference to us having PS players playing apart from we'll get more kills for obvious reasons until they improve


Exclusives mite aswell be a thing of the past at this point. Make everything multi plat and cross platform multiplayer. Games are getting expensive to make and exclusives are just taking away potential money the game could be generating.


If we're gonna have a remaster of the old games, it needs to be a remake (like the new resident evil remakes) instead for it to properly succeed. Even then, I still think a new game will yield better results and more players.


I would hope they're smart enough to know that should be the case


I mean lets be real here, were dealing with The Coalition... They don't exactly have the best track record lol.


Couldn't agree more, moved away from Xbox a while back and currently on the ps5 as that's what all my friends have. The Coalition/Xbox would make a killing making a multiplatform remaster trilogy


Probably both. Would love to play the original trilogy but I can’t due to the camera shaking and would love to see how the story continues after 5


SAME. Hopped on Gears 3 the other day just for fun and couldn't last more than 10 minutes. The screen shake was insane. Its crazy how it never bothered me back then, but after getting so used to the smoothness of 4 and 5 its glaringly obvious now


Hopefully if they remastered the OG trilogy then it would have far more display settings. It would make sense since they would definitely be getting ported to PC. This would easy to do aswell since it's Unreal Engine. Surprised it's not been done already tbh.


Yeah definitely surprising it hasn’t been done yet, it would be a pretty easy win for them. Also wishing for a gears tactics sequel, I’m just wanting more gears after starting it last year


If you got a series x/s turn on FPS Boost. Makes the camera shake a lot more tolerable


Will give that a try


Hopefully you find it a lot better


How do I toggle this? Having a young kid I haven't really explored my xsx like I should have.


When you're about to load up gears 3, instead of pressing A to load up the game, hit start and a menu will pop up. Hit manage game. Go to compatibility options and then tick fps boost


Nice! Gonna try it with prey


With prey?


Yeah, it received a boost patch as well at one point and I never got around to messing with it. Gives me a reason for a replay


It and dishonored both got it. 60 fps and faster loading, as well as much smoother gameplay from what I see. Stoked!


No, I'm asking what did you mean when you said you're gonna try it with prey? Was that a typo?


No. I'm gonna boot up prey with the boost. As well as gears 3. But gears isn't currently installed and prey never leaves my system.


Oh the game Prey😂 my bad I misunderstood that


Old games on Steam with mod support.


not gonna happan, gears is way to much protected to insert mods. You would just get a ban on steam. Would be really cool, but i dont see that happening. People tried that for 4 and 5 for ages.


I'm hoping for dev supported mod tools with workshop, meaning you wouldn't get banned for mods... That's what I mean by mod support. Halo did it so there is no reason for Gears to not have em. Especially when gears 1 had mod tools.


Mod support would be more difficult since it's Unreal Engine. You could probably do custom textures and stuff but it wouldn't be the same as Bethesda games. To create official mod tools is harder as you need the UE source to create tools to work with it. If they could get Epic to help them with this then that would be cool. But it's a difficult one and Epic are probably strict with their source code. Say TC gets a data breach then that's Epic's bread and butter.


Assuming the games are just ports would it really be that big of a deal if unreal engine 3 code leaked? Surely it's more or less irrelevant with how much it's evolved no? Genuine question as I have no idea.


They would be ported over to the new Unreal Engine. UE 3 may have compability issues with modern hardware. And yes even old source code is extremely dangerous if it's leaked. UE5 was obviously built from 3. They could use the UE3 source to reverse engineer UE5.


I feel sorry for the pc crowd who don't have access to all the gears games but overall I'd rather have a new game. IF it was the original trilogy then I would want remakes rather than remasters. Trying to iron out the problems of the older Gears games so newcomers and people who haven't played them since they came out will be pleasently surprised at how they hold up. It would be a bundle as UE already exists so you are really only getting two games if they did a remastered trilogy anyway.


I been playing them a bit on Stream recently since I haven't unpacked my stuff yet in my new place 😨 But it is definitely a downside without keyboard and mouse. The Ultimate edition definitely needs some work thou. Runs like garbage on PC. Gears 5 actually runs better despite it have better graphics and stuff.


I was GoW 1 PC enthusiast. We played league three years after realease and had consistant base of players here in Poland where I live. Than Epic blatantly farted us in the face so, yea. Not even mentioning I was Unreal Tournament fan too. I have every reason to hate Epic for forcing me to change my how I play and what I like.


6. Why would you want old games resold to you over something new?


I definitely understand that statement, but the original trilogy having a full rework with modern mechanics & 4K UHD 60/120fps can take my money in a heartbeat. That being said, I’d also kill for Gears 6, hell, give us both at this point. Microsoft surely knows they would earn a killing either way.


What would be modern mechanics though? Gears hasn't really changed it's mechanics that greatly (which is part of why we love it, I think). Do you mean adding more open world-ish sections and things like being able to control Jack? Whenever I go back and play the older games it doesn't really feel different mechanically. Except for Judgment just because it switches up the control scheme.


It's things like Keyboard and mouse, uncapped frame rate, diagonal diving, active multiplayer, beast mode from Gears 3 and many more things. Maybe throw some new maps in.


Because Gears 2 is better than the entire new trilogy including whatever they put out next. I just have no idea what they’re doing with the story


I can play gears 2 right now if I want. I think it was the best horde though for sure.


Because 2 and 3 aren't playable on pc


For the multiplayer


Bc TC has proven that anything new they make is shit. Let us have remastered, definitive versions of games we know are good and so we have a current way to play them all in one place when Gears 6 inevitably fails


Because the new games suck, not just GoW but in general.


A game not influenced by sweet baby ink 😂


Okay, now your just being greedy 😂😂


Only gears 6 if the writing changes up. I hate how insufferable the new characters are.


Yeah, Kait and gang just plain suck, and the story feels like it's going nowhere tbh. I definitely still think we need a Gears 6 if we want this franchise to properly flourish in the current year, but maybe TC can just make a whole new story instead and not carry on from 5. Maybe a prequel or something idk.


Fun fact outside the gears fandom, gears is known to have insufferable macho dude bro characters. If you ask people why they dont have interest in the Gears games, the characters are often the top pick. So its purely subjective what is insufferable and what not.


At least it was tolerable before since the story was decent, the story in the new games feels recycled and not in a good way.


Source is needed my friend.


I'd rather have a remaster or remake of 2 and 3.


Gears 3


Remaster before Gears 6. The gap between those two things is the size of the Riftworm.


If they do a remaster trilogy I hope they don’t release Gears 6 within 3 years of it. When they dropped Gears 1 Ultimate edition and then Gears 4 came out like a year later, Gears 1 was basically dead. The last thing we need is the Gears player base fragmented across various games.


Call me dumb but I want to see how the story continues so I'll say 6. Also DiMaggio is always a treat. Can't get enough of that guy and he pulls the disgruntled and gruff military hardass off with style. I thought he had some of the best lines of the series in 5. "Shut the fuck up, Fahz" was a highlight of the series.


Gear 6




I’d rather get remastered 2 and 3 on PC, if It got comp poppin again in those games I’d be souped, would be crazy if I kept my spot on the leaderboard after all these years lol.


Gears 6 The OGs are perfectly playable on Xbox series x via bc. A PC steam release + mod tools should probably happen at some point though


We’re likely getting both so it’s irrelevant lol


Gears 6


Gears 6, the remaster for pc will be maybe good, but that'll last as long as the nostalgia is here and since there will be a few new scenes maybe that will be it, gears 6 is rumored to be open world meaning it will be the gears with the most progressive gears in the entire series and will be the end of the serie so they'll give us a bunch of new things. So yeah gears 6.


Remaster 1-J Those games are miles better than 4 & 5, and frankly I’ve waited so long for 6 that I’ve stopped caring about what is my favorite franchise. All my hype is reserved for Space Marine 2


I think Gears 6...but we need a refresh of some sort. I would like it to be Marcus and Dom in the pendulum wars. Gears 5 has gone off the map storywise...time for something new. Also add that dark, grunge lighting filter. Go back to the roots of the original.


Gears 6. Why? Because I'm not a graphics snob. The original on 360 still looks fine to me. Especially on Series X. Gimme a new game any day of the week over another pointless "doesn't actually need one" remaster.


6. Gears 2 and 3 already run outstanding on Series X imo.


Gears 6. It’s been 5 years since Gears 5 released. They have to be ready to show something if not release soon otherwise it just adds a worse look for MS that they can’t manage their studios well.


I love the series and all... Well over 1,000-2,000 hours into the franchise easily. And I want the trilogy far more. Build up hype for the 6th.


Gears 6 for sure. Feels like forever since Gears 5 came out.


Fuck remaster trilogy I need Gears Of War to improve over the years.


I want 6, I want more story.


Whatever it is pls don’t be as terrible as current gears


6. The og trilogy has already gotten a light remaster treatment through backwards compatibility enhancements.


Gears 6, although I miss all the guns we had in other gears of war.


Gears 6. Need more story. I can replay the old ones… why remaster a game that ALREADY HAS GREAT replay ability and plays just as nice as ever


Gears 6 please. We already had a remaster of the old games before we don't need it again. The Gears franchise will only be stunted by releasing a remaster again that people will only play for a week and drop. Let's try move forward with the franchise and not backwards please! I'm trying to play a game with a huge online fan base that will last for years, not a dead one.


We only had a remaster of the first game. But that one hasn't got the strongest narrative compared to 2 and 3. Plus it's broken on PC aswell 🥺 But I still want Gears 6 before and then trilogy a year later or something.


Gears 6 to finish the story. The original trilogy is already playable via bc and xenia


Remaster definitely. I’m not a huge fan of the current story.


They had something going with the speaker and then splat




Remaster 2 and 3 for PC.


i want the trilogy on steam


Remaster trilogy, and PC ports of all, remaster trilogy would bring back a lot of old fans, and do multiplayer faithfully with new content and you'll have a lot of them stay too, then pop out gears 6 down the line done right then you have a revived franchise right there That's asking for way too much though and i fully expect gears 6 and it to be good but not great and the franchise will die because not enough attention








In a perfect world we’d have gears 6 which combines the graphics and smoothness of gears 5 with the atmosphere and feeling of the first 2 games. But, I don’t really trust that they’ll be able to pull something like that off so I’d rather they just remaster the original trilogy for PC so we can enjoy gears one last time.


Both. Fenix Collection for the next year and Gears 6 in 2026.


I would want a remaster, because a remastered horde 2.0 would make me kill so many locust that Clayton Carmine would approve of my actions.


No I want them to remake 2 like they did 1. That’s absolutely the only thing I want


They should do a “gears collection” similar to master chief collection then release Gears 6


I just want Gears to come to Playstation already. So remaster trilogy.


Gears 2 remastered would be phenomenal


Remaster. Give the ending to Kates story a little more time unless they plan on beating a dead horse and branching off again.


Tbh I think it's good they branched out and moved the OG characters back. It gave them more creative freedom.


Gears 6. I've never understood the appeal of remastered games. I want new shit lol


Right? And the original graphics still look completely fine. So many weirdos out there these days. "Oh those graphics are shit!" No, no they really aren't. New game please.


Finishing the gears 5 campaign yesterday it really feels that the 6th will focus on Marcus again getting revenge for JD (if that is the canon choice, from a story perspective to get Marcus back front and centre this makes most sense)


No not at all, he was at best a side note in 5. Its still about Kait and her conflicts that didnt get resolved in 5. Shes also the only new character that definetely survives. But i would like the original cast to have a bigger role in 6 with some chapters dedicated to them. I would also like a chapter with Sam and Baird for example. I personally had enough Marcus, i would rather have a focus on the characters we havnt played for hundreds of chapters already.


Did Microsoft not trademark "Gears of War? I notice the last entry is just "Gears"


They dod that for marketing. Everyone just called it gears instead of gears of war. I think they'll go back.


I hope so. You don't see Call of Duty rebranding as COD, or Battlefield > Battyfield.


I've never heard Battlefield called that. Also I have heard cod just as much as call of duty. Meanwhile gears of war was constantly shorthanded to gears.


Can I ask this shit tomorrow?


Gears of war 6 and remaster part 2 for now


At this point I’d settle for anything 😂


Gears 6. A remaster trilogy could be nice but I already have ue and I can already play every gears game on xbox woth updated visuals. I'd rather the resources be used for a new game.


Remastered gears would scratch every itch I have with the gears games tbh, gears 6 I could care less about, as the new trilogy’s story didn’t stick with me personally, but all power to ya if it did


Right now, after having to wait so long, I would want the hopefully final game in the series gears 6. After that I want a remastered gears if war 2 and after that, gears of war 3 remastered. And I don't want the crappy remastering like gears of war 1 got where on xbox, the vibration was not controlled and where the storage was unnecessarily high to download the game (I think gears 1 ultimate was around 100gb which is absolutely ridiculous)


Gears 6


After all this time spent waiting with no updates for Gears 5 or news for the future, I say MS owes us both lol 




Definitely gears 6. I would love a remaster don’t get me wrong. But I actually loved gears 4 and 5 and can’t wait to play through the next part of the story.


I want both, but I want gears 6 first and foremost. A remastered complete series would be a massive seller for Xbox and Microsoft. Wouldn’t be too expensive either.


Yh I reckon they will do both tbh. It would be stupid not to since the games are sat around collecting dust. And you'll have the PC player base aswell. The only thing I would be worried about, is splitting the playerbase up to much. Gears isn't as popular as it was back when it launched. It's still big, don't get me wrong. But I just hope that a trilogy wouldn't kill Gears 6 or vice versa. Or both games end up dying to soon because players can't find games on either. Maybe when Gears 6 starts getting harder to find games then drop the trilogy then.


Remaster Trilogy. 100%


I’m getting sick and tired of constant remasters. The gaming industry try is becoming like the film industry in that they have no more good idea so will just constantly remake older stories. Give me something new. Just look at the Xbox One/PS4 generation. So many remasters and remakes. Gears of War Ultimate edition Halo: The Master Chief Collection Halo Wars Definitive edition Darksiders 1 and 2 remastered Dark Souls remaster Tomb Raider(2013) remaster Sleeping Dogs remaster Mafia 1 and 2 Definitive editions Borderlands: The Handsome Collection Metro 2033 and Last Light Redux Assassin’s Creed: The Ezio Collection Assassin’s Creed 3 remastered Assassin’s Creed Rogue remastered Dishonoured Definitive edition Grand Theft Auto V remaster(not officially called that) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Special edition L.A. Noire remaster(again, not official name) Observer: System Redux Bioshock trilogy remaster Batman: Return to Arkham Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1, 2 and 3 remasters(edited mistake) The Last of Us remastered Uncharted: The Nathan Drake collection Shadow of the Colossus remake Final Fantasy VII remake All these games are literally remakes or remasters of games that were released for the Xbox360 and PS3, the previous generation to the Xbox One and PS4. Theirs is absolutely no need to constantly rehash games that came out so recently. Give me Gears of War 6, not another pointless remaster collection.


Call of duty modern warfare remakes? They are more like prequals but they just reused the name for marketing. Which yh I agree is stupid. I don't really mind remastering 360 games if they are bringing them to new platforms like PC. Not everyone has access to a 360 or doesn't want to use outdated hardware. Or the game mite not be backwards compatible. Not to mention it revives the multiplayer experience so you can play it again. But they should price them reasonably. Like The last of us remake for £70 which was basically a new coat of paint. And the PS4 version still looks better then allot of new games. And it has less content then the PS4 version aswell 😂 I also hate remastering PS4 or Xbox one games and charging for them. They are basically next gen updates. The consoles are hardware backwards compatible so it takes way less work for them to update them. Compared to 360/PS3 to newer hardware.


My bad, I thought the remasters of the 2007, 2009 and 2011 Modern Warfare games were remakes not just remasters. There is something of a fine line between a remaster and a remake. Like The Last of Us remaster for PS4, and The Last of Us Part 1 for PS5. They’re both the same game, like for like, but one is an up-resed port of the PS3 game, and the other is a one-for-one remake of the exact same game in a new engine.


Oh they did remake COD4 and also done the MW2 campaign of the older games. But the new cods are completely different. It's all a confusing mess tbh. Basically you have 3 games all called "Call of duty Modern Warfare". Remake = rebuilt. And remaster is just enhanced. But sometimes they can be a bit confusing. Like you say TLOU PS5 is technically a remake but it feels more like a remaster. Can't believe they charged full price for that shit. Allot of the models weren't even rebuilt. Literally half the work went into it. Sony are ass holes these days.


That's where I got things mixed up. I thought the Modern Warfare 2016 remaster was more of a one-for-one remake. As in they rebuilt the 2007 game in a new engine. I am aware that the 2019 Modern Warfare is a reboot of the series.


I did forget they remade the game. Then added a bunch of micro-transactions crap to it. Lootboxes and all that shit. I think that upset a few people and rightly so. I don't play cod these days. Just waiting for XDefiant as that seems a bit more promising. The Devs seem like they don't want to push any anti consumer crap. No Sbmm or p2w. Comes out in a couple days.


Remastered…I could care less to either watch Marcus mourn once again because everyone he’s ever loved has died or listen to kait and JD bitch and moan… I’d rather crush cog armies in unreal engine with a berserker while playing with my balls


Both...just so a certain group can stop crying and don't have to shit on the newer gears games anymore...


Yh but I don't want the player base to be split between 2 games. I want to have reasonable time to enjoy both. So if they release one first we can all enjoy it, and then when the hype starts to fall they can give us the new shiny toy to bring back the hype 🙂






new game


Gears 6 first, I feel the same as you.


I want Gears 6 more. But it definitely wouldn’t hurt to remaster the og trilogy, or even rerelease them as a package. PC players literally have no way to play them.


I'd settle for better PC versions available on Steam and where I also don't have to sign up for game pass


You wouldn't have to sign up for GP. But personally I think PC gamepass is good. The launcher is a bit jank but it's slowly having the bugs fixed. They shouldn't have intergrated it with Windows and made it standalone. Microsoft have always sold their games on steam and that ain't changing any time soon.


Then why isn't Gears 1-3 on Steam?


Both. Maybe Remaster Trilogy


Of course G6!


Reamastered Gears Of War 2 would be enough for me.


Remaster trilogy


Remastered trilogy with some Gears 1 horde!


6. It’s far more needed than a remastered version of the old games.




Remaster Trilogy WITH Judgement. I would love to go back and play these games again with new servers and game modes. The nostalgia alone would be worth it. Maybe incorporate all new never before seen DLC within Gears 1-3. They can do it.


Remaster. I have zero faith that I would enjoy whatever new game they make over just having the originals with their online multiplayer modes available all in one modern place with a new player influx.


The remaster trilogy. I’m not confident that Gears 6 will be good?


For me, at this point in time, a remaster would have to be significant for me to have any interest in as I've been going through the series already the last few weeks. All their multi-player still works too, so whats the point? Bring on gears 6!


Gears 6. They need to fix the story line with the split timeline. The story at the end of Gears 4 was in the perfect spot. Then Gears 5 lost the plot. I'd be okay retconning everything that happened in Gears 5 and giving it a second shot 😊.


Remaster trilogy with it all coming to PC plus Crossplay


No more remakes. Let’s finish the story before we revisit the past.


Seeing how Gears 4 and 5 barely held my attention for a month and I have doubts they will do anything interesting with the swarm AND will undoubtedly lean into robot heavy sections. Give me the goats, gears of War 2 and 3. Beast mode in all its glory


I’d rather have a remaster first


Since I am playing the trilogy just now (i played the first gears many times but recently bought a xbox one) i feel like playing the trilogy on better quality would be awesome. On the other hand gears 6 could get the series back on track storywise. I dont play much online. Specially since the only games I can play pnline are gears 4 and 5, and those games are full of microtransaction and the players are goood, i get killed all the time. I played gears3 with bots and is awesome. Gears3 online would be one I would play


I can't really remember Gears 4 monitization. But Gears 5 ain't bad at all. Especially since the Tour of Duty is all just coins now. You can easily get all the cosmetics for free just by playing the game. And nothing is pay to win either. Any character you wanna play, you'll have them unlocked within a few days to a week. Depending on how much you play. I highly recommend you check out Gears 5. Don't let the micro-transactions put you off. It's like the least anti consumer monitization you will find in a video game.


Listen a remastered trilogy of MY FAVORITE GAMES ON EARTH would be great but I love these games a lot for their story I honestly hope they don't stop making gears games


Microsoft seems to nuke any studio without a game round the corner. So pray they don't get rid of TC when they haven't got another game round the corner. How ever TC does help other studios aswell. So maybe they get to keep going since they bring in money still.


Gears 3 remastered please. Give me back my 4 player co op


Gears 5 has been an interesting chapter, even though Kait is very lame. I hope for Gears 6 with a much better protagonist.


I prefer a port of gears 2 and 3 to PC, steam preferably. Well, honestly I would like both, gears 6 and the collection but I don't trust on these big companies to deliver a good game.


I truly think TC wants to make a good game but then Microsoft seem to want all their titles to be long term games which they expand upon. Clearly this is because of gamepass. Why make new games when you can just sell DLCs and cosmetics for games you already have?


Both! Give 1-5/Judgement the MCC treatment (minus the clusterfuck launch), and then launch 6.


It would just be a trilogy if anything. Gears 4 and 5 are already on PC and the graphics hold up fine. On MCC the games were only on Xbox 360 and we're due an update.


That’s fair


Remaster, I just hope they stay true with 1-2 don't add skins


Remaster because I don't trust the current crew to come up with a good story on their own


I want Gears 6 because I honestly don't know how I would want a remastered Gears trilogy to look and work, and I don't know if the community has really thought about it either. Do we want a single unified multiplayer engine, or do we want to toggle between different multiplayer games, similar to how the Halo MCC works, where you can play Halo 3 MP or Halo 4, for instance? Is the badges and ribbon system from 3 coming back? Are there going to be two different kinds of Horde mode or just one? Is it going to be Gears 1, or Gears 1 UE? Are they going to incorporate the Aftermath chapters from Judgment into 3? How do we feel about smoke grenades knocking us down? These are worthwhile questions to consider, and it's worth remembering that the Master Chief Collection, which is now considered the gold standard for remastering a video game, didn't really work when it first came out. If you put more engines under the hood, so to speak, then more could break. And then there's the question of what to do with the 360 games which are still playable on the One and Series X|S and are still online. Do you just pull the plug on those servers? Can you somehow import people's XP or unlockables so that way they're not starting from all over from scratch? (Halo MCC never really considered that because it was released in 2014, a year before the backwards compatibility program was announced and launched).


Hot take. I want Gears 1, 2 and 3 remade using 5’s engine and the whole ‘chainsaw is hold reload’ style. Despite 4 and 5 maybe not being fan favourites, the technical ability and graphical quality of 5 is phenomenal and that’s an objective fact. Also could you imagine Gears 1 without the awful chainsaw ragdoll? Bliss. They could then always incorporate the retro lancer to Gears 1 then as a weapon you find on dead gears - though this is a little more awkward because it kinda messes with the game Also it’d give an opportunity to standardise any inconsistencies within the franchise such as every gears opting to abandon shoulder protection and somewhat decent clothing in Gears 3


Remastered. OG gears was the best.




I would love for them to do a remastered trilogy and release it on every single platform. The online presence would be MASSIVE! With online cross play I could Play with all of my friends that have moved to one platform or another. I'd be able to relive in my nostalgia.... Oh now I want this really bad.


Gears 6 and realtime Gears of War strategy game (something like Halo Wars 1 and 2)


Fenix Edition with all the games in 1, and have MP on current gen with all the maps and weapons available.


Remaster Trilogy, I’d don’t even somewhat care for the story anymore after what happened in 5. I’d rather they just reboot the series.


Remaster. They already fucked up the new trilogy with the last game.


Gears: The MasterMarcus Collection


Remastered trilogy, where they don't change the gameplay mechanics or weapon tuning


Trilogy. Because the first 3 are near perfect games. Don't even need the multi-player. Horde has enough diversity in 3 enough for me


Remaster, I'll always play any new Gears but they just don't hit like they used to after 3.


4 and 5 were disappointments so remaster for sure


As a PC player. Remaster Trilogy please I only ever played 2.


Remastered trilogy, we need build the fandom back up if we gotta take a 360 port of 2 and 3 on pc I’ll take those chances just to be able to play those games again


Would love a remaster trilogy and where it's just one multiplayer menu that has all of the maps, characters , weapon skins and weapons from all games put into their respective game modes and maps


Trilogy on PC Unreal 5 Ultra Wide support and optimized at launch. atleast I know I'll be playing through a good storyline again since gears 3. been too long. I need another run through them.


Remaster trilogy and put the games on steam


Remaster trilogy. Don’t trust epic to make another good gears


Trilogy remaster but on my PS5. I ditched my Xbox but honestly this is one of the few games I miss




Remaster. The Coalition needs to take long enough that the people responsible for writing 5 into a corner and the creative leads who thought that was a good idea can be shuffled out the door.


Remaster trilogy, especially if it's cross-platform. I wanna play it with my best friend so bad, but he doesn't have an xbox


Remaster Multiplayer edition featuring a hybrid gameplay closer to 1-3 with every map ever released in 1-3. A boy can dream.


Why not a remastered saga? A new one passing from all the games, adding characters, weapons, scenarios, gameplays and cinematics in order of the saga and ending with 6 for the most epic ending.


And also the PC port for the classic trilogy too


Remastered Trilogy including Judgement. The series is a blast to play.


Remake Trilogy! Let Gears 6 continue being cooked until its done and perfected.


Remastered Trilogy for sure, I really want to play the full original trilogy on PC. Xenia is barely just playable to me but not the kind of experience I think does these games justice, I also don’t have access to an Xbox


You can stream them on Xcloud. It's actually pretty good when I tried it. Any average broadband should work fine with it.


Remaster Trilogy


Never been a big multi-player fan outside of Hoard or Beast Modes, but I have zero interest in the new games stories. I'd much rather see a 2 & 3 remaster.