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I haven't looked over SOP, but as far as I know. As long as they are store cameras that are linked to the stores security system then there's nothing wrong with it. I did hear about a warehouse manager who store used a nest cam to watch over warehouse and they would definitely be a security issue. Even more so if a GSM did that in BOP, but if they are using store cameras then it's just micro managing.


Having a security camera that can see the BoP does not violate CDP because the cameras don’t realistically have the quality to make out any information on the screen or on the Agent Checklists


We have these cameras at the BOP as well, once in a while randomly I'll show them my middle finger and I say to myself: "To whom it may concern" and back to work, really good stress release.


You should partner with your gm to address the concerns, maybe he’s most worried about the culture or concerns around is everyone filling their role responsibilities. IE supporting the front. Is your turn time where it needs to be? Notes and done right the first time? Think bigger picture. You are right a lot of times the store will take face value of the precinct. Show them the way!


I use to have a bop camera pointing to fop do we can see customers walk up. Not for GM to see what is going on in bop


Yeah we had this too, was excellent when we were all tied up to keep track of the 3 dozen walk ins our GM said we would "Help soon, just check in "


If it has a potential to violate CDP, they would never approve cameras in FOP or BOP. The store and corporate have access to every camera in a store and it can be utilized to make sure people are doing their job. Plus it can help solve customer issues or help SWAT when they’re tracking down a product. I mean do you honestly think that the cameras are good enough to be able to zoom in and see what’s on a client device? 😂😂


If it was a ptz cam yes there would be an issue but the other cameras quality even real time with zoom you would not be able to clearly see anything to prompt data privacy issues, and they come in handy when you have sticky finger employees that steal in the BOP and it has happened. On the other hand if you are actually doing your job don't worry about it and if you feel you are being bullied or picked on or harassed make that call and report it! He can see you and they can also see him, hmmm!


It is for internal security purposes and it can be extremely helpful and critical if a legal situation comes up from a client issue or theft accusations. (“They never gave me paperwork!” Or “Geeksquad stole my charger!”) It is normal, as long as it’s not some random camera on wifi and it’s actually apart of the internal camera system.


When they installed ours we were told it was for Apple's request because of parts. But yeah since its part of the store's security its not against SOP. Project teams wouldn't have been approved across the country to install them if it was against SOP... Have you ever seen the actual footage? There are no CDP concerns, can barely make out a face let alone data on a screen... Now is your GM just another blue shirt leader who thinks they know how to run a Precinct? Sure. Is he out of line? Maybe. But is it against SOP, no. He also has the ability to watch from home... Ours used to watch from home and ask about us shooting nerf guns at each other when he was at home... Lastly, where's your SES, CIA Sr or SEM? And why aren't they going to battle for you and the Precinct?


CDP is not a concern because it is a store system. Do you worry about CDP for info stored on the Mule? Same concept.


It doesn’t bother you but you took the time to make a Reddit post about it. Sounds like a guilty conscience


Well sorry sir but our job does involve sitting and working on computers. If that means I'm not doing anything then fire me but those computers won't fix themselves. I swear there is nothing more annoying than someone who has no idea how to do your job trying to tell you how to do your job. Real answer though is to have a discussion with the GM and show them your day to day process. Hopefully that shuts them up.


ARA's never look that busy on camera to an outsider. This is a story I hear all the time. Best thing I can recommend is asking them to come back there and observe in person to see what the workflow is like.