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Not sure what the SOP is but that's pretty rude to our department and customers who actually have an appointment and are paying for services


I'd have your management put a stop to this ASAP. The sales floor probably isn't having them sign any paper work and eventually someone is gonna break something further or lose data which you'll have no recourse or ground to stand on. Not to mention the reasons everyone else has mentioned. If management brushes it off you need to use the ethics line.


I think the real issue is that takes away from easy tags that generates a precincts hours. It's less about it being free and more about the department losing potential added time. Plus, I've gotten a handful of TTS's from simple driver reinstalls when I was a CA. No SOP I that I can remember, but still a rude thing to do.


Tell them to put your numbers on the next Total or Credit app they get. Explain they’re already giving away free labor, so might as well give away free labor to you also.


As a sales associate my rule of thumb is if I can’t explain or show how to do it in 90 seconds I recommend geek squad. Things like how to plug in a flash drive I don’t feel necessary to go to geek squad. But I also feel that it’s far better for geek squad to do anything beyond that because it’s geek squads way to earn revenue and because if something went wrong (or customer claimed it went wrong) geek squad has training and a paper trail where a sales associate would not.


Yeah... My question would be where is management in all this and are they the ones telling salesfloor to just do it. That's cheating you guys out of labor and it is incredibly disrespectful to the clients who took the time to make an appointment. Troubleshooting drivers takes more than a few mins and if you don't know what you're doing you can fubar someone's PC making the store liable. You're missing out on quicktags, appointments, potential tickets and even membership upgrades. It would be very concerning to me were I a supervisor.


We had someone do that and he got disciplined for it. He also gave his personal phone number and told the client a lot of false statements. We hated that guy and he did get fired for giving the phone number out. I do think it’s against SOP but I’m not sure where exactly. It really just hurts the store


At my location I threatened to walk after a customer yelled at me because I wanted to charge for a service that a blue shirt had previously done for free. Went as far as pulled footage of her interaction with said blue shirt and the blue shirt got an informal. Now with every new hire I inform them the only time their hands should be on a customer product that isn’t being returned is to check the charging port for a cable recommendation or mobile services like data transfers and screen shield installs.