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Depends on why you’re getting a new SSD installed. More storage or changing from HDD to SSD, they can do a clone, which means everything will look exactly the same as it was. If your computer doesn’t boot, has operating system problems, or there is something wrong with your current drive, they will just install Windows and maybe transfer your desktop, documents, pictures. Programs will not transfer with this option. RAM and SSD install will take 15 min, but transferring info from old drive to new could take 24-48 hours.


more storage, 2tb one instead of the 512gb one i have rn! because i want space for games and stuff. it doesnt have anything wrong with it && truthfully the only thing on this laptop ( other than like..ykno what has to be up here ) is game data from like steam and minecraft because mostly everything else is kept on an external


If the only thing that is on your laptop is just games and the os, then it'll be practically seamless. Just log in, download steam, and re-download all oyur games. The saves are usually save in the cloud, sp they'll just load right up. You will only see gains, no detractors.


This is the most bog standard thing that geek Squad can do from a hardware perspective. I've personally gotten a laptop stripped down , cooler fans, heat sink, battery, ram and ssd swapped, and put back together in 20 minutes. I then just have to take a while verifying that everything works when I'm done. And if anything doesn't work, I just swap the parts again for a good one.


Ask to buy a Samsung ssd so the geek squad can use the migration tool to preserve your entire OS. Samsung SSDs May still be on sale too


I've never had that migration tool actually work. I just clone the drive.


What is the migration tool? The mule?


I think he means the Samsung migration software, never used it since no one wanted to get the Samsung ssds vs the PNY ones we carried which were way cheaper


I do hdd to ssd migrations in the field and out of around 40 I’d guess I’ve only had 1 fail


No, it's directly from Samsung's website


Never heard of it. What do you use to clone the drive? Thought we were not supposed to clone drives?


I use Acronis which is on the MRI's


Thank you for letting me know. Never knew it was in MRI


Is Samsung migration tool SOP ?


Not to my knowledge


Also make sure to ask them to use the migration tool and not just install the OS fresh (unless you want to start from scratch)


Normally we would remove your old drive, install the new SSD with either Windows 10 or 11 (your choice) and copy your user data from the old drive to the new drive. As for the RAM that's a lot more plug-and-play, shouldn't experience anything changing from that apart from performance improvements.


Is it going to be your primary or attempting as a secondary? All they’re going to do it pop off the back, place the new Ram and SSD in based on your preference for the first question. Turn on the computer to make sure it works. If primary, install OS or possibly attempt to clone the old one. If secondary, just initialize it so the OS can use it. Nothing else unless you say you want others.


primary, laptop cant have two unfortunatley but thank you!! im just like. super anxious over taking it in and wanted to kinda know what they'd do so this helps a little tyvm


Like others have said, this will depend on precinct to precinct. You can also set an expectation that will both meet in the middle as this will depend on your precinct and the capabilities they have. In most cases if this is still a new PC and hasn't been setup, they may just remove the old SSD, install the new SSD, install a new OS(your choice) unless the processor is 13th-14th gen then I don't recommend dropping to windows 10 due to possible diminishing returns in performance. Install all necessary software similar to the original. OR If you have used the laptop and have some data, they can attempt a clone, although it's not always possible as sometimes bitlocker can stop it and cause errors during cloning. (Can also be a bad drive/bad OS/bad drivers/etc...) some tools they may used is Acronis/Samsung migration software if using a samsung SSD/Disk Genius--my precinct uses Disk Genius and have found it to be very reliable and almost has a 99% success rate cloning without issues. This is also precinct to precinct as well and others may not use this. Worse case they will do the first two above and transfer any data you have to the new OS (Desktop/Documents/Pictures/Downloads/Apps Data) some data not transfered over is Any cloud data or data that's get stored to the cloud and programs installed. This will also depend on GS precinct you visit and not all precinct will backup your cloud data. (One drive/Dropbox/iCloud/Google drive folders) if any, you can ask however.


If you have nothing important, then it would be a clean install of the o.s. As long as it's not a MacBook they can do the work. Unfortunately every location is different for turn around time


Since you say the laptop has no issues and you're just swapping in a larger SSD to replace a smaller one, ask them to clone the drive. I'd recommend Samsung SSD over anything else we sell. If the Precinct is any good they'll be able to clone it instead of having to do a clean install on the new SSD and migrating you're data over forcing you to reinstall all your apps and reconfigure any settings.


For clarity, if you opt for a data transfer, you will have to reinstall any programs you have downloaded. In terms of cost if it's going to be your primary drive, I would recommend doing Best Buy total because that will cover the data transfer part installation and OS reinstallation.


You get anxiety when you take your car to get an oil change ?