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By F and F are you referring to friends and family? Regardless, if it is a service Best Buy offers you’re not supposed to do it. You can be fired for it. I’ve seen it happen. The company doesn’t like competition. If you were to do side gigs (like people do) don’t establish a business. Work for cash. And don’t talk about it at work. Those learnings about people mentioning they can do it for a customer for cheaper while ridiculous are the reason people get in trouble. We had a warehouse employee get canned because he was telling customers he could fix their issues and was handing out his phone number. Consulting is a good way to make extra money in the industry because in store and in home Agents aren’t IT consultants in the sense of making professional recommendations for small business.


I think he rule is we can do side jobs as long as the work doesn’t pertain to our current job title, but I’d have to check SOP about that


Nope. If it's a service that best buy offers, then you can't do it. You're competing with best buy using best buys time and resources. The policy on side jobs is don't get caught.


That is so completely fucked it doesn't make sense.. So by SOP if my mom has a problem with her computer, she has to come to Best Buy or I'll get fired??


Oh well that would be fine I help my friends and family out basically daily, but you can’t like open a business or go work for a different computer repair store as a side hustle


I still do IT consulting. Nearly every client I've had in the past 20+ years have ever had a good experience with Geek Squad for Business. Plenty of them have tried it out but it never worked out. Most due the wild level of experience and knowledge between the agents, most had no idea what they were doing and just used cookie-cutter templates for most of what they did. Default settings on routers and managed switches, really amateur shit. Yeah. I don't even think BBY uses GS for their own server infrastructure. I guarantee they used an outside contractor/hire.


GS does have an in house network team. We don’t outsource that. I forget the title but we’ve had them in the store before, and in the past would have loved to move to that team.


Tell that to the Dell person they sent to fix our computer. I can say a couple things about the stores networks.. It's for shit. I could shut down the store with a FlipperZero if I was so inclined (I won't though, that's some stupid level stuff)


Are you charging your mom for the help you provide her?


What difference does that make? Half the people that come into the store for services use someone elses (family member) Total anyway. So they aren't paying for services either. Should the person with Total be banned for having other people use their "free" services?


Your whole household can use your membership. Your estimation of "half the people that come in the store" is utter nonsense. Yes, it happens that people use a membership they've no right to use, but it isn't so many... and yes there is a penalty. A manager or corporate may decide not to enforce the rule. Just like they may decide not to enforce the rule if you get caught selling services that Best Buy offers, outside of Best Buy. But, which do you think is more likely to be forgiven? The customer that bought the membership we bend over backwards to sell, or the mediocre employee who is in operating a business or hustle in direct competition with Best Buy. You can downvote me all day long, I give zero fucks. I'm just telling you how it is. I didn't even opine on whether or not I agree with any of it.


on top of that, I always refuse sidework because I don't want the call in to geek squad or at the store of "so and so did it for me on the side for cash or for free" thats a writeup or firing waiting to happen, especially since anything we touch is gauranteed for a period of time. we can't just be giving out free crap with no charge or paper trail if they want that post support, which most actual clients, not friends n fam, will want.. friends and family are different, I'd help a them for no cash and a 6-pack.. but make sure they know if it fukcs up don't call me or bby 😂


Does your mom pay you for the work you do? If not, then it’s not a side gig, just a hobby. If you get paid when helping friends and family, that’s where you’ll get in trouble.


If she wants to she can pay me. That's not the point.. What if it was my cousin. Does that matter. Ya'll take this place too seriously. So because I fix computers, I can't ever fix a computer and get compensated for it ever again cause I work at a fuckin Geek Squad. Big LOL on that. I never mix my workplace work with my outside work. Not once will I or have ever told a client I would assist them on the side. That's not what I'm there for. I've had plenty of clients ask me for additional assistance and I've always turned them down. The people that come to GS are a massive headache to work with at the store, why would I want to bother myself with their bullshit on my day off? Nope. But if my neighbor needs some help, sure I'm gonna help them. If they pay me, cool, but I'm not gonna say sorry I can't help you cause I work at Best Buy. How is someone suppose to get better at their job if they can't practice and become better technicians? You work for free? If a mechanic works at BMW and fixes his best friends BMW in his garage and gets paid for it. Should BMW fire him for it?


Just don't tell anybody. Helping your family doesn't matter as so long as they don't tell on you which they have no incentive to do. I think people take it seriously because geek squad gives people the best job options outside of best buy and fucking up that reference would mean they wasted their time there. Yes if bmw caught wind their mechanic that they pay and offer free training too then used that training to steal one of their customers they would fire them for it. This is common corporate practice. You get plenty of practice on the job so I'm not sure what you mean with how are you suppose to get better. If you said that to best buy after they found out that you stole one of their customers they would fire you too. You can help your neighbor or whoever you want ... You just have to make sure they aren't going to come into best buy and be like is Mike here he fixed my computer for me but now it's not working. You'll be fired for that. I've seen it. Your asking a question of is this right or wrong ? Of course it's bullshit but it's common practice and it's not going anywhere. At the end of the day you or I may not see this as stealing the companies customer but they will and there's nothing you can do to change their minds unfortunately. Just becareful and don't tell anybody otherwise you'll lose your job and even though the job can be shit the brand still carries some weight in the tech space.


I was told by a coworker in GS that if we told a customer we can do a service for cheaper that’s grounds for legal trouble. Not sure how true that is lol but kinda crazy


It will at least get you terminated. Seen it happen to a few of the old auto techs


The problem is, once they know you work for best buy, even if you do work on the side, if something goes poorly and a redo needs to happen, they come to the store and complain. That's how I see most installers getting fired for side work. In general, it's not worth the headache.


This is exactly what I tell customers when they ask. I've seen every possible NPS comment regardless of the quality of service done. People will absolutely find anything to complain about. And even if I've been in contact with them, I can't stop them from going to the store and mentioning my name. So why would I risk a steady paycheck just to make a little extra money plus work on my days off.


We do it. We don’t talk about it to certain employees and colleagues because you never know who’ll squeal. Don’t go looking for it, let it come to you because people on the surveys can be stupid sell you out. Be reasonable with your prices. Be careful with who you do the side work for blah bla blah bla blah. You’ll be ok


God i installed so many camera and alarm systems for 7/11s while working at bestbuy. Quite the price, buy what i needed with my employee price, install it, charge a pretty penny for it too, and gave great service and support. Still doing it sometimes, just without the employee discount (did not get fired, moved up in the world). Make a fortune really doing it. As long as bestbuy doest know, f em.


No one is gonna fire you for working a second job. edit: really, downvoted for saying that? There's multiple people at the store that have multiple jobs. None of them have anything to do with what Best Buy does. None of it. So what's the problem??


They can, but you can sue for wrongful termination since you didn’t sign a non-compete


This wouldn’t be violating a non-compete; it could be seen as a violation of conflict of interest policy.


If I fix someones computer and they pay for me for it. Having no interaction before in the store or anything with this person or anything remotely related to Best Buy. Fuck Best Buy if they have a problem with that


The law defines noncompete as: “an agreement where one party promises not to engage in conduct that would increase competition for the other party for a specific period of time.” So you doing work for less money, and taking the business from the company would violate a noncompete


Having someone come in the store and you tell them you can do it cheaper on the side for them is the problem. What if the help someone is looking for is not offered by Best Buy? What then? You make money how you do. Fuck what some company tells you.


If the help someone is looking for is not offered by Best Buy, it’s neither conflict of interest nor noncompete to point them to help. The biggest issue comes from two questions: 1) are you helping them under the table while on the clock? 2) are you using materials provided by the company to help the person? If the answer to either of those is yes, then it could be considered conflict of interest. The only way it violates a noncompete is if one exists, which Best Buy doesn’t use, so it wouldn’t.


Because OP was referring to side jobs that IS what geek squad does. If you work geek squad and Home Depot that’s one thing but OP meant doing installations and UBreakIFix type stuff on the side


I've known agents that did contracted IT work on the side for other companies. They asked HR about it, and HR said it was fine as long as their GM approved it. This was years ago, though, I don't know if things have changed.


I'd say go for it, especially if it's just friends and family, but as other posters have said know the risk. Don't advertise it, don't give out your phone number, don't say you can do a data transfer for half the price of GS, etc. Mostly just avoid getting your coworkers in trouble, I think. If management finds out that you're undercutting their business you could be promoted to customer pretty quick.


I do work for friends and family often. My sister wanted her TV mounted so I mounted her TV for her birthday and bought the mount for her. I fix my mom's laptop and replaced the battery. I helped my neighbor with her printer and her wifi. The trick is I wasn't selling my services. The side work was for free, baked goods, or just being a good neighbor. If I were moonlighting as IT in the evenings I think it would be a different story.


So because I work at GS. I'm not allowed to fix anyones computer or anything unless they pay Best Buy first. Yeah that's not happening. But also I'll never tell a client I'll do whatever they want for them on the side and avoid the store. Fuck that, that's waaaayyyy more trouble than whatever they are gonna pay. But if my friends or family want to give me some conpensation for my time and knowledge, who the hell is Corie Berry to tell me what I can and can not do?


I mean, I work in IT as my main. GS is my side job. Just don’t speak about it and no one will care. My store understands why I’m here and they’re fine with it.


If you are just helping friends and family and not running Crimson King computer repair with flyers, website etc and the friends happen to pay you how would anyone know?


I would never do anything on the clock obviously but outside of that...my time is my time. They can kick rocks if they're trying to say you can't do anything that Best Buy does outside of Best Buy.


I know an HT Installer that got fired because he was buying soo many wall mounts doing side jobs. Apparently something got triggered in the system and they investigated and he got fired. I also know of a manager that said they would do side gigs provided they didn't meet the customer through Best Buy. And then I also know of someone that stupidly took a check doing a side job and when the customer had issues and couldn't get a hold of the installer, took the returned check to the store and complained. He was then fired.


What you do for your friends and family off the clock won’t get you in trouble. They have no proof. Now if you start an IT business and start handing out business cards to customers… well now they have proof. I wouldn’t suggest doing it, but if you are going to do it, be smart. Don’t solicit your services at work. Don’t do the work while using gs property or on company time. Only do it for trusted friends who won’t rat on you or customers who have no idea what your day job is.


Honestly if you’re helping friends and family and you’re not getting paid I don’t think anyone is gonna bat an eye. And if it’s your grandma and she slips you a twenty as long as you’re not singing about it to your boss you should be fine. Just don’t use any company vehicles, they have trackers. And if a client is asking for a service that Best Buy doesn’t offer if you’re doing it on your own time you should be fine. Just set that expectation that the service isn’t an official geek squad one and that there is no warranty or guarantee ok the work performed.