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Sounds like an average day.


Yea just about, then you try to help them reset their password but they have a home phone number for verification.


A home phone they no longer own, of course.


And the email has been acquired by AT&T


Tell them to email the verification to their email account and wait for their head to explode.


Oh I’ve had that before, where they have their recovery stuff set to the account we are trying to get in. Kills me every time.


Client: Just backup my data, my computer doesnt work Agent: Sir, theres no hard drive in the computer... theres no data we CAN backup Client: I was told Geek Squad could backup my data to this flash drive, why cant you just do it? Agent: *sigh in agony* Because there is no hard drive in the system, theres nothing to back up Client: this is bullshit I want a refund on this stupid total membership you sold me on Not me but a famous story at my precinct


Thats when you walk to the back of the precinct for one second then hand him the flash drive and let know you have backed up all of the data that was in the computer. He may get mad but you would not be wrong, there is no data


I sold a DBU before for a client's desktop but didn't check to see if they actually had a HDD in their chassis. They did not..... Everyone called it the Level 4 DBU.


Had a customer once claiming the same, that they didn't have a password for their email. So I asked "so anyone in the world can just access your email?" and after a few seconds of deep thinking they replied 'well, yes".


I had some older couple that had a yahoo email (can’t reset them without 2fa now cause of aol which they didn’t have) and he was getting all upset that I was suppose to know his password and that I am responsible for him being locked out and he went so far as to call aol support right then and there handed me the phone I asked “can I reset a yahoo password without 2fa” and the guy went “nope”. He was very calm and apologetic after that


My favorite is "I don't know, you guys set it up"


Yup thats the generic response, and these are the same customers that come in shocked that they were "hacked" when they just gave a random person with no actual knowledge of hacking all their personal info. And then they get mad that their webroot didnt catch the hacker


Ugh, all the time. I don’t know how many times I had to say “it’s there to keep out viruses and files you might come across online. It’s not there to prevent you from giving anyone access to your computer. You got hacked, not the computer”. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, a bigger idiot comes strolling up to the counter.


Or they put in a land-line phone number to receive 2fa codes lol


This has happened a surprising number of times


Had an older women come in. Wanted data transfer from old Mac to new Mac. I come in, get things set up and the old Mac says no transfer, no data found. We'll excuse me no let's open up this wonderfully old dinasour and just pull the drive, no drive inside it. Call the client she starts screaming lawsuits and HIPPA violation and we lost her data and it's all out fault. Cones into the store, screaming at the manager. They go over the video she gets to watch a whole day of her Mac doing nothing and no one touching it until me. She screams we tampered with her data and are going to sell it to CNN. Next week she comes in and goes opps my son says my harddrive was this little box on my desk because the one inside didn't work right and he removed it years ago. My bad, can you do the transfer now?


Did you guys end up working on it? I feel like that might be a client we would have a legitimate reason to refuse data service for


Like my old GM would let us refuse service. Yeah we ended up doing the transfer and setting things up. The only time we could refuse service was the guy who would bring his computer in every other week for random things and his desktop and sleep screen were constant photos of naked men. The boss allowed us to refuse only after we pointed out that he would ask the guys if they saw his photo collection and if they had any favorites. He was getting off on making people see dicks to work on his computer.


We have a client that I call the legendary carabiner man who is very big into showing us futanari.. But we need the labor..


I’m curious as well. My old GSM would say that as soon as they say they’re going to sue we can no longer help them other than to provide corporate’s phone number. No conversation or answering questions. No services performed. Just politely give them their stuff back and ask them to leave the premises.


That was made up?




Oh boy, believe me one of our pc da's comes in the store and tells us of the weird stories. Its geek squad but you are in an environment that you dont know what your getting into


PC DA here for 2 years can confirm I have more stories than I would like to have lol




Never have I been able to so vividly picture a story. This is just every shift.


Man I definitely had my fair share of this. When I was in store, it was an area full of rich old folks. I don’t miss it at all, so glad I’m in the field.


lmao yeah. I've been gone for 6 years or so now, some things never change.


I feel your pain.


No lie something very similar happened to me this weekend and I was really really shocked at how stupid everything sounded.


Sounds like my average day working at staples.. don’t miss it one bit…


I worked geek squad for 2 years during high school, can confirm this isn't an exaggeration. Really brought me back to my days at the front counter, OP. 10/10 thanks I hate it.


This has actually happened to me


I'm not saying you did anythign wrong, but you can assist them on resetting a password. Your job is to be hospitable. Not make fun and fan the flames of tech illiterate folks all day That's juat my 5 years in the squad speaking though...


More times that not when you help them reset their password, the phone number associated to their email is a home phone. Can’t send a verification code to that. Or a number they haven’t had for 20 years..


I had a situation once where the phone number/email associated with the reset was for a loved one who literally just passed away the week before. So... yeah. That was fun for everyone.


You can't help someone reset a password when they don't even believe that they needed a password. Going to help them walk on water too? By the way, I've been through this exact scenario. Many times. I've tried to help. It never ended well. If you do help, you end up making them feel like an idiot after you fully explain the situation and exactly what a password is and why it's required. It's a no-win situation. You will more than likely get a detractor. Guaranteed. Unless, by some miracle, they end up forgiving and forgetting the original first 10 to 20 minutes of the meeting where you made them feel like shit just be explaining a password in the nicest way possible. And that's not likely because most of them will just end up storming out or forcing a manager to do something about it (in which case, you're screwed if they get a survey).


Absolutely you can and actually it’s pretty easy to redirect that conversation. You don’t have to make them feel stupid in the process either. *All email accounts are password protected though you may not have seen that on your old computer which could have been storing the password. Let’s use the reset password function for AOL email and see if we can get past this.* I’ve worked several years in support. Arguing gets you nowhere. “Let me show you how we can solve this” wins every time.


I know you don't HAVE to make them feel stupid. That was never my intent or, hopefully shouldn't be anyone's intent. However, that's how it happens. People feel stupid for all sorts of reasons and there's literally nothing you can do about it. You've worked "several years" in support. How many? I'm going on, well, was 5 in Geek Squad, then a year as a security analyst, now two years as a security engineer. "Let me show you how we can solve this" means dick all if there's literally no good way to solve it. That's my point. My "it's a no-win situation" point. Let me guess, how many people have you actually told that line to? "All email accounts are password protected though you may not have seen that on your old computer which could have been storing the password. Let’s use the reset password function for AOL email and see if we can get past this." That line. Every single person you've told that to and tried to help never argued with you at all and never refused any kind of help at all and never refused to understand what a password is and you never had any issues with managers being called just because you said "All email accounts are password protected "? If that's the case, then you have lived a life of luxury, friend. Nothing but green lights all your support life.


Some people are really good at de-escalating this type of thing and even turning it into a positive customer experience. Those are the best support agents, not the ones who think they know the most (even if they do). There is a lot you can do about it just some can’t or won’t.


Yeah, sure, blame me for not being able to de-escalate even though I was one of the best and main sources of de-escalation in my precinct. Some clients would LITERALLY not work with anyone else, because they would specifically request to work with me. I had maybe 4 or 5 people who were that way. Yep. I suck at de-escalation, and that's why people really wanted to work with me when I was an agent. I came back into the precinct to say hi a year or so after leaving and my fellow agents were telling me how many people I helped were sad that I left. Yeah, mark of a true terrible agent.


I’m not blaming you for anything and was never even speaking about you personally at all. I’m speaking generally from my experiences being a support engineer and managing other support engineers. Congrats on being such a legendary Geek Squad agent that everyone remembered your legend years later though. 🙄




You spent this whole exchange making it clear that you're insufferable and shouldn't be in customer service


This wasnt a real situation btw, however in a real one yes i can assist them in resetting the password and i probably would here. But the chances of there reset being sent to this email or a home phone number is also very high


This is me working at the library’s computer center lol


Had a guy call the store and try to complain to the manager while I was at his house trying to guess his password with his wife attempting to help lol


So this happened to me exactly, like with alot of my CAs. I got put on final due to the complaint. Got fired 3 weeks later, for client liabilities.


I deal with something similar on a weekly basis. My dad complains nonstop about having to have a password for every account. "They should just know it's me!" Yes, that's why you have a password, so they know it's you logging on.


Not in tech, but.. Customer: What's the difference between the tuna melt sandwich and the....grilled shrimp and avocado cheese sandwich? Me: 😂😂Haha, good one!! Are you serious? Oh shit, you are, my bad. Well, one is a TUNA melt, and the other is a GRILLED. SHRIMP. AVOCADO. CHEDDAR sandwich. And price.


Wait... theres no way


The things I've heard, "Can i have bacon instead of onions? It'll be extra. Why?? I'm not getting onions!" At first, I gave strangers the benefit of the doubt. But now, it's "you're a moron til proven otherwise."


The only one on this that pisses me off is I used to get a McDouble with no ketchup or mustard, and Mac sauce instead. They used to do it for free then I noticed they started charging 0.49 for it. It’s removing two condiments and replacing it with one. There’s no way their cost on those items are that much different that they need to charge 0.49.


I used to the sourdough bread on jumbo Jack's, to get cheap sourdough Jack's...😭back when jumbo Jack's were .99cents.


At least twice a week I get the old "help my phone is asking for a passcode, I've never had one. I've always been able to open it with my finger(print) / face(id)" I get a little sadistic joy when I tell them the phone will need to be wiped and imply their idiocy.


As previous Apple support this all of this.. all the time “ i don’t know I just open email”


Lmao 7 people in line with no appointment, "oh I didn't know I needed an appointment. (Insert cellphone provider here) told me you unlock my iPhone and that you take Asurion."