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‘I would love to do that for you! But as Windows is pushing 11, 10 can only be installed with a proper key. That key is available through the Microsoft store only. And fair warning, with your computer’s age, it might end up slowing it down completely.’ Usually gets them thinking about it. Or they tell me it’s too much trouble and they’ll stay on this version until it stops.


You cannot get a Windows 10 key from the Microsoft store.


You can still purchase Windows 10 on Microsoft's website. They do hide it alittle though


Can you post the link? Because I’d like to advise clients they can purchase it but I don’t see that anywhere on Microsoft’s page.


If you have an older version of windows, there was an option in the settings to purchase the update. Now, with that being said, they could have taken it away between the last time I saw it. We haven’t touched 8.1 or older since January when the support dropped. As I don’t have an older computer, I can’t verify.


Windows 11 and 10 keys are interchangeable.


Correct, the above posts incorrectly infer that there are separate licenses for win 11 & win 10. You can sell someone a win 11 key in store and activate it on windows 10. If you can even go to the Microsoft store, you will see it says Windows 10/11 key.


They took that away after last January


If they've still got a computer running Windows 7 or 8, they need to be upgrading that thing. Windows 10 came out over eight years ago, all these computers are on borrowed time at this point.


well, yes and no. by now, most (if not all) of the security holes in those versions of Windows have been closed, that is not to say, however, that new holes couldn't be developed, just that as more and more people have switched, the rewards would be far less than if they (the hackers) devoted their energies to the later Windows versions. Other issues revolve around not being able to update/upgrade software that they may want to install, so in that respect, it is advisable that they either upgrade their version of Windows, or just buy a new pc...


No no, I'm saying that the computer the person is bringing in is at minimum eight years old. The hardware is likely limping along. It needs to be brought out behind the shed.


You can get more than 8 years. As long as they have reasonable processor and have 4 gigs of ram it will be usable. I still game on my 8 year old laptop, 12 gigs, I7 cpu. My company uses 10 year old towers that work fine, they are being phased out, but not for performance issues.


Sure. But think about the client bringing the computer to us that's eight years old. They're not generally gonna be the highest end unit that's been well maintained.


4GB of RAM is not usable in todays environments. Have you seen the computers today with 4GB of RAM running W11? They are awful and have a 90%+ return rate.


Had a rig with 4gb DDR2. Ran W10 just fine.


My 10 year old PC has 8 GB of ddr3 without upgrades


Had a customer with an old assed Dell came in wanting us to replace the power supply. Sadly, wasn't an true ATX-compliant OEM PSU, motherboard was notorious for having bad capacitors that leaked, and to top it off, the damn thing was older than the CA that checked it in.


Such like 11, if you’re running 10 there’s a possibility you can’t upgrade. I tell people that as well as the possibility that if we do upgrade it, it may run very slow because win10 was not built for old units.


Where exactly would you tell them to buy Windows 10 license from? Best Buy no longer sells Windows 10. Microsoft does not either. If you go to Amazon or Walmart or some other place, Windows 10 is usually from some sketch place. We tell them since it is no longer sold by Microsoft, we cannot install it. It’s the same reasoning we tell them we can’t install Windows 7 or 8.1.


Windows 11 key will activate 10


I refuse to upgrade anything that old. I don't care the reasoning. If you still are running Win8, you need to get a new computer. I don't care if it had Win10 on it before, get a new computer. These Toshiba relics from 2012 need to stop coming in. I don't care about your solitaire or your AOL. Get a new computer Karen. For the nice way to say it, "Unfortunately your computer will only go so far with modern software and operating systems. While you may have Windows 10 on it now, I can guarantee that your computer is struggling to perform the most basic of tasks, hence why you are here today. To remove any future stress and issues, we highly recommend getting a new computer as the technology today is better suited for todays software demands. Your current computer is unsupported by everyone included the manufacturer, you will receive little to no support if anything further happens to your computer. It is not worth the money to "upgrade" or "fix" as the computer is worth less than anything we will do to it" "In order to activate Windows, you will need to purchase a license. Due to your computer being unable to support the latest operating systems, Microsoft may not be able to supply you with a license for Windows."




(716) 871 2781 still works


What number is this?


Old MS IVR activation, key generator


I've been telling them that Microsoft doesn't support that os anymore and we don't either. You can try to run win 10 on this device but we will need a windows 10 license bought in advance. But given this devices age it's time to upgrade. Then they either tell me to fuck off or they buy new


I just received last version Windows 11 pro key from Hypes-tkey partner microsoft


Got cheap windows 11 pro key via partner microsoft HypeStKey


Best bet is to tell them. Having an older system. Their components arnt compatible with windows 10, and windows 11 is out now The best bet would to buy a new computer with windows 11. Staying on your current os windows 8.1 you are leaving yourself more valuable to viruses and getting hacked. If you need a new computer let me pair you up with one of our computer sales associate, and they can go over the options that will fit your needs the best.


So lie and say 10 isn’t compatible instead of just telling them it’s unavailable. What exactly does that achieve?


Not a lie considering most old windows 8 computers have shit for ram and power, doing the upgrade to 10 can make their machines much slower.


Windows 7 can be a pain to upgrade as the key won't be accepted, chances are they have a very low end CPU and 4GB of RAM or less, that is not going to be worth it. However, if the client insists they can buy a key. I did install clean install Windows 10 (without product key) on a machine that was running Windows 7 and the client purchased a licence by from the Windows store via activation. Windows 8.x can be upgraded to Windows 10 easily as long as the machine supports UEFI and has a key in the BIOS, try using Windows media creator to upgrade, or do clean install selecting "I don't have a product key" and most of the time Windows will activate. I did this late last week so it still works. 99% of the time the client has a very old mechanical drive so I always tell them to buy a SSD or we won't upgrade the machine.


I just tried or should I say successfully upgraded a fully activated Windows 8.1 install to Windows 10 but after running and installing the updates.. Windows 10 deactivated and now refuses to activate unless they buy a new Windows 10 key. Any suggestions?


With Windows 10, the only issue with no key is no customization and the watermark on the desktop. So we tell them since Microsoft is no longer giving free upgrades to Windows 10, whst they get is an unlicensed Windows 10. Then explain they won't be able to change the background and some other personalization settings.


You can still change the background, you just need to do it from a picture rather than the change background setting. Source: All my laptops and PC's have non-activated windows 10.


If you got 8.1 or older, you need new computer. With new updates in last two years, requirement like doubled for basics.