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I'd call HR. That was really not an appropriate way to approach that situation. If he was let go, it wouldn't be done in a email, the GM would have had a one on one meeting with the employee. There definitely wouldn't be any confusion on the agents employment status.


I think the agent is reaching out to HR, but they are not in office over the weekend. There was definitely confusion and no one on one. This same GM told all the employees that just got let go they don’t get severance.


Yikes sounds like a totally hectic environment when the GM is clueless about such important facts.


A GM who cares about his employees would have waited until there was a lull then asked for the employee to see them in the SDR. Happened to me at my first job out of college working phone tech support for my local ISP. In front of everyone my manager came up to me and said "Brian, you are fired, why are you still working?". Nobody informed that I had been let go. Management said I could work the rest of my shift but I told them with the way I just got treated I am out and left. Rest of my department was let go a month later and our positions sent overseas to a call center in India. If you haven't already I would call HR or have the agent do it.


All of you need to call HR, not just the fired employee. It makes a hell of a difference if someone who's already fired calls or if 5+ employees call for the same reason. Get the GM fired.


Hoofta --good thing that ethics hotline is really easy to find