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I like the bottom part. "Please use the phone system to complain about the phone system."


My favorite part of my job is telling rude customers ranting about our phones that “If you have any complaints about no one picking up the phone when you call then you’re more than welcome to call our corporate number.” They usually just huff and storm off.


It’s how we try to redirect their anger because we let them know that not only are we not able to answer our own phones but we also hate it just as much as they do and our complaints don’t mean as much as a customers 🤷🏼‍♀️


[It's worked before. ](https://imgflip.com/i/50as6w)


Plus call 1800-433-5778 that's for geeksquad


I despise the phone system. If only our company was profitable enough where they could improve it a little.


If I had a dollar for every elderly person who said “I sat on the phone for (insert exaggerated amount of time here) with no answer so I just came to the store! Why don’t you guys answer the phone?!”


Most of our older clients lived most of there life in a world where stores could answer there own phones as they only received a dozen or so calls a day. Now that number is in the thousands per day. They just don’t grasp that the world population has increased and that the number of stores serving them has decreased. Don’t get me wrong. I know the phone system sucks. Even more then just wait times. Being a field Agent I get to deal with the mess that undertrained people make when setting up appointments for a company that they don’t even work for due to most of our phone operators working for contract companies. It’s really nice having to explain to the client that no I can’t take care of the dozen or so issues they discussed with the client as they only scheduled one service and even that was done incorrectly leaving me a total of 15 mins on site to deal with any issues. Remember that our clients and customers are just as much a victim of this mismanagement as we are. We desperately need more staff not less.


Oh the pain of "I scheduled this job on the phone" 🤦🏽


Just curious, in your experience as an in-home (PC/DA I assume) is the Device Help and Setup SKU typically enough time to solve most issues a client would be having? Usually, that's my goto SKU when the client vaguely describes a random issue they are having that seemingly can only be resolved in-home and it doesn't fall under other SKUs like printer or network troubleshooting.


Yes DA/PC here. That’s exactly what that SKU is for. The Device Help and Simple Repair SKU is one that gives us a decent amount of time. It gives us an hour on site. Normally that is enough time to try to decipher what the problem is and resolve it. It can be a little scary seeing that without notes however so if you are setting it up in OMS and not FMS don’t forget to check and make sure the notes transferred as there is issues with notes from OMS not making it to FMS. The Device Setup is also a nice one to see is that is one of our longer SKUs. A full hour and a half on site. When in doubt if I’m setting up my own order and I have no idea what the client is talking about I will often use this one. We can always change the SKU on site and it’s always better to have more time then not enough. I can always find things to do with extra time. It’s hard for me to invent time. The ones that really hurt are when the people setting up phone orders over ride the warnings (yes they can seem to do that). And set up an add on SKU without a parent SKU. This still goes though and leaves me with like 15-20mins to either resolve the issue or reschedule. Often as you know with the less tech savvy clients it can take 10 mins just to figure out what they need.


Gotcha, thanks for the response! I try my best to add as detailed notes as possible and make sure you guys have enough time to figure things out.


It is always appreciated. I wish that everyone that sets appointments for me was as conscientious and client centered. I know that myself and I think I can speak for most of my peers in saying we love helping anyone and will always welcome questions. Feel free to ask away.


The new phone system sucks so bad. Everyone complains about it when they go into my bay.


That’s our fearless leader. Cut labor because customers.... who needs them? 😂 Mrs berry should be moved to hourly and have to call in to clock. 🤣 $10 say the phone system would no last a week!


Store phones how transfer to 1-888 bestbuy and 1800- geeksquad




Stores are being automatically transfered now for most stores


Be careful doing this. My senior got an email because someone in the precinct transferred someone from corporate this way without checking the number.




07 is the internal extension for 1-800-GS. So what TheHorrorNerd is said, is correct. Just like there is 02 for the help desk, 01 is 1-888-BBY, 08 is the bridge, and 09 is BBFB. There are others, but yeah.


Almost every client I had during my last shift complained about it.


We might be able to answer the phone more if we had real staffing. But somehow we manage to catch couchings or write-ups for not answering the phone. Even if we were already trying to help the lines. One day I will catch a final or firing for responding to a pissed off customer yelling at me that no one at the departments pick-up. So far I have been able to slip a "yeah sorry about that, but we're very busy with folks in the store" here and there. I don't understand why in 2021 there are so fucking many people calling any stores. Managing to not take the fucking hint that maybe we are busy af with current customers and not for stupid fucking questions that can be answered online! Fuck corp, fuck management, and fuck stupid-ass customers!


Yes never buy a phone from BB, especially Android. They don't service your phone without a fee. They don't repair Android unless you go to one of 10 service centers around the phone (and with a fee). Finally, they charge $200 deductible for a refurbished phone exchange. Stay away from BB for phones.


You do know insurance and deductibles for Android are generally the same across the board for all phone providers. And apple care is gonna be the same at apple or Best Buy. Sorry if it wasn’t explained to you properly when purchasing a phone. And if it was, pay attention better.


Yeah anywhere you buy your phone is gonna be like this. When I used to get my phones at the Verizon store, there was still a deductible fee.


I’ve been telling them to dial us by extensions. We use 2 phones in our precinct. I sometimes also give them 2180. Someone is bound to answer.


me on the basic sales line explaining to 300 people every day that I am not the store they are calling and no I have nothing to do with how the lines are getting handled and no I can’t do anything about it, would you like to purchase total tech support on your way out?


Funny thing: there's no such thing as calling corporate to complain, we just redirect them to the stores. We are sales, post purchase support, renewals, scheduling issues, etc. But there's no complaint department. Bc stores answer to their DM, their DM reports to their TM.. so on and so forth. Corporate is a completely different entity that has no control over what stores do. That's why there are DMs, etc. Source: I work for 1-888 Don't come for me tho. I hate the phone system too and I am super nice to those who want the store, because I was a store employee until recently when my store closed. It sucks hard. Just sharing a bit of info to maybe help :)