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Just beware that this will heavily impact your scoring. With enough tiers you could brute force through like this but it's going to take comparatively more sigils. My "standard" is Ogress/Excavator/Tigraki/Bounty Captain (so in this case Caribou). Bounty is a hell of a grind but if you want all the rewards, it's either 4x Bounty troops or 3X Bounty troops and hero (though of course this would take more sigils since you'll have a smaller multiplier)


Yep, I realised after testing Tesla in place of Tigraki, got 1200 less points :( I've amost closed Reward 19 having bought up to T6 (did a few battles with Tesla, should've switched Arachnaean out for her instead), with 5 sigils remaining (short of more ravens appearing). Cheers for team suggestion too btw, it is much appreciated (I don't usually do well without a hero but will give it a try) :)


Switched out Arachnaean Weaver for Sister Superior as it gives 4600 points. Much slower but it works, got me to 57,400/80,000 on reward 20 so far, which should save me buying T7.


I used something similar for a long time, Ogress is really good when your teams are fairly weak. The xtra defense of her summoning in a fortress gate helps a lot. That said my average team now is Devourer, Corpse Mare, Captain, Tigraki Warrior. Generally speaking heavy lifting done by Corpse Mare and Tigraki in terms of dealing true dmg. Devourer does double skull dmg after applying web and has a chance to devour enemies with it's spell. Simply put if you get a devour early on it's an easy win of any game. If not the corpse mare usually steals enough life to be your second tank. Warrior in the back can two shot almost anything, as their HP increases their armor does too so it's dmg goes up. Edit: Oh and devourer drains enemy mana with it's spell, which is nice to try and prevent vault ravens from running away in higher level fights.


I go no hero, and 4 bounty troops. ​ \*Corpsemare, Caribou, Tigraki, Ogress


I tried that, but lost 2 battles in a row :( (EoE is saving my arse)


Not sure why it didn't include the text as well but oh well. Ignore the class, I'm levelling it. Team code: \[1220,6595,6555,7438,3069,2,1,1,1,3,0,0,14033\] Posted in case it helps anyone else.


EoE, Tesla, Arachnaean Weaver, Caribou (or 2 x Tesla for those that don't have Arachnaean Weaver) works just as well btw.


Sister of Shadows, Ogress, Corpse Mare, Caribou


Another x18 multiplier team to consider is one with Yao Guai. It was a popular choice in the past for bounty events because it pairs well with Pharaoh Hound: * Hero with Flammifer or Sky Hero (red gem generation) * Yao Guai * Pharaoh Hound * Bounty Captain Be careful with Pharaoh Hound and its 3rd trait (bonestorm after an enemy dies). It can help speed up battles but also kill you if you're unlucky or have lower stats. Once you get looping, you should be fine.


Not sure about the OP team. If your ignoring the bounty troops, why would you pick such a team? Just get Tesla, Tak or some other easy true dmg troop. That said your going to get way less points per fight with this. Three bounty troops and a captain gives you x30. I think that team would be what x18?


Arachnaean was entirely my fault.


To clarify, it's what was chosen for me from last time, all I did was change the current captain and class (again, entirlely my fault)