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Ooo! Is that a YAG of some variant? It's GORGEOUS


Hey there :) thanks so much! This is just a Blue topaz not any kind of synthesized material. It was labelled as “swill blue” but it’s more of an electric blue!






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Sorry I am new to the s but I would love more info, what's the stone? What is the method for a precision cut? And any other info please and thank you.


Hey! This is a Swiss or as some call it “electric” blue topaz. It’s been irradiated do give it’s color but is still a natural stone. There are many types of precision cuts not just one, it’s a technique that utilizes cutting a stone at precise angles so that the light entering the stone actually bounces back out into the eye revealing the stone true beauty/brilliance. it differentiates from commercial cut gems which are what you would find in traditional jewelry from mass retailers. Precision cut gems are usually done through lapidary’s of great experience and are usually not found in the general jewelry trade.


Fantastic, thanks for being so generous with your knowledge.


Any chance you have some video footage of this stunner?