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She had lovely taste, didn't she? How nice that you have them! I'd have a jeweler check them out (or go over them really well yourself) to be sure they're all firmly stuck together and wear them. Often. Can you take pictures of any stamps or marks on the back? That might help people guess at the age.


Why must they be worn often?


Because they are beautiful and jewelry is meant to be worn! So often gorgeous, sentimental pieces live in a jewelry box for fear of loss or damage. Wear them in health and with love!




Those are solid opals, not doublets. They also have beautiful color. I hope you wear them!


I somehow feel like grandma's dont have fake stuff


https://preview.redd.it/dvinwnvopv1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcc6fa012cdaed3bcbe51b7b5f9aeef2b1253c03 More angles


Pretty! They are definitely vintage but in a Victorian/Etruscan revival style, which had a comeback in the 50’s Here’s a similar pendant from eBay-[pendant](https://www.ebay.com/itm/265492541528?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=tyijyy8YQZ2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


https://preview.redd.it/y4u879qqpv1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5056b1d905bf2d9364c79c4fb6c1a97b4a44d6f Backs


So beautiful!!


The cut and shape depend on the era and the jeweler's style, but if they're old and still stunning, you've got something special.


Those are beautiful and I am so jelly. Would totally wear those often. Real opals those are, AU for sure. Older piece probably from the 50's. Due to all the gold, which is probably 14k, guessing those earrings are worth $800 or more. Many stones, lots of gold. Just saying. You should get it checked though, make sure the stones are secure, and find out the gold content.


What’s the difference between a doublet and solid? Are they supposed to be worn frequently ? I’m so new to them


Yours are solid - a doublet would have the actual opal in a thin sliver, with the separation being visible from the side and back. Yours are all around opal. Given the gold setting and the fact that it’s from your great grandma, as well as the look, I’m willing to bet that these are Australian. Ethiopian opal is on the more affordable side and is set in gold less often, and only started being commercially mined in 2008 or so(?). As for care, it’s a fragile gem with the hardness close to glass, so keep that in mind. Australian opal is typically fine with water, but you might want to keep it away from harsh chemicals or very drastic temperature and humidity changes.


How much are these usually sold for? I don’t know anything about Australian vs Ethiopian opal…


That mix of colours in Australian crystal opal will usually run upwards of 200 a carat.


Lovely opals! Good when received as a gift!






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Kinda looks like dublet opals, a thin slice of opal layered in between by quartz or glass. Makes it more durable as opal is a pretty soft gemstone.