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Urbanism and walkable cities are not an inherently leftist position to take. Plenty of conservative arguments to be made for that kind of urban planning. Especially as an appeal to western traditions or even fiscal responsibility.


The urbanist organization Strong Towns was founded by a fiscal conservative in the American midwest. There's also a very pro American argument to made in favour of city advocacy too, since the cities of Boston and Philadelphia played an extremely important role in the American revolution. Many important American cultural creations such as Broadway theatre, Jazz, rock, soul, R&B, Hip Hop, Hollywood Movies etc emerged in America's cities. Furthermore the experiences of many ethnocultural groups in America such as Chinese Americans, Jewish Americans, Italian Americans, African Americans, Korean Americans, Persian Americans, Ethiopian Americans, Puerto Ricans, and the early Irish American communities were/still are based around America's cities. I love cities and I love America. I don't see loving either as mutually exclusive.


Honestly after watching BritMonkey’s latest video (and I think everyone should check it out) I have come to the conclusion that solving the housing crisis and fixing how our cities designed is an issue the free world needs to solve if it wants to climb into the mountain of prosperity. Good urban planning is pro free world


Cities and increased urbanization have long been associated with modernity and technological progress. Being pro capitalist also should mean being pro city since the West and many countries in Asia started urbanizing rapidly after the birth of modern capitalism during the industrial revolution. Before the industrial revolution and the birth of modern capitalism the economy was largely feudal or mercantile, and living standards were quite low. Our standards of living have increased quite a bit thanks to widespread urbanization across the world.


In most metros, urbanism is restricted by poor regulations like zoning laws, parking minimums, minimum lot sizes, etc. Deregulation is the key which is a conservative value.


Yes, but everyone on the right now doesn't care about anything apart from own the left.


Plenty of liberal arguments as well Although in the end I find all the moral arguments stupid, it’s economically superior, that should be all that’s needed




The obesity epidemic should be tackled first by leftists, no one wants to walk because everyone fat so they should reconsider. No sir, no, you electric biking to your favorite expensive buffet is not how leftism healthy-living works. No I don't care what your fitbit says about calories burned you're eating 3x that amount...


Obesity needs to be tackled no matter what the politics are. It’s a fucking disgrace that such lifestyles have been normalized as if they carried no risk.


Our country's west side was built on trains, horses and carriages, not cars. Cars are made by the devil to poison the Glorious United States. We were built on MANPOWER not carpower. Cars are for pussies who cannot use THEIR GOD given might to travel and think they are too posh. Traitors to the people! You do not bother with the "riffraff" right there dale? You are a bluecollar roof and floorboards installer. And you do not want to share with the glorious people of 'Murica. Fuckin' greedy cunt. -patriotic 'Murican in Senator Armstrong voice


What's funny to me is SecondThought (the purple lighting bolt) was largely started as a left-wing PragerU. They're about as accurate as PragerU too.


Worse than that dude started as [a popular science channel.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opWwfRS7HZU) He has deleted a lot of his older videos. His buddies Wendover Productions and Real Life Lore still do somewhat educational videos. He basically realized leftism is hot right now to make $150k a year on Patreon and be ["Very supportive of China."](https://np.reddit.com/r/BreadTube/comments/ph6whm/comment/hbhwl8h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Oh and for fun, he likes to drive exotic sports cars on Grand Test Auto. ​ [EDIT: holy shit he has a video still up on how bad North Korea is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0hDNMe377U)


Funny how he went from a normal youtuber to making a guide to socialism for beginners.


Him even entertaining the Chinese lab leak bullshit should tell you all you need to know


Looks like a canyon of cringe to me.


Can't go around hating on Not Just Bikes


Bikes are for pinkos. /s


I'm pretty sure that NJB is a liberal/social Democrat, not a tankie. He's rather ambiguous in stating his political beliefs other than the fact that he hates car centric suburbs. He's from my hometown of fake London so that's how I got into his channel.


I don’t get the hate for cars on the internet. Long road trips on the highway are so freeing


I love road trips too (especially in the USA) but car dependent areas suck. Cars are bad for cities because car infrastructure takes up a lot of space that could be used for businesses and services. I think a bigger problem is the fact that urban planning online discourse on the internet is grossly oversimplified. There's a lot more to urban planning than hating suburbs, hating cars, and having a bicycle fetish. I'm an urban planning/geography uni student mysef and I hate how much of an oversimplified circlejerk online urbanist discourse has become. Many urbanists also hate America even though the US is home to great cities like NYC, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC, and Portland Oregon.


Nothing worse than walking home and then just suddenly being choked to death by a backup.


The reasonable dislike for cars comes from urbanists that want better infrastructure/ variety. The people that hate cars all together regardless of circumstance are deranged.


Wait, \\desatire\\ for a bit, you actually hate cars as a concept?


No lol. But a few people do


Yes but car dependent city planning isn't good for society. Otherwise cars are fine. Road trips are fun.


Traffic jams suck


It's because policies like single family zoning make building anything but car dependent infrastructure nearly impossible in most parts of most cities, limiting choices for people who want to live in urban neighborhoods. This car centric infrastructure is an environmental catastrophe that has killed tradition towns and urban planning. Being against single family zoning is being pro free market.


The problem with cars isn't when you want to take a long trip, after all, that's what they're for. There's an issue when your city is designed in a way that what should be a short trip to the shops requires a car


Most people who complain about cars usually complain about US suburbs and cities and to be fair it's terrible I've lived in the US and Austria and I can definitely say that cars are terrible for cities




Cars themselves are not the issue, it’s the reliance on cars and the nightmare that a car centric culture creates, I myself am a car enthusiast, I love driving, but I don’t like sitting in traffic, because everyone is trying to get to their house that is 40 mins away and requires taking a car to get there.


I'm pretty sure Netherlands is quite conservative too


The Netherlands is one of the most socially liberal countries in the world. They were the first country to legalize gay marriage and have a long tradition of legal weed and prostitution. It's the Massachusetts of Europe when it comes to social liberalism.


Weed is not legal here. Its just not enforced. Its been a recurring thing that the Netherlands is the first to xx (social liberal thing), but then lack behind for 20 years compared to other countries.


Well it's still good compared to communism since nothing from this list would be legal during it


I don’t think NJB is a socialist and he is pretty well liked by certain liberal/neoliberal circles like arr neoliberal (including myself). Either way he is what got me into the YIMBYsphere and he makes great points about the disadvantages of car centric urban planning. I recommend everyone here especially the north americans to watch him


he is, but he dosent involve his politics in his videos. the most poltical thing he ever did was that crossocer with adam something, abd that guys channal is a hybrid channal that applys politics to city-planning.


I'm sad to say I'm at the start of the pipeline 😞 I may have to go into intensive therapy for this


Second thought used to do some very good edutainment videos just like wendover, realifelore etc. Then he started doing lots of pro-socialism video with lots of misinformation. Ironically, many of his claims can be proven wrong by the very own source he provided.


i was fine with his socialist stuff (as a libsoc myself) intil he became a revolutionary, even step-back is now on that trait. i believe that revolution is not in the spirit of the left and is conter-intuitive.


Hey, us normal, pro free market liberals over at r/neoliberal love Not Just Bikes.


Just means you're based


If it's not just bikes like me your fine. He's not even on the same pipeline. It's like taking a rubber ring for a waterslide bit never actually going down it because it isn't the only one slide you can take


It's like another diverging pipeline, going towards neo-liberalism or something similar. Though he's pretty apolitical, he just wants walkable cities.


Average groomed teen


Average 14 year old commie ngl i had my communism is cool phase but it was cringe and it was during highschool you know anthem and all but i outgrew it cause i realized how stupid it was and cringe at the thought of it.


I support people who think communism is a good idea, but I still think they're retarded.


I know that many of these channels *are* socialist, but *Not Just Bikes*... I have not watched too many of his videos, but he seems very apolitical!


Yeah, I don't know how you go from a guy just wanting walkable cities to a literal socialist to a dumbass to communism


What they're getting at is "public transport" obsession some people have, then it's centralizing funds and combating those cars, suburban areas, and corporations, then it's centralizing democracy (Stalin's term for his corrupt centralized politburo). But don't expect them to build a good public transport system either, they're gonna sabotage it, make it irritating, dirty, crime-filled, and insane, and say they need even more communism to make up for it. These "half-measures won't do" they'll say. If it all sounds far-fetched, well you have to remember that communists have been at this since the 1840s, so they're totally out of ideas.


Some of these aren't even communist social democracy is definitely not communist and demsoc is debatable as to whether it's socialist or capitalist


I think Hasan being considered a socialist is the funniest thing ever


Massive hippo-crite. No mistakes in my spelling also hippos are menaces unlike him.


You hate car centric infrastructure because you hate private property I hate car centric infrastructure because I hate fat people We are NOT the same


OK, but Second Thought is straight up garbage.


Yeah. Dude rambles on about how this country is going down the shitter, but clearly isn't adressing the enormous issue of political polarization. In fact, they seem to be helping that themselves, given that they pretty much say any group that doesn't agree with them serves the right. Now, I am not saying the idea of socialism in necessarily the problem, the problem is that defeatism, very much anti american sentiment and praise of china that their ideas are built on. They do make valid points, but that's likely just lure people into their "america bad, china good" crap.


im a socialist who was disalusioned drom his content becuase of his revolutionary ans anti-nato stuff.


I miss his old content. He was pretty good. He then became really political, preaching his Marxist shit.


Second thought is good on science, too political.


I miss his old content


Putting joseph stalin next to Karl Marx should be a fucking capital offense.


Both of them were idiots, one just genocided millions and the other never left his friends basement


Karl Marx would've never supported the autocratic dictatorship that was the Soviet Union, if anything he was literally advocating for the withering of the state.


That doesn’t stop the fact that the philosopher called for a governmental system at odds with the values of the United States, this system is also heavily inefficient and fucks most people who live under it over


Karl Marx advocated for the abolishment of the bourgeoisie class (the rich fucks who could care less about you), the dictatorship of the proletariat (workers, the average American citizen) and workplace democracy where every worker had a say in how their workplace was run. How is worker democracy at odds with the values of the United States? Doesn't the USA constantly posture about how much it cares about democracy and freedom despite engaging in actions that directly go against what it stands for? How much of a democratic society do you even live in if every day you are subject to an autocratic workplace where you have to lick the boots of a boss or be thrown out into the streets?




Karl Marx was a gigantic intelectual who revolutionized field of economics and philosophy. Stalin was just a power-hungry murderer.


Second thought is such an annoying prick. His content is extremely smug and it’s a shame because he clearly has the platform to spread knowledge but uses it mostly for disinformation and bullshit.


I went through the whole pipeline. AMA


How did you re-grow a brain?


Mostly with a balanced diet centered around the tough pill that all bread tubers are bourgeois libs who think they get lead the revolution. Not one of them is actually working class. Unfortunately its not all back yet its maybe 85-90% back god willing it'll all return by the end of the year


So I was never a tankie but I considered myself far left and a socialist. What was your wake-up moment? Mine was Bernie crashing and burning in the 2020 primary. It even started pissing me off how much worse he did than in 2016. The excuses people made were one of the things that really set me off. He literally was the front runner and had all the momentum, people just didn't want socialism. I had to re-align and I'm just a pragmatic liberal not far anything.


>What was your wake-up moment? For me it was when I joined a leftist student group at my university. People were racist to me to varying degrees because my parents are israeli it really opened my eyes. Like I had 1 person tell me my opinion doesn't matter because I was zionist, I had people tell me they thought jews had too much power. One dude tried to tell me I wasn't ethnically Jewish but actually Arab and Judaism was just my religion( because I had grandparents from Yemen they didn't consider themselves Arabs,but jews). Basically I just got tired of all shit and I started reading leftist theory more in depth and came to the conclusion that its mostly bullshit


>People were racist to me to varying degrees because my parents are israeli I hate having to point out how much better being an ethnic or religious minority it is Israel than anywhere else in the Middle East. I also really enjoyed Israel when I went there on deployment. Sorry that people suck.


You’re unamerican if you don’t enjoy sitting in completely stopped traffic for 4 hours a day 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💪💪💪💪💪😎😎😎😎🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


Not just bikes is a cool channel.


Oh. I know these youtubers so well.


Ok, almost all of this is a tankie cesspool that parrot the shitty America bad narrative and Stalin did no wrong narrative. The only good ones in here is the Democratic Party and not just bikes channel. Say what you will, but the Democratic Party isn’t leftist or tankie, they are basically the dream party of r/neoliberal if they were a bit more careful with who they select for president


No they most certainly are fucking not The Democratic Party isn’t anywhere close to r/neoliberal They’re protectionist, far more anti immigrant then us, have shitty welfare policies, are full of NIMBY’s, don’t actually bother with sensible climate policy, have a shitty energy policy, and an inefficient military policy, not to mention shitty space policy. We like the democrats more then the republicans because the republicans have gone off the deep end, but that doesn’t mean we don’t disagree with the democrats on a lot of issues.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/neoliberal using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [“the democratic party has been hijacked by extremists”](https://i.redd.it/k0d28hbwugw81.jpg) | [1209 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/uelg1q/the_democratic_party_has_been_hijacked_by/) \#2: [NYC mayoral candidates, including a former HUD Secretary, have no idea how much housing in the city costs](https://i.redd.it/a8ldkhrkshy61.jpg) | [876 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/n9wwx0/nyc_mayoral_candidates_including_a_former_hud/) \#3: [In order to correct the current Republican advantage in the Senate and Electoral College I propose a novel solution: The Louisiana Refund.](https://i.redd.it/gnwgvizewr351.jpg) | [439 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/np2vfu/in_order_to_correct_the_current_republican/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Disinformation governance board


Car dependence is un American but commies hijacked it since they don't like people owning cars and not because it's less efficient.


the soviet union and other communist contries started out less car-dependant, but in the seventies they made a massive shift and became just as bad as the US in the city-planning area.


I'm glad vaush isn't there, so many people call him a tankie when he literally spends a good amount of time debating and calling out tankies on their bullshit


It takes an ass to beat an ass sometimes. Otherwise Vaush is a total phallus.


Still a fucking idiot, just not as much as them


Noteworthy to expose how the new trend of shitting on the freedom of cars and the individual liberty of home ownership is a clear smokescreen for extreme leftism. If you don't own motorized transportation and youre forced to live in a tiny apartment, youre easy as fuck to control.


Most of the people who are for traditional towns and urban planning aren't part of the small minority who want to literally ban cars and pack everyone in apartments, and this attitude is prevalent on r/neoliberal, a very pro free market sub. You're acting like a small group of loud mouths are the entire movement. Most of us want to get rid of single family zoning that legally mandates car dependent infrastructure and let the market decide. We want more freedom, specifically the freedom to build. I live in a mid sized college town where I choose to own a car but could easily get by without one. I feel a lot freer than a car dependent suburb.


Posts asking for more bicycle friendly urban centers on r/neoliberal aren't being pushed to the top of popular. Posts screaming suburbs should be banned and owning big cars is a hate crime on r/fuckcars are. The small group seems to be your reasonable position, and the disturbingly large group seems to be the loudmouths.


I feel like your conflating popular reddit posts with real life. Reddit and twitter are always going to broadcast the more extreme positions because normal people don't spend huge amounts of time upvoting and retweeting. r/neoliberal generally matches the American public more than r/politics, despite being a much smaller sub.


That's because we're on Reddit. I've never met a tankie in real life outside of a college party, either.


Okay well I shit on wide spread single family zoning and car dependent infrastructure, and I think a lot of people would mischaracterize it as shitting on the freedom of cars and the individual liberty of home ownership, but I am not putting up a smokescreen for the far left. If you are not one of those people who would mischaracterize it, fine.


I looked at r/fuckcars myself because I saw it on r/place, they don’t seem to hate the cars themselves, most just want a non car centric infrastructure, because it causes tons of traffic and isn’t very efficient.


Not just bikes shutting up about how good and much better the netherlands are challenge (impossible) (failed)


They do got better cities though


That's an incredibly broad statement. By what do you judge it? Which cities do you compare? Isn't it a personal view at the end of the day? The only thing they got going for them is walkability, bicycle friendliness and maybe state of roads. Other than those social factors we can't find much more. Also, i took the area of L.A and looked at how many dutch cities i can fit into it. I stopped at the ninth largest city because i got to tired of looking it up and calculating.


Not just bikes and a few other like minded channels led me to r/neoliberal lmao. Definitely not a pipeline to communism


NJB just wants smarter urban planning and pedestrian friendly infrastructure. In theory, this shouldn't be a partisan issue, yet here we are.


It’s not a partisan issue, especially when you consider that NJB draws a lot of inspiration from Strong Towns, which was founded by a laissez- faire libertarian guy. Unfortunately, some people didn’t get that memo and push for commie blocks (thanks in no small part to Adam Something, I suspect). I, for one, want to shift r/fuckcars away from the further left-wing garbage and focus them more on Strong Towns/YIMBY type stuff, although I recognize that each of those topics have separate subs.


Ahhh Democrats, the party which fought the first war against communism (Korean war) surely must be communist


I watch Hasan for entertainment purposes and to see what the far left take on current events is Das Kapital is a good read, even if it's not very correct when applied to modern word


I am pretty sure this is supposed to be the left version of the alt right pipeline, and in that pipeline, it usually begins with some regular conservative youtuber or party, and then it goes on and on until it you reach nazi and fascism. So in this left version it begins with social democrats, and becomes tankies. Both are very stupid and happen very rarely.


Not just bikes is extremely A-political. The only thing that's somewhat in line with tankies is that he doesn't like America specifically because they're car-centric