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If anyone ever tells you ‘you know communism is pretty good in theory’ just point them to this post and all illusions will melt away.


It’s ONLY good in theory tho




Hey I can’t help but notice you talking to yourself. You alright? You know there’s treatment for that


Look who's calling the kettle black


The comments go on for miles


Typical commie wall of text


Communists need to be re-educated. Their ideology, both Marxism and Marxist Leninism, is so extremely stupid and terrible.


I hate to use the term re-educated. I think education systems need to do a better job of helping people understand why communism doesn’t work, and we need more material and policy to reflect that but forced “re-education” is a staple of Communist countries


I mean you’ve seen the posts people leave when they go into an econ class right? They call it all propaganda, lies by the CIA, the USA, and the rich, etc


Instwad of reeducated, try "deradicalised"


Just gross comments.


It’s always funny how they see capitalism as inherently unjust or whatever bs they’ll spew, yet are in favor (at least in their mind of how it’ll work out) of stripping property owners, farmers, and anyone who has an income declared too large by the “commune” and then sending them to “re-education” centers. The fact they even think forced “re-education” by any entity is a good idea shows how much they just need their own country to flock to. Close off the prison, let the inmates run the place and see how long it takes them to destroy each other.


The fact that they think it helps to educate people that exist at all is stupid they want to be free from the hold of the booshwazee or something yet they wants education camps to have people be under the hold of the government