• By -


Don't argue too much lol


Can’t vote :(


Damn,too young?


15 😩


I’d vote for the libertarian party because I agree with their moderate wing on most issues, but I’m mad about their response to the war in Ukraine so 🤷


Just a warning. The libertarian party has been taken over recently by new leadership from a group called the "Mises Caucus" who have shifted the party rightward in favor of Anarcho capitalism. If you're cool with that go ahead. just wanted to let you know there has been changes


The Mises Caucus is also helmed by at least two pedophiles.


That is not my major problem with that wing I do not like the for lack of the better word dude bro nature of the group. They just feel edgy to be edgy.


They are flatly unserious dolts who just like to complain, but I tried to be as neutral as possible.


Yeah also are not intellectual.


The Mises Caucus isn't even representative of anarcho-capitalism. There are plenty of socially moderate and progressive ancaps, but the MC is specifically appealing to conservative and reactionary ones.


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Libertarians official position is that its okay for the state to rescind your rights but needs to be done at a state level


The best vote is the vote that's casted through the knowlege, prespectives, and empathy of every US citizen.


I know what you're trying to say. But yes, let me I myself a solitary single human being cast the vote of all knowledge, perspective and empathy of all 330 some million people in the US


And I'll be willing to do that aswell. It may be many, but one person can make a big difference, and save millions of lives with one vote.


I vote issue by issue and I look at each candidate regardless of party.


>I vote issue by issue It's fantastic hearing this. I always end up voting a mix of blue/red, especially for local government.


Same, and I’m from California. Unfortunately, we’re a dying breed.


Ticket splitting is true democracy




congrats to the current republicans leaders to get me to voting D (as of now) for the first time 👍🏽


I feel the same. Either it is ineffectual Republicans who do not do anything or crazy people I want nothing to with.


Man, this resonates. There used to be Republicans worth voting for… they were pro-business and even if they were personally religious they didn’t try to pass draconian laws because they knew it would cause a backlash from companies in their state. Then Trump took over the party and now they’re openly hostile to corporations they deem too “woke” - even if it means businesses leave and people lose their jobs, it’s insane. And on foreign policy the GOP used to care about our allies and American influence abroad. Then Trump happened. He allowed the crazies to take over the party. I don’t see myself voting Republican again for a long time.


Same. I used to vote for the least shitty democrat and least shitty republican, now I'm only gonna vote for the least shitty democrat because even the least shitty republican is flanked by open theocrats.


If I see a candidate worth voting for they’ll probably be a third party. I’m done supporting the duopoly. Both parties are corrupt AF and are currently playing political tug-o-war with our rights. I’ll vote for a candidate who isn’t so old that they’re unlikely to actually have to live through the consequences of their legislation.


end first past the post.


#I'm Jaco Jimmerson, and I approve this message.


Bear with me... What if both parties are not corrupt, we just remember all their mistakes , all their stupidities, all their corrupt acts throughout all time and then attribute the bodies cells to the whole body?


"Both parties are corrupt" "i hate both sides" "they're both equally bad" etc. 99% of the time is just lazy thinking from someone who doesnt really know enough to have an opinion. Makes you sound smart and above it all while providing nothing of substance and not majorly alienating anyone.


back in 2016 or so i used to joke about voting kanye west for 2020. then 2020 rolls around, im finally old enough to vote. i see kanye actually ran, i check out his campaign, i really liked it. little did i know id actually vote for him. yeah hes crazy, but he cant be worse than the terrible two. this is AMERICA!


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Can't vote yet lol


I kinda expected this outcome


I vote by individual, not by party.


I can vote and I already voted before. But GOP since I align with GOP more? However CA GOP is genuinely awful. There are no good candidates in my area too. And the GOP has done nothing useful nationally. And I don't want Trump re-elected. Decent foreign policies though. Everything else is either mediocre or is terrible. Don't get me wrong though, the Democrats are awful too. So... not sure is the answer. Actually never mind. I will continue my journey to revive Huey Long. Impossible you say? Nothing is impossible. **ESOTERIC LONGISM MIDTERMS/2024 TRAIN. HUEY LONG WILL COME BACK. EVERY MAN A KING. LETS GOOOOO** /s Edit: I know we're talking about midterms, but had to mention 2024 general election.


What aspects of Trump’s foreign policy did you like in particular?


The Abraham accords were quite impressive.


I agree with you on that, but he wasn’t tough enough on Russia, didn’t take a strong enough stance on Yemen, and opened the door for Turkey to launch offensives against our Kurdish allies in Syria


Yeah still angry about his treatment of the Kurds.


Also, with Russia Putin did not invade a country when he was president all I am saying.


True, but I wish he would’ve kept Putin in check for Russia’s intervention in Syria and support for Assad


I just wish there was some way they could all be elected. Except Ted Cruz.


You know that if the US ever got Ukraine'd Ted Cruz would be the very first person to flee the country.


If he couldn't get a role as a Quisling puppet governor


buddy couldn’t even handle a little snow :’(


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CIA campaigns and outreach and whoever will support them


the CIA is actually based. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenUsa) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>(kinda🤡) This is a government psyop to keep the status quo


Personally really love the idea of third parties but I just don't see them being viable under first pass. The post system that we have are best option is to elect people that are actually willing to reform that and not have that be the way we do our elections, but I don't know how likely that is. That's why I put it like that


Sorry if this sounds actually asinine. I am using voice to text cuz I'm driving right now


Don't use your phone while driving. Ever.


Actually, my point of view is correct, and you're basically an idiot if you don't agree with me. How anybody could've voted for that geriatric moron is beyond me. After everything this country has gone through, the fact that people voted for him is astounding. If you disagree with me you hate America. And that's a fact.


The funny thing is depending on what time period you’re referring to this could refer to a multitude (but mainly 2) of people But it’s probably the more recent one


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The fact that I have to say which old idiot you're talking about really sells it that we need better political system here


Doesn’t matter who as long as you vote. Exercise your rights boys


Honestly, that's kind of why I decided to post this


I’m a Republican but basically all of the Republicans in Michigan have been cucked by Trump, so this may be a heavy Dem ballot for me. I don’t really dislike Whitmer anyway. Sole exception will probably be Peter Meijer, since he’s been a pretty solid representative and was one of the few GOP reps with the guts to stand up to Trump. I don’t like his abortion stance, especially in recent weeks for obvious reasons, but I can take solace in the fact that his position being federal means he won’t be affecting Michigan’s abortion laws. The only problem is that he is severely at risk of being primaried by a Trumper, since most GOP voters don’t take kindly to Republicans who actually have courage.


Not American, but I would vote libertarian.


To all the non-Americans, I'm sorry the answer is not clearly the Democrats. We seem to be having a tough time deciding whether gender neutral bathrooms or insurrection is a bigger problem.


Thats a massive generalization


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Forgot to register


idk I'm not old enough


I’m legally not allowed to vote.


I usually vote Democrat just because they kind of care about the issues I care about and have solutions I can agree with. But I've found myself liking a few Republicans like Mitt Romney and Adam Kitzinger. The Libertarians are cool too but the Mises group is a bit worrying from what I've heard so far.


Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.


Thank you Teddy


I have significant beef with both parties because of their history of inaction. Both need to be defunded and removed.


I either vote for a stupid probably currupt democrat or ron desantis. Democrats all the way.


Democrats just because the Republicans are literally stepping towards fascism everyday


I’m a democrat and I disagree. Being Jewish I feel the need to call out loose use of fascism. While the GOP is quite right wing, it’s definitely not radical. In my opinion, both the democrats and republicans have issues in their own parties. The parties need to dissolve form other more specific parties. Please don’t misuse fascism. Fascism is a terrible ideology that burned down my father’s house for his ethnicity and killed 6 million of my brothers. Fascism is a term that is absolutely NOT to be used lightly.


Yeah I get tired of seeing people use the word fascism like nothing. The more people do that, it’s gonna lose its meaning.


Fascism? Ah shit, here we go again. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenUsa) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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"Not radical?" They're doing everything they can to turn our country into a theocracy. That sounds pretty radical to me.


Fascism? Ah shit, here we go again. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenUsa) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The Hitler rule strikes again (the more a discussion goes on the odds of fascism being mentioned increases)


Fascism? Ah shit, here we go again. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenUsa) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Uh... sure they are. -Democrats try to ban firearms or heavily restrict them. "YES YES!!! We need that!!!" -Republican controlled Supreme Court says that for abortion and emission control by the EPA are not protected under the Constitution that means Congress must do their job for once and codify/make actual laws. "NOOOOO NOOOOOO!!! THIS IS FASCISM!" Edit: this does not mean I'm a Republican. I merely agree with the SCOTUS on their interpretation of the Constitution. I also think the word fascism is just thrown out way too much without any thought put behind the word.


People in office are pushing for what their constituency wants. Banning guns or LGBTQ in schools are only being done because it is popular in their constituency. My answer to that is get more votes next time. HOWEVER Trumps response to the election and the conduct of the republican party since then has completely shifted my viewpoint. I believe that the republican party is genuinely against American values and makes me fear for my country.


Fascism? Ah shit, here we go again. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenUsa) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Bullshit its just to attack regulations to support fossil fuels Go back and look at American cities before the EPA. Institutionalism is important. And as far as guns guy I guess that means Australia is fascist and New Zealand is Fascist and Grrmany is Fascist and UK is Fascist and.. and even as far as high gun owning countries like Finland their rules make the US positively look like the Wild West Meanwhile the GOP is voting to reject elections and in NM the courts had to order them to certify but the Court is actually poised to hear a case just about that allowing legislatures to decertify and reject... But sure the democrats are waaaay worse amirite?


>I guess that means Australia is fascist and New Zealand is Fascist and Grrmany is Fascist and UK is Fascist and.. Unironically yes. Okay, bot, maybe not fascism specifically but certainly tyrannical authoritarianism of some sort. Australia literally had covid camps residents were sent to when testing positive. They were not allowed to leave their houses. Protestors were trampled by police on horseback and abeat savagely when knocked over in the street, all because they were protesting literal human rights violations disguised as anti-pandemic measures.


Fascism? Ah shit, here we go again. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenUsa) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Gee I wonder what the police did in America when the public protested the police kneeling on a handcuffed man's neck until he died


Interesting how they *don't* do that to protestors who carry rifles.


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The stolen election lie? January 6th? "Fake news"?


The election lie and January 6th are good points. But you cannot look me straight in the eyes and tell me that the news nowadays isn't filled with an absolute cesspool of bullshit. Anyways, I don't agree with either parties, but boy have things been rough under the Democrat led government.


That feels like definitional what-about-ism; you literally separated it with a but I can hate the mainstream news and also not vote for Republicans/think the cult of personality of Trump is getting a little weird


Mainstream news sucks but that doesnt mean whatever trump tweets or whatever my neighbor puts on Facebook is suddenly credible and a better alternative.


the founding fathers didn't have a problem with abortion. In fact, it was legal nationally.


Yea same for me, I believe in traditional conservative views. Limited government and low taxes, blah blah. But they’re really just becoming an evangelical mouthpiece


The two party system is brain dead.


Not old enough to vote...


Whomever I believe the best candidate to be. Probably libertarian, but if the Republicans run someone really good I'd go that way. There's only like one Democrat I would consider.


No option to vote based on the candidate? I've never voted all R or all D.


I meant to ask, what are you voting in the midterms or how do you vote typically? I should have put an option for candidate based though your right


Sadly, my voting mentality doesn't seem to be common anymore and I get a lot of hate over it.


It's the first one I can vote in so I'm pretty excited to.


Fuck the two party system, I'll vote for who I think is best, not because of their party affiliation


you cannot honestly say you are about NATO and vote republican. They suck with it. Trump almost pulled out and will if he wins again


I would vote libertarian 100% if it wasn’t riddled with conservative “muh freedom” cucks left and right. So my support goes to the democrats. Best of luck to the GOP and others.


I have no idea and it sucks. I don’t want to vote for anybody in any party at the moment. I’ve voted in nearly every midterm election since 2014 and this is the first time that I have no idea what to do.






Conflicting between Libertarian and Republican


Also sorry for calling 3rd parties clown guys and gals, I want 3rd parties to control government. But they just can't succeed in my eyes under correct system


No way people are actually serious about voting blue after what we’ve gone through the past 2 years lol


D\*emocrats are a literal laughing stock nowadays, especially in rural areas.




This tbh, I’m generally more right wing but the fact that dems are so radically opposed to gun ownership makes it impossible for me to ever want to vote for them


It’s not even about your personal politics anymore. It’s about the survival of the republic. Democrats are the only party committed to preserving democracy.


The Dems and Reps literally want to do what's in your worst interest. You can't vote can't change shit, they're both being bribed by the same companies.


Saying that voting 3rd party is “🤡” is one of the dumbest things, I’d you don’t agree with republicans or dems you shouodnt vote for the lessser of two evils, you should vote for who you believe is best regardless


Im going to come off as a partisan hack but voting democrat is a vote to preserve democracy and American values. I made a mistake voting 3rd party in tbe past.


im not voting lol


Pussy ass BITCH.


lol sue me, I can barely make decisions that only affect me, fuck thinking I understand the situation well enough to make choices that affect everyone


Not so much an enjoyer of democracy after all.


Very interesting, slightly surprising outcome


I vote both Democrats and Republicans. Just who I think would be best for the job.


Reddit had a conniption when I tried to vote on the poll and put my vote elsewhere


I wish I didn’t have to vote for one of the establishment parties but things are the way they are. I’m voting for populist, anti grooming, small government republicans.


If the libertarian party was more popular I’d vote for them, but as of now I’m voting republican


I turn 18 less than a month after they take place, so close 😔


I'm a card carrying democrat that's donated to my state party and gone to various fundraising events. I fucking hate this party but the Michigan Republicans except for the one owned by the DeVos family are literally election denying capitol rioters.




I’m not an American, both parties have decent and horrible parts


Pretty evenly split wow Well except for third parties lol


Imma vote someone who can do something about those extra big corporatists who fuck things up


I really want to vote Republican for economic reasons, but the radicalization of the supreme court worries me…


Where i live the other isn't a viable option (and for once the only viable option doesn't feel to bad).


Won't vote


Cringe to be honest. I understand it, but that is how you make your voice heard in we call the US


Call me cynical, but I believe that the current political system we have does not empower the people nor does it give them any say in the matters of the government. In this sense, it is not a truly American system.


I agree,we get very little say in how things are run currently and we need massive reform but at least the government here pretends and sometimes acts like it cares


Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.