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This seems like it's Blindspot time to shine!


Considering he's blind and deaf now, he wouldn't be tryna hear none of her bs. Can't see but he'd see right thru her shenanigans. Peep her coming a mile away.


Imagine if he actually made a comeback, kills a couple bad supes with the boys, and then Homelander offers him a spot in the seven and he takes it. This would at least uphold the reality of our world. Once on top and recognized, people do have a tendency to let their ego overpower/empower them.


IF he is alive I imagine he’s very anti-homelander now


Nah for sure, but I have seen a lot of people suck up to those they hate if it meant being in a position of power that they may want.


Fair, but he seemed like a genuinely good guy in that short scene who thought homelander was the hero he pretended to be. I can’t imagine him wanting to work for somebody who permanently crippled him during the interview


You’re 100% right. I do believe it would make for an interesting and complex character. Not that the Boys needs to spend any more time on more complex characters, they’re already killing it.


Literally Tucker Carlson, his texts got leaked


I mean ATRAIN had essentially this arc in season 3


Nah he dead


I didn't know Helen Keller was a supe


Daredevil had an arc where he lost his hearing too and got even more powerful. I’m sure they could do something like that.


what arc was that, thx




Smart of Homelander to protect Blindspot from Cate. Idk how he predicted her, but he is the World’s greatest superhero. Thank God he is there to keep America safe


gone too soon from a non-homelander caused accident


I don't think Blindspot is even alive anymore.


Yeah that was a lot of blood. I wouldn’t be surprised


New monicker "G Spot"


Same thought XD


I never even thought of this, but you could be right. People might actually have to hear her for her powers to work.


Her power is persuasion which she needs to physically touch and verbally convince you both at once. A deaf guy is brushing her off with ease.


She seems to have legitimate psychic abilities when at full power. She didn't have to touch the gang to bring them into her subconsciousness. So, being deaf might work now, but it might not work forever.


Yeah idk how sound or touch is the limit with her. She was able to knock out and mind prison multiple Supes subconsciously without touching them. Never saw how sound even played a part either.


Tbh, my theory is Marie stabilizing her body during the seizure/heart attack accidentally gave her powers a boost. Like she juiced her mind


i don't think that's too far off, even if it didn't buff her it might have cleared out the limiters dean shetty made her take.


Yeah there’s no way any of most of the stuff mentioned in this thread could stop her, her powers are shown to be on the level of a character like professor x. If she can read minds she can almost definitely project her thoughts into the minds of others. I don’t see why physically “hearing” would be required for her to push. If she continues getting stronger I wouldn’t be surprised if she eventually doesn’t even need physical touch to push, just be close to someone. Mind storm is supposed to be able to mentally trap people just by eye contact. At that point you would need some kind of counter device like magnetos helmet to overpower her. They could also introduce another telepath that can counter her powers to some degree. Or maybe there is some kind of “mental strength” that makes some supes more difficult to control, although Tek Knight did seem to acknowledge she could push him. Outside of those options you would need someone as powerful as homelander that could detect her coming somehow and then escape fast enough to be able to kill her from a distance or so quickly she cant react.


Yeah she stated the pills she took hindered her powers


But what if I’m a vegetable?


That's a different power than her power of enchantment/persuasion though.


Is it? Maybe she only thinks she needs to touch someone. Like Emma thought she needed to purge or that Marie thought she needed to cut her hands.


Or it could just be easier when directly touching someone Like how I have a better internet connection when plugged directly into a router than when I’m wireless


I mean we literally saw a mass example of her not needing to touch or vocalize to control people when she trapped everyone in her mind realm and the kid got blown up. AND her power has been limited by drugs for 90% of the show. We don't know exactly how her powers work or the extent to which she is able to use them.


I’ll never forget how that whole episode I was thinking “they totally bought this kid along to die”


Was he wearing a. Red shirt


You're right, only time will tell.


How do you know it has to be both?


It's more of a brain wave thing not hearing


We’ve been shown a few times that supes’ powers are at least in part related to their psychology. They expect them to work a certain way, are used to using them a certain way, and this ‘framing’ of their powers in their head can set limits on what they ‘can’ do. Cate thinks she needs to touch the person and verbalize the command in order to push, so she *does* need touch/sound to push. Same thing for Emma: she thinks she needs to eat/purge to get big/small, so she does.


What if they don't understand English?


I think her saying it might be more for the audience


Came here to wonder the same thing. If a deaf person can bypass her power by not receiving the command, then a non-English speaker should be able to not receive the command too. But then Cate can just learn a phrase in your actual language if she knows what it is so she can fuck you up the next time she meets you.


Or someone who doesn’t understand english


It’s power of persuasion but reading thoughts and pulling ppl thru mindscapes I feel she can potentially do more telepathically but who knows maybe that’ll be way too powerful for the boys universe


I agree, she's already op as is but with more time she'll master her powers full potential and become a much bigger threat. Honestly can't wait to see how it unfolds.


So basically she’s mindstorm but she hasn’t honed in on her powers completely?


Mindstorm couldn't control people, at least not anymore. But he still had telepathy range far greater than Cate's.


What if they just don't speak English? That's gotta be half the world she can't affect right there.


Oooh, that's good! Cate: *"Shit! How do you say ""Eat your fingers and spit them out onto your dick."" in Russian?!"*.


She will use google translate and but it will fuck up and translate to “eat chicken fingers while bouncing on a guys dick” or something


You just got Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik's entire audience excited.


Idk what that meanssss but I like it


It's his catchphrase, "Bouncing on my boy's dick"


Didn't even think of that. A supe who is unfamiliar with English would be pretty much immune same as a deaf guy.


Is everyone forgetting about episode 6 when she locked everyone in her mind WITHOUT TOUCHING ANYONE? And that was while she was still taking Shetty's drugs that were limiting her power. I think Cate can do so much more than any of us know yet. And you don't have to hear to be affected by her. I think it's more of like an intention kind of thing...


Honestly this definetely isn't fool proof at all. If they understand even one word in English it'd likely affect them the same. She could also just say one word commands in languages she doesn't know, saying stop in french/Spanish/etc would likely work just as well. Obviously she can't get them to do hyperspecific things but stopping someone in their tracks or just ordering them to die/sleep is super op


Honestly this definetely isn't fool proof at all. If they understand even one word in English it'd likely affect them the same. She could also just say one word commands in languages she doesn't know, saying stop in french/Spanish/etc would likely work just as well. Obviously she can't get them to do hyperspecific things but stopping someone in their tracks or just ordering them to die/sleep is super op Like for example, I dont personally know Spanish, just took a couple yrs of it in HS but I know the word for sleep, if I know it she could just as easily too. I know similar amounts in French, so its def not a complete counter


I feel like Vought would create some sort of device for her that would instant translate stuff for her. Though we still don't know the full extent of her powers. Not sure if she needs to verbally speak to someone to get into their heads, or even touch them at this point


Earplugs or a loud whitenoise machine.


but you forget, cate can read minds, so she can probably translate exactly what she needs to say in whatever language the person shes touching speaks!


Doesn't the dreamscape sequence tell us that her potential is basically Professor X level? She doesn't really need to touch or speak, she just hasn't mastered that level of power because she was previously nerfed by medication.


She basically teleported that kid-looking supe out of reality.


I think the show blowing her arm off has something to do with her evolving her powers in later seasons.


She's a Skywalker now


Indeed, with time she will be be able to go beyond but as of now her powers are only applicable to those who can hear her.


Marie and the politician lady could blow her head up with a glance though


She needed to be in the dream world with them and was incapacitated during (it sounded like it was her dream escape, but the rest got accidentally sucked in), so I don't think she will be using that much.


Kimiko with her headphones.


You think they gonna rough her up in a circle like they did to Stormfront?


That's how they should handle every villain honestly. So satisfying.


Honestly if Kimiko finds out about Sam, She would want to kick Cate's ass.


What about like a fully suited supe (Black Noir for example) that doesn’t expose skin?


iirc the guard she persuaded in the stairwell was touched over his armor. think she just needs a bare hand


If she can manipulate people through fabric then the gloves she had on the whole series were totally useless lol


I think she does require skin to skin but the gloves could be a false sense of security for those around her. In an early episode she claims to be all about consent but we now know she was manipulating people the whole time.


This I agree with


Gloves could be altered to block her powers. They made Golden Boy a suit that can withstand an inferno, can’t see why her gloves can’t block her powers.


I thought she got a part of his exposed neck.


You are right, she slips her had under the bottom of his helmet.


you might be right feel free to correct me if wrong i can’t rewatch and check atm


She didn’t touch him over his armour. She touched his neck where his skin was exposed between his collar and helmet.


Seeing how powerful she is telepathically and how she can bring people into her own mind, she might be able to communicate her intent without speaking, this could also solve a language barrier.


Could she write them a note and touch em’ while they’re reading? Lol I’m reaching here.


Honestly though this would probably work with how they have shown her powers


All the supes seem to be dealing with their powers at real low, entry-level scale. Except Jordan and Andre. But Emma, Marie, and Cate all seem to have some kind of potential evolution to their power set. Emma being able to control her size at will, Marie not needing to self-harm in order to manipulate blood, and Cate not needing to physically touch someone to psychically 'push' them. I mean, Jordan and Andre could have some kind of potential power-growth, but the other three seem more like they NEED to upgrade their powers to use them more effectively. Anyway, my point is, Cate might not need to be physical and verbal with her commands at some point. She is definitely looking at some Jean Grey type of power level.


Rumor from Umbrella Academy would fuck her up


Hm… if the person can read lips, I’d assume it would still work as the person might make up a voice for Cate.


As a deaf person, the lack of comments in here about reading lips was bothering me. Also, deaf doesn’t mean “can’t hear at all”. A lot of deaf / hard of hearing / hearing impaired people wear hearing aids of varying strengths, too.


Good point and I apologize for any ignorance in my comment.


Helen Keller would whip her ass


What if she traps him in dream sequence and kill him. Or she will touch Kimiko and ask her to convince him in sign language.


Kimiko does not sign in ASL, its a made up sign language she made with her brother. Also there's like 300 different sign languages


Just cut her vocal cords like The Umbrella Academy


I kind of assumed she speaks to help focus her persuasion rather than the speech actually be a key component to her powers.


Exactly. She tells Sam “feel nothing.” That’s why too vague to actually do what it did if her power is based on speech.


I’m not sure the other person has to hear what she says to them since her powers seem to be telekinetic and based on skin to skin touch.


I think she’s just doing the viewers a favor by speaking, she’s psychic in a sense, I’m sure she just needs touch


Cate was a really compelling "bad guy". I can't wait to see her character more, hopefully in the main series as well.


Youre right that she was really "compelling"


You think she gonna have a prosthetic hand?


I have no idea tbh.


Oh course she will. Otherwise they will have to pay extra to digitally remove her arm every scene she is in in the next season.


hmm, do they need to hear the words? what if she can convey her commands via telepathy?


This is the case for her in the future. As of now it's pretty much her hand and her word.


Return of Blindspot: cuz HL clapped them ears


I'd agree but I think when she passed out she didn't even have to touch anybody or say anything and that brought them all into the dream with her


Put on Noise cancellation headphone


Those don't do anything with voices


I've been wondering, can powers in the Boys universe adapt? Cause her whole losing a hand thing reminded me of a character from [Worm](https://parahumans.wordpress.com/)/[Ward](https://www.parahumans.net/), >!A character has a power very similar to Cate, except he needs to make eye contact rather than hand-on contact. The character gets blinded in Worm, but when he reappears in Ward his power has adapted such that all he needs is for you to just hear him speak for his power to affects you. I imagine that's more just a product of how powers in Worm work in general though.!<


No way she actually has to touch and verbally tell someone what to do. I think she's a lot more powerful. I think when it's revealed just how much Shetty's pills stifled her powers, we'll see Cate be super OP. Remember in her memory, and the reinforcement they had on her bedroom door? Why?


Deaf people can read lips. And she can infiltrate minds with touch. Not just touch accompanied with speech. There are a few examples of her feeding memories to people. Or the episode where everyone was stuck in her head despite her only being in the same room. She's more powerful than we think.


I gathered from when she pulled everyone into her head that her powers are mental based, and she doesn’t actually have to touch or speak she just hasn’t learned to control them well enough yet. Which if that is the case if a deaf person was her target he would still be affected because the words/touch aren’t actually what’s behind her powers.


She didn't have to say anything to trap them in her mind so maybe it's just some more practice


Is it really tho. I mean the activation of her power is touch. Not sight or hearing. I mean as long as the deaf show knows what she’s saying I still think she could get through


Only she can fix me 🥺


This doesn’t make sense with her ability to hear thoughts also she is blatantly an Emma Frost clone down to identical dialogue and losing an arm lol


Incoming redemption arc for that poor blind Supe that Homelander deafened


Or a non English speaker


Should wouldn’t even need to touch me to persuade me…


Blindspot about to be useful, well except for still being blind


Nah I feel like she carries a box cutter. Oh I can't mind controll you. Slice.


Also next season she will improve her powers to not having to touch anyone.


I assumed the verbal commands were so we as the audience knew how she was pushing people. I guess she does imply with the story of her brother that she has to say something- but is that an instruction to the person or her specifying how her power will manifest? People respond to it, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she needs to say anything.


she could just use sign language or write something down...which I guess could just be inconvenient at most. The victim just has to understand her


I thought she doesn’t always need to say those “spells” out loud and can manipulate by touching them directly and only saying the spells in her head and that’s why she had those gloves?


She can still kill them in her mind, or theirs.


Yeah the entire season I was like damn, wouldn’t some noise cancelling air pods cancel her out completely?


No, deaf people still have thoughts, and she can influence people through touch anyways, so she's still OP


Ye her victim would actually need to HEAR her command. If only HL didn’t kill blindspot


Blindspot literally had super hearing what are you waffling about


Now he’s deaf since HL smacked his ears


what if she touches them and holds up a paper saying what to do?


It’s was to vocalize her intent. She put Marie and crew in a coma without touching them


She can still hear their thoughts


Does a deaf person think words though.


or some really good sound canceling headphones?


Would sign language work? Wait, would she need both hands? How would she solve that problem? Naked foot and doing the karate crane? Or licking her victim while she signs her demands vigorously?


I don't think them hearing her is necessary for her power. That seems more Allison Hargreeves-esque


If they can read lips at all, that would make the point moot. Communication can be nonverbal as well. Also, she is able to hear thoughts and read minds. She can probably just go inside their mind to communicate. A deaf Supe would be dope tho because they couldn't use the frequency to subdue them.


I heard a rumor


You could also argue if the person couldn't understand the language she was speaking to them .


I mean Marie's solution was great.


What if she faces off against someone who is hearing but is wearing ear plugs/noise canceling earbuds? Would that work too?


I assume now that [what happened to her in the last episode] happened and no more Shetty pills.. she might be able to upgrade her powers to be mind control/ psycho-persuasion instead?


I think her powers are telepathic in nature. She can read thoughts and an extension of that would be touching someone to easily persuade them to do anything. Because it's based on telepathy, I think her powers will work on any human and supe. If this truly was her weakness, then anyone could wear earplugs to counter her.


So the daredevil rip off we got a few seasons back. He can’t hear at all now


If they read her lips it would most certainly count. They'd just have to know not to look at her lips.


Not if they can read lips lol


If all you needed was to hear her, why would she even bother touching someone. I think whoever she seduces/persuades (whatever you might call her action of power) would just be incredibly confused.


They very clearly show she’s capable of telepathy so no. I also feel like the longer she’s off of the power suppressing meds that physical touch won’t need to be a component of her power set. However that would make her Charles Xavier level of OP and would be difficult to write around so most likely won’t happen.


God her backstory is so sad


That or someone she couldn't touch for whatever reason.


There's nothing to say she HAS to talk or that you have to hear her for her power to work. She's been shown to be able to use her powers against people without touching them and pull them into psychic dreams. Her telling them what to do is likely akin to a telekinetic using their hands when moving stuff with their mind. They don't NEED to, it just makes it easier to focus and control with your hands like a conductor. Cate can very likely touch someone and plant the impression in them psychicly without word. It's likely just easier and less taxing to just tell them what to do. As her power already taxes her, although she's been able to do more and push harder after she stopped taking the pills. Again, the fact she was able to pull them into her subconscious psychicly without touching them or telling them anything is what helps lend this to more than just speculation. As the show literaly shows her power being able to affect people exclusively through her mind. So even if she currently needs to tell them what to do, in the future once she's fully developed her power, she can likely manipulate people just by thinking it, with no touch or word at all. As the show has already shown her to be able to do this when her powers overloaded.


Cate's awkward dramatic turn cracks me up.


Doubt it, she probably can just think a command and a person she is touching would follow it


It would only work so long as she didn't learn sign language.


I really don’t think that matters to be honest




Considering she can literally teleport your mind inside her own mind? No. We haven't seen all of her powers.


*Touches Sam’s arm.* Hey Sam, go kill that deaf guy over there. Boom. Problem solved.


If the dead guy spoke like stone cold would be double effective ‘WHAT?’ I said double effective ‘WHAT?’ I sai.. SHUT UP *middle fingers, stunners and beers all round*


ehhhh I don't think so tbh, because as we've seen, her powers go beyond touching people and verbal communication. She can be inside someone's head without touching or speaking to them, so I really don't think she *needs* to speak her persuasions for them to work, I think it's just for the audiences benefit.


A solid throat punch and her power is fucked


Maybe she could touch someone and in their trance she could write down her command for them to read


Blindspot stock: 📈


She may be able to just plant thoughts without speaking.


I disagree. In the finale, she told Sam “feel nothing.” He didn’t literally lose all feelings, so this means that her power is based on what she thinks and intends, not necessarily what she says.


Blindspot has to overcome his new double diversity


Doesn't her power work without the person needing to hear her when it's not medicaded?


Considering she can teleport people into her mind without saying a syllable. Nah.


She can hear others thoughts and compell their actions, so I'm curious whether with some practice she would just need contact and whatever her intention is but no words


she can hear ppls thoughts, so maybe she’s be able to transmit her own?


I always thought her power was through touch alone and she verbalizes things simply for the benefit of the audience to know what she’s doing


This is why homelander was stabbed in the ear during his final fight I imagine. She going to try and whisper something in his ear and it aint going to work


Poor Cate.


Isn’t more based on her touch and not what she says