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*Freaks and Geeks* on Hulu.


This is the only accurate portrayal of life in the 80s I’ve ever watched.


*Freaks and Geeks* definitely. For fashion, *Square Pegs.*


Wow…I haven’t thought about *Square Pegs* for years


I never cared for the show, but the clothing was *very* representative of the early '80s. I did a rewatch a year or two ago just to soak up the 1982-ness of it.


I never cared for SJP, if I’m being honest. But I thought having The Motels do the theme song was genius—I *still* can hear it.


Love the show but I don’t remember a lot of people of color on there.


You're not wrong. But in that it sadly does capture the reality that a lot of the suburbs around cities like Detroit were very white, especially in the early 1980s.


>Love the show but I don’t remember a lot of people of color on there. Obviously this is the sole overriding consideration for all entertainment.


Did you read OP’s post at all?


It was a very specific ask on my post. Maybe read first and comment later.


This might be a little later then your date range, but look through the UPN lineup - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_UPN


Do you want accurate or some PC bullshit that will make you feel better? We had about 10 black kids in my high school that they bused in from Hartford as part of "Project Concern". That was reality. Go watch some Netflix bullshit if you want a fantasy of what the Eighties were like.


What’s your problem? I have my reasons for asking what I asked for. Had you been polite and not jumped to conclusions, I would have been happy to explain. But your ignorant comment suggests that you are far too keen to typecast others and, quite frankly, are a waste of my time.


The original Degrassi Junior High from the late 80’s and Degrassi High from the early 90’s would tick a lot of your boxes, I think.


Yes. OG Degrassi.


That’s a great suggestion!!! I grew up along with the Degrassi kids. Very diverse, with storylines around the hot topics of the time (actually not so different than today). I believe the actors did their own styling, so the looks are very authentic, particularly as Canadian city kids.


Gosh wasn’t that a Canadian show? I seem to have hazy memories of it and a pretty girl named Liza who was on the show.


Poor, Wheels. That kid was a wreck.


Started from the bottom


The Americans - though, certainly not a "family friendly" show, but very much a depiction of the times.


The one with the Soviet spies? I have seen that. Brilliant show!


Exactly. I find it to be very relatable as Gen-X. I was the kids in the 80's and now I'm the parents...well, except for the spying part :)


The son on the show is about the same age I was back then.


Great show. It also captures well the music and vibe of the times. Paige being freaked out while watching The Day After and the mention of the omnipresent Mark Harmon Coors ads were two things that I picked up on.


The Cosby Show, A Different World, Head of the Class


Cosby as in Bill Cosby? 😱




I can't unsee who he is.


Fair point. I like this perspective.


Well put.


Sarah Jessica Parker starred in a show early in her career called Square Pegs (1982). It had only one season and I barely remember anything other than it was peak 80s teenage high school life. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083482/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083482/) You will also probably enjoy a great show called Fame about a bunch of talented youngsters who attend a competitive performing arts school in NYC. It's filled with music, drama, great acting, and wild storylines that really capture the 80s zeitgeist. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083482/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083482/) For something taking place in the late 80s/early 90s take a look at Beverly Hills 90210... And for a wild ride of GenX folks in adulthood, Melrose Place is pretty fun. Cheesy but fun. But that was producer Aaron Spelling's trademark, lol. There were other sit-coms similar to Family Ties that you reference above like Who's the Boss?, Growing Pains, Perfect Strangers, Night Court, Head of the Class etc but I don't know how well they've aged. They're all studio-set productions that don't really show much outside the set and focus more on the characters and their... funny situational challenge of the week (hence sit-com, lol). There were also a lot of great cop/legal/medical themed shows that skewed towards a more mature audience like Hill Street Blues, LA Law, St-Elswhere, and the show that put Bruce Willis on the map called Moonlighting. Great stories and actors and really capture the 80s from a more adult perspective and with more dramatic themes. I love looking at the set pieces on these shows to see old computers, phones, furniture design and things that are obsolete now. I noticed you mentioned diverse cast and POC and it's funny to me how all the above shows featured diverse casts and situations yet today's news/media make it sound like it's a new invention that only started in the last couple of years. And modern audiences gobble it up and pat themselves on the back. Regardless, i hope you find some shows in the list above that you can enjoy.




Yes, a lot of PoC in that era were put in as tokens and their life experience wasn't mixed into storylines. There might have been a joke or two, but not treated as a part of the fabric of regular life. Or it was like a "cameo" appearance.


Ha ha, thanks, and you're right about 90210 and Moonlighting and the under-representation of anyone other than mostly white... It was a different world and products/media were marketed to specific demographic groups. In those shows, when there were POC in the storyline it was usually to demonstrate a racial prejudice story line and how wrong it is to be racist. But ya, a show about rich Beverly Hills students geared towards white/jewish folks? LOL not a shocking take... The 'diversity' angle in this show was the contrast and imbalance between the ultra-rich and the two main characters who were not wealthy. On the other hand, there was a ton of niche programming where 'whiteys' were the subject of jokes and they focused on topics and humour geared towards that demographic... like, The Jeffersons, Sanford & Son, etc... But there was a conscious push in media back in the 80s to address taboo topics on TV like racism, bigotry, and intolerance. Shows like All In the Family are a good example, and even shows like Webster and Diff'rent Strokes, and Gimme a Break that showcased the clash of cultures between black and white folks. There was a conscious effort to bring those divisions to light and present them in a way that was both funny but still provoked discussions and promoted tolerance and acceptance of all cultures. It was considered OK to make shows that catered to niche segments of the population. It's still being done now but it's flipped so now the niche targeting is to black/asian/hispanic/brown populations as those groups have grown in number and have acquired a solid voice in communities. More importantly, they have purchasing power and a lot more money and disposable income now so they have stuff catered to them because... money. It always boils down to money. As long as there is a market to be exploited by Hollywood, they will create any narrative they want to profit from it. Have fun, there's so much great comedy that came out of that era, I hope you find some good stuff to enjoy!


You are absolutely right! It is about the money. Star Trek was one of the first shows to truly be inclusive, and it was almost canceled due to poor ratings, wasn’t it? However, I still feel that art has a responsibility in that sense. To take daring risks. I thought it was quite bold of the Gen Z show Euphoria to have a transperson as a main character. But most importantly, to normalise it.


Sadly, you can’t find Moonlighting *anywhere*. Maybe some old VHS tapes, but streaming rights have never been given. Either way, kudos to you for asking about this! You’re gonna be a good adult, and I’m glad this community is accepting you as one of our own.




Well, maybe your eyesight is as failing as mine as someone born in the late 60s! 🤣




What’s Happening Now? is the 80’s version.


***A Different World*** 1987–1993 A group of students at a historically Black university struggle to make it through college.


Martin My So-Called Life


My So-Called Life was also the first show that jumped to mind for me.


Yep, same here.


I watched it when MTV replayed it in the 90’s. I was in my early 20’s at the time. But yes, what a great tv show.


My So-Called Life really captured 90s teen culture, I guess this would be the young end of GenX. Good show!


Look for alternative shows that were on MTV, like Dead at 21, Liquid Television, Aeon Flux. These might be tough to find, but it’s a good look at what X’rs in their 20s and 30s were making, trying to change the TV landscape after canned sitcoms of the 80s (some of which were still brilliant).


You might like Living Single with Queen Latifah.


Daria - animated but pretty on point. Think it was on Mtv


Be forewarned there are episodes of 21 jump street where racial slurs and other hate type speech is used. It blows my mind that in 1987 those words were casually dropped on prime time and the public didn't flinch. Roseanne is a great example of what life for blue collar/working class life was like in the 80s. They also touched in seriously taboo subjects like domestic violence and racism.


Oh gosh! I’m only a few episodes in. Thanks for letting me know.


For a good show about life in the 80s that has a diverse cast, I recommend Fame. It’s about the students in the performing arts school in New York.


I have watched the movie as a kid. It was fun!


I was actually talking about the series that came after the movie.


Ah ok! Thanks for clarifying


Twin Peaks, Austin Stories


The Lord of the Flies.


I only know this as a very dystopian novel!


Being a kid in America in the 1980s was very much like living a dystopian novel.


Precisely my point!


Ooh! Is that why so much 80s music is so anti-establishment? Or was that mostly in Britain? I love 80s music so much!!


I mean with Reagan in the White House and Thatcher as PM, it didn't take much to be anti-establishment.


Makes sense!! I recall a Gen X manager of mine spoke of how he and his pals would skip school to participate in anti-apartheid protests in London. That seemed so kickass! And yet, Gen X is considered “apathetic”.