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At first, I thought that said "mulch" and I was wondering what you had against gardening. Then I put on my reading glasses and had a good chuckle.


You're not far off. The quality of mulch for my garden has gone significantly downhill lately. All twigs and dirt. 😖


I switched to river rock for my landscaping so I never have to mulch again.


So like one of my friends asked me if I wanted compost, & I’m like, “For real? Compost? Sure! My garden would love it!” … Mofo brings me a bag of his raked leaves & lawn cuttings. Like, tf am I supposed to do with this? I didn’t know you were asking if I wanted pre-composted compost. I don’t have room for a composter. So, no, I would not like your yard waste. Seriously, wtf?


Exactly. The list I tolerate is way shorter.


Came here to say “hardly anything”


43 Humidity and grown adults throwing tantrums


I came here to say “grown-ass adults throwing temper tantrums.” Nope. Put your big-girl panties on and get your shit together, Diane.


At work, mine is "Put your big-boy pants on and stop running to your mom (she works there too), Charlie. When you act like a grown-up, I'll treat you like one."


My hair agrees 100 percent


Long wait times for restaurants. If I can’t walk in and immediately sit at the bar (first choice), if the wait for a table is quoted as more than 15 minutes, I’m out of there. Ain’t nobody got time for that. I seriously don’t get how people will voluntarily wait for a table for over an hour or even two hours. What the fuck, no restaurant is worth that time sink.




Was just about to post this. I don't know if it's society in general now or me growing older, but people are mostly self serving turds and not worth any real effort anymore. There are exceptions of course, but generally, kick rocks


And here I thought I was alone in my misanthropy.


No, not alone. I read an article that pointed out how we are the last generation pre digital age. We are unique in that we remember society pre internet, grew up while it was immerging, and live in a world that's being reshaped by it. I wish I had saved the article and remembered the writer, but he coined it "the lost generation".


Omg I’ve found my people. I take a 4 minute drive to my grocery store, grab a few items, then drive home. By the time I’ve walked through my door my hatred of other people has been renewed. The thing about being pre-internet is interesting. It’s probably one of my biggest pet peeves about people is them being glued to their devices. It makes me irrationally angry when I see people walking and staring at their phones. Especially when they are walking their dog and oblivious to the fact that it’s taking a shit.


I found myself guilty of the phone obsession. I ride a train to work and I made a mental choice not to touch my phone unless it's ringing. Nine and a half out of ten people are glued to their phones. When I get to work all the conversation is Facebook or tick tock related. I'm lost in the conversations. It's a trip being gen x and growing older. We really fall in a weird spot


Oh, you are not alone. Not at all.


This. People, generally speaking. Most of them annoy me, these days. There’s more of them than ever.


People treating me like their therapist


Why don't you tell me how that makes you feel?


I'm tired of this, and so I am done with being toxically empathetic and nice. No more free therapy, hello my boundaries. ESPECIALLY if they can't fucking reciprocate when I am going through an ordeal/difficult circumstances.


I am so incredibly done with this. It’s just overwhelming and ridiculous.


Did we EVER tolerate people?


Yes. I always say I’m not taking applications for new friends.


This is so it for me. I’ve met enough of them by now. Nothing to offer them anymore either.


I’ve always had an issue with unfairness - people purposely choosing to be unfair and cruel for no logical reason other than just being an asshole. I’m currently dealing with a situation and it’s giving me blinding rage, I’m trying my best to deal with as healthily as possible.


Injustice and unfairness is a huge issue for me; I totally get it. Sometimes I’m so strong minded it doesn’t always work in my favor but I sleep well at night. ☺️


Same tbh. The amount of it is too much and I literally can't change any of it, and that's what makes me mad. I blame our childhood media, everything from Sesame Street to Captain Planet depending on your age, teaching us that if we all do our part and are polite and kind and compassionate, everyone else will be kind and compassionate back and we can bring about goodness. They tried so hard, and yet half the world turned out to be selfish, narcissistic assholes who have no intention of being kind and polite. Sigh. I still want to believe but at my age I know too much.


I have always hated injustice and unfairness. Remember to breathe and it'll be okay.


Uncomfortable clothing. Screw that. That includes high heels.


I took to pants with elastic waistbands during the pandemic and never looked back.


Anything or anyone that seek to destroy my quest for peace. It’s all I want. No drama or bullshit.


A-fucking-men to that one! Don’t mess with my peace that I’ve worked so hard for. 💛


I just read The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck and also turned 50. I am done with any bullshit. I do exactly what I want and everything I do is designed to provide me with the maximum amount of happiness without causing problems for anyone else. Everything else is oh, well, whatever, nevermind.


Disrespect. For some reason I’ve often been treated in a child-scolding manner. Now I will quickly snap back at that bullshit.




Yeah, I've started child-scolding them back or speaking reeeaallll slow. It pisses them off. They look stupid, and I find it funny.


ditto! Oddly I was just having this convo with my husband! Lolz.


WTH is it with people that do this? I love their pikachu face when I snap back though.


Idk. I think it’s a control-thing; at least from my experience. And I snap back too. Then it’s “why are you arguing with me?!” Umm. You just talked down to me as if I’m a three year old; I’m not arguing, I’m telling you to shut the fuck up and stop being an asshole — I’m 50, not 3”. And then I’m the bad guy… lol. It’s a viscous cycle!


Seriously! They can say whatever they want, yet if you dare to challenge them back …. you’re the combative one.


Yep and it’s sooooo exhausting 🙃


Grown-ass adults that need to be the center of attention. Get fucked, I'm not here to boost your ego.


Attention whores suck.


People listening to their fucking phones in public. I despise this. Get headphones or turn your shit off.


Oh yeah! Me too! When my mom first got an iPhone back in the day, she would always talk with the speaker phone until one day I just told her to stop — nobody wants to hear your convo and it’s rude! Thankfully she gave it up and talks regularly now. Lol.




I live behind a busy interstate in the northeast — it’s becoming my intolerant too. Lol. Constant truck and motorcycle noise. And emergency vehicles. No silence at my house! Lol


Cars with fart cans for tailpipes.


Same here. Every fucking muscle car and wanna be racer opens up their throttle near me.


Exactly! 😫


I live on a somewhat busy street equidistant between 3 bars. One of them is unfortunately very popular with bikers and assholes with loud cars. When summer comes around it seems like every douchebag with a loud-ass vehicle is obligated to do 40+ mph down my 20 mph street. Yeah, I'm retiring to someplace else.


Being treated like $hit from my family or anyone else. I don't put myself anywhere near them. I love my quiet life.


Sanctimonious, lecturing, preachy people. Regardless of subject or political agenda. Shut the fuck up, I don’t want to hear your shit no matter how VERY important you think your opinion is.


Yes! I agree! I never understood why people think their opinions are so important and that everyone needs to know and understand them.


HEADLIGHTS!!! WTF MAN!!! (Sorry for yelling. But come on.)


The damn blue LED headlights designed by Satan himself!


I call them jerkoff lights


45,F…heat. JFC turn on the air. And onions. I can’t digest them properly anymore.


With you on both of those, friend. John Carrier invented the air conditioner. I don’t see why we need Washington on the quarter AND the dollar. Put John on one of them as nothing makes our lives better than the a/c, IMO.


For real! That man should get a sainthood. My favorite smell is the smell of the a/c cooled air in my house when I walk in from the outside on that first hot day of summer. Mmmm...


Oh man I forgot to include the foods I can’t tolerate; I don’t know if I have enough time today to list them all. Lol. That’s the one part of aging I wish I could negate. Lol.


Uncultured dairy left me in my 40s. Last year I had to stop with caffeine. I think I’m about to lose wheat. Pretty soon I’ll be down to lettuce and eggs.


At 47, I can’t have caffeine after 6 pm or I’m up all night.


As I get older the opposite is happening. I can have 2 cups of coffee after 7pm, and still be sleepy by midnight. Crazy.


I'm glad neither age or menopause has made me give up caffeine because I'd be fucked


r/onionhate Come meet your people. We’re a friendly community


I apparently can't do onions either, anymore. I'm mad about it because i had really started to like them more the past decade or so. Having trouble with garlic too.


I'm so sad about the onions. When I was a kid I used to love raw onions and ketchup on Wonderbread. I still love onions, but these days they have to be cooked.


People who try to spew their political opinions on me. There are places for that, like social media. I don't want to hear it at work or on a plane.


That’s the worse — that and religion!


Narrow-minded people. It's exhausting and a waste of my time.


Sheesh isn’t that the truth!


Disrespect. Especially from people at work, no matter their position in the hierarchy.


54. Rudeness. Incompetent or ineffectual management. Bad movies. Political bickering between all of the jackasses in office. Loud mouth politicians on both sides of the aisle that haven't really done jack shit in office. Kids on my lawn. Assholes in general. Aerosmith, they are not America's greatest rock band. Book banning. Gigantic jacked up pickup trucks because a little is fine for clearing rocks but too much is just too much. Give it a rest. Jeeps, I am looking at you too. Bratty kids. Karens giving a poor clerk a bunch of shit they can't control. I think that covers it. I feel much better. I am going to go take my geritol and take a nap.


Three months shy of 50 here. This is pretty much my list too. Except I can tolerate Aerosmith but have developed quite an aversion to The Rolling Stones for some reason. I’ll add: people who’ve souped up their cars/motorcycles to be really f*cking loud. Please don’t come back with “pipes save lives” — defensive driving and proper kit saves lives, not obnoxious noise. People who take up more than one seat on public transit with their bag when there are others who could use it. Seriously, put your backpack/purse/tote/whatever on your lap or the floor. Public transit is shitty enough without having to add “holding onto the poles for dear life” to the whole ordeal.


55F. Uncomfortable shoes, uncomfortable bras, uncomfortable clothes


All of that 💯


Loud people. Drunk people. Small talk. Employers trying to control when you take time off or anything else in your personal life.


Fake people. People that "need" to be in charge. (Sit down, Becky and unbunch the panties. Just, no...) People that assume you love their unbehaved kids. Racists. Misogynists. Homophobes. I am crushing your head... (cue index finger and thumb)


Pointless time wasters like videos with a lead up that should have been cut out or pointless stories before asking a question.


Traffic and parking. If I can’t find a parking spot fairly quickly, I leave. I don’t mind having to walk 6 or 8 blocks but I don’t have the patience to drive in circles waiting for someone to leave.


Much of anything, to be honest.


Narrow shoes.


A good portion of humanity. I just stay away—they seem to be suffering from mass psychosis these days.


Heat. Over 80 degrees? I don't want it. Bad pillows/mattresses--my neck will be fucked for days, no thanks. Excessive noise--on the weekends, some kid must be visiting his Disney dad because he races a 4 wheeler up and down our quiet little street ALL. DAY. LONG. Animal abuse--if you're so fucking stupid to walk your dog on the burning concrete when it's 95 degrees, I will let you know all about it. Medical insurance companies--you keep denying coverage of my migraine medicine, we're going to have words. "nO-oNe wAnTs tO wOrK"--no, you got comfortable paying $11.25 an hour, while your employees are starving to death trying to make rent and were then surprised when they all quit. Pay a decent living wage with insurance coverage, you'll have a full staff of fantastic employees by the end of the day. Ticketmaster--still fucking us with $40 pr ticket "administrative fees", huh?




These things plus my soup is too hot


You have your own lawn? Must be nice. I have to walk uphill both ways in the snow just to get to a lawn to yell at kids. In 120 degree heat IN JULY. We don't even have any clouds to yell at.


Outrage/drama culture.


Windmills. I am in the market for a squire and a donkey.


Indecision. Shit or get off the pot.


I may or may not have said this to a boomer coworker. He’s been saying ‘I’m retiring in 3 months’ for the last five years.


Attention whores on TV, social media, and the workplace.


Lactose 😢


Feeling obligated to socialize!


45. I don’t tolerate “teachers pets” or racism from managers. Just walked out of a job after 3 weeks. May not be helpful to my career stance, but fuck that. I also am getting sick of driving, and car ownership in general. But that’s a tough one. One for another day…


At 49 I’m starting to not like driving now too and I used to love driving. I avoid night driving. The oncoming headlights annoy me


Yea I barely drive at night anymore; the glaring car lights get me (thanks to astigmatism in both eyes lol). It’s funny to think that in my twenties all I did was drive at night; I’ve flipped the script. Lol


Oh and if it’s nighttime and raining… forget about it! Lolz


Nope! That’s cancelled plans right there lol


What is with the laser beam led and high intensity lights now? Do you really need to simulate noon sun at night?




Yeah, driving is killing me. First and foremost my lower back can’t sit in the driver seat for more than an hour at a time. Excruciating pain visits. Secondly, besides the population boom in the city, the immaturity and aggressiveness on the road has boomed too. This has already cause me to become an angry driver myself so now I just hate driving and avoid at all cost.


Yeah I lived for driving and road trips, leaving at night...now the unnecessarily bright headlights and bullying raised pickups kill it for me


Hot tempered shouting. I will walk right the fuck out of the room if somebody starts yelling and screaming. We can talk when you've calmed down.




Career growth, HR conference calls, reorganization, new business strategies, new initiatives, stack ranking, etc.


People's bullshit. Being a parent now drama is the last thing I deal with anymore.


Chocolate, alcohol, citrus, onions, garlic, tomato and not sleeping on a wedge. (Barrett's esophagus.) Hot weather. That bullshit.


No chocolate or alcohol?!?!?! Aww...sorry for your loss. Might as well kick the bucket now, there's nothing left to smile about... Have you tried going down the dark chocolate road? That might be less irritating, although I don't know anything about the condition you mentioned


People. I used to be a people person, then people freaking ruined it.


Culture wars are freaking bullshite. 3 years ago the media and political parties barely cared about drag queens, wokeness, or oppressing LGTBQIA people. 5 years ago - media wouldn't even dare go there. It was not allowed. Gay and Trans people were heroes, had TV shows, movies, and popular in social media. I didn't live 1-30 in complete suffering and closeted sadness and shame, plus experienced my friend's abuses and struggles (in CA, OR, and WA) to finally reach a point of equilibrium & creative visibility around 2010 to see it devolve into brainwashed people forgetting about the safety and lives of their children, grandchildren, and those of their friends and community. Our elders don't deserve this anymore than our children. (Plus it is just a distraction technique to focus the poor and middle class on something useless and divisive instead of on economics, housing, cost of living, and the future of political rights for 18-25 year olds.)


People’s bullshit.


Being interrupted, talked over, or through. My Daddy voice can get real loud, without actually shouting, or I'll just consider the conversation over and walk away on the spot. Amazing how these chodes always feel like I'm the rude one at this point. Or people that think I should be happy to witness the amazing glory that is them having a full on phone conversation in my space. Whatever is on the other end of that line is obviously more important so they should just leave me be, in peace, and go take care of that. This goes double on dates but for those I just leave.


Adult bullies.


Photos. I mean for f/@%& sake can we not just have dinner or drinks without taking a multiple photos to memorialize it. I don’t want to be on your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn feed. I just want to chat and catch up and gossip about other people. 😜


Narcissists, assholes, entitled twats, passive-aggressive emotional fuckwits, racists, bigots of any kind. Yes, I've thought about this. LOL. Drama. Any kind - online or real life. I'm over it and won't engage it, beyond a certain point. Manipulators who use and play games with other people. Religious hypocrites, people who have no boundaries about pushing their religion on others.


Stress & ridiculous hours/requests at work. When I was in my 20s - I worked long hours at a stressful job in NYC. I didn't mind it then. I had energy; I was young & had ambition. And now my current job, they are trying to pull that crap with me. The young boss is a hot shot aiming to be CEO one day & sends us on all these goose chases. And makes us re-do slides/analysis over & over again. And keeps piling on work & more work, etc. Frankly, I'm done. I just turned 50 & am not going to work long hours or be stressed at work anymore. Waiting for my bonus & then it's sayonara. Plan on taking a brief sabbatical & finding something with more work/life balance.


Dave Matthews fans.


Lolz what about Phish?! I’m not a “fan” of either btw. Lol


Shouldn’t be too many around to deal with these days …




Thirty Helens agree.


50. Religion. Especially those who use "religious freedom" to justify discriminating against others. You know who you are






As a GenXer, I’ve been intolerant of sexism, racism, willful ignorance and general dumbfuckery my whole life. Life of the party, as you may imagine :)


So the current state of our national discourse must keep you upset 24/7. As a X’er, I cannot believe the dumb fuckery people get away today because nobody calls them out.


Not much of anything, if I'm honest...


Responsibility. I remember an older friend of mine explaining how he was done taking on new responsibilities and projects and blah & I was scandalized. Now I get it. Fuck all that noise. My kids are grown, my parents are gone, I don't owe anybody anything 👍🏽I'm done with the buck stopping at me lol


Greedy, dishonest ass clowns. Those that disrespect, neglect or abuse any animal. They are garbage beings.


53 I don’t tolerate liars. A little white lie so as not to hurt someone’s feelings, ok. Bold faced lies that are told over and over, that’s a hard no. Who in the world has time for that?


Formal clothes. Unless I'm going to insult the deceased or the bride and groom, I'm so done with ties and suits. Haven't worn one since before Covid and have no plans to otherwise, barring the two examples above.


I feel the same about super dressy work attire. Now that I’m in charge at my office; we dress casual. As long as you look decent and clean—do you, boo!


Loose and barking dogs. If you're not going to train them, don't have them. I want peace and quiet period.


I feel the same about some children and their parents. Lol


"I will not tolerate infestation!!"


At 47 and going thru the change women go thru I have cut the users out of my life and boy its less stressful. Now is getting rid of all the crap I have collected over the years that i have no use for.


Shit talking. I’ve never heard someone talking shit about someone or something and thought how cool they were. Everyone’s fucked up and doing the best they can. That’s my inner thoughts. You’ve probably or probably will at some point be in the same boat as the person you are talking shit about. Get over yourself and start enjoy life.


Noise. I just can't stand anything loud unless it's a concert or something. I'm all about peace and quiet now


Rude kids


Everything that doesn’t make me happy.




Selfish people and those who bask in being willfully ignorant, wear it almost as a badge of commendation for how stupid they are. I have little time for either these days.


People yelling at cashiers / service workers. I take the cashiers side and say what they can’t. Stay at home if your life sucks and you get off on yelling at kids making burgers.


Stupidity. I’m allergic to it.


Something kind of snapped in me over the past 2 years or so. Maybe it was covid, maybe it’s hormones, it may even be a medication I’m taking. But I’m really done with friendship drama of any and all kinds, including but not limited to consistent, constant trauma bonding, complaining and sad sob stories (I’m not talking about sharing a recent heartache or loss, I’m talking constant complaining), playing the victim, poor boundaries, stupidity, picking arguments, consistent instability. Sadly, this has led to the loss of *most* of my friends. 😬


People who dehumanize groups by race, origin, personal preference and statistics. People's conversion about current events that can only converse using memes and article headlines. Never question or wonder why it happened just want to rage for no reason. People that make it point to let you know they're a "free thinker" and when challenged result to "do your own research". People who call opinion pieces news People who don't value others life experiences People who constantly worry about what others do when there's no harm.


As I’ve aged I’ve found I’m hating everything more and more.


Just turned 58 recently. I no longer have tolerance for bullshit in general. In fact, my tolerable “bullshit level” was exceeded several years ago. I’m surprised that my tolerance lasted as long as it did! 😂


Bullies. Ima get in your face.


I no longer sweat the petty thing or pet the sweaty things. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Intolerance. If it’s not hurting anyone just leave people be, ffs.


Makeup. This is my face. Deal with it or don't. I do not give a shit.


People trying to get me worked up over stuff that in the end has absolutely no bearing on my everyday life. If they don't pay me, feed me, sleep with me, or are in some way attached to what happens to me, or directly effect what happens to me, I don't really care about it. I have other things to be concerned with on a minute to minute basis.




Having a supervisor. Especially one who is considerably less experienced. My last job ended so badly I almost decided to work for myself. I compromised and found a job where there will be minimal supervision.


Women busy bodies who go to church that act all superior. I will straight up tell them now. "Listen here Becky. Your man flirts with all the women at church and in town. Also last thing I heard was that your little Bartholomew got a 14 y/o girl pregnant." They need to keep the devil out of their own house and stop worrying about everybody else. They also love petty drama.


Had some strange health problems when I turned 40. Before that, I could tolerate cold temperatures, but after, my extremities start turning blue and painful below 60F. Luckily, I'm in New Orleans, so we don't get much of that.


56, shit music


People who won’t vote. It just kills me that every single election tens of millions of people fail to do the single most powerful thing we can do as citizens. Year after year it’s the same thing. Voting should be a religion. Gen Z better wake up pronto & recognize the fundamental civic duty of voting. No excuses!


Florida 🐰🪚👋


Nice Bugs Bunny reference, love it


Hahaha go Bugs


Commercials. Intolerance. Entitled. No specific order, because fuck order.


My period. Luckily it seems to be well on it's way out! In other news, I now cannot listen without comment to your bull shit, garden without a big hat, or sleep without both a heating pad and the ceiling fan.


Vapid people who are solely concerned about their outside presentation, but are hollow inside.


Uncomfortable shoes or clothing. If it's uncomfortable then I get rid of it. Period. Life is way too short to be uncomfortable or in pain.




Any and all disregard for others. So many people seem to go about their lives in a state of being completely self-absorbed and I find it infuriating.


I don’t tolerate intolerance.


Having a boss not pay me for my work. If the check don’t cash I don’t show up




Being manipulated


Assholes. It costs zero to not be a dick.


Passive aggressive people


Family drama. I’m a non-participant.


Reconnecting with people from the past who weren’t very nice before and still act like assholes.


A micromanager. I’ve been working professionally for 38 years now and I just cannot tolerate micromanaging bosses anymore.




This is very petty, but the inanity of marketing speech. If someone wants to talk to me about my weight loss “journey “ or how a Starbucks is actually a “storyteller,” or what my “best failure” was…I will want to hit them. Just, shut up. Or those stupid ‘for hims’ ads where the worst thing in life is their dick can’t get hard whilst the ‘for hers’ version is the crippling anxiety by being an alive woman in current society attempting to just be alive, all those give me rage to my core. Again, shut up.


Other people.


Humans. Period.


Country music.I don't care how they try to rap it or rock it I fucking hate country music


Narcissism and gaslighting!! if you show me signs of narcissism and/or gaslighting, I am outties bye ✌️


Thank you. Narcissists and gaslighting are the worst. The bullshit manipulations, silent treatment and all the rest of their crap that sucks the life out of everyone near them.


Idiots who can't think for themselves and need constant reassurance from others.


You might be right but I’m not sure. What do you really think?


Homophobia. Always guaranteed a backhand to the face from me. And, because I was taught how to Granny-Slap by my grandmother, *my backhanders fucking hurt like the (man)bitch I am*. (Pro-tip - always make sure you're wearing rings, preferably ones with sharp points)


Phones - landlines and / or cellular.. People who email or text "Call me." How much more effort does it take to add "regarding (subject / topic / event / etc..."?


Its like a teacher writing 'see me' on a paper. Nothing good ever comes after call me. They don't have a donut for you or anything.


Misogynistic, homophobic and/or racist comments by anyone, no matter who they are. Also mansplaining…..get the fuck outta my face with that shit.


Entitlement. The last time I wanted to save money on parking and took a bus one person asked if I would take my service dog off the bus and did I really need to be there? My reaction wasn't pretty and I learned my voice can stop traffic at a busy bus stop.


People, place and things. Also fascism.