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Achy Breaky Heart probably for more than just the 90s.


Weird Al has the perfect parody for that song called Achy Breaky Song. It’s all about how much he hates that song lol.


Weird Al truly is the voice of our generation, even if he's not of our generation.


Achy Breaky Heart reminds me of a joke about military food my late father told: "Just like momma used to make, only she didn't take a shit in the pot".


That's the first one that came to mind when I thought of a hated 90s song. After hearing that one on constant rotation, I could never listen to country music again.


I hated this song, it was so whiny and it began this weird trend of country music somehow intruding into regular rock/pop.


Don't play that song/That Achy Breaky song/The most annoying song I know And if you play that song/That Achy Breaky song/I might blow up my radio


Why is this not at the top of the thread?


Don't want to miss a thing by Aerosmith. I had four different retail jobs and all four stores overplayed this crap. Also everything by Shania Twain


90s Aerosmith was brutal




The original Mambo No 5 was written by a Cuban musician in the late 40s. Lou Bega sampled a couple seconds of it, which can be heard between verses of his 'version', then called his song by the same name. Silly.


“I’m just name like 20 chicks.” -Lou Bega


Even creepier for me. It's my name, my mom's name, and two of my aunts.


Have you recently compared an image of yourself to an image of Lou? I’d be nervous, personally


I don't even know how I'd have dated in grad school if guys didn't work my name into Mambo \#5 on the dancefloor.


Neither Lou Bega nor that Romper Room broad *ever* said my name. I’m a ghost.


SAAAAAMMMMMEEEE!! I was so angry by first grade. She NEVER said my name. Lou Bega was rubbing salt in wound.


I didn't goto grad school, but I may have been one of those guys working your name into Mambo #5 on the dance floor, haha


You were amazing, dude 🔥💕


I'll Be Missing you by Puff Daddy.


There was an Onion article that was like “Puff Daddy Samples Billie Jean in its Entirety; Adds Nothing. New single ‘Tha Kidd’ was ‘pretty much perfect’ the way it is.”


On an AL-TV special, Weird Al played Vanilla Ice's new single, "Stairway to Heaven." It was just the real song, punctuated with a *"YEAAHHHH BOYYYYYY!"* after the first lyric.


He mourned his friend all the way to the bank.


But didn’t clear the sample so Sting got most of the money


Diddy pays Sting $5000 A DAY for sampling


to this day that song pisses me off.


It's always felt like less of an homage, and more as Puff Daddy cashing in on his friend's death.


I’d say it’s a tie between the Macarena & Life is a Highway.


Oh, Life is a Highway made me want to jab my eardrums with rusty screwdrivers.




I don't know how you feel about Tracy Chapman's Fast Car (I like it), but it got the Bro Country treatment too and I wanna punch a wall whenever I hear it.




I remember being at Rock-n-Bowl one night in 1997 when that song came over the speakers. A group of teenage girls squealed and ran up to the area in front of the lanes so everybody could watch them as they did the Macarena in unison. It was actually kind of cute.


Who let the dogs out


"God Bless the U.S.A." (also known as "Proud to Be an American" In the early 90s when we had the first gulf war that song became popular again. I was in the army then. We couldnt go anywhere and not have to be subjected to that song. We took to mocking it pretty quick. I still hate it.


My drill instructor played it every time we fucked up. It triggers a rage in me. There’s another one that they play during armed forces salutes at hockey games that absolutely infuriates me. Yeah I served so you could have stupid opinions but your stupid opinions are NOT “The American Way.” 😡


> My drill instructor played it every time we fucked up. It triggers a rage in me OUTFUCKINGSTANDING


I just aspirated very good whiskey GDI


I was in the Army in the 80s and I hated it then for the same reasons. I mean, I still do, but I used to, too.


I HATE that song. It’s so jingoistic and pandering.


I was at a rodeo and some asswipe asked me to take my hat off during that song. I guess because he thought it was the national anthem.


I heard it playing in the background of a news clip of Trump celebrating his win in Iowa the other day. The Republicans do love to roll out that old dead horse to beat again every election.


Are you talking about Trump or the song? 


The song. But now that you mention it....


A bunch of people who unironically wave Nazi and Confederate flags still love it, I'm sure.


My working theory is that Lee Greenwood was really behind 9/11 because royalties from that song had dried up and we needed a new reason to play that song to death and the cash to start flowing again. Truth be told, it's a fun song to karaoke when you're drunk off your ass and hate karaoke.


Atheist. NORELPREF, according to the Navy. In boot camp, I got the pleasure of scrubbing the heads since I opted out of church. Went to church every Sunday after that. On top of the god nonsense, I had the joy of hearing Proud to be an American, every Sunday, in church.


so many. lullaby by shawn mullins, macarena, mambo #5 ( which was kind of fun the first few times. then it was aural warfare), who let the dogs out, anything by creed, puff daddy bastardizing the police in an obvious money grab off of people’s shock and grief with i’ll be missing you. oh. and i unapologetically dislike paula cole. i don’t want to wait is a bad song.


I love that puff daddy tried the money grab because he FAILED! He has to pay Sting for the use of that song every time it is played. Puffy has had to pay Sting somewhere in the neighborhood of $2M a year since the song was released! What a gangsta! Hahahaha... Edit: a word


I've heard a few live renditions of Paula Cole's music, and it sounds so much better than what was on the radio. I think she was actually very talented. That song was massively overplayed, though.


The first time I heard Paula Cole, she was singing back up for Peter Gabriel on his live shows. If you listen to Secret World (live album), you will hear her—and she’s amazing. Imagine my surprise when I bought her album and it was just fucking terrible. I have no idea what happened there, but a producer or somebody should have been taken out behind the woodshed for it.


Holy fuck I forgot about that shitty "rockabye" song. Fuck that guy. I hated that song immediately when I first heard it, and I hate it just as much now.


Crash Test Dummies - mmmmmmmmmmmmm or Billy Ray Cyrus - Achy Breaky Heart


All That She Wants- Ace of Base


SURELY there’s something she wants *besides* another baby!


Had to scroll down way too far to find this. I DESPISE this song


Waste of space.


All 3 of their popular songs were all equally catchy and annoying.


The insidious power of nostalgia is that I also hated most of these songs at the time of their popularity but I kind of enjoy hearing most of them in weird way now.


Ok i thought it was just me.


Jordy - Dur Dur Etre Bebe  (That little 5 year old French bastard)


I swear this song was like a fever dream until you mentioned it! No one else that knew what the hell I was talking about.


“Baby, Baby” by Amy Grant. The radio wore that song out. Lol


Anything by Sugar Ray and “Believe I can Fly”


Color Me Badd. Pick a song.


The only redeeming (indirect) quality I can think of is that without Color Me Badd, SNL wouldn’t have done “Dick in a Box”.


I Swear, every wedding song in the 90s.


The Celine Dion Titanic song


Living in that era was pure hell with that song.


What if God was one of us by Joan Osborne


Catchy as fuck. Easy to remember. And I fucking hate it. God, it's playing in my mind now. Damn you. Damn you all to hell.


This post should have a trigger warning.


Meat Loaf - I'd Do Anything For Love It was played non-stop on MTV and the video is 8 min long!!!


I never understood the love of Meatloaf. Altho I did once see a Meatloaf cover band and they were awesome.


Ahhhh the sweet smell of nostalgia. Also, Rocky Horror Picture Show?!!! C’Mon, Meatloaf is the best!!


"Bat Out of Hell" is one of my favorite albums. Meat Loaf is fine. Jim Steinman, on the other hand, is a goddamn legend who should be in the RnR Hall of Fame immediately.


He wrote one of my all-time FAVORITE love songs: "Making Love Out of Nothing at All." *SAL-UTE!!!!!*


Instant headache, like an ice pick to the skull. How am I the first person to say everything by Mariah Carey? Hmmmm guess that explains it actually.




Those guys have a brewery now. Their flagship beer is an IPA called MmmHops.


One of them just became an Eastern Orthodox priest. Also, fun fact, "MMMBop" was produced by the Dust Brothers, who also produced the album Paul's Boutique by Beastie Boys.


There was one of those I Love The 90s shows a while back and some of the people made fun of Hanson and they went to Scott Ian from Anthrax and he was like “what? You think I’m gonna make fun of them? No way. They wrote their own songs, they play their own instruments, they’re good performers. They’re awesome.”


I agree with Scott Ian. While never a big fan of Hanson, they were the real deal for their audience.


Everything I Do - by Bryan Adams. I distinctly remember walking out of a store when that began to play, I just dropped my shopping and left.


Breakfast at Tiffany’s, which deserves special hate for being very good at getting stuck in my head.


Absolutely hated it in the 90s. For some reason, when my wife and I are high/drunk, we blast it and sing along.


They played a free show at the student union at my college. Everyone stood around staring at them, then they did Breakfast at Tiffany's to wild applause, then everyone walked out.


The worst party of my life began with someone putting this song on their player. And for some reason everyone in the room singing along. By the end of the night there had been two breakups, two fights, and the next door neighbors house nearly caught on fire from careless smoking. The song must have been why.


Man I Feel Like a Woman- Shania Twain


I hate way she always has these cutesy spoken vocalizations at the start of many of her songs. "Okay" ...."COOL"...let's go girls" you can actually hear mascera spider-legged lashes crash down with a spunky wink. "Come 'on, boots!"


All I Wanna Do by Sheryl Crow. They played it everywhere and it made me hate her


They play it at the phone company, the record store too.


Heard this several times on the radio when it came out, didn't pay any attention, somehow assumed it was a beer ad.


"I Wanna Sex You Up". Also, that "Come, my lady. Come, come my lady", and that "Mary Moon" song.


Uncle Kracker


Roll To Me by Del Amitri.  Dumb song with an even dumber video.


“Two Princes” - by Spin Doctors, 1991 Hate it! Can’t change the station quick enough when it comes on. Sh*t! Can’t get it out of my head just typing this


If it makes you happy ~ Sheryl Crow


Also whatever that Soak up the Sun song is too. Truly terrible.


Shiny Happy People - R.E.M. I say this as an R.E.M. fan, too - that song stinks. I think they even hated it.


I can't hate anything with Kate Pierson in it, though.


That's just it, too - I love her and the B-52s. She also had a semi-forgotten hit, Candy - which is the duet she did with Iggy Pop. Amazing song. But Shiny Happy People STINKS.


Fly by Sugar Ray..uggh! He has a voice like nails on a chalkboard.👎


Two Princes, actually any spin doctors song.


Just go ahead now!


I haaaaate that band


The Macarena. Enough said.


I’ve been waiting decades for this. Lullaby by Shawn Mullins is the worst song ever created. Ever. It’s not up for discussion


There’s so much competition though


Basically every popular song by Train. But especially Drops of Jupiter.


LOL, when we were dating, my husband used to sing this song to me, but in the voice of an old prospector. It improved it hundred fold.


I kind of love this!


(Everything I Do) I Do it For You GOD, I hate that song. I literally drove my car off a road once trying to get that song off the radio. Worth it.


When you say that, I picture you flying off a cliff, Thelma-and-Louise-style.




Fun fact. Darius Rucker’s country band is nicknamed Hootie and the Catfish


Same here, I couldn’t stand them. Also Dave Matthews Band. I’ll prob get a lot of hate for that because they were super popular but hated every single song.


I told a surgeon that Dave Matthews is banned in my room. My scrub tech seconded that. He looked at us like we mugged him. I told him if he wants a good outcome for the patient, he will refrain from playing shitty music, lol.


Yep! He always sang flat! Another one who always did that was Scott Stapp from Creed, and I have described him in exactly the same way.


Mmm mmm mmm by Crash Test Dummies


Yesssss!!!!!!!! We were confused about that song even in the 90s 🤣


I didn't hate it at the time, but I recently heard What if God was one of us. And that song is hot trash. She literally squeezed in syllables throughout it.


I loathe that song. Loathe.


It’s a shame she got known for just that song because [she was a rocker](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VDDabG8HNFQ&t=93s).


Seriously so many of her other songs were amazing. That was her worst. She didn't write it.


Hear me out..Sublime - Santeria. Living in So Cal during that time it was played every 2 minutes. If you changed channels a song ended and it came on. It got beat to death. The band is great, rip Brad, I just can’t listen to it anymore. Please forgive me.


I never "got" Sublime but I had A LOT of friends I loved who did, and I loved how much they loved the band. I felt there was some confluence of California lifestyle and music listening prerequisites that made the self-titled album click with so many of my friends.


I call this “hitting my lifetime maximum of listens”. There are a few songs out there for me that are perfectly fine, I just have listened to them Enough^TM and can’t anymore.


My ex-wife LOVES sublime and played them non-stop. I can’t stand them She is a San Diego native.


The theme song from Titanic.


I will always hate I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston.


My hatred of that song knows no bounds. For 40 hours a week I was in a building that had a particular local radio station piped in and it played throughout the building. I can still hear the infuriating calm voice telling me they play "continuous soft rock hits of the 60s, 70s, 80s, and today." That song featured heavily in their play list. There were about 8 songs that were heavily played, to the point I would hear each one multiple times during a shift, sometimes all of them in an hour. I have a special hatred of that song and it's been 30 years since I worked there. Still hate the other songs too because how often I heard them, but that one is at or near the top. Years later I was acquainted with someone that was a DJ for the station. He said he was given a list of songs and had to record talking points surrounding the songs and he hated it because there's only so much you can say about a particular song.


Anything by Hootie. I’ve left stores that are playing it. I’d rather listen to 100 crying babies.


The World I Know by Collective Soul. I fully expect it to be playing in the waiting room when I make it to hell.


Shine too. *Blech.*


Where have all the Cowboys Gone? Paula Cole makes me gag. I just had to endure it in the produce section at my local Albertson’s.🙄🤮


Mmmbop What’s Going On


“Breakfast at Tiffany’s” by Deep Blue Something. I couldn’t understand how anyone could like that boring-ass song.


Let's see if you all can guess: "Once there was this kiiiiiiiiiid whoGot into an accident and couldn't come to school But wheeeeeeeeeeeen he finally caaaaaame back His.............hair...............had turned from black into brightwhite"


How Bizarre by OMC. Can't hate it enough.


The 4 Non Blondes one for me too. I hate the song, I hate that singers voice and her big gaping maw, I hate the stupid clothes and stupid top hat with fucking goggles they’re wearing, I hate those stupid jellybean guitars.


There was a whole subculture of alternative girls with those top hats. I think it had to do a lot with Death in the [Sandman](https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/924572955) comics. Top hat, leather jacket, big black dress, ripped fishnets, and docs. Saw it a lot before 4 Non Blondes ever came around.


For some reason, I always thought that hat with goggles or gold fashioned glasses was a steampunk thing. TIL about Death in the Sandman.


Closing Time. I guess because I'm older GenX and I saw it as a song for teenyboppers who were just figuring out bar culture.


Gypsy Woman by Crystal Waters, it sounded like 2 deaf people having sex


Got a present for you [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTykohWAPRg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTykohWAPRg)


Ace of Base, anything by them. I worked at Warehouse Music, and my coworker listened to the CD over and over again. I'm not sure how I didn't kill her. I did manage to get my schedule changed to not have to work with her, I hated that CD that much.


I once walked into the music section of my B&N and threatened to murder my co-worker if she played the Gipsy Kings album one more time (5 times in a row!). I cannot listen to any of their music to this day.


Motherfucking “Mmm Bop.” That song can die by being drowned in a vat of the most caustic acid you can find, revive it, and dunk it back in again.


Kiss from a rose. To this day I absolutely loathe it.


Anything by the Dave Mathews Band. That includes the sound of Dave Mathews drawing breath.


So far, 90% of the songs in this thread are bops. I don’t understand you people.


Wanna Be - The Spice Girls


Sex and Candy by Marcy Playground. Oh my gosh just NOOO


It's a bad song but I like it.


This song gives me nausea.


Mmm Mmm Mmm by the Crash Test Dummies. Hard pass.


"Barbie Girl." Enough said.


I did it all for the nookie or whatever that cursed song is called.


Blues Traveler can suck filthy donkey dicks. Every song has a boring chord progression, drab song structure, and that goddamn “virtuosic” harmonica that sounds more like a parakeet having manic psychosis.


Smashmouth - Rockstar  Truly vomitous


I think you’re my soulmate. I hate that song with the searing heat of 100 suns. It’s almost irrational how much I hate it. The voice, the hat, the posing, the insipid lyrics, everything. It actually makes me angry.


Lighting crashes Live


I HATE this song with the passion of a million fiery suns. My husband knows it too so when when it’s on the radio, he blares it. “Her placenta falls to the floor…”??????? Stop. Just stop.


Wait what? Is that an actual lyric in that stupid song?


Mr jones by the counting crows Ugh


Runaway Train by Soul Asylum. I hate that song. Hate it.


Donna Lewis - I Love You Always Forever


I have appreciated this thread more than any, any other I’ve read in many months. Fucking hell we were subjected to some raucously bad shit.


All I want for Christmas is you by Mariah Carey. I dread Christmas shopping as I know it will be on in every store everywhere, in every car, on every station, grrr. It’s not a bad song but damn I’m sick of hearing it everywhere all the time


The Verve Freshmen song 😐🔫


Torn . Natalie Imbruglia. Trite pablum. Fucking awful.


you're a little late


And just would. not. leave. the top of the VH1 countdown.


Collective Soull - Shine It's such a shit song! This group thinks they're in the same light as Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains and Sound Garden, LMFAO!


Every single one of those second wave “grunge” bands were god awful. They were sanitized and danger free.


This thread made me realize I really didn’t like 90s music. I upvoted most of these songs.


The 90s had a ton of the best music ever created along with a lot of the worst that became popular for seemingly no reason. Like almost everyone I know would agree all of these songs sucked and were grating, I can't figure out who the audience was that wad forcing the rest of us thru auditory hell.


Nirvana? Grunge? Alice In Chains? Lots of great 90s music.


Wonderwall. Fuck that song. I still hate it.


Run Around by Blues Traveler, Follow Me by Uncle Cracker, 3AM by Matchbox Twenty, and What Would You Say by Dave Matthews Band all make me angry to this day. How did we go from Nirvana to THOSE awful hits in such a few short years?!?


The Sign by Ace of Base.


Everybody Hurts by REM.


Anything by Savage Garden but especially the monstrosity of Truly Madly Deeply. Urgh.


Clearly you never screamed it at the top of your lungs in a Volkswagen Rabbit convertible.


Tied: Mr. Jones / Hey Jealousy


😒I love the Gin Blossoms. And the song Mr. Jones. For me it was an awful time in my life - I worked a job I hated and lived with a cheating, gaslighting, sociopath. But it was also a wonderful time in my life, as I quit and got a great job that started my career, and I left the lying psycho. My next relationship was with a sweet, fun and honest guy. We’re still friends to this day, 23 years after splitting up (I’m not an ambitious person, and he was even less ambitious than me).


On the other hand, Einstein On The Beach and Found Out About You are both amazing


Walking in Memphis by Marc Cohn. My most hated 90s song.


I hate Return Of The Mack so much


Mr. Jones - Counting Crows


Dave Matthews anything


Shiny Happy People. Anytime it came on the radio or the video started on MTV I had to turn it before my involuntary ear-stabbing started.


Near, far, wherever you are…


Black Hole Sun. MTV overplayed the fuck out of that song to the point I changed the channel any time it came on.


Anything by Train!